1、福斯特医生第二季 第五集前情提要我生在这里 长在这里I was born here, I grew up here,朋友们在这里 工作也在这里my friends are here, my work is here.除非进了棺材被抬走 不然我绝不离开这里Theres only one way Im leaving now and thats in a coffin.那敢情好Thats good to know.你回你妈妈那里更好Its better if you go back to your mum.可你说这现在是我的家了But you said this is my home.-汤姆 -我
2、晚点会顺路把你的东西带去- Tom! - Ill drop your things round later.-汤姆 -我再也不想见他了- Tom! - I never want to see him again.你不会浪费未来的15年 你要逃脱 就今晚Youre not going to waste 15 years. Tonights when you escape.怎么了 你不能带她走Whats going on? Youre not taking her.你再也别想见到我Youre never going to see me again.-别这样 -你再也别想见到艾米丽- Come on
3、! - Youre never going to see Amelie again.-你为她痴狂 -求你别 凯特- Youre obsessed. - Please, Kate.跟她过吧Have her!我女儿 我的家My daughter! My family!我哪样都没做I didnt do any of that.-不不不 -你妻子和你女儿已经搬走了- No, no, no! - Your wife and your daughter have moved away.你妈妈去世了 你把你亲生儿子扔出门Your mother is dead and you threw your own s
4、on out所以你在这里没什么可留恋的了so theres nothing left for you here.你自以为赢了You think youve won.看啊 我还在这Look, Im still here.你要去哪Where are you going?去接我儿子To get my son.我们得谈谈We need to talk.该死 该死Shit! Shit.该死Shit.我们得走了 你爸知道我们在哪We need to go. Your dad knows where we are.但你说过我不必见他But you said I didnt have to see him.他
5、想干什么What does he want?想跟你说话 凯特带着艾米丽离开了To talk to you. Kate has gone with Amelie,他失去了自己的房子跟工作hes been kicked out of his house, his work.你能帮我收拾吗Could you help me, please?我以为只要所有人都离开他 他就会I just thought once everyone left him, hed.明白一切都结束了realise it was over.我们要去哪里Where are we going?家Home.我们得走了We have t
6、o go.如果他想谈谈 或许我该跟他谈If he wants to talk, maybe I should.你要说什么What would you say?不行 这主意很糟No, its a bad idea.没事的 都会没事的Its fine, its going to be OK.汤姆Tom?他的下一个目的地就会是这里Thisll be the next place hell try.我已经把锁换了I had the locks changed.而且我们随时可以叫警察And we can always call the police.东西都去哪了Where is everything?大
7、部分都卖了 但你的房间保持原样Gone, most of it, but your rooms in storage.安娜离开前处理好了Anna sorted it before she left.我们之前说好的 记得吗 新开始We agreed, remember? New start?感觉很怪Its weird.对 我知道Yeah, I know.听着 汤姆 我没办法命令他离开Look, Tom, in the end, I cant order him to leave.但至少他现在留下的理由更少了But at least now theres less reason for him t
8、o stay.这些是什么What are these?我之前希望 这会儿他已经离开了I was hoping by now hed be gone我们回来家里重新开始and wed come back home with a blank slate,为未来做些打算wed want to make some decisions about the future.我们从来没翻新过厨房Weve never had a new kitchen.是啊Yeah, right?我还以为想你可以帮我挑选I thought youd help me choose.我明年可能会搬出去I might move ou
9、t next year.马克斯的姐姐16岁就搬出去自己住了Maxs sister did it when she was 16, lived by herself.她说这是可行的She said it was possible.你爸之前说了什么我的事让你跟他一起住What did your dad say, about me, that made you go with him?我跟你说过 现在不重要了I told you, it doesnt matter.我以为我们 我们从未像现在这样I thought we were. We were never like this.你挑你想要的就好Ch
10、oose what you want.妈Mum?他就站在那里Hes just standing there.汤姆Tom.不要No.汤姆 这不是个好主意Tom, this isnt a good idea.伙计Mate.-我能跟你谈谈吗 -好- Can I talk to you, please? - Yeah.-说吧 -不 你妈不在我才说- Go on, then. - No, I meant without your mum.就在这里说Say it here.好吧 我猜她跟你说过All right. Well, I assume shes told you凯特跟艾米丽怎么了whats hap
11、pened with Kate and Amelie.我现在很烦恼Im obviously upset and.我想我需要你帮忙I suppose I need your help.赛门 他才15岁Simon, hes 15.闭嘴Shut up!我15岁就开始照顾我妈 15岁够大了I was looking after my mum when I was 15. 15 is old.别再试着保护他了 没用的 对吧伙计Stop trying to protect him, it doesnt work. Does it, mate?我很抱歉我之前没让你进屋Im sorry I didnt let
12、 you in the house.你做了那些事之后 凯特很担心Kate was concerned after what you did.-所以是我的错啰 -我以为能慢慢解决- Oh, so its my fault. - I thought wed sort it out in time,但现在but now.事实上 我真不知道还能找谁帮忙The thing is, I literally dont know who else to turn to.妈给了你钱 让你暂住在酒店Mum gave you some money to get a hotel room.对 我不想要她的Yeah,
13、well, I dont want her.-我不想要那样 -为什么- I dont want that. - Why not?不要靠近他Stay away from him.有时候孩子必须照顾父母Sometimes children have to look after their parents.我不是唯一一个有错的 她.Its not like Im the only one to blame, shes.在我们谈过所有事情之后Are you going to stay with your mum now,你现在还要跟你妈住在一起吗after everything we spoke ab
14、out?-你在做什么 -问你问题- What are you doing? - Asking questions.不 你在利用我来激怒她No, youre using me to get at her.-我只是需要一个 -你魔怔了- I just need. - Youre obsessed.理解我的人someone who understands me.-我不理解你 -好吧 我们就- Well, I dont. - OK, well, we just.-别靠近我们 -就- Leave us alone! - Just.如果我现在有把刀 我会捅你的If I had a knife now, I
15、d stab you,我会的 我会捅你的I would, I would stab you.捅这里 这里跟这里Here and here and here.你应该捅你自己You should stab yourself.或许我会的 或许我会的Maybe I will. Maybe I will!-你还好吗 -我走之后你跟他说了什么- Are you OK? - What did you say to him as I walked away?-什么 -他对你大叫- What? - He shouted at you.或许我会的 会做什么Maybe I will. Will what?我告诉他别
16、靠近我们I told him to leave us alone.-我会处理的 -他为什么不消停- Ill deal with it. - Why wont he stop?-他想要什么 -没事的 上楼吧- What does he want? - Its fine. Go upstairs.我们刚搬到对面Weve just moved in across the way.我是露西 这是哈利和马蒂Im Lucy. This is Harry and Matty.珍玛Gemma.我们在熟悉环境 见见邻居 所以.Were just exploring, meeting people, so.我丈夫
17、刚得到这份新工作 临时通知的My husband just got this new job. Short notice, so.-你在忙 -不.- Youre in the middle of something. - No, look, erm.也许明天吧 要是你有空 那.Maybe tomorrow, if youre around then.我们可以聊聊 好吗we could chat. Is that OK?很好 晚上愉快Perfect. Have a good evening.好 再见 说再见OK, bye. Will you say bye-bye?-再见 -再见- Bye. -
18、 Bye.看来他走了Hes gone, then?别担心 我回来了Dont worry, Im back.完好无损 挣钱养家的人回来了Safe and sound, the breadwinner returns.物理考试怎么样Hey, how was physics?-挺好的 -你要跟我打招呼吗- Yeah, good. - Are you going to say hello?-你好 -真好- Hello! - Charming.我以为你六点才会回来I thought you were back at six.这个嘛 我是个日益成功的企业家Right, well, Im an increa
19、singly successful entrepreneur.他们大部分人会工作到清晨Most of them tend to work until the early hours,但你很幸运 有个分得清轻重的丈夫but you are lucky to have a husband with the right priorities.我七点就回家的事实The fact that Im back home at seven恰好证明了我家人在我生命中有多重要is testament to the importance of my family in my life.很高兴你跟我解释得这么清楚We
20、ll, Im glad you spelled that out for me.你不会相信我要处理多少书面工作You wouldnt believe the amount of paperwork I have to do.你老婆可是个全科医师Youre talking to a GP.周末的东西收拾好了吗Have you packed for the weekend?-马上去 -你要去哪- Do it in a minute. - Where you off to?-伦敦吗 -赫默尔亨普斯特德- London? - Hemel Hampstead.好地方The glamour.挺不错的 烤的
21、什么Quite nice, actually. Whats this?我想着最好做点吃的I thought Id cook something以免我丈夫老得都吃不动了before my husband got too old to eat.现在40岁相当于30岁40s the new 30.40很老了Ah, 40 is old.你自己也快40了Youre nearly 40 yourself.我永远不会到40岁I will never be 40.-靠魔法药水吗 -靠护肤品- Magic potion? - Moisturiser.-是这样吗 -就是- Is that what it is?
22、- Yeah.是的 就是这样Yeah, thats what it is.汤姆有点担心我们在家的时间太少了So, Toms worried that were out of the house too much.他希望我早点回家He wants me home earlier.你没跟他说过什么吧You havent spoken to him about it, said anything?-什么意思 -关于我的时间- What do you mean? - About my hours.比如讨厌我这么忙之类的Like being annoyed with them or anything?-
23、他肯定是从哪听到了这种话 -没有- He must have got it from somewhere. - No.好吧 没事OK. OK, fine.-你自己能打包吗 -没问题- Can you pack? - Absolutely.你知道你的行李箱在哪吗Do you know where your suitcase is?-在阁楼上 -不 在衣柜里- In the loft. - No, its in the wardrobe.好吧 我生日有什么礼物Right. What am I getting for my birthday?再问就赏你一巴掌A smack in the face i
24、f you ask that again!恭喜Well, congratulations.干杯 这杯敬你Cheers. Well, heres to you.-干杯 -谢谢- Cheers. - Thank you.恭喜Congratulations.抱歉我错过了欢迎会Sorry I missed the reception.你看到我们结婚了 这才是重点Well, you saw us getting married, thats the main thing.我的讲话可有意思了My speech was really funny.全场爆笑Loads of laughs.新郎可不该追求这种效果
25、Which is not exactly what a groom is meant to be after.我还是让你落泪了 三次呢I still made you cry. Three times.学校那边怎么样了So whats happening with school?凯伦说要永久开除Karen said its permanent exclusion,但我们会上诉but were going to appeal the decision.所以要闹到校董事那里去So it goes to the governors?总体来说 是个公平的过程Well, generally, its a
26、 fair process,但不管怎样 我们都需要他们尽快做决定but either way, we need a quick decision因为汤姆还得操心考试的事cos Toms got his exams to think about.汤姆 他考试没问题的Tom? He wont have any problems with his exams.别那么说 真的需要努力学习Dont say that, its really hard work.他学习一直很努力He always works hard!不是吗Dont you?好了 重点是Well, look, the important
27、thing is你俩回到家里 跟朋友们一起了you two are back at home with friends.我们以后就互相照应吧 好吗Lets start looking after each other now, OK?好的Id like that.赛门还在吗Is Simon still about?我们不会再看到他了Were not going to see him again.-那是汤姆的意思 -但他住哪- Thats what Tom wants. - But hes staying at.?-我们不知道他在哪 -我们什么时候回家- We dont know where h
28、e is. - What time we going home?吃完饭就回去When weve finished.汤姆说他明年可能会搬出去Tom was saying he might move out next year.什么 为什么What?! Why?-这是个好主意 -别鼓励他- Its a good idea. - Dont encourage him.他16岁了 是个成年人了Hes 16, hes grown-up.还没满16 而且他要住哪Nearly 16 and wheres he going to live?-找个地方 对吧 -钱从哪来- Find a place, wont
29、you? - Money?找工作Get a job.申领补助金Claim benefits.这叫独立 现在的人可不够独立Its independence, people dont do it enough.当然 你得宣称自己无家可归Of course, you have to declare yourself homeless委员会才会帮你 你要租房子 存钱before the council will help you out. Youd rent, deposit.法律上来说 你需要父母同意Technically, you need your parents consent.而且你白天大概
30、得一直工作And you have to work all the hours in the day, Id imagine.我想现在就走I really want to go now.-天呐 -快报警- Oh, God. - Call the police.不No.-要我赶他走吗 -我跟他谈谈- Want me to get rid of him? - Ill talk to him.不 没事No. OK, OK.-快把他赶走 -没事的- Just get rid of him. - Its OK.我去 你待在这儿Ill go. You stay here.在里面的人应该是我It shoul
31、d be me in there.-什么 -跟你和汤姆一起- What? - It should be me with you and Tom,和我们朋友吃饭的人应该是我our friends, having dinner.-我想你知道为什么那. -这是有可能的- Right, well, I think you know why that. - Its possible.我的提议仍然有效The offer still stands.你可以决定原谅一切You could just decide to forgive everything.-什么 -这事你也有不对- What?! - Youre
32、 not the right one in this.我们两个一样坏We are as bad as each other.-不 -你告诉凯特我想把她变成你- No. - You told Kate I was trying to make her like you.你蛊惑了她 你把她从我身边夺走You manipulated her, you took her away from me根本不是出于好心and it wasnt for any good reason.-汤姆希望你离开 -那是报复- Tom wanted you gone. - It was revenge.赢了我让你好过 就是
33、这么回事It made you feel good to win, thats all it was.你要怎样才罢休 赛门OK, how does this end, Simon?因为我们在外面 已经很晚了 而且.Because were outside, its late and.我们两个都承认当初做错了It ends with us admitting we both got it so wrong,放下仇恨letting it all go.并重归于好 我才罢休and getting back together.别傻了Dont be ridiculous.我们彼此吸引 这方面没问题Wer
34、e attracted to each other, so that works.我们可以重新当他的父母We can be his parents again.我会找份工作 挣的钱不多Ill get some job, earn a bit of money,但我们能给汤姆稳定的生活but we give Tom stability.不No.只有我们三人在一起是幸福的 你知道的When its just the three of us together it works, you know that.我们可以决定重新当一家人We could decide to be a family agai
35、n.为了我们的余生 原谅彼此Forgive each other for the sake of the rest of our lives.-赛门 -现在还不算太晚- Simon. - Its not too late.我搬回来 我们继续一起生活I move back in, we just get on with it.过去几年很糟糕Its been a bad couple of years,但我们要是能让他重回正轨 值得骄傲but we could be proud that we got him back on track.你觉得我们应该为了汤姆复合吗You think that w
36、e should get back together for the sake of Tom?-不只是汤姆 -你觉得这是他想要的吗- Not just Tom. - You think that thats in any way what he wants?是我想要的Its what I want.我认为这也是你想要的I think you do too, really.内心深处Underneath.我给你带了东西I brought you something.在.In.此时此刻 我的人生基本结束了 你能收下吗In this moment, my life is basically over,
37、 can you take this?-不 -求你了- No. - Please.求求你Please.谢谢Thank you.你自己好好想明白 然后翻篇吧Sort yourself out and move on.-你的人生还没结束 -我不想翻篇- Your life isnt over. - I dont want to move on.我们永远都不会让你重回我们生命中We are never letting you back into our lives.-珍玛 求你了 -我今晚的好心情都被你毁了- Gemma, please. - Youre ruining my evening.要给你
38、多少钱你才肯离开How much is it going to take for you to go away?太他妈侮辱人了Fucking insulting.你根本不懂我现在的心情You dont have any idea what Im feeling right now.我就该掐死你I should choke you to death.前一秒你还说One minute you say how easy it would be和我们重归于好有多简单to get back together with us下一秒你就说想掐死我and the next minute youre sayin
39、g you want to choke me to death?每个家庭都这样 因为我们在乎对方Thats every family, because you care about them!你知道会怎么样妈You get whats happening?如果你不解决这事If you leave this,如果你转身离开 我会自杀if you walk away, I will stab myself.-你就想要我死 -赛门 别犯傻 我不是要.- You want me to. - Simon, dont be stupid, I didnt mean that.但你就是 你就是那个意思Yea
40、h, but you did, you did mean it.没事 没事的Its OK, its all right.-汤姆 -拜托你回餐厅里 行吗- Tom. - Can you come back inside, please?-汤姆 -妈妈- Tom. - Mum?好的Yes.儿子 你就这样无视我吗 当我不存在Mate, you just going to ignore me, then, like I dont exist?汤姆Tom.你编故事告诉自己You tell yourself these stories你其实是一个好爸爸或好丈夫之类的about how you actual
41、ly are a good dad or a good husband or whatever,那都是一派胡言and its all total shit.你只有靠不断自欺才能活下去The only way you get through life is by lying to yourself,因为一旦停止 你就会意识到自己如此失败because if you stopped, youd realise youre a massive failure.那才是真相 不是吗That is the actual truth, isnt it?我们再无瓜葛So were done.你可以走了You
42、can go away now.汤姆 回餐厅吧Tom, come back inside.汤姆Tom.谢谢Thanks.你得报警 申请对他的限制令You need to call the police. Get an order against him.这次他明白了He got the message this time.汤姆.Tom.汤姆说得很清楚Tom was very clear.那就好Good.我很高兴你今天给我打电话Look, Im glad you called tonight.我之前本想把这个送给你 但你离开了You left before I had a chance to g
43、ive this to you.现在这个可以算是欢迎回家的礼物了Maybe now lets call it a welcome home present.-礼物吗 -我们可以重新开始- Present? - We can have a new start.带着新的东西Some new things.天哪Oh, my God.要试一下吗Want to try them on?你喜欢吗You like?我非常喜欢I love them.-我去喝点水 -好- I might just get some water. - Sure.你从来不谈你的父母You never talk about your
44、 mum and dad.我以为你睡着了I thought you were asleep.我知道在你小时候他们出车祸去世了I know they died in a car accident when you were a teenager.对Yeah.我当时16岁 和你现在差不多大16. About your age.但除了这些 我什么都不知道Right. But apart from that, I dont know anything.他们是做什么的What did they do?我父亲是一名历史讲师Dad was a lecturer in history我母亲在养老院工作and
45、Mum worked in a nursing home.你喜欢他们吗Did you like them?我爱他们I loved them.他们没分开吗 一直爱你吗Were they together and loved you?是的I think so.好吧Yeah.我认为虽然他们去世了Well, I think that even though they died,你还是比我幸运you were luckier than me.爸爸会一直来骚扰我们的Dad wont ever stop.他想明白了He understood.就在今天晚上Tonight.这很困难 我知道 但Its hard,
46、 I know, but.-那只是你的感觉 如果 -不是- Its what you were feeling and perhaps. - No,就算他暂时离开 也随时都可能回来even if he goes away for a bit, he could come back at any time.你知道见不到自己孩子的父亲的故事吧You read stories about dads who cant see their kids.他们会放火 或者用刀子伤人They set the house on fire or get a knife.-你爸爸不会做这些事的 -他会的- He wo
47、uldnt do any of that. - Yeah, he would.你已经想到如果凯特离开他You already thought that if Kate left him他又没了房子的话and he lost the house,-他就会放弃 -我希望他能直接离开- hed just give up. - I hoped hed just.leave.重新开始Start again.你不是想伤害他吗You didnt just want to hurt him?不是No.惩罚他吗Punish him?我只是想让他离开I wanted him gone.但如果你问我是否觉得内疚Bu
48、t if youre asking do I feel guilty.这一切都不是我挑起的I didnt start this.之前我们过得好好的 但他一回来就欺压我We were fine before he came back and started bullying me还想要带走你and trying to take you away.我只是把他做的事公之于众罢了All I did was tell people the truth about him.你和汤姆谈过了吗Did you talk to Tom?谈过了 我问他是否担心我们工作时间太长Yeah. I asked him if
49、 he was worried about the hours were doing.他说He said.他说有时候你没有用心听他说话He said sometimes he thinks youre not listening.你老是想着工作Youre.thinking about work.有时他希望你能对他更温柔一点Sometimes he wishes you were a bit softer with him.好的Ok.你怎么说的What did you say?我说她不只是你妈妈That you werent just his mum.她还有工作You had a job.要对很
50、多人负责Responsibility for a lot of people.有个这么能干又受欢迎的妈妈他很幸运He was lucky you were so talented and in demand.好吧Right.你是一个很棒的母亲Youre a brilliant mum.我爱你Love you.你想要这个吗Do you want this?-为什么 -当你老了 过得不开心- Why? - So that when were old and unhappy坐在家成天看电视的时候and in there watching TV all day,你会记得曾经你开心过you can re
51、member that once upon a time, we had fun.那我们永远也不要变老 不要不开心Lets never get old and unhappy.一言为定Deal.汤姆Tom?-怎么回事 -汤姆不见了- Whats going on? - Toms not here.我刚听到了车子开走的声音I just heard a car leaving.你认为他会 他之前提到了搬出去Do you think hes.? He was talking about moving.不会 如果要搬他会先计划好No, hed. Plan for that,带上自己的东西take hi
52、s things.赛门把他带走了 他让他走的Simons taken him somehow, hes made him go.带走 怎么可能Taken him? Come on,赛门不可能强行带走他its not like Simon could have physically made him.他可能威胁了他或者Threatened him or.他半夜可能突然有急事Hes probably gone off with some friends,和朋友出去了some crisis hes having in the middle of the night.他现在没有什么朋友He doesn
53、t have any friends at the moment.-你带那个做什么 -以防汤姆受伤- Why are you taking that? - In case somethings happened to Tom.-过来 你得停下想一想 -放开我- Hey, come here, you need to stop and think. - Let go of me.要不你呆在这里Why dont you stay here,四处打电话问一下 我去找汤姆call around, Ill find Tom.你以为我会让人阻止我去找我儿子吗You think Im going to le
54、t anyone stop me from getting my son?-冷静一点 -怎么冷静- Just calm down. - Calm down?我不会让你这么做的Im not letting you do this.没有人能左右我的想法Nobody tells me what to do.汤姆说得对 我一次次浪费你的时间Tom was right, I messed you around time and time again-但你总是回来找我 -我不介意- and you just keep on coming back. - I dont mind that.我认为你只是想治好
55、我I think ultimately you like fixing me.-不是 -像对一只受伤的小鸟- No. - Bird with a broken wing.不是 珍玛 我喜欢你 珍玛No, Gemma, I like you, Gemma.我没有毛病Im not broken.对不起 我们两个不合适 分手吧Sorry. Were not working and it needs to stop.我会留在这里 以防他回来没人在Ill stay here in case he comes back.谢谢你Thank you.汤姆Tom?-爸 那是我的 -汤姆- Dad, thats
56、mine. - Tom!还给我 还给我Give it back. Give it back!离我们远点Leave us alone.-你他妈在干什么 -离我们远点- What the fuck are you doing? - Leave us alone.求你别伤害他Please dont hurt him.爸 爸Dad. Dad!求你别.Just please dont.早上好 Morning.你好 我丈夫住在这儿 他叫赛门福斯特Hi, my husband is staying here, Simon Foster.-你能查到他的房间号吗 -丈夫- Do you have his roo
57、m number? - Husband?福斯特Foster.我还以为这是.I thought it was.我之前入住时用的是娘家姓When I was here before, I used my maiden name.这里没有姓福斯特的房客 抱歉 We dont have a Foster, Im afraid.他和我儿子在一起Hes with my son.带着少年入住的男性应该不会太多There cant be that many men checking in with a teenager.真的很要紧This is urgent.-137 -谢谢你- 137. - Thank y
58、ou.汤姆Tom?闲人免进汤姆Tom!他说. 他说想自杀He said. he said he felt like killing himself.外面有辆出租车 如果我不坐上去 他就自杀And there was a taxi outside and if I didnt get in it, he would.好吧Okay.汤姆 往坡上面走Tom, go up the bank.-妈 -去坡顶 那里安全些- Mum. - To the top, where its safer.天呐 赛门 God, Simon.如果有车撞了你 那车上的人也活不了If a car hits you, then
59、 it could kill them, too.天呐 赛门 求你了 离.Jesus. Simon, please. Just.离车流远点Just come away from the traffic!求你了.Please.我们谈谈吧We can talk.我是想和他谈谈来着 I wanted to talk to him,但我都这样了but even when Im feeling like this他还攻击我 he went at me.他现在就站那儿看着我Now hes just watching his shit dad.如果你被车撞了 Yes, and if a car hits y
60、ou,-眼前的一切会让他有一辈子阴影 -别跟我吵- what he sees will scar him forever. - Dont argue with me!得了 不得不吵All right. But now it has.你怎么就非得跟我吵 反驳我呢You cant stop arguing with me, contradicting me.放开我 天呐 赛门 Let go of me. Jesus, Simon!-妈 -汤姆 不要- Mum! - Tom, no!赛门 求你了Simon, please.好吧 我们谈谈吧OK. Look, we can talk.看着我Look a
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