1、私家法医第一季 第十集站住别动Stop right there!放下武器Drop your weapon!36小时前好吧Okay, um.愉快的Happy! Happy! Happy.愉快的帆船Happy sailboat.断了的脖子 是断头Broken neck. Its a broken neck.翅膀 微笑的翅膀Wings. Smile wings.颈部皮瓣 快乐的脖子Neck flaps. Happy neck!-不对 不对 领带 -颈托 是颈托- No, no, necktie. - Neck brace. Neck brace.别给他们提示 你不是他们队的Why are you h
2、elping? Thats not your team.第二个词 第二个词Second word. Second word.-好像是. -好像是.- Sounds like. - Sounds like.好像是药片Sounds like pills.药 药 药Pill. Pill, pill.时间到了Youre running out of time.跟药音近 依旧谐音Sounds like pills. Stills.吉尔斯 吉尔斯Uh, gills! Gills!-高尔夫球也疯狂 -是高尔夫球也疯狂电影名- Happy Gilmore! - Happy Gilmore!-猜的好 猜的好 -
3、就是高尔夫球也疯狂- Thats a good one! Good one! - Happy Gilmore!太好了Yes!烂 真烂Suck it! Suck it!太 烂 了Suck it.维拉 你太骄傲了Villa, youre up here.你得让让我们I need you to kick it down to about right here.她给了太多没用的信息Why you talk so much trash? She talks a lot of trash.我申请要换队伍I want to switch teams, please.别啊 你不能换队伍No, youre no
4、t - youre not switching teams.看到了吧 罗西Rosie, you see this, right?她之前还死活不肯跟我来呢I had to drag her here against her will.才不是呢That is not true.游戏夜不是人家的菜罢了I just said I dont love game night.好吧 可你一来就成了赢家Okay, well, you dominate game night, so -必须的Damn right I do!没准真该换队伍You know, maybe we should switch teams
5、.-谁也不许换队伍 -又轮到你了- No one is switching teams. - Youre up again.好吧 我要把相同的分下类Okay, all right, hey, Im about to class this joint up.居然是高尔夫球也疯狂Happy Gilmore?谁能猜到是高尔夫球也疯狂Who gets - who gets Happy Gilmore?羡慕嫉妒恨的高尔夫Hater Gilmore over there.美女们好啊Lovely ladies. Good to see you.嗨Hi.斯凯拉 又见面了Hey, Skylar. Good to
6、 see you again.大伙们 这是斯凯拉 翠丝特还有伊薇特Everybody, I want you to meet Skylar, Trista, and Yvette.她们是我在日落时装周上认识的新朋友These are my new friends from sunset fashion week.你们好 有龙舌兰吞杯吗Hi, everyone. Tequila shots?有啊 嗨起来 嗨起来Turn up. Turn up. Turn up.尼尔Hey, Neil.除了穿绿裙子的剩下俩随便选 怎么样Anyone but the one in green is mine, so
7、, go for it. What do you think?太够意思了You are a man among men.谢谢Thank you.儿子 难道说你目前Son, please tell me that you are not on a date同时在跟这三个姑娘谈恋爱with all three of these women right now.别紧张 老妈 就跟斯凯拉一人谈Mom, relax, okay? Skylars the one with me.另外两个女孩是给尼尔准备的The other two are potential dates for neil.验尸官尼尔Nei
8、l? The coroner?是啊 他是个不错的小伙子Yeah, well, you know, hes a good guy,很崇拜我 只是缺个僚机hes a fan of mine, and he needs a wingman.我跟你讲 他需要的可不止是僚机He needs more than a wingman, let me tell you,并且斯凯拉那姑娘马上就喝上头了and that Skylar is just passing through.没有 你别乱说No, you dont know that.哈Hello!喝上头了 你说对了Passing through, your
9、e right.我们要撤了All right, we out, player.急什么 就不能让我扳回一局吗Wait, wait, come on. I cant get a redemption on that?得了吧 还想翻身 刚对你够仁慈的了Come on. Redemption? Mercy is more like it.猜词真不是你长项啊 哥们Charades is not your game, my man.是啊 说的没错Youre right, youre right.说正经的 安娜丽莎快过生日了No, but for real, Annalises birthdays comi
10、ng up.你觉得送点什么礼物好呢You got any, uh, gift ideas?我想想 回头告诉你Uh.let me think about it. Ill let you know.好的 谢了哥们Gotcha. Thanks, man.-不客气 -唐妈- No problem. - Mama D.-晚安孩子 -好的- Night, baby. - All right.-再见 -再见- See you soon. - Yes, maam.晚安 宝贝Goodnight, sweetheart.爱你Love you.-罗西 -啥事儿- Rosie. - Yeah.天啊 看你玩猜词时候那表
11、情My god, the look on your face when you play charades.很逗是吧 你出去Its funny, right? Get out.把你赶出门才是我的乐趣Thats how funny it is to me.别说话 快走Peace out.不会给你还嘴的机会的Not giving me a chance to get it back.你俩怕了吧You guys are running scared.怎么样 再来一杯 这个不错Hows that? Another drink. Yeah, sounds good.大伙们Hey! Whats up?怎么
12、样 你们喜欢我兄弟尼尔不Whats going on? You guys enjoying my man Neil here?你好So, hi.你来了Youre here.-我们之间没事 -真的吗- And were good. - Are we?我是说 我之前的举动有些过分了I mean, I mightve been - my reaction to what happened.你有没有不试图不把自己想象成贱人的时候Have you ever tried to not call yourself a bitch然后发现.and realize -然而并不能找到更合适的词汇了Theres n
13、o other word that fits?至少每周一次吧At least once a week.我跟一位医生展开了新恋情So, I started a new thing with a doctor.很英俊Gorgeous.是罗西的一位朋友I mean, one of Rosies friends.听起来有点奇怪对吧 我也不知道Yeah, its weird, I guess. I dont know.怪在他是罗西的朋友还是怪在这是段新恋情Because its Rosies friend or because its a new thing?是因为我还纠结于过去Because I st
14、ill havent let go.过去的几个星期The last couple of weeks,我反反复复地听着之前艾迪I found myself listening to this old message给我的语音信息Eddie left for me.信息里他唱着生日快乐歌 唱得一团糟Its him singing happy birthday to me, just butchering it.他加了些新词I mean hes adding new words.特别搞笑Its so ridiculous.我每次听都禁不住笑 但我.It makes me laugh every ti
15、me I hear it, and I just -我没法狠心地按下删除键I cant bring myself to hit delete.你真该看看自己讲这段故事时候的表情You should see yourself when youre telling that story.你脸上带着跟Its the same look you had讲述新恋情时一模一样的神态when you were talking about the new man in your life.容光焕发的 不用删除信息Glowing. You know what, dont delete the message.且
16、看跟这个新男朋友相处的怎么样See where this thing is going with this new person.相信你的直觉Follow your instincts.说到直觉Speaking of instincts,也许我在这说直觉有点班门弄斧了 但.Maybe its not my place to say this, but -安娜丽莎Annalise.我认为应该先解决你的问题I think we should just focus on you right now.罗西 帮帮他Rosie! Help him!为什么不帮帮他 罗西 帮忙啊 他受伤了Why arent
17、you helping him?! Rosie, help! Look, hes hurt!拜托了 你要帮帮他Please, you have to help him!罗斯伍德医生 几个月前Dr. Rosewood, the gentleman接受了你医疗护理的那位先生you administered medical attention to several months back,即将要对你提出民事诉讼is filing a civil suit against you in the coming days.身为你的律师 我建议你尽可能从同事那里As your lawyer, Im sugg
18、esting you collect affidavits收集书面证词 并准备好和解from as many colleagues as you can and prepare to settle.用泰迪罗斯福的话来说In the words of Teddy Roosevelt,只有经过艰苦奋斗it is only through labor and painful efforts,通过坚持不懈的努力by grim energy and resolute courage我们才能向更好的事物靠近that we move on to better things.所谓更好的事物 我是指尤因局长这周
19、By better things, I mean Chief Ewing is stepping down就要从局里卸任了from the department at the end of the week.我这个演讲是否充满感情Do I have an emotionally charged speech想要谈谈他担任局长一职的20年里that lays out how great this man was是多好的一个人during his 20 years as chief?并没有No. I dont.他走了 但愿我能替上去做回文职Hes out, hopefully Im in. Bac
20、k to the pen.警监 你真认为自己有机会当上局长吗Cap, you really think you have a shot at the chief job?目前看来完全没可能As of this minute, 1,000% no.但霍恩斯托克家的人总能把不可能变为可能But Hornstocks are known to overcome insurmountable odds.但你不是和尤因局长老婆有染吗But didnt you have relations with Chief Ewings wife?确实我在两段婚姻间跟她有点关系Yeah, there was some
21、 overlap while I was between marriages.警监 这可不好Cap, that is not good.她就像光明节的蜡烛那样可以烧整整八晚Shes like a hanukkah candle. Burn eight nights that woman.这种谈话该停止了That type of talk needs to stop.我认为我们该去法医办公室I think were needed in the M.E.s office.他们肯定忘短信我了Mustve forgot to text me.或许他们并不需要你Or they dont need you
22、.没人需要你Youre not needed.什么 每个人都需要我What? Everybody needs me!-有什么发现 -雷罗萨莱斯- What do you got? - Ray Rosales.昨天去世 可能是心脏病Died yesterday. Suspected heart attack.但你看尸体But look at the body.下胸腔 还有髋部 你看髋部Lower rib cage, hips - check the hips!尼尔你才是法医 跟我们扯这些干吗Neil, youre a coroner. Why are you yapping in our fac
23、e?你不是该在城里兜风喝酒吗Shouldnt you be driving around town picking up a stiff?-马克斯在哪儿 -接咖啡- Yeah, wheres Max? - Getting coffee.他叫我偶尔要听从身体的想法He lets me follow my body sometimes,这个简直不正常and this ones crazy!看这里啊 一个人死了之后Look here. When somebody dies,血会涌到下背部 变得青一块紫一块blood rushes to the lower back and causes purple
24、 bruising.一块都没有I see none of that.此外马克斯切开尸体的时候Furthermore, when Max made an incision in the body,我们发现有东西不见了We discovered there was something missing -他的血液和心脏His blood and his heart.这家伙没血吗The guy has no blood?心脏是怎么被移走的呢Yeah, how was his heart removed?不清楚 但没看到外部切口No clue, but there are no external inc
25、isions,就这样 只知道这些period, end of story.我不想这么说Yeah, I hate to say it,但这个案子需要罗斯伍德but we need Rosewood on this one.也需要我 我会一直守着尸体直到破案And me too. I stick with this body until we solve this case.尼尔 你可以给你的护理鞋涂上胶水Neil. I want you to slather up some glue on your nursing shoes,随你黏在哪儿 只要别在尸体边就行stick anywhere you
26、 want thats not near that body.-拜托 -没得商量- Come on! - Not another word.这地方看来真有意思This is an interesting-looking spot.-天啊 这儿有我好多回忆 -真的吗- Oh, my god, I have so many memories here. - For real?我和家人以前每周五都会来这里My family used to come here every Friday.要不我们直接去下个景点吧You know what, maybe we should just go to anot
27、her spot.-宝贝 -怎么了 我们才- Mija! - What? We just -最近如何啊宝贝Cmo est, mi amor?遇到你真好Hi. This is great!-并不好 妈 -当然- Its not great, ma. - Yes.这是This is -得了 我知道他是谁Please, I know who this is.帅气又聪明的时髦医生Gorgeous, smart, fancy doctor.天啊 宝贝你对他那态度Oh, my goodness, the way you go on about him, Mija.完全说得通了Totally makes s
28、ense.罗西 我非常荣幸终于见到你了Rosie, it is such a pleasure to finally meet you.我女儿My daughter -其实我叫Actually, my name.我叫迈克My name is Mike.我也是维拉的医生朋友Im - Im Villas other doctor friend.我的天啊Oh, my god.-没关系 -我的天啊- Thats okay. -Ay, dios mio.宝贝我要表示歉意Mija, let me make it up to you.我请你们吃午饭 咱们坐I can buy you some lunch.
29、Lets sit down.没关系No. Its fine.总之很高兴能认识你Ay, it was so nice to meet you, anyway.-很高兴认识你 -很好 亲爱的- Good to meet you. - Okay, mi amor.-再会 -我.- All right. - Im.-没事 -慢走- Okay. - Take care.-抱歉 -没事- Sorry. - Well, its okay.真没关系Really, it is.任务来了Duty calls.雷罗萨莱斯 28岁 被派去伊拉克三次Ray Rosales, 28 years old, three to
30、urs in Iraq,获得过紫心勋章recipient of the purple heart.这个人是真正的英雄We have a real hero on this table.罗西花了45分钟Rosie spent 45 minutes -跟他的父亲通话On the phone with his father.我知道亲爱的 我就站在你后边I know, sweetie. I was standing right behind you.那你们俩该知道老头子整个不行了Then you both should know the man is devastated他想知道真相and despe
31、rate for answers.我们要找到We need to find them.雷罗萨莱斯 食管刮痕根据口腔内的刮伤Based on the intra-oral abrasions,我认为他的心脏是经由食管被移除I believe his heart was removed through the esophagus.不可能Um, not possible.还是有可能的Well, it could be.如果你专门定制了工具来摘取心脏If you made a customized instrument to extract it.胃容物呢Stomach contents?基本是空的
32、怎么了Basically empty. Why?因为在死者外套的口袋里Because there was a fortune cookie找到了一片幸运饼干found in the victims jacket pocket.或许他在餐馆没有吃饭Maybe he didnt eat at the restaurant.或许他只是喝了点茶Maybe he just had some tea.而且抓了一片饼干 我总那么做And grabbed a cookie. I do it all the time.但我清楚这不对But I know its wrong.无心之人适合作为崭新开始A man w
33、ith no heart is due a fresh start.放任思想 否则将找到第三个Unleash your mind or a third you shall find.给我看看Let me see that.我去查有没有类似的作案手法Ill run a search for other murders matching this M.O.有的字母颜色更深一点Some of these letters dried darker than the others.皮皮 尽快查一下DNAPip, run DNA on this ASAP.这不是墨水This isnt ink.这是血Its
34、 blood.私家法医第一季 第九集好的我知道了 谢谢Okay, I got it. Thanks.费尔德海姆说有另一个死者是相同手法Feldheim said the M.O. was a match to another victim -约翰拉文John Lavin.两个月前在塔拉哈西遇害Murdered in Tallahassee two months ago.他的血都被放干了 而且肺也不见了The guy was found drained of blood and missing his lungs.或许有点帮助 我可能找到了Well, if it helps, I think I
35、 may have found约翰不见的部分血液 没错some of Johns missing blood, so yay.那个红色墨水 系统检查了The red ink, I ran it through the system.属于一个白人男性 棕色头发 淡褐眼睛It belongs to a caucasian male, brown hair, hazel eyes.就是那个人吧Could that be our guy?完全吻合Thats the exact match.看 这两个案子有联系Look, the two cases are connected.约翰拉文我们面对的是一个连
36、环杀手Were dealing with a serial killer.还会有另一桩谋杀案发生Theres gonna be another murder.这个案件变得更加复杂了This case just got more complicated.联调局的官员也介入了The feds have tagged in.他们已经着手调查拉文的谋杀案了Turns out theyve already been working the Lavin murder.他们随时都可能过来Okay? Theyll be here any minute.也许我们可以向他们寻求些额外帮助Maybe we coul
37、d use extra help.罗西 我们最不需要的就是那些Rosie, the last thing we need is thouse smug S.O.B.s道貌岸然 眼神锐利 头发浓密的with their fancy suits, piercing eyes,沾沾自喜的畜生们来妨碍我们and full heads of hair stepping on our toes.我恨极了他们I hate them so much.塔拉伊兹考夫Tara Izikoff.是你Oh, boy.你们俩认识吗Do you two know each other?希思卡萨布兰卡 联邦调查局的Heath
38、 Casablanca, FBI.就是提麦的前未婚夫 希思As in. Tmis ex-fiance? Heath?我还是喜欢被称作卡萨布兰卡特别探员I prefer special agent Casablanca.是么 在我看来可没多特别He doesnt seem that special to me. I dont know.我是负责这起案件的维拉警探Im detective Villa. Im in charge of this case.见到你很荣幸Its my pleasure.是我们的案件Our case.我们从塔拉哈西市出事起就开始关注了Weve been on this s
39、ince Tallahassee.如果可以的话我想看看相关文件Id love to get a look at all those files, if I could.以便我们步调一致Help us get on the same page.我们要找的是一个内向的Well, were looking for an introverted,性无能的男人sexually frustrated and confused man,可能还是医学专业probably a medical professional.你说的而已Says you.是联调局最好的侧写师说的Says the best profile
40、r in the FBI.-没错 他确实非常优秀 -好吧- Its true. Hes quite good. - Okay.-什么 他确实是 -我们知道了- What? He is.- We got it.对不起Well, Im sorry.警监 你想怎么干就怎么干Captain, do whatever you want.但是你得向我汇报But you will report to me而且不要来妨碍我们and you will not step on our toes.我想干预什么就干预什么Hey, Ill step wherever the hell I want.我想大家现在靠得有点
41、太近了Think were all getting a little too close to each other right now.稍微有一点Just a little bit.祝你好运 警监Good luck, captain.塔拉 很高兴再次见到你Tara, nice to see you again.很高兴遇到你 替我向你母亲问好So nice running into you. Best to your mom.依我之见 那些家伙只是来干扰调查的My opinion - those guys are a distraction.让我们团结一心 心无旁骛Lets just stay
42、 together, stay focused,联调局干他们的 我们干我们的let the FBI do their thing, we do ours.他们知道皮毛 我们才知道内情Theyre shirts, were skins.-大家都只知道皮毛 警监 - 没有内情- Everyones shirts, Cap. - No skins.维拉 马上通知曼尼布里克曼Villa, get Manny Brickman on the horn.我要他马上写一篇关于这个凶手的报道I want a full write-up on this killer ASAP.别这样 警监Hey, come o
43、n, captain.我想曼尼肯定还在法医间里乱晃呢Im sure Mannys still bouncing around the rubber room.这货有一次还穿着他的生日服在This guy trots down Arthur Avenue亚瑟大道慢跑呢 亏他干得出来in his birthday suit one time. One time.现在赶紧给我找个别的侧写师Get me another profiler now!他说赶紧Now, he says.要我说 凶手是个自恋狂If you ask me, this killer is a narcissist.妈 你偷听的行为
44、很成问题啊Mom, this eavesdropping is becoming a problem.盖实验室的时候没建墙的人是你Well, youre the one whos built a lab with no walls.在这说话都有回声Words echo in here.罗斯伍德夫人Mrs. Rosewood -还是叫我唐娜吧Call me Donna. I insist.唐娜 既然我们已经自带了一个Donna - Ive got an in-house profiler对案情有所了解的侧写师 那么reviewing the case, so -好吧 我就无私奉献一下鄙人的拙见O
45、kay, I was just gonna give you my two cents for free.在公立学校任教的这几年中Years in the public school system,我见识过你们能想到的各种人格Ive encountered every personality you can imagine.教职员工 家长 学生Faculty, parents, students.我了解人类I know people.妈 直说吧Mom, speak your piece.这个杀手对细节格外重视This killer is someone who pays incredible
46、attention to details,用符号说话 而且挑衅我们去发现他的作品speaks in symbols, and is taunting us to discover their work.这无疑是极其自信的表现This is confidence in spades.或者说他极度天才Dare I say talented?显然他是个精神病患者Psychotic, absolutely.你们知道我看到了什么吗Do you know what I see?一个极具创造性的灵魂A creative mind.聪慧而有创造力的大脑An intelligent creative mind.
47、不管怎样 我想我还是先回我那Anyway, I think Ill just, uh, go back to my little office什么都能听得见的小办公室吧where, uh, I can hear everything.别再偷听了 妈Stop eavesdropping, mom.那就建几堵墙吧 儿子Build some walls, son.还有33小时零2分钟33 hours and 2 minutes.那是什么What is that?生日倒计时The birthday countdown.在等DNA结果的这段时间Since were waiting for the DNA
48、 results,我想我们可以聊聊你想要什么礼物I thought we could talk gifts.不用 没必要送我礼物No. No gifts.-需要 大家都在问 -都有谁- Yes gifts. People are asking. - Whos asking?好吧 只有我 但我代表大家Okay, Im asking, but I represent the people.去做水疗怎么样 你觉得呢What do you say to a spa day? What do you think?你觉得我会想让一个陌生人Yes, I want a stranger把我从头到脚刷一遍to
49、rub me down and然后把我的骨头浸在公共浴室的热水池子里吗then soak my bones in a community hot tub.你想让你一个陌生人来 好吧 听着You want a stranger to jump your b- okay, listen.你就告诉我你想要什么吧You just tell me what you want.我只想一个人独处而已Alone time. Thats what I want.有迈克在你身边的话Well, thats gonna be kind of tough to get这似乎很难做到啊with Mike hanging
50、around.我想你们已经有了庆祝生日的计划了I assume you guys already have birthday plans?我们打算一起去礁群共度周末Were supposed to go to the Keys for the weekend.礁群The Keys?你们发展神速啊Well, lets jump right into the fast lane, huh?这不是迈克的一贯风格Thats not usually Mikes style.也不是我的风格 但要是我们还得找Or mine, but its not gonna happen这个精神病的话那计划也不可能实现i
51、f were still looking for this psycho.是啊 不幸的是对我们两个来说Yeah, well, unfortunately, its not shaping up这周都没法好好庆祝了to be much of an ideal celebration week for either of us.发生了什么 太阳打西边出来了吗What happened? The sun didnt glisten off the ocean this morning?今天早上 不 我被起诉了This morning. No, Im being sued.怎么回事What happe
52、ned?几个月前A couple months back,我帮了一个在自行车事故中身受重伤的人I helped a guy who had a severe biking accident.问题是为了维持我自身的平静The problem is I took 25 milligrams of aldol我用了25毫克的丁间醇醛for my equilibrium.用药后我虽然神志清醒My mind was fine,但药效却减缓了我的语速but the meds slowed down my speech,让我听起来像是喝醉了酒make me sound like Im intoxicated
53、.所以是市政府在起诉你So the citys suing you?不 是我帮的那个家伙感染了葡萄球菌Well, the guy that I helped developed a staph infection他将其怪罪于我and he blames it on me.我知道这是医院的问题 但没有人来问我I know it was the hospital, but no ones asking me.我有什么能帮到你的吗Is there anything I can do to help?你确实可以Actually, yeah, you can.听着 我需要一份我的宣誓书Listen, I
54、 need an affidavit on my behalf.-这样就 -罗斯伍德 回头- And so - - Rosewood, turn around.循规蹈矩在盒子里思考威尔莫雷宾馆 柯林斯大街315号我的天呐Oh, my God.有人黑了我们的系统Someone hacked our system.你这是在逗我吗Are you kidding me with this?搞什么Oh, come on.这是来自凶手的信息This is a message from the killer.既然酒店已经被搜查过了Now that the hotels been swept,我们需要彻底检查
55、一下这个地方we need to inspect this place top to bottom.要怎么做呢So, how are we gonna do this?咱俩一块查 还是分开查然后在中间碰头Side by side? The meet-in-the-middle move?假设So, hypothetically speaking,这周是你生日if it was your birthday this week,我知道 这的确是你生日which, I know, its your birthday,你想不想要这么一个东西摆在桌上would you want something li
56、ke that on your desk?我们正在调查一起谋杀案Were in the middle of a murder investigation.稍微分散思维有助于平衡神经Distractions help balance the nerves.我的神经好的很My nerves are fine.不 我的神经好的很 你的神经太紧张了No, my nerves are fine. Your nerves are frayed.我在试图帮朋友的忙好吗 是迈克让我问的Im trying to do a solid for a friend, okay? Mike was asking.他真的
57、找你帮忙了 真贴心He really asked you for help? Thats sweet.你看你态度整个就变了You see how the whole demeanor changed?我也问过你想要什么礼物的 记得吗I also asked you what you wanted, remember?什么时候来着Yeah, when was that exactly?等一下Wait.如果你想知道的话Well, if youre wondering,我宁可要那个花瓶也不要这团东西I would rather have that vase than this blob,不管这是什么
58、都好or whatever it is.维拉 叫技术人员进来Villa, get the techs in here.在盒子里思考 这不是艺术品Think inside the box. This is not art.这是人脑This is a human brain.温柔的母亲凶手在艺术品上留了个号码The killer left a number on the artwork.拨号中你现在才打电话给我Oh, now you call me?我都已经到停车场了Hmm? Oh, because I was already in the damn parking lot.凶手把你的电话号码留在
59、了最新发现的人体部分上The killer left your number on the newest body part.这很奇怪不是吗Thats odd, no?显然是你们部门有人Well, obviously someone在跟我过不去from your department is messing with me.说的好像我们现在有时间理你似的Yeah, like we got time to bust your balls.这是刻上去的Look - its etched in the thing.你们小点声可以吗You guys mind keeping it down over t
60、here?有点影响我工作Its kind of distracting.除非你有所发现Unless you have something!我的确有所发现 过来看Oh, I have something. Come take a look.凶手把尸体上的血抽光了Our killer drained the body of all of its blood,在主动脉中注射了丙烯酸塑料injecting the major arteries with acrylic,这使得大脑周围which hardened all the small arteries所有的小动脉都硬化 从而留下了这件杰作surr
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