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1、1 Advanced Reading Revised Edition 2策 划:鞠方安 商希建顾 问:李光立主 编:刘兰芝 董敬一副主编: Gerald Zimmerman 杨真真 任林静制作人:段艳丽3Bernard Malamud4Catalogue Background Information Warm-up Activities Main Idea Language Points Difficult Sentences Keys to the Exercises56Background Information7place in tsarist Russia. The story of

2、a Jewish handy- man unjustly imprisoned for the murder of a Christian boy, it won Malamud a Pulitzer Prize(普利策奖 ). His other novels are A New Life (1961), The Tenants (1971), Dubins Lives (1979), and Gods Grace (1982). Background Information8Warm-up Activities I. Questions: 1. What s your favorite b

3、ook? Please list the reasons why you like it. 2. Do you sometimes have the plan to read, but fail to. And why?11. Listen to part of Of Studies by Francis Bacon and fill in the blanks: 9usegrantedtasted readWarm-up Activities10lessfullmemoryWarm-up Activities11Warm-up Activities 12Main IdeaThis human

4、 interest story offers hope and suggests that even small encounters with simple people can lead to life changing events. George, a young man lives a dull existence, with little future. He is a high school drop-out living with his father and sister, both of whom have simple jobs. George is a burden o

5、n his family. He is depressed and unmotivated to return to school, find a job, or even read a book. By chance on13Main Ideaone of his frequent lonely walks George speaks with an older neighbor, Mr. Cattanzara, who loves to read and encourages George to read as well. George leads him to believe that

6、he is reading from a list of good books; Mr. Cattanzara is pleased and tells others about George. Many of them respond more positively to George: he enjoys their response, but feels guilty. There are more encounters with Mr Cattanzara, George continues to live14Main Ideathe lie, and his guilt grows.

7、 Finally events lead George to go to the library, and he actually begins reading, and the story concludes with the feeling that Georges life has changed for the better. 15Language Points1. impulse n ( line 1, para.1) 1) suddenly decide to do it, without planning it 我一时兴起拿起电话就给她打。 On impulse, I picke

8、d up the phone and rang her. 肖恩是个思维敏捷、行事随兴的人。 Seans a fast thinker, and he acts on impulse. 162) a sudden strong desire to do sth without thinking about whether it is a sensible thing to do ; an urge 他抑制不住冲动,又海面瞥了一眼。 Unable to resist the impulse, he glanced at the sea. 他仍然难以理解是什么样的冲动使他向玛丽吐 露了秘密。 Lan

9、guage Points17Language Points He still couldnt understand the impulse that had made him confide in Mary. impulse buying/shopping : when you buy things that you had not planned to buy impulse to do sth18Language PointsSynonyms: caprice, desire, instinct, urge, whim19Language Points2. patience n ( lin

10、e 2, para.1 ) the ability to accept trouble and other peoples annoying behaviour without complaining or becoming angry 我们终于对他幼稚的行为忍无可忍。 We eventually ran out of patience with his childish behaviour.20Language Points我们可没耐心去听这种空谈。 We havent the patience to hear such an empty talk. to have little/no pa

11、tience with somebody他那消极的态度开始惹我发火。 Henrys negative attitude is beginning to try my patience ( make me lose my patience).21Language Points3. register vi & vt ( line 6, para.1 ) 1) to put someones or sths name on an official list 你们有多少人以学生身份注册了? How many of you have registered as students? 所有外国游客进

12、入这个国家时都需要向政府官员登记。 All foreign visitors must register with the state officials on entering this country .22我们给他进行了出生/结婚/死亡登记。 We registered his birth/marriage/dreath.房子登记在她而不是她丈夫的名下。 The house is registered in her name, not her husbands. Language Points23Language Points2) to indicate 他们的脸上露出焦急的神色。 Th

13、eir faces/They registered anxiety. 居民们从未对当地政府表现出多大兴趣。 The residents never registered much interest in local government. 243)to achieve这3个国家的出口收入增加额和国民生产总值增 加额达到了相同水平。 These three countries are registering similar gains in exports and gross national products. 民意测验中获得高达32%的支持率 to register as much as32

14、% support in the pollsLanguage Points25Language PointsSynonyms: enlist, enrol, enter your name, join, sign on26Language Points4.bony adj ( line 7, para.1 ) someone or part of their body that is bony is very thin 他个子高,但是消瘦。 He was tall and bony. Synonyms : skinny, thin, lean Antonyms: plum 27Language

15、 Points 4. stay off v prep ( line 8, para.1 ) to continue to be at a distance from 如果你要恢复健康,就得戒烟戒酒。 Youll have to stay off wine and cigarettes if you want to recover. 告诉孩子们远离马路,来往车辆危险。 Tell children to stay off the road, the traffic is dan- gerous. 28Language Points He stayed off the streets: He wou

16、ld not go out where others could see him, but stayed hidden in his room. off prep used as a function word to indicate physical separation or distance from a position of rest, attach- ment or union 他从汽车上跳了下来。 He jumped off the bus.29Language Points be off limits :if a place is off limits, you are not

17、 allowed to go there; out of bounds人行道上不许骑着自行车的人上路。 Footpaths are, of course, off limits to bikers.学校操场的一部分禁止入内,因为它靠输电线太近。 A part of the school playing field is off limits because it is too close to a power line.30Language Points5. occasional adj ( line 9, para.1 ) happening sometimes but not often

18、or regularly 间歇性发作的轻微头疼困扰了我一辈子。 Ive had occasional mild headaches all my life. 我不吸烟,但我不反对偶尔抽一支雪茄。 I dont smoke cigarettes, but Im not averse to the occasional cigar. 31Language Points6. Sophie had to take care of the house house. ( last line of para.1 ) Sophie usually did everything for the family s

19、uch as buying food, doing cooking, cleaning, etc32Language Points7. ride n ( line 2, para.2 ) 1) car/train etc a journey in a vehicle, when you are not driving; lift 一个朋友开车过来,让我搭了他的车。 A friend drove up and gave me a ride. 我骑车遛了一圈,试了一下我的新自行车。 I went for a ride to give my new bike a workout.33Language

20、 Points2) a rough/easy ride infml if people give someone, especially someone in authority, a rough or an easy ride, they make a situation difficult or easy for them. 除非这个计划能够奏效,否则财政大臣将举步维艰。 The Chancellor could face a rough ride unless the plan works. 34Language Points35 他失业后一直闲着。 Since he lost his

21、job, hes been hanging around.2) to delay or move slowly 不要耽搁, 我们要赶火车呢! Dont hang aroundwe have a train to catch!Language Points36Language Points9. railroad flat n ( line 3, para.2 ) a long narrow home, with the rooms spaced along a single long hallway, similar to rooms along a railroad car. A “flat”

22、 is the British term for an apartment. 37Language Points38Language Points11. mop vt & vi ( line 4, para. 2 ) 1) to remove liquid from a surface by rubbing it with a cloth or sth soft 她轻轻地擦掉了伤口的血。 She gently mopped the blood from the wound. 他擦去了脸上的汗。 He mopped the sweat from his face. 39Language

23、Points2) n c a thing used for washing floors, consisting of a long stick with threads of thick string or a piece of sponge fastened to one endA bucket of soapy water and a mop 40Language Points12. ball game n c ( line 5, para.2 ) AmE a game of baseball, football, or basketball Baseball41Language Poi

24、nts13. almanac n ( line 6, para.2 ) a book produced each year containing information about a parti- cular subject, especially a sport, or important dates, times etc42Language Points14. picture magazine n ( line 8, para.2 )43Language Points15. movie star n ( line 8 and last but 2nd line of para.2 ) 1

25、) a famous and successful actor, musician, or sports player 这位影星的婚事引起了公众的关注。 The movie stars marriage got a lot of publicity. 44Language Points2) to star in a film, television show etc, means to be one of the main characters in it 他主演过很多部影片。 Hes starred in dozens of films. 45Language Points16. in no

26、 mood for sth/to do sth ( line 2, para.5 ) not want to do sth, or be determined not to do sth 我没闲心开玩笑。 I am in no mood for joking. 柯林没有心思继续辩论下去了。 Collins was in no mood for further debate. 46Language Points17. carpentry n u ( line 4, para.5 ) the skill or work of a carpenter 47Language Points18. sul

27、try adj ( line 2, para.6 ) hot with air that feels wet ; humid 真的闷热得很,一点儿风也没有。 Its really sultry. There isn t a breath of air / wind. 我的思绪回到从前在这个小镇上度过的闷热的一 天。 My mind travelled back to a hot sultry day in the little town.48Language Points19. hang out v adv infml ( line 4, para.6 ) 1) to spend a lot

28、of time in a particular place or with particular people 我过去经常在超市里逛个没完。 I often used to hang out in supermarkets. 我们可以只是闲逛一下,开开心。 We can just hang out and have a good time.49Language Points2) to hang clothes outside in order to dry them 我担心自己没法把洗好的衣服晾出去。 I was worried I wouldnt be able to hang my was

29、hing out.3) to stick out; to lean out 不要把身体伸出窗外,否则会掉下去的。 Dont hang out of the window or you may fall.50Language Points20. an iron railing n ( line 7, para.6 ) a metal fence that is made of a series of upright bars51Language Points21. porch n ( line 11, para.6 ) a structure built onto the front or ba

30、ck entrance of a house, with a floor and a roof but no walls52Language Points22. dough n u infml ( line 12, para.6 ) 1) money 2) singular u a mixture of flour and water ready to be baked into bread, pastry etc53Language Points23. drift vi ( line 12, para.6 ) 1) to move, change, or do sth without any

31、 plan or purpose 遇事要有主见,决不能随波逐流。 One must have ones own opinions and not drift with the current. 结婚12年后,两人开始彼此疏远。 After twelve years of marriage, the two people began to drift apart.54Language Pointsdrifted back to his hot and stony neighborhood. Drift here means to walk slowly, aimlessly, without p

32、urpose. A stony place would be made of stone that would not cool off, but add to the heat, also stony can be unfriendly, without emotional feelings - just stones. 55Language Points2) n c snow/sand a large pile of snow or sand that has been blown by the wind 大堆的积雪阻碍了道路。 The road is blocked with massi

33、ve drifts of snow. 他们的尸体开始腐烂,乱七八糟地飘浮在一条条溪 流之上。 Their bodies lie rotting in drifts on the surface of the streams. 56Language Points3) the general meaning of what someone is saying 我明白她谈话的大意。 I follow the drift of her conversation. 任何一个专心听的人都会领悟他讲话的大意。 Anybody whos listening will get the drift of what

34、 he was saying. 57Language Points24. stocky adj ( line 2, para.7 ) a stocky person is short and heavy and looks strong 他长得敦实,可并不发胖。 He is stocky though not chubby. Comparative: stockierSuperlative: stockiest58Language PointsSynonyms: stray, walk aimlessly, wander, ramble, move casually59Language Poi

35、nts25. bald-headed ( line 3, para.7 ) having little or no hair on your head60Language Points 26. change booth n ( line 3, para.7 ) A kiosk or location where passengers can exchange paper mon- ney for the proper coins or tokens needed to ride the subways or buses. Most of these require “exact change”

36、. Money or tokens are dropped directly into a secure collection box. This speeds up movement of the riders, passengers; it also reduces the risk of theft. Mr. Catanzarra worked at a booth that made change and sold tokens. A kiosk61Language Points27. IRT ( line 3, para.7) Interborough Rapid Transit -

37、 New York Citys public transport system. A “borough” is a community or district within a large city. The IRT is a network of buses, trains and subways that connect the many parts of NYC.62Language Points 28. stoop n c ( line 4, para.7 ) AmE 1) a raised area at the door of a house, usually big enough

38、 to sit on63Language Points2) your shoulders are bent forward 他们瘦高,有点驼背。 They were tall, thin fellows with a slight stoop. 3)vi to bend your body forward and down 她她俯下身去系鞋带。 She stooped down to tie her shoes . 64Language Points4) stoop to sth: to do sth bad or morally wrong, which you do not normall

39、y do 我没有想到你无耻到撒谎的地步。 I didnt expect you to stoop to lying. 他以前从未像最近这样卑鄙到进行人身攻击。 He had not, until recently, stooped to personal abuse. 65Language Points29. undershirt n c ( line 5, para.7 ) AmE a piece of underwear with or without arms, worn under a shirt66Language Points30. the window ledge n ( las

40、t line of para.7 ) a narrow shelf67Language Points31. nickel n c ( line 4, para.8 ) a coin in the US or Canada that is worth five cents 68Language Points32. load n ( line 1, para. 20) a large quantity of sth that is carried by a vehicle, person etc 他身上背着沉甸甸的东西。 He was carrying a very heavy load. 我把另

41、一堆衣服放进洗衣机。 I put another load in the washing machine. 69Language Points2) the amount of work that a person or machine has to do 计算机处理不了这么大量的工作,死机了。 The computer couldnt handle the load and crashed. a light/heavy load : not much / a lot of work 亨利走后,我的工作量增加了一倍。 My work load has doubled since Henry le

42、ft.70Language Points3) vt to put a large quantity of sth into a vehicle or container 这3名男子似乎已把东西往卡车上装载完毕。 The three men seemed to have finished loading the truck. 丹巴尔先生盛了一大盘子面条。 Mr. Dambar had loaded his plate with noodles.71Language Points 33. shoot the breeze ( line 1, para.22 ) to have an informa

43、l not very serious conversation 他打了一个越洋电话就是为了聊天。 He made a translantic call just to shoot the breeze. 他们围坐着一直闲聊到深夜。 They sat around shooting the breeze until late at night.72Language Points34. not be much of a sth ( last but 2nd line of para.24 ) to not be a good example of sth or not be very good a

44、t sth 他不是什么了不起的学者。 He is not much of a scholar. 他和我不大合得来。 Hes not much of a companion for me.73Language Points 35. favor n ( line 2, para.25 ) A favor is a small act of kindness, small gift or gratuity, something that is not required, but is done to help another person, either because you like them,

45、 or you would like them to think kindly about you. Here, cleaning the house was not required of George, but he did it anyway.74Language Points36. allowance n c singular ( line 3, para.25 ) 1 ) AmE a small amount of money that a parent regularly gives to a child ; pocket money BrE 我每星期的零花钱是5美元。 My we

46、ekly allowance is 5 . 2) an amount of sth that you are allowed in particular circumstances75Language Points 我们大多数航班行李限重为每位乘客44磅。 Most of our flights have a baggage allowance of 44lbs per passenger.3) money that is given to someone, usually on a regular basis, in order to help them pay for the things

47、 that they need年金中包括50镑交通费补贴。 The pension includes an allowance of fifty pounds for traffic expenditures.76Language Points4) to let someone behave in a way you do not normally approve of, because you know there are special reasons for their behaviour 父亲有压力,我们要体谅他。 Dads under pressure - we have to ma

48、ke allowances. 我们应该顾及他人的愿望。 We should make allowance for the wishes of others.77Language Points37. helluva ( line 3, para.25 ) spoken used to emphasize that someone or sth is very good, bad, big etc 这让我对自己了解了很多。 It taught me a helluva lot about myself.78Language Points38. bit n ( line 4, para.25 ) 1

49、2.5美分 A bit is 12 1/2 cents; mainly used in expressions such as two bits, which means 25 cents, or four bits, which means 50 cents.79Language Points39. get a big kick out of infml ( line 5, para.25 ) to find excitment in someone, sth or doing sth 吉姆打网球时因战胜了上司而感到兴奋。 Jim gets a kick out of beating his

50、 director at tennis. 我看不出来他能从如此嘈杂的音乐中找到 什么兴奋点。 I can not see what kicks he gets out of such loud music. 80Language Points 40. get (a)round to v adv prep ( line 7, para.25 ) to find time for sth esp.after delay 我本打算昨天给她打电话,但是一直没抽出时间。 I meant to phone her yesterday, but I never got around to it. 几天前我才

51、抽出时间来做这件事。 I only got round to doing this a few days ago. 81Language Points 41. skip vt ( line 11, para.25 ) 1) to depart from quickly and secretly 她的女儿开始旷课。 Her daughter started skipping school。 我设法逃避家务。 I manage to skip doing housework.82Language Points2) infml to not do sth that you usually do or

52、 that you should do;to miss 每顿饭都要吃,这一点非常重要。 It is important not to skip meals. 他们又是跳绳,又是玩接球,等着打上课铃。 They skip rope and play catch, waiting for the bell. 83Language PointsSynonyms: leave out, miss out, neglect, overlook, pass over, skim through84Language Points 3) not read, mention, or deal with sth

53、that would normally come or happen next 你可以跳读一本书,只拣那些有关的段落读一 下即可。 You may skip through a book, reading only those passages concerned. 我决定跳过第一章。 I decided to skip the first chapter.85Language Points42. street lamp n ( line 7, para.26 ) 86Language Points43. beat v ( line 10, para.26 ) 1) to go quickly

54、 and straight home without stopping for anything 2) to avoid situations in which a lot of people are trying to do sth, usually by doing something early 他们在星期天购物就是为了在抢购高峰前下手。 They shop on Sunday to beat the rush . 87Language Points 3)spoken (it) beats me used to say that you do not know sth or cannot

55、 understand or explain it 我真搞不懂你怎么会这么麻木。 How you can be so insensitive absolutely beats me. 4)to mix them thoroughly using a fork or beater 把鸡蛋和白糖混在一起搅打至开始变稠。 Beat the eggs and sugar until they start to thicken.88Language Points44. unobtrusively adv ( line 11, para.26 ) not easily noticed 其他演员不声不响地鱼

56、贯进入休息室。 Unobtrusively, the other actors filed into the lounge. 他们趁人不注意溜走了。 They slipped away unobtrusively.89Language Points45. picked him up ( line 1&2 para.28 ): made him feel better A modified use is to “Have a pick-me-up.” To do something to make you feel better, often to have an alcoholic d

57、rink for the same purpose.90Language Points91Language Pointsto keep/ be abreast of:to know the most recent facts about如果你想跟上时代,就请阅读报纸。 Read the papers if you want to keep abreast of the times. to stay abreast of sth: to make sure that you know all the most recent facts or information about a particu

58、lar subject or situation92Language Points即便这样的安排也不能使工资水平跟上日益上 涨的生活费用。 Even this arrangement did not keep wages abreast of the rising living cost. 93Language Points47.wound up adj ( line 5, para.28 ) anxious, worried, or excited 我兴奋的睡不着觉。 I was too wound up to sleep. 94Language Points 48. pop vi ( li

59、ne 6, para.28 ) to lose control in response to fear or excitement. Here “ to pop into the sky” is an extended metaphor suggesting that he would really lose control.95Language Points49. narrow escape n ( line 7, para.28 ) a situation in which you only just avoid danger, difficulties, or trouble 他险遭不测

60、。 He had a narrow escape. 我庆幸自己死里逃生。 I congratulate myself upon my narrow escape.96Language Points50. at ones elbow ( line 8, para. 28 ) close to; near by 她站在父亲身旁。 She stood at fathers elbow. 这栋别墅的一大优点就是临近大海。 The avantage of this cottage is that the ocean is at your elbow.97Language Points2) to elbow people aside


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