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1、专题04形容词和副词1 .语篇型填空、短文改错主要考查形容词、副词的句法功能,因此考生需要掌握形容词、副词 在句中作什么成分。2 .对形容词和副词的构词法(构成形容词的后缀,“形容词+-ly”构成副词)的考查是语篇型填空、 短文改错的重点之一。3,对形容词、副词的比较等级(形容词及副词比较级、最高级的构成规则;形容词及副词平级、 比较级、最高级的基本句型)的考查是语篇型填空、短文改错的另一个重点。4 .对形容词、副词的辨析(如many和much的区别,hard和hardly的区别,before和ago的区别,so 和such的区别等)是语篇型填空、短文改错的一个难点。5 ,对数词的考查主要是基

2、数词和序数词之间的相互转换。6 .对形容词、副词构词法和比较等级的考查仍然是未来高考语篇型填空、短文改错的重点。1. (2021 辽宁六校期中联考,45) It seems that Chinese Spring Festival is becoming a (globe) celebration of joy and love.【答案】global【解析】空处在冠词后名词前,作定语修饰celebration,应用形容词形式globalo( 2021 安徽五校联考,66) If you then touch your eyes, mouth or nose, you are (likely)

3、to become infected than those who wash their hands.【答案】more likely【解析】根据空后的“than”可知,此处要用形容词的比较级形式。2. (2021 江苏四市调研,36)It is not only an important part of(tradition) Chinese culture but also a way of life fbr people of all classes.【答案】traditional【解析】句意:它不仅是中国传统文化的重要组成部分,也是各阶层人民的生活方式。空处在 此作定语,修饰Chinese

4、 culture,应用形容词形式,故填traditionalo(2021 广东四市名校联考,44) California, Oregon and Washington state have seen historic wildfires that have burned faster and (far) than ever before.【答案】farther/further【解析】根据空后的than可知,空处应填比较级形式修饰burned,此处表示距离上更 远,farther/further 均可。【解析】句意:急刹车有时是非常吓人的经历,特别是当你正在高速行进的时候。修饰句子应 用副词,故

5、填especially”特别,尤其”。61. (2016 HP 卷(全国 ),67 )Recent studies show that we are far more productive at work if we take short breaks(regular).【答案】regularly【解析】考查词形转换。修饰谓语动词take应用副词,故填regularly”有规律地”。62. (2016 丙卷(全国 111),66) Food in small pieces could be eaten easily with twigs which(gradual) turned into c

6、hopsticks.【答案】gradually【解析】考查副词。应用副词修饰动词。63. (2020全国I)(因为工作努力和知识渊博),she is one of the best teachers in our school.64. (2020全国I) She (总是耐心地与我们谈话)and helps us to find a solution.65. (2020 天津 5 月)Online learning allows me (学英语更便捷、更高效).66. (2019 天津 3 月)This book opens a gate of history to me, therefore

7、I (为 我们的国家感到更骄傲).67. (2019 江苏)So the school uniforms are (一个更好的选择)than the traditional Chinese dress fbr (这样一个场合).【答案】63.Hard-working and knowledgeable.always talks to us patiently.to learn English more conveniently and more efficiently.feel more proud of our country64 .a better choice; such an occa

8、sion【能力提升】A专项语篇型填空(形容词和副词)It's 1 (obvious)right to say that living in the city is 2 (interest), but compared with living in the country, there are 3 (many)unpleasant and annoying things, such as traffic jams. Air pollution is also a big problem in the city, especially in winter, 4 (addition), th

9、e city is very noisy. Life in the country is 5 (health) in many ways. I always want to escape city life to have a good rest and enjoy the 6 (beauty) scenery in the country.7 , some people think country life is so slow and boring! Life is sometimes not 8 (convenience). As for me, I like the city for

10、its 9 (color) and good life, and want the country life for its quiet. When I'm married and have children, I'll move to the country while working in the city. Tm not so sure, 10 .【解析】文章说明了城市生活和乡村生活的差异。1 .obviously所给提示词是形容词,这里要用其副词形式作状语。1.1 nteresting这里要用形容词interesting”有趣的”作表语,此处表示“住在城里很有趣”。3

11、.more句中的"compared with living in the country”表明此处暗含比较,故应用比较级形式。4 .Additionally上文叙述的是城市生活不好的方面,此处是对上文内容的补充,故要填副词 Additionallyo Additionally “止匕外”。5 .healthy所给提示词是名词,这里应用形容词healthy作表语,意为“健康的'.beautiful本空给出的提示词是名词beauty,这里应用形容词beautiful作定语修饰名词 sceneryo.However句意:然而一些人认为农村生活节奏很慢而且很无趣!根据语境可知,此处表

12、示转 折,且本空后有逗号分隔,故用However表示”不过,然而、.convenient提示词是名词convenience,这里要用形容词convenient作表语,表示"方便的”。 9.colorful此处表示城市丰富多彩的生活,故应用所给词的形容词形式colorful作定语修饰名 词life,表示“丰富多彩的”。lO.though由语境可知此处表示“不过,可是:设空处在句尾且空前有逗号隔开,故应用副词 thoughoB语法填空(2021 广东惠州一调)In recent years, veganism(纯素食主义)has become one of the fastest-gro

13、wing lifestyle 1 (trend ) in the world. Over 3 million people in the US are vegans while about 542,000 British people 2 (choose) veganism over the past 10 years.What is driving this growth in veganism? First, people attach importance to protecting the environment. They think producing meat and dairy

14、 products is 3 (stress) for the environment. According to a recent study, global meat manufacturing has caused 18% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions. This figure is 4 (high) than that caused by all the world's cars, trains andplanes combined. Second, many young people 5 (convince) that

15、 it's cruel to kill animals for food and becoming vegans is 6ethical(伦理的)decision.Veganism doesn't simply means 7 (eat) no meat, cheese or eggs. It also applies 8 fashion and manufacturing. Every year more than a billion animals are killed 9 (produce) leather products from their skins. Now,

16、many brands are seeking fbr substitutions(替彳弋品).So 10 the idea of protecting animals and saving environment appeals to you, give veganism a try.【解析】近年来纯素食主义在全球范围内日渐成为一种流行的生活方式。究其原因,主要有 两点人们环保意识的增强和不忍杀生的伦理决定。另外,纯素食主义还延伸到了时装业 和制造业。1 .trends考查可数名词复数。“one of the+形容词最高级+可数名词复数”为固定表达,分析句 子结构可知,空处需要用可数名词复数

17、,所以填trendso.have chosen考查谓语的时态、语态和主谓一致。分析句子结构可知,空处作谓语。根据时 间状语over the past 10 years可知,空处需要用到现在完成时;此处表示英国人选择纯素食主义, 应用主动语态;主语542,000 British people表复数概念,所以谓语动词填have choseno.stressful考查词形转换。分析句子结构可知,空处作表语,结合句意”他们认为生产肉和奶制 品对环境来说是有压力的”可知,空处填stressfulo.higher考查形容词比较级。根据空后的than可知,此处形成了比较关系,需要用形容词比较 级,所以填hi

18、ghero4 .are convinced考查谓语的时态、语态和主谓一致。分析句子结构可知,空处作主句谓语。 全文以一般现在时为主,结合语境可知,此处也应用一般现在时;许多年轻人被说服,表被动;主 语many young people表复数概念,所以空处填are convincedo.an考查冠词。成为素食主义者是一种伦理上的决定。空处表泛指,且ethical的发音以元 音音素开头,所以填an。5 .eating考查非谓语动词。结合句意"纯素食主义并不仅仅意味着不吃肉、奶酪和鸡蛋”可知, 此处考查固定表达"mean doing sth二意为噫味着做某事",所以填e

19、atingo.to考查介词。纯素食主义也适用于时装业和制造业。apply to为固定表达,意为"(对) 适用、.to produce考查非谓语动词。此处用不定式短语作目的状语,所以填to produce。10.if7when考查连词。分析句子结构和语境可知,空处引导从句,可表示条件,也可表示时间, 故此处填if/when。5. (2020 全国 1,62) Landing on the moon's far side is (extreme) challenging.【答案】.extremely【解析】此处应用副词extremely修饰后面的形容词challengingo(2

20、020 全国,69) Branches of Plum Blossoms(梅花):The (beauty) long branches covered with pink-colored buds(蒋蕾)make fantastic decorations.【答案】beautiful【解析】空处和空后的long共同修饰名词branches,故填形容词beautiful0(2020 全国 口,66) (certain) during the holiday period, this plant is a must.【答案】Certainly【解析】此处修饰整个句子,且位于句首,故填副词Certa

21、inlyo(2020 全国 111,62) One day the emperor wanted to get his portrait(画像)done so he called all great artists to come and present their (fine) work, so that he could choose the best.【答案】finest【解析】根据句意可知,皇帝命令所有知名画家献上他们最好的作品。6. (2019 全国 1,62) It is difficult to figure out a global population of polar be

22、ars as much of the range hasbeen(poor) studied.【答案】poorly【解析】空处位于as引导的原因状语从句中,且修饰从句的谓语动词,故应用副词poorlyo(2019 全国 1,68 ) Scientists have responded by noting that hungry bears may be congregating(聚集)around human settlements, leading to the illusion (错觉)that populations are (high) than they actually are.【

23、答案】higher【解析】根据句子结构以及空后的比较级标志词than可知,空处应填比较级highero(2019 全国 111,61 )On our way to the house, it was raining hard that we couldn't help wondering how long it would take to get there.【答案】so【解析】此处表示“雨下得如此大以至于我们不禁琢磨到那里要多久 sothat意为”如 此.以至于”,so在此为副词,修饰其后的副词hardo(2019 全国 ,70) But then we got an officia

24、l letter and we were blown away. We are so proud of her. It's(wonder).【答案】wonderful【解析】分析句子结构可知,空处所填词在句中作表语,故应填wonder的形容词形式。blow sb. away表示”使某人大为惊讶”。7. (2018 全国 1,69) Running is cheap, easy and it's always (energy).【答案】energetic【解析】此处用形容词energetic作表语,意为”需要能量的,剧烈的”。8. (2018 浙江,62) The obvious

25、 one is money; eating out once or twice a week may be (afford) but doing this most days adds up.【答案】affordable【解析】根据语境可知,此处表示一周在外就餐一到两次或许是负担得起的。be动词后应用 形容词作表语,故填affordableoChinese wood carving is appreciated worldwide fbr its shapes being (true) detailed and the beauty of its themes.【答案】truly【解析】句意:

26、中国木雕被全世界赏识,因其真正精细之造型及其主题之美。此处修饰形容词 detailed,应用副词,故填truly0China's Mars mission expresses the determination and perseverance(毅力)of the Chinese nation in looking for (science) truth.【答案】scientific【解析】此处作定语修饰名词truth,故用science的形容词scientific,表示“科学的“。9. Peopled curiosity about the unknown and thirst fo

27、r knowledge are (obvious) aroused whenever the country makes breakthroughs in space exploration.【答案】obviously【解析】本空所填词修饰空后的动词aroused,应该用副词obviously”显然,明显地”。10. The three chicks are more than happy to be around their human neighbor. They9re not (frighten) at all. Actually, they are in a relaxed condi

28、tion.【答案】frightened【解析】由上下文语境可知,它们一点儿也不害怕,故填frightenedoDeveloped by Confucius during the Spring and Autumn Period, Confucianism is a philosophical and ethical system, which has become an (influence) part of Chinese culture.【答案】influential【解析】空处修饰名词part,故用形容词influential,表示"有影响力的”。11. When they a

29、re gone, we feel much(free) to gather in a large group than usual and come to shore.【答案】freer【解析】根据句意和下文的than usual可知,此处应用形容词的比较级。注意:free的比较级是 freer,最高级是 freest0Students can be prepared for the (compete) fields of food science at Appalachian State University.【答案】competitive【解析】结合句意并分析句子结构可知,空处应用所给词的

30、形容词形式competitive作定语, 修饰后面的名词,表示“有竞争力的工1 wanted so much to buy something from her because I could tell she was having a hard time (finance).【答案】financially【解析】根据句意及句子结构可知,此处所填词在原因状语从句中作状语,表示“在财务上”,故 填 financially。23. Working as a temporary worker is a great way to earn some money when you're (job

31、).【答案】jobless【解析】句意:当你失业时,做一名临时工是一个赚些钱的好方法。故填jobless,表示”失业的, 没有工作的工The calendar takes into consideration the (long) and the shortest daytime of the year, and the two days of the year when the length of the day is the same as that of the night.【答案】longest【解析】根据句意和空后的“and the shortest”可知,此处and连接两个并列的形

32、容词最高级,所 以填 longesto(2021 江西名校第二次联考,67) From late February to early March the following year, a large number of birds begin to fly to the (north) part.【答案】northern【解析】空处修饰名词part,应用形容词作定语,故填northern”北方的”作定语。24. (2021 江苏盐城统考,57 & 58) (hope), the program will influence behaviors, like choosing (litt

33、le) packaging, throwing away fewer items and finally decreasing use of disposable(一次性的)materials.【答案】Hopefully;less【解析】分析句子结构可知,第一空处修饰整个句子,应用副词,所以第一空应该填Hopefully; 根据语境以及"throwing away fewer items"可知,第二空修饰名词packaging,表示“更少的包装 材料”,所以填lesso(2021 安徽合肥调研,61) But the deep sea remains (large) une

34、xplored.【答案】largely【解析】此处应用副词largely修饰后面的形容词unexploredo(2021 江西南昌摸底测试,61) China's South-to-North Water Diversion(转移)Project, perhaps the world's(large) of its kind, has served as the lifeline of water supply for the dry north.【答案】largest【解析】根据语境及空前的the world,s和空后的of its kind可知,空处应是形容词最高级形式,

35、所以填largesto(2021 浙江五校联考,65) Casey did not say how he was able to survive in the woods for two days in the cold, (rain) weather.【答案】rainy【解析】分析句子结构可知,空处修饰后面的名词weather,需要用形容词,所以填rainy。25. (2021 四川泸州一诊,42) It wasn5t an easy decision, but (lucky), I made it.【答案】luckily【解析】空处修饰后文整个句子,应用副词形式作状语,且根据语境可知,此处

36、表示“幸运的是 ”,应用副词luckilyo(2021 山东师大附中一模,60) Some hip hop singers hoped the stories of hip hop could be (accurate) told and passed down.【答案】accurately【解析】空处修饰动词told,应用副词形式。26. (2021 江苏南京师大附中考试,64) So perhaps the debate shouldn't be about which one is (good) 一 the fast life or the slow one.【答案】better

37、【解析】根据破折号后的内容可知,此处是两者在比较,故应用比较级。27. (2020 四川成都摸底测试,65) Students attend lectures on the history of movable type along with(interest)classes on typesetting and printing.【答案】interesting【解析】修饰名词用形容词,根据空后的“classes”可知,此处应用interesting”有趣的”。28. (2020 安徽合月R调研,68) They spoke it(fluently)than some people from

38、Hong Kong,she said jokingly.【答案】more fluently【解析】根据该句中的”than"可知,空处应用所给词的比较级,修饰动词spokeo(2020 广东惠州第二次调研,70) Even if the experiment "doesn't work”,we usually learn something(value)from it.【答案】valuable【解析】此处表示“从中学到一些有价值的东西”,故要用形容词valuable作后置定语,修饰不 定代词 somethingo(2020 山西大同学情调研,68) This grou

39、p was also more likely to have cognitive decline(认 矢口衰退)and was at a(great) risk for age-related health conditions.【答案】greater【解析】与语境中的"more likely"呼应,空处应用形容词的比较级形式,修饰名词risk,所以填 greater o(2020 湖南益阳、湘潭两市教学质量测评,44) Since noodles mean long life, it is considered very (lucky) to cut it off.【答案

40、】unlucky【解析】句意:因为面条意味着长寿,所以切断它被认为是非常不吉利的。结合句意可知应填 unluckyo(2020 湖南师大附中,42)However, he is also a (talent) musician who is able to play several instruments expertly.【答案】.talented【解析】根据空前的冠词a和空后的名词musician可知,空处应填形容词talented,表示“有才 能的”。29. (2020 浙江金丽衢十二校联考,44) As you can (probable) guess, the cost to enj

41、oy such a hotel room isn't cheap.【答案】probably【解析】分析句子结构可知,空处修饰谓语动词,故应用副词形式。注意probable变副词时, 要去e再加-ly。30. (2020 全国 111,68) As the small boat moved (gentle) along the river he was left speechless by the mountains being silently reflected in the water.【答案】gently【解析】修饰动词moved应使用副词。31. (2020 全国新高考口(山东

42、),36) In the 18th and 19th centuries, (wealth) people travelled and collected plants, historical objects and works of art.【答案】wealthy【解析】根据设空处后面的名词people可知,这里应用形容词wealthy修饰。32. (2020 北京,10)They were much stronger than modem humans, but it's long been assumed that human ancestors were (smart)than

43、 the Neanderthals.【答案】smarter【解析】句意:但长期以来,人们一直认为人类祖先比尼安德特人更聪明。设空处前为were 设空处应用形容词,设空处后的than表示比较,应用比较级。故填smartero(2020 浙江 1 月,62) This is(particular) true in the US.【答案】particularly【解析】根据句式结构可知,此处修饰true,故填副词形式。33. (2019 全国 口,63) Her years of hard work have (final) been acknowledged after a customer no

44、minated(提名)her to be Cheshire 9s Woman Of The Year.【答案】finally【解析】空处作状语,故填副词finally。34. (2019 浙江,65) School uniforms are (tradition) in Britain, but some schools are starting to get rid of them.【答案】traditional【解析】分析句子结构可知,此处应用tradition的形容词形式traditional作表语,表示“传统的、 46. (2019 1 匕京,10) Students should h

45、ave a proper attitude towards college before thinking about which college to attend, and it's never too early to make necessary preparations for a healthy and (meaning) college experience.【答案】meaningful【解析】根据句子结构可知,此处用形容词作定语修饰college experienceo(2018 全国 口£7) According to the World Bank, Chi

46、na accounts for about 30 percent of total (globe) fertilizer consumption.【答案】global【解析】考查形容词。此处应填globe的形容词形式global作定语。47. (2018 全国口,63 )A taste fbr meat is (actual) behind the change: An important part of its com is used to feed chickens, pigs, and cattle.【答案】actually【解析】这里应填副词来修饰be动词iso(2019 浙江,60) When the children are walking or cycling to school on dark mornings, car drivers can (easy) see them.【答案】easily【解析】考查副词。此处应用easy的副词形式来修饰动词,故填easily。48. (2018 全国 口,61) According to a review of evi


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