1、2008-9-21English Lexicology chapter 51Chapter V Word formation (2)l5.1 Shortening acronymy, blending, clippingl5.2 Back-formationl5.3 Words from proper namesl5.4 Reduplicationl5.5 Neo-classical formationl5.6 Miscellaneous 2008-9-21English Lexicology chapter 525.1 Shortening (Abbreviation)nShortening
2、 (Abbreviation) is a process of word-formation by which the syllables of words are abbreviated or shortened.nFour types 1.Acronymy- Acronyms and Initialisms2.Blending3.Clipping2008-9-21English Lexicology chapter 535.1.1 Acronymy Initialism is a type of shortening, using the first letters of words to
3、 form a proper name, a technical term, or a phrase. An initialism is pronounced letter by letter. E.g. , BBC, CNN, TEM, GRE,WHO, UK, IT, PC, IQ, EQ, MA, BA, PHD, CAD, IMF, UFO, CPPCC, NPC, NCP, GDP, CPI2008-9-21English Lexicology chapter 541. The letters represent full words.E.g. IOC e.g.: exempli g
4、ratia/for example, COD - BrE cash on delivery;(货到付款) AmE collect ( payment ) on delivery(货到收款) EEC- MBA- Types of InitialismsEuropean Economic CommunityMaster of Business Administration2008-9-21English Lexicology chapter 552. The letters represent elements in a compound or just part of a word. ID -
5、identification card (身份证) TB - tuberculosis(肺结核) TV-television3. A letter represents the complete form of the first (or the first two) word, while the second word (or the third word) is in full form.E.g. D Notice - (国防机密通知) H-bomb - N-bomb -n U-boat = (潜艇)n V-day = victory dayn G-man=Government man
6、E-school = electronic school(网络学校) E-tail = electronic retail(电子零售); Defense Notice hydrogen bombnuclear bombundersea boat2008-9-21English Lexicology chapter 56Acronyms are words formed from the initial letters of the name of an organization or a scientific term, etc. Acronyms are pronounced as word
7、s. NATO AIDS APEC OPEC BASIC radar LASER SARSUNESCOCALL?Acquired Immune Deficiency SyndromeLight Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation North Atlantic Treaty Organization Asia-Pacific Economic CooperationUnited Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization Beginners All-purpo
8、se Symbolic Instruction CodeOrganization of Petroleum Exporting Countries Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome radio detecting and ranging2008-9-21English Lexicology chapter 57InitialismWeb-chattingASAPAAMOF (as a matter of fact)BTW BBL (be back later)BRB (be right back)CU (see you)CUL (see you later)F
9、E (for example)FTF (face to face)FYI (for your information) IC (I see)IMO (in my opinion)IOW (in other words)LOL (laughing out loudly)OIC (Oh, I see)TIA (Thanks in advance)TTUL (Talk to you later)TY (Thank you)VG (very good)2008-9-21English Lexicology chapter 585.1.2 Clipping is a way of shortening
10、a long word by cutting a part off the original and using that remains instead. 6 types of clipping:back clipping : the deletion occurs at the end. This is the most common type of clipping e.g. dormitory dorm ; discotheque disco; bicycle bike; microphone mike; automobile auto; examination exam; gymna
11、stics gym; mathematics math; trigonometry trig (三角); luncheon lunch; taxicab taxi; advertisement ad; laboratory lab; professional pro; exposition expo; memorandum memo; technology tech; homosexual homo; French fried potatoes French fries; high-fidelity hi-fi; representative rep; modern mod; demonstr
12、ation demo; liberation lib; debutante deb ; veteran vet 2008-9-21English Lexicology chapter 59front clipping: earthquake quake; helicopter copter; omnibus bus; aeroplane plane; hamburger burger; telephone phone; parachute chute; university varsityfront and back clipping (influenza flu, refrigerator
13、fridge ,prescription script, detective tec; pajamas jamsphrase clipping (public house pub, popular music pop; coca cola coke; mobile phone mobile) lubricating oil lube润滑油; stockings made by nylon nylons three-dimensional film or form Three-D; zoological garden zoo; permanent waves perm; Gentlemens R
14、oom Gents2008-9-21English Lexicology chapter 510Journalistic clipping Cwlth (from the Commonwealth)联合体,联邦 Dept (from department)部门,系 Back clipping + suffix aggro: 1. n. aggression + -o 暴力行为,恼怒 2. adj. aggressive 激进的,挑衅的 comfy (from comfortable) hanky/hankie (from handkerchief ) teeny(from teenager)
15、veggies(from vegetables) telly( from television)2008-9-21English Lexicology chapter 5115.1.2 Blending(拼缀法拼缀法)uBlending:the formation of new words by combining parts of two words or a word plus a part of another word. uBlending is a process of word-formation in which a new word is formed by combining
16、 the meanings and sounds of two words, one of which is not in its full form or both of which are not in their full forms. uBlending is a process of both compounding and abbreviation.2008-9-21English Lexicology chapter 5124 major types:head + tail motel (motor +hotel), slurb (slum +suburb), smog (smo
17、ke + fog), advertics( advertisingstatistics), autocide (automobile+suicide brunch/Oxbridge/spork/botel/positron /smaze?Chunnelword + tail lunarnaut (lunar + astronaut), workfare (work + welfare), Nixonomics(Nixon+economics)Travellogue/profitward/netizen/airtel?2008-9-21English Lexicology chapter 513
18、head + head comsat (communications + satellite), telex (teleprinter + exchange), modem (modulator + demodulator), sitcom (situation comedy), psywar (psychological warfare)Amerind/ humint?head + word medicare (medical + care), Eurasia (Europe + Asia) hi-rise(high+rise)lansign /motown/?2008-9-21Englis
19、h Lexicology chapter 5145.2 Back-formationn Back-formation is considered to be the opposite process of suffixation. As we know, suffixation is the formation of new words by adding suffixes to bases, and back-formation is therefore the method of creating words by removing/so-called the supposed suffi
20、xes. This is because many of the removed suffixes are not true suffixes but inseparable parts of the words.2008-9-21English Lexicology chapter 515vFour types:vFrom nouns ending in er, -ar, -or, -sion, etc. (loafer loaf; burglar burgle; peddler peddle; editor edit; butler(男管家) butle; laser lase; tele
21、vision televise; donation donatevFrom nouns ending in other (diagnosis (诊断) diagnose, enthusiasm enthuse; typewriter type)2008-9-21English Lexicology chapter 516From compound nouns (merry-making merry-make, babysitter baby-sit; vacuum cleaner vacuum-clean;caretaker caretake; lipreading lipread )From
22、 adjective (lazy laze, crazy craze; frivolous (轻佻的) frivol; greedy greed; gloomy gloom)2008-9-21English Lexicology chapter 517Words from Proper NamesnAnother minor word-formation process is the creation of new words from proper names. The transition from proper names to common nouns is a gradual one
23、. nProper namesqPeoples nameqName of placesqBook names2008-9-21English Lexicology chapter 518A good example: sandwichnIt originates from John Montagu (1718-92), Fourth Earl of Sandwich. He was so fond of gambling that he would not leave the gambling table to have a proper meal. He was said to eat wh
24、ile playing. Later, people used his name to refer to all similar food.2008-9-21English Lexicology chapter 519Words from names of placeschina watergate: originally the name of an office building in Washington, D.C.champagne: a white wine madein the region of Champagne, France.2008-9-21English Lexicol
25、ogy chapter 520WatergatenThe Watergate scandal began with the arrest of five men for secretly entering the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate Office complex in Washington, D.C. on June 17, 1972. nInvestigations conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) revealed
26、that this burglary was one of many illegal activities authorized and carried out by Nixons staff. watergate now means any political scandal involving abuse of power, bribery, and obstruction of justice 2008-9-21English Lexicology chapter 521catch-22 (第22条军规; 令人左右为难的规定)nCatch-22 is a satirical novel
27、by the American author Joseph Heller (born 1923), first published in 1961. nIt refers to a paradoxical Air Force rule by which a pilot is considered insane if he keeps flying combat missions without asking for a relief, but if he does ask for a relief, he is considered sane and may not be relieved.n
28、例如,如果我是一位还没有发表过作品的作家,也就是说,我的作品没有在出版社出版过;我拿着我的作品去出版社商讨出版问题,出版社的人却对我说,他们不替没有发表过作品的人出版作品。如果所有的出版社都给我同样的答复,我岂不是就遇上Catch-22了! n评副教授必须承担过省级科研项目,而申请省级科研项目的人员必须具有副教授资格,这就是catch-22。2008-9-21English Lexicology chapter 522nJohn Hancock : signaturenNicotine: from a French diplomat Jean Nicot, who introduced tob
29、acco into France in the 16th century.2008-9-21English Lexicology chapter 523 5.3 Words from Proper NamesuName of people: uwatt Watt; diesel Diesel; newton Newton; Shylock; Hamlet; Uncle Tom; Uncle-Tomism; vName of places: vchina China, jersey Jersey, Brandi, vName of books: wutopia Utopia, odyssey O
30、dyssey, catch-22 Catch-22, god-father Godfather2008-9-21English Lexicology chapter 5245.4 ReduplicationnReduplicatives are compounds made by the repetition n(1) of one word like go-go, goody-goody; yo-yo; pretty-pretty;so-so;clever-clevern(2) of two almost identical words with a change in the vowel
31、such as ping-pong; tip-top; flip-flop;shilly-shally(hesitate);criss-cross; wishy-washy(feeble);dilly-dally(dawdle);fiddle-faddle;n(3) of two almost identical words with a change in the initial consonants, such as teeny-weeny; walkie-talkie;hocus-pocus(play tricks); hurry-skurrynMost of the reduplica
32、tives in English are highly informal. Sometimes they are derived from the nursery, e.g. din-din (dinner)2008-9-21English Lexicology chapter 5255.5 Neoclassical formationnNeoclassical formation denotes the process by which new words are formed from elements derived from Latin and Greek (as in telepho
33、ne)nThe majority of neoclassical formations are scientific and technical. E.g. astrochemistry (天体化学)2008-9-21English Lexicology chapter 5265.6 MiscellaneousnBy analogy: the process by which words or phrases are created or re-formed according to the existing patterns in the language e.g. marathon tal
34、kthon, telethon; sunrise moonrise, earthrise; moonscape landscape; housewife househusband; hamburger beerburger, cheeseburger, shrimpburger; blue- collar white, gray, gold-collar; earthquake starquake, youthquake; Cafeteria candyteria, lunchateria, washeteria; environmental pollution sound/air/cultu
35、ral 2008-9-21English Lexicology chapter 527nBy Onomatopoeia: the oldest device of word-formation used to name a thing or an action by a vocal imitation of the sound associated with it. 2008-9-21English Lexicology chapter 528Primary onomatopoeianimitating human beingsqbabble(婴儿牙牙学语), chuckle(咯咯地笑), g
36、rumble (咕哝)、cough(咳嗽), moan(呻吟声), murmur(自言自语)nimitating animalsqkittens mew(小猫喵喵叫), pigeons coo(鸽子咕咕叫), frogs crook(青蛙呱呱叫), snakes hiss(蛇咝咝声), mice squeak(老鼠吱吱叫), bees buzz(蜜蜂嗡嗡声)nimitating natural soundsqWe listened to in the pattering of the rain on the window.(滴滴答答) qI heard a long roll of the t
37、hunder. (隆隆的)2008-9-21English Lexicology chapter 529Primary onomatopoeianimitating other soundsqwater: bubble, ripple, trickle (细流水)qdoor & window: bangqclock: ding, tick-tock, tapqweapon: bumpqcracking: crack2008-9-21English Lexicology chapter 530Exercise 1InitialismVPVice PresidentGMTGreenwich
38、 Mean TimePOWPrisoner of WarNPCNational Peoples CongressWTOWorld Trade OrganizationMITMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyAIartificial intelligenceVOAVoice of AmericaUFOUnidentified flying objectIMFInternational monetary fund2008-9-21English Lexicology chapter 531laserlightwave amplification by sti
39、mulated emission of radiationAIDSAcquired immune deficiency syndromeTEFLTeaching English as a foreign languageTESLTeaching English as a second languageTOEFLTest of English as a foreign language TESOLTeachers of English to Speakers of Other LanguagesOPECOrganization of Petroleum Exporting Countries S
40、ARSSevere acute respiratory syndromeNATONorth Altlantic Treaty OrganizationUNESCOUnited Nations Education Scientific and Cultural OrganizationDINKdual income no kidExercise 2Acronyms2008-9-21English Lexicology chapter 532Exercise 3Clippingdorm(dormitory)teeny(teenager)demo(demonstration)memo(memoran
41、dum)champ (champion)bus(omnibus)tec(detective)sarge(sergeant)biz(business)auto(automobile)ad(advertisement)copter(helicopter)gym(gymnasium)prof(professor)2008-9-21English Lexicology chapter 533Exercise 4Back-formationpeddle peddlertelevise televisionbaby-sit baby-sitterhousekeep housekeeperdaydream daydreamermass-produce mass-productiongreed greedytypewrite typewritervaccum-clean vaccum-cleanereavesdrop eavesdropper偷听donate donationgloom gloomy2008-9-21English Lexicology chapter 534n1. Verb compounds ar
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