Introduction and claim making--论文写作之摘要和引言_第1页
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Introduction and claim making--论文写作之摘要和引言_第5页
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1、Introduction and Claim-making1.Learners are enabled to analyze the structure of an Introduction and empowered with linguistic resources for writing the Introduction section in a graduate paper (esp. related to ELT);2.Students are equipped with possible sources of claim making;3.Learners are enabled

2、to make an informed choice of strength when making claims.Genre (语类、体裁)语类、体裁):as types of goal-directed communicative events;as having shared communicative goals recognized by expert members of the parent discourse community;as having exemplars exhibit various patterns of similarity in terms of styl

3、e, content, structure and intended audience. ;as having schematic structuresThe model captures the ways in which academic writers justify and highlight their own contribution to the ongoing research profile of the field by first establishing a topic for the research and summarizing the key features

4、of the previous research, then establishing a gap or possible extension of that work that will form the basis of the writers claims . Move 1: Establishing a TerritoryMove 1: Establishing a Territory Step 1: Claiming Centrality and/or Step 2: Making Topic Generalizations and/or Step 3: Reviewing Item

5、s of Previous ResearchMove 2: Establishing a NicheMove 2: Establishing a Niche Step 1A: Counter-claiming or Step 1B: Indicating a Gap or Step 1C: Question Raising or Step 1D: Continuing a TraditionMove 3:Occupying the NicheMove 3:Occupying the Niche Step 1A: Outlining Purposes or Step 1B: Announcing

6、 Present Research Step 2: Announcing Principal Findings Step 3: Indicating Research Article StructureMove1 (语步)(语步) Establishing a research territory (引出研究课题)Move 1a by showing that the general research area is important, central, interesting, problematic, or relevant in some way. (optional)Move 1bb

7、y introducing and reviewing items of previous research in the area. (obligatory)通过介绍研究课题的相关情况,引起读者的兴趣这些可以通过提问,陈述或引用名人名言等方式实现。by indicating a gap in the previous research, raising a question about it, or extending previous knowledge in some way. (obligatory) *将讨论聚焦到某个问题或层面上;The present study extends

8、previous research in the following way. firstlySecondly, Finally, * 讨论前人研究的不足 (see “implementing task-based learning with young learners”中的introduction)Move 3a. by outlining purposes or stating the nature of the present research. (obligatory)Move 3b. by announcing principle findings. (optional)Move

9、3c. by indicating the structure of the research paper. (optional)对某一课题或课题的某一方面提出新的、不同的研究方法。A final option is to consider whether you need to explain how your text is organized (the overall structure of the paper). This element is optional in dissertations, but better to be included in the introducti

10、on section.In the first part, there is the brief introduction of the purpose to write this paper and the structure of the paper. In the second part, there is the literature review. It provides the definition of foreign language learning anxiety and some theories about it, and then it presents the ma

11、nifestations of the classroom anxiety and the influence from the anxiety on the foreign language learning. In the third part, the author elaborates the causes of the classroom anxiety. In the fourth part, the author introduces the strategies to overcome the classroom anxiety. In the last part, it is

12、 the conclusion of this paper.Here is a useful example of an outline, well-motivated by the unusual structure of the paper. Notice how it uses a good variety of sentence structures. The plan of this paper is as follows: Section II Section II describesdescribes the current arrangements for regulating

13、 exchange rates within the EC. In section IIIIn section III a theoretical model is constructed which is designed to capture these arrangements. Experimental parameters Experimental parameters are then tested in Section IVare then tested in Section IV. Finally, Section V Finally, Section V offersoffe

14、rs some suggestions for the modification of the current mechanism.A generalgeneral description of your study;The need/significanceneed/significance for your study;The overall structureoverall structure of your thesis. (Wen 263-264)Note particularly the language used to express Move 1a. Here are some

15、 “skeletal” examples of strong opening statements. Notice how many of them use the present tense.Recently, there has been growing interest inThe possibility ofhas generated wide interest inThe has been extensively studied in recent years. Many researchers have recently turned toThe relationship betw

16、een has been investigated by many researchers.Many recent studies have focused onUsually the present tense is used when stating others research results.Language focus (2)As we know, some verbs and adjectives can be used to characterize weakness in the previous research. Care is obviously needed when

17、 selecting vocabulary of this sort. Here are some “negative” verbs and adjectives. Decide how “negative” they are. Work with a partner. Use the key below:Definitely or strongly negative/Neutral or slightly negativeNevertheless, these attempts to establish a link between secondary smoke and lung canc

18、er are at present _._a. controversial_b. incomplete_c. inconclusive_d. misguided_e. questionable_f. unconvincing_g. unsatisfactoryCompleting an introductionThere are some elements that can follow the purposive /descriptive statement. While these elements are typically needed in longer text, such as

19、theses, dissertations, or long and complex RPs,they may not be necessary in short RPs. Secondary Aims or FeatureIn addition,Additionally,A secondary aimA further reason for Stating ValueWhat are the advantages and disadvantages of each of the following value statements?In this way, we offer a soluti

20、on to a long-standing problem in English grammar.It is hoped that this small study will revive interest in a long-neglected feature of academic English.The information presented should be useful to all those teaching academic writing to nonnative speakers of English.Appropriate caution will show you

21、r awareness of limitations of your own research!1. Introduction1. Introduction Repetition is a common phenomenon in daily conversation. People tend to repeat themselves or other speakers participated in the same conversation. The repeated words may be seen as superfluous and make the language disflu

22、ent. However, they can also facilitate the conversation if used strategically. This paper tends to research on the repetition under a specific circumstance, i.e., in teacher talk in senior high English classes. In such a case, the repeated utterances may have some different characteristics in terms

23、of form and function, because on the one hand, they are parts of teacher talk which plays an important role in language teaching; on the other, the linguistic competence of the speakers involved in the conversation, i.e., the teacher and the students, is utterly different. In genuine classes, repeti

24、tion is pervasive in teacher talk. Evidence could be found in some researches and in my own observations as well. For example, based on the analysis of the five hours tape recordings on daily conversation, classroom interaction (between teachers and students) and group work (among the students), Li

25、Yuee (5-7; 34) finally draws the conclusion that it is in the classroom interaction that repetition occurs more, in more various forms and with more functions. Her conclusion is in agreement with what I have observed in most of the English classes given by the teachers ranging from the experienced o

26、nes to the student teachers, especially in those classes where the teachers focus more on the interaction between the teacher and his or her students. Pervasive as repetition in teacher talk in senior high English classes may be, many questions about the teachers employment of repetition need making

27、 clear: is their repetition in teacher talk a spontaneous one or rather a strategic preparation? What are the forms and functions of the repeated words and sentences? Does the repetition help to improve the effectiveness of the classes or rather make the teacher talk disfluent? To explore the above

28、three questions, a case study on the employment of repetition in two student teachers teacher talk is designed based on classroom observations and a follow-up interview. The analysis of the relevant data suggests that the two pre-service teachers tend to repeat themselves or the students on the basi

29、s of the students reflections in class, which, to some extent, improves the teaching effectiveness. Meanwhile, a few limitations have been uncovered. Accordingly, three pieces of advice for the improvement in skill for some observed repetitions are offered at the end of the paper.Move 1: Establishin

30、g a Territory: Move 1: Establishing a Territory: Topic GeneralizationsMove 2: Establishing a NicheMove 2: Establishing a NicheIndicating a GapQuestion RaisingMove 3:Occupying the NicheMove 3:Occupying the NicheAnnouncing Present Research. Introduction. IntroductionAs is known to us, exemplification

31、makes up a significant part of the whole course of English teaching. In class, teachers always make use of examples to simplify the problems that students meet, link perceptual knowledge with conceptual knowledge effectively and thus make the learning of English much easier. So proper examples can a

32、lways help to stimulate students to think actively and take delight in what they are learning. To teachers, it is a kind of teaching skill and to students, a kind of learning strategy.Attention is a term commonly used in education, psychiatry and psychology. Students attention can be divided into th

33、ree types: voluntary attention, involuntary attention and postvoluntary attention (Han Yongchang 38). Under the exam-oriented education situation, students are burdened with the enormous pressure that comes from teachers, parents, society, and even from students own thinking of future. In other word

34、s, the students voluntary attention has always been strengthened and has reached the stage that cannot be added to. However, in classroom, the useful and interesting involuntary attention has seldom been touched on and becomes one of the headaches and problems in English teaching. As a result, in cl

35、ass, students always feel bored and tired and cannot focus on what they are learning. Therefore, it is hoped that teachers will adopt more effective ways to maintain the students involuntary attention. “Teachers should try to focus learners attention specifically on the target language and make the most of the language known as input” (Bastone 273). Based on the classroom observation, the author suggests one possible way: Using proper examples to maintain the students involuntary attention. That is to say, when teaching, t


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