1、处长培训手册处长培训手册DevisionDevision Head Seminar Manual2Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associates培训目标培训目标Training Objectivesv 了解如何管理我的团队To know how to manage my teamv 了解如何管理时间To know how to manage my timev 了解如何制定行动计划To know how to make an action plan3Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Assoc
2、iatesKnow your employees the communication cycleasking questionsAssigning Tasks Active Listening Task assignment matrix Task assignment worksheetCommunicating ExpectationsSetting Objectives了解员工 沟通环 提问题委派任务 积极倾听 任务委派矩阵 任务委派工作单表明期望设立目标TEAM MANAGEMENT团队管理团队管理4Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt As
3、sociates培养关系培养关系Building Relationship信任 Trust=v 公正Fairnessv 坦诚Honestyv 开放Opennessv 平易近人Accessibility5Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associates管理交流管理交流Managerial Communication经理Manager上司 Higher Authorities下属Subordinates客户 Customers同级管理者 Peers6Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associa
4、tes团队沟通团队沟通 Team Communicationv 信息即能量信息即能量Information is Energyv 能量可以是积极的能量可以是积极的 正极正极, 也可以是消极的也可以是消极的负极负极Energy can be + or - v 能量的能量的极极取决于沟通意愿与态度取决于沟通意愿与态度Energy Polarity Depends upon INTENTIONv 积极沟通为协同工作创造了机遇积极沟通为协同工作创造了机遇Flowing Positive Energy Creates the OPPORTUNITY for Teamwork7Carrefour Depa
5、rtment Head TrainingHewitt AssociatesGetting to Know Your Employees and the Communication Cycle 了解员工及沟通环了解员工及沟通环Thought 想法想法Words &non-words 言语和非言语言语和非言语Transmission 传送传送Reception接收接收Decoding 理解理解Feedback 反馈反馈Sender 发出者发出者Receiver接收者接收者8Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt AssociatesSome Facts A
6、bout Listening倾听中存在的实际问题倾听中存在的实际问题On Average, Typical Employees Listening Effectiveness in Only 25%通常,员工平均的倾听效率只有25%v 3/4 of what employees hear is distorted in one way or another员工所听到的信息中,3/4都在某种程度上受到曲解v the average listener understands and retains 50% of a conversation通常,倾听者只能听懂和理解50%的谈话内容wDrops t
7、o 25% forty-eight hours later48小时后,由50%下降到25%v Poor listening skills can create misunderstanding and a breakdown of trust between managers and subordinates不良的倾听技能容易引起误解,并对经理与下属之间相互信任的关系带来负面影响9Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt AssociatesOvercoming the Communication Barriers克服沟通障碍克服沟通障碍v Asking
8、 Questions提问题v Active Listening 积极倾听v Directing引导10Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associates交流程序技能交流程序技能Communication Process Skills如何提问如何提问? ?How to Ask?11Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associates三种不同类型的问题三种不同类型的问题Three Types Of Questions类类型型T Ty yp pe es s特特征征F Fe ea at tu ur r
9、e es s作作用用U Us sa ag ge e开放式问题OpenQuestions使用“什么”、“如何”、“为什么”和“请.”等词语Use “What”, “How”, “Why”, &“Please.”不能用“是”或“否”来回答Cant be answered by “Yes” or “No”发掘对方的想法和观点Draw out others feelingsand opinions探究式问题ProbingQuestions更加具体化,使用“多少”、“多久”、“谁”、“哪里”、“何时”等词语Be more specific, using “How many”, “Howlong”, “W
10、ho”, “Where”, “When”, etc.缩小信息收集范围Narrow the focus封闭式问题ClosedQuestions只能用“是”或“否”来回答Can only be answered by “Yes”or“No”限制信息收集范围Restrict the informationyou can gather12Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associates交流程序技能一:提问题交流程序技能一:提问题CP Skills #1: Asking Questions漏斗模式漏斗模式 Funnel Model开放式问题开放式问题
11、Open Question探究式问题探究式问题Probing Questions封闭式问题封闭式问题Closed Questions13Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt AssociatesExercises: How Well Do You Know Your Subordinates?Asking Questions 练习:练习:你对员工了解多少?你对员工了解多少?提问提问v How Long Has He/She Been Married?他/她是否已婚?v If Not, Does He/She Have a Fiance?如果未婚,他/
12、她是否有对象?v What Food Does He/She Like Best?他/她最喜欢吃什么?v What Hobbies Does He/She Have?他/她有何爱好?v What is His/Her Education Background?他/她学历如何?v What is the Most Important Challenge in His/Her Work?他/她工作中最大的挑战是什么?14Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associates不良的非语言倾听习惯不良的非语言倾听习惯Ineffective Nonverb
13、al Listening Habitsv回避眼神交流Avoiding Eye Contactv神情茫然Staring Blanklyv眉头紧蹙Frowning Deeplyv不时地抬腕看表Often Looking at Your Watchv心不在焉不停地四处张望Being Easily Distracted Looking Aroundv坐立不安摆弄钢笔Fidgeting Playing with a Pen15Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associates不良的倾听习惯不良的倾听习惯 一一 Ineffective Listening
14、 Habits #1v 打断别人的话Interrupting the Speakerv 经常转变话题Often Changing the Subjectv 发脾气Losing Temperv 评论讲话人, 而非对方的信息Judging the Speaker Rather than the Messagev 贬低讲话者Discrediting the Speakerv 使用情绪化的言词Using Emotional Words16Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associates不良的倾听习惯不良的倾听习惯二二Ineffective List
15、ening Habits #2v 在头脑中预先完成说话人的语句Mentally Finishing the Speakers Sentencev 只听信息,却不注意说话人的情感Listening Only for Fact and Not for Feelingv 当对方还在说话时,就想着自己该如何回答Thinking about Your Response While the Other Person is Still Speakingv 急于下结论Jumping to Conclusions17Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associa
16、tes不良的倾听习惯不良的倾听习惯三三Ineffective Listening Habits #3v 你总是你总是/从不从不.You always/never. v 无所不知的态度无所不知的态度Know-it-all attitudesv 说话时总叨支烟说话时总叨支烟Individuals who smoke cigarettes while talking to youv 闭嘴闭嘴Shut up!v 心胸狭窄的人心胸狭窄的人Bigotsv 你从来都不听你从来都不听You never listenv 给他人施加压力给他人施加压力Pushy individualsv 你应该做的是你应该做的是.
17、What you should do is.18Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt AssociatesListening Actively积极倾听积极倾听Verbal Signals言语信号言语信号v 适当使用认同性词语,如:啊.、呃.等Making Sounds Like: Ah., Mmm., etc.v 说:接着说,请再详细谈谈等Saying: Go on, Tell me more, etc.v 重复关键词语Repeating Key Points on Wordsv 进行复述、意译和引导Paraphrasing, Reflecting
18、& Directing19Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associates积极倾听积极倾听 一一 Active Listening #1v要倾听对方话语中可能包含的四种含义要倾听对方话语中可能包含的四种含义Four Possible Messages in Onev通过总结和意译来建立相互之间的理解通过总结和意译来建立相互之间的理解Summarize & Paraphrase to Establish UNDERSTANDINGw总结和意译并不是简单重复This is Not Repeating the Messagew也并不一定意味着赞同
19、Nor Does It Indicate Agreement20Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associates积极倾听常用语积极倾听常用语Phrases to Demonstrate Active Listening v 听起来您的意思好象是说.It Sounds Like What You Are Saying Is.v 听起来您认为最重要的是.It Sounds Like What Is Most Important to You Is.v 您的意思是说.So What You Mean Is.v 这么说,您最感兴趣的是.So Wha
20、t You Are Most Interested in Is.v 您认为贵公司业务员需要.You Feel You Operations People Will Want.v 我的理解是.What I am Hearing Is.21Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associates积极倾听积极倾听 二二Active Listening #2v 表明你的参与表明你的参与Be present: w表明自己的理解Communicating your understandingw正确的体态语言- 全身心地倾听Correct body langua
21、ge- a whole body listenerv 促进促进/保持能量流通和心灵的沟通保持能量流通和心灵的沟通 Promotes/Maintains Energy Flow & MindLinkw控制自己情感的热线按扭Control your emotional Hotbuttons22Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associatesv 缓和一场争执或一个紧张的局面 Calms a Conflict or an Intensive Situation v 有助于控制自己的情绪,建立良好的关系 Helps You Control Emoti
22、ons and Build a Constructive Relationshipv 鼓励对方提供信息 Encourages Other People to Share Information 积极倾听积极倾听三三Active Listening # 323Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associatesv 加强对方对自己的信任感Increases the Other Persons Trust in Youv 给对方一个澄清或解释的机会Gives Others a Chance to Clarify or Explain v 帮助对方澄清
23、观点Helps Other People Clarify Their Own Thinkingv 强调要点Emphasizes Important Points 积极倾听积极倾听四四Active Listening # 424Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associates有效沟通有效沟通 - 努力理解对方努力理解对方理解与思考4耳静下心来减少感情因素探究了解更多的信息再思考反馈你的理解评估问题,不是这个人他的感受是什么看重他人的价值事实,意见25Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associ
24、atesEffective Communication - Aiming for UnderstandingUnderstand &Reflect use 4 EarsPacify to reduceemotional intensityProbe Question: to seek more informationReinterpret present themessage you heard in a new lightEvaluateProblem: notthe personHow is the person feeling?Value the otherpersonWhats Fac
25、t?Whats opinion?26Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associates练习:练习提问和积极倾听练习:练习提问和积极倾听Exercise: Practice Questioning and Active Listening三人一组Groups of Threev轮流提问和倾听Take Turns to Question and Listenv围绕三个开放式问题寻找答案Start with Three Open Questions Probe around the Answersw你在团队中的职责是什么?What is your
26、role on the team?w您在完成团队目标中起什么作用?How does your role support the teams goals?w您在胜大超市最满意的一次工作经历是什么?Tell me about a highlight in your time at Carrefour?27Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associates委派任务委派任务Assigning Tasksv People and Task Considerations以人和任务为导向v Cross-training 交叉培训v Building Bac
27、k-up 备份v Assigning Task 委派任务wTask assignment worksheet任务委派清单28Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associates技能储备技能储备Skill InventoryTask任任务务Employee员员工工Renew T.G.更更新新促促销销架架ChangPriceTagsUpdateinventoryPrepareReturnsHoldBriefingsChangeAssortmentDelegatetasks tosubordinatesMarketSurvey市市调调Peter123
28、13213Alice23211222John23223321Simon23212223George22222232Sam112122121=Can Perform Well 2=Can Perform 3=Needs to Learn 1=可以做好 2=可以做 3= 需要学习29Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associates委派时需考虑的两个因素委派时需考虑的两个因素Two Factors to Consider when Delegating任务Task人员People分析任务Analyze the Task分析人员Analyze th
29、e People考虑任务的总体/具体目标Consider Your TaskGoals and Objectives考虑员工发展的总体/具体目标Consider Your Employee Develop-ment Goals and Objectives找到合适的平衡点 Find the Appropriate Balance Point+30Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associates任务分析和人员分析任务分析和人员分析Task Analysis and People Analysisv 重要性和紧迫性(安排轻重缓急)? Impor
30、tance & Urgency (Prioritizing)?v 所需的技能与知识Skills and Knowledge Requiredv 所需的经验水平Level of Experience Requiredv 所需的证书Certification Requiredv 例行公事?Routine?任务分析任务分析 Task Analysis:了解任务了解任务 Understand the Task人员分析人员分析 People Analysis:了解员工了解员工 Understand Your Employeesv 目前所持有的证书Certificate Heldv 能力水平(技能与知识)
31、?Level of Competency(Skill and Knowledge)v 质量与速度Quality and Speedv 经验水平Level of Experiencev 发展目标Development Goals31Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt AssociatesCommunicating Expectations表明期望表明期望v Manager-Employee Perceptions About What is Important经理/员工认为重要的内容v Superior-Subordinate Expectation
32、 Misunderstanding上、下级期望差异v Communicating Expectations Worksheet表明期望工作单v Using Active Listening to Communicate Expectations通过积极倾听来表明期望32Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associates 经理和员工对重要要求的观点和看法经理和员工对重要要求的观点和看法 Manager-Employee Perceptions About Important RequirementsManager Perception经理的观点
33、经理的观点Employee Perception员工的观点员工的观点重要的 Important不重要的Not Important重要的Important()()同意Agree()()误解Misunderstanding不重要的NotImportant()()误解Misunderstanding()()同意Agree33Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associates员工对工作的看法Job as Employee Sees It25%75%一致75Match25%经理对工作的看法Job as Boss Sees It图例Key:员工认为是重要
34、的,而经理却不以为然的What the employee is paying attention to that the boss does notperceive to be important经理期望员工注意而员工却不以为然的What the boss expects the employee to pay attention to, but the employee does not perceive it as important经理与员工的共识Areas of agreement between boss and subordinate上下级之间对工作期望认识的差异上下级之间对工作期
35、望认识的差异Superior-Subordinate Expectation Misunderstanding34Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associates指导与反馈指导与反馈Coaching & Feedback反馈:何为反馈?如何有效地进行反馈?Feedback: what it is and doing it effectively征求反馈意见Asking for feedback接受反馈意见Receiving feedback指导: 何为指导及有效地进行指导?Coaching:what it is and doing it e
36、ffectively安排时间Making the time35Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associates定义反馈与指导定义反馈与指导Defining Feedback and Coaching反馈Feedback在了解到员工的工作情况后,马上让他/她知道自己做得如何Letting people know what and how they are doing as soon as you know指导Coachingw 是一种双向式讨论,旨在提高工作业绩A two-way discussion that aims to improve
37、 performance36Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associates指导与反馈指导与反馈Coaching and Feedback回想在自己生命中的某个人: 老师、父母、朋友-谁给过您好的指导与反馈意见Think of someone in your life - a teacher, parents, a friend - who was a good coach or mentor这个人好在哪里?What was good about that person?w 他们是如何做的?What did they do? w 您的感觉如
38、何?How did you feel?w 您的反应如何?How did you respond?37Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associates反馈反馈Feedback反馈类型?What are the different types of feedback?积极的Positive消极的Negative改进的Corrective无反馈None什么是建设型反馈意见? 为什么?Which are constructive? Why?38Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associates为什
39、么反馈和为什么反馈和“啤酒啤酒”相关联?相关联?Why do Feedback and BEER go together?v因为有效的反馈:Because effective Feedback:w 描述了具体行为describes the specific Behaviorw 包括所列行为的一个例子includes an Example of that behaviorw 描述该行为如何超出、达到或无法达到您的期望和要求describes how the behavior has exceeded, met or failed to meet your Expectationsw 描述这些行为
40、所导致的结果describes the Results of the behavior39Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associates主动反馈主动反馈Ownership of Feedback让员工知道这些行为对您的影响Let the person know how the behavior has had an impact on youw这使得我的工作更容易了。谢谢 This has made my work a lot easier. Thanks.w因为我依赖于这些数据的精确性,这种状况让我很担心This situation c
41、oncerns me because I rely on the accuracy of those figures.w请员工和你一起考虑下一步骤Invite the person to own the next step.w您如何看待这种状况?How do you see the situation?w您认为接下去要怎么做?What do you think needs to be done?40Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associates积极型反馈实例积极型反馈实例Positive Feedback: Examplev 你把货物从储
42、存区搬运到了货架上,做得非常好(行动)。You have been doing a great job moving the merchandise from the storage area to the shelves(Action). v 上周你们店中基本没有出现库存积压,并且商品流通情况完好(具体例子具体例子)Last week there was very little storage in your department and the merchandise flowed very well (Specific Example).v 商店经理对此(结果)感到非常高兴。谢谢!The
43、 Store Director was very happy to see that (Result). Thanks.行为Action具体例子SpecificExample结果Result41Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associates改进型反馈意见改进型反馈意见 - 例子例子Corrective Feedback - Examplev要及时完成每周报表,你似乎有点困难(行为行为)You seem to be having difficulty getting the weekly reports finished on time (
44、Action).v比如说,上周五, 我没能在五点之前收到报表, 这已经是在四周之内第三次延误了(具体例子具体例子)Last Friday, for example, I didnt get the report until 5:00, and that was the third time in four weeks it was late (Specific Example).v所以, 周一之前我无法向管理层递交报告(结果结果)So I didnt get my report to management until Monday (Result).行为Action具体的例子SpecificE
45、xample结果Result42Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associates练习:练习: 错过的提供反馈的机会错过的提供反馈的机会Exercise: Missed Feedback Opportunity你何时错过了提供反馈的机会When did you miss a chance to give feedback?v 回想前三天Think about the last three daysv 回顾快速反馈技巧Review the quick feedback tipsv 想象一下,当时你应该说什么Jot down what you m
46、ight have saidw 场景situationw 行动action takenw 结果resultw 重要性之所在why it was important2 - 3 分钟分钟Minutes43Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associates指导讨论的五个步骤指导讨论的五个步骤 一一Five Step Framework for Coaching Discussions #1v 奠定讨论的基础Set the Stagew 明确讨论目的Clarify purpose of discussionw 创建相互支持的气氛Establish s
47、upportive climatev 对现状达成共识Agree on the Situationw 情况/任务Situation/Taskw 预期结果Desired resultsv 探求可能性Explore Possibilitiesw 可以采取的新行动/行为Possible new actions/behaviors44Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associates指导讨论的五个步骤指导讨论的五个步骤 二二Five Step Framework for Coaching Discussions #2行动计划Action Planv 行
48、动步骤Action stepsv 衡量结果. 如何?Measure results.How?v 需要什么支持?What support is needed?v 安排跟踪和时间Schedule follow-up跟踪Follow Up最重要的指导技能是倾听The Most Important Coaching Skill is LISTENING45Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associates需要多少指导?反馈?需要多少指导?反馈?How Much Coaching? Feedback?反馈及指导需求基于:Feedback and Coa
49、ching Needs are based on:v 问题的实质The nature of the situationv 员工的经验The employees experiencev 技能水平Skill levelv 工作上所花的时间;以及Time on the job; and v 实际业绩Demonstrated performance46Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associates需要多少指导需要多少指导 How Much Coaching?高技能Highly skilledv仅提供纯信息性的反馈意见。员工有能力评估这些信息并自行
50、制定解决方案Feedback contains only information. Employee able to evaluate the information and generate alternative solutions on his or her own.v员工即使可以自行理解或分析新信息, 但仍需借助外界的帮助来寻求解决方案Can interpret or evaluate new information on own, yet may need help finding alternative solutionsv帮助员工寻求解决方案Help employee explo
51、re alternatives.47Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt AssociatesSMART Goals聪明目标聪明目标v Specific具体具体v Measurable可以衡量可以衡量v Achievable可以实现可以实现v Relevant相关性相关性v Time时间期限时间期限48Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt AssociatesSMART GoalsGoals without SMARTIncrease marginMake sure Department Head trai
52、n their staff.Goals with SMARTIn the last quarter of 1998 My section will increase margin by at least 5% over the same period last year. By November 1st I will put a plan in place to insure that all Department Heads train their subordinates in all the Carrefour basic modules over the next 3 months 4
53、9Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associates聪明目标聪明目标非聪明目标非聪明目标增加利润增加利润确保课长对员工进行培训确保课长对员工进行培训聪明目标聪明目标到到1998年最后一个季度为止年最后一个季度为止,我们处的同比利润增长至少达我们处的同比利润增长至少达到到5%。我将从我将从11月月1号开始实施具体号开始实施具体计划,计划,确保所有的课长在此后确保所有的课长在此后的三个月中的三个月中,培训公司各培训公司各基本基本部门中的员工部门中的员工50Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Assoc
54、iatesSMART Goals - Good Examples?聪明目标聪明目标 - 正例正例?v Negotiate an action plan with our supplier to decrease purchasing costs by 10% by year-end与供应商协商行动计划,争取在年底前降低与供应商协商行动计划,争取在年底前降低10%的采购成本的采购成本v Become a better manager for my employees成为一名更好的经理成为一名更好的经理v Prepare by September 1 an action plan to reduc
55、e labor costs in my Section by at least 5%在在9月月1日前,准备一份行动计划,把自己所在处的劳动成本降低日前,准备一份行动计划,把自己所在处的劳动成本降低5% v Prepare and distribute the quarterly financial reports on a timely basis及时准备和提交季度财政报告及时准备和提交季度财政报告v Become better at time management更好地进行时间管理更好地进行时间管理51Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Asso
56、ciates练习练习 - 哪些是聪明目标?哪些是聪明目标?Exercise - Which Are SMART Goals?v 符合预算要求Meet budgetv 从1998年底开始启用新的报告系统Utilize the new reporting system by year-end 1998v 使客户满意率超过去年Improve customer satisfaction rating over last year5分钟分钟5 Minutes52Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associates时间宣言时间宣言Time Declarat
57、ion当今企业界脍炙人口的一个口号是:Today, A Catch of the Business World Is:蛮干不如巧干!蛮干不如巧干!Work Smarter, Not Harder!53Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associates时间就是金钱时间就是金钱Time Is Money54Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associates时间紧迫的原因时间紧迫的原因Sources of Stressv时间观念Concept of Timev缺乏计划Lack of Plannin
58、g 55Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associates三个计划工具三个计划工具Three Planning Toolsv 所有任务清单Master Task Listv 日历Calendarv 每日工作清单Daily to Do List56Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associates所有任务清单所有任务清单Master Task Listv记录你所要做的每一件事Record Everything You Have to Do v将大而复杂的任务划分成较小的部分Break Down
59、 Large or Complex Tasks Into Smaller Componentsv进行任务分类Categorize the Tasksv在必要的项目中运用其它计划工具Transfer Necessary Items to Other Planning Tools57Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associates任务分类任务分类Categorize the Tasksv 打电话To Callw后续联络曾经联系过的,十分重要的 Follow-up Already Contacted, Importantw跟踪电话仍在争取确定同对
60、方会面Call Back Still Trying to Make Appointmentw所有电话单未来的电话联络Master Call List Future Callsv 写To Writew信/传真Letters/Faxesw报告Reports w人员评估People Evaluationsw其它Othersv 会见时间待定To Meet to be Scheduledv 做其它To Do Others58Carrefour Department Head TrainingHewitt Associates会务日历会务日历Appointment Calendarv 会议和事务Meeti
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