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1、东洋机电(中国)有限公司工程审核方法与技巧工程审核方法与技巧东洋机电(中国)有限公司1.1.目录目录工程审核必要性工程审核必要性123名师指导(邀请名师指导(邀请MQMMQM优秀审核员)优秀审核员)4人机料法审核点(客户别人机料法审核点(客户别+ +四要素)四要素)风险多发点(不良风险多发点(不良listlist)-5-5项项东洋机电(中国)有限公司1.1. 工程审核必要性工程审核必要性大家来谈谈为什么要进行工程审核?大家来谈谈为什么要进行工程审核?东洋机电(中国)有限公司2.2.风险多发点(不良风险多发点(不良listlist)-5-5项项-如何从已发生的不良中找到系统的改善办法?1.作业方

2、法失误及 检出遗漏:1.Stopper未取出导致异音2.Metal粘连2个压入导致异音3. Link 装反4. Joint Outer处Rubber遗漏等 发生了什么?1.操作者作业方法有失误2.检查能力不足 为什么会发生?作业标准书建立了吗?-现场确认有无?-尺寸基准书/方法基准/不良处理流程等JES采用吗?-QSB策略体现,分步骤说明,累计前辈经验方法适宜吗?【身高/灯光/距离/顺序】-现场评估,考察眼力和经验的时候了 -飞行员举例,不适宜产生疲劳感,安全及品质风险发生作业者对种方法准确掌握了吗?-作业者能准确的遵守作业方法吗? 哪里出了问题?信息来源:-.有无检查要求,检查基准清晰吗?

3、-图纸准确参数确认,设定准确吗?以往的经验都涵盖了吗? -.检查方法容易掌握和获得吗?-是否需要单独的设立基准?需要的话有吗?-.检查工具易获得吗?-客观确认有无?定置定位,清洁管理,无落地风险?-.经过标定吗?-国家及标定,社内标定?东洋机电(中国)有限公司2.2.风险多发点(不良风险多发点(不良listlist)-5-5项项应用部品品号JES部分Job Element Sheet检查项目日常检查项目EP样本清单防错清单东洋机电(中国)有限公司2.2.风险多发点(不良风险多发点(不良listlist)-5-5项项东洋机电(中国)有限公司2.2.风险多发点(不良风险多发点(不良listlist

4、)-5-5项项-如何从已发生的不良中找到系统的改善办法?1.转子混入2.标签混入: 不同标签/贴了与未贴的3. Pa与Dr侧换入4. 发货混入 发生了什么?1.哪些环节容易导致混入2.防混入的方法都有什么 为什么会发生?1.产品混入-Motor&Label/Rotor: 同处工位:CFM预热工位;Label放置区域混入 仓库存储区,半成品周转区等 产品特性:包装BOX中标识区分,Label颜色尺寸 哪里出了问题?信息来源: 2.作业状态混入:贴标签和未贴标签 标签粘贴工位作业顺序的风险 -混入体现工程策划和管理的能力-2.混入不良: 3.不良品混入: 3.1.调机品混入:调机品管理:保管状态,

5、数量管理,回收及作废控制 3.2 不良品混入: -.不良品的发生环节对不良品的控制不严密,当前大家依靠的是什么:自我认为的辨识度,对于不良BOX,不良的传送带,不良的设备隔离箱持有态度是什么?有必要吗?工程策划管理能力东洋机电(中国)有限公司2.2.风险多发点(不良风险多发点(不良listlist)-5-5项项一次都不能犯的错误常在河边走,哪有不湿鞋东洋机电(中国)有限公司2.2.风险多发点(不良风险多发点(不良listlist)-5-5项项1.与异物质接触导致生锈2.BOX破损,残料导致堵转3.ARM包装不合适,导致磕伤 发生了什么?1.工程管理细节不足2.物流风险评估不足 为什么会发生?1

6、.清洁度等级识别-依据产品等级设立清洁度管理基准: 不同的产品体现了对于清洁度和防护的要求 哪里出了问题? 2.关键异物防护工位:定子组装工位,定子完成品区域等3.包装异物:塑料BOX,纸箱,托盘,油皮纸,塑料薄膜等3.异物质管理:-如何从已发生的不良中找到系统的改善办法?东洋机电(中国)有限公司2.2.风险多发点(不良风险多发点(不良listlist)-5-5项项-如何从已发生的不良中找到系统的改善办法?1.NUT松动导致不复位 发生了什么?1.工程不稳定2.检出遗漏 为什么会发生?1.EP状态确认-CP确认,2.Master管理-有无缺失,SPEC值准确性,设备准确性点检,不良改善部分重点

7、 哪里出了问题?信息来源: 3.设备状态:TPM不足:设备老化,松动, 设备故障导致LOT性不良发生,是风险最大的因素4.设备故障:东洋机电(中国)有限公司2.2.风险多发点风险多发点 - 2013.11.19,J300 Shaft晃动,Metal遗漏,引发PRR,CS1等 -东洋机电(中国)有限公司2.2.风险多发点风险多发点 - 2013.03.06,J300 电机无高速,铆压不到位 -东洋机电(中国)有限公司2.2.风险多发点(不良风险多发点(不良listlist)-5-5项项-如何从已发生的不良中找到系统的改善办法?1.热处理不良导致轴批量断裂2.ARM喷涂过厚导致脱落等3.虚焊产生致

8、间歇性工作 发生了什么?1.工艺的成熟度2.工艺的能力 为什么会发生?1.特殊工艺: 热处理,电镀,喷涂,注塑,焊接等过程,批量性不良发生重要过程。 哪里出了问题?信息来源: 2.关注状态:初中终件的管理;关键过程参数的管理;特性能力的认证能力的确保; 破坏性试验的检测;关键设备的变更:模具变更,新采购等验证过程5.特殊工艺不良:东洋机电(中国)有限公司3.3.人机料法审核点人机料法审核点- -客户处客户处 -布局-计量仪器管理-胶头管理-工程损伤管理关注细节-检查基准书东洋机电(中国)有限公司3.3.人机料法审核点人机料法审核点- -客户处客户处 -PFMEA与CP的管理不足:同步性;重要特

9、性信息传递,CP,PP的传递-计量仪器设备的管理:SPEC值管理,有效期管理,维护性管理-对电子系统提出异议: POP系统,WMS系统关注系统完善-审核的深度延伸不够:检查协定书的遵守情况,实验项目的遵守东洋机电(中国)有限公司TECHNICAL INFORMATION AVAILABILITY1.Are actual drawings availabe at production facilty with the latest change level?2.Does the supplier have the final customer approved drawing?3.Is the

10、print complete (Tolerances, GD&T, Correct Datums, KPCs, etc.)?4.Are all technical regulations/CTS/SSTS available?5.If supplier is design responsible, has DFMEA been used to develop the PFMEA?QUALITY SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION6.Is a Process Flow Diagram available?7.Does the Process Flow Diagram include rec

11、eiving?8.Does the Process Flow Diagram include rework?9.Does the Process Flow Diagram include scrap?10. Does the Process Flow Diagram include gauging/inspection?11. Does the Process Flow Diagram include shipping?12. Does the Process Flow Diagram include labeling and Part ID at receiving, WHIP, finis

12、hed good and shipping areas?13. Is there a PFMEA available?14. Is the PFMEA acceptable (RPNs, numbers match Process flow and include KPCs/PQCs/KCCs)?15. Is there any evidence that it is kept up to date?16. Is there a Process Control Plan (PCP) available?17. Is the Process Control Plan (PCP) acceptab

13、le (numbers match PFMEA and Process Flow, including KPCs/PQCs/KCCs/DRs/ITFs, GP-12 if applicable and latest EWO/ODM included)?18.Does the control plan address print requirements relative to (dimensional, material, rust preventitive, heat treat, micro-finish, contamination/sediment, etc.)?3.3.人机料法审核点

14、人机料法审核点- -客户处客户处 技术信息的传递过程流程图:接收/返修/废弃/测量/检查/运输等PFMEA管理:更新时机,应用管理东洋机电(中国)有限公司19.Are all Current Controls listed on the PFMEA detailed on the Control Plan?20.Are process controls in place in the PCP to address the high PFMEA Risk Priority Numbers?21.Is there a procedure/process for Continuous Improve

15、ment for Risk Reduction?22.Are KPCs/PQCs/KCCs called out on the PCP?23.Are sample sizes and check frequency for each operation reasonable?24.Do your suppliers provide evidance of approved material for all components needed for the assembled part?25.Are controls in place to ensure only approved incom

16、ing material released for production?26.When parts require traceability, do controls link component traceability to the final part? 27.Is the workplace properly configured and matches Process Flow Diagram?28.Are all tools and gauges properly identified?29.Are all gauges calibrated?30Are all tools an

17、d gauges certified?31.Is gauge Repeatability and Reproducabilty less than 10%?32.Do all gauges have proper operator instructions?33.Are proper operator instructions available for each operation?34.Are Standardized Work instructions detailed to run the job properly, including handling of non-conformi

18、ng parts?35.Is there Standardized Work?36.Is the Standradized Work being followed?37.Do the operators understand the instructions?38.Have operators been properly trained?39.Are boundary samples (BS) available to operators?40.Are boundary samples (BS) in use?41.Are Master Parts or samples available t

19、o confirm inspection?42.Are Master Parts available for error proofing devices?43.Is there a Preventive Maintenance (PM) plan on tools and is it followed?3.3.人机料法审核点人机料法审核点- -客户处客户处 PFMEA的高风险的降低措施的管理作业者技能提升 Master应用管理:验证周期 EP用Master是否充分 计量仪器的信赖性确保 不合格处理流程措施东洋机电(中国)有限公司44. Is there standardized work (

20、or control plan) for part quality verification following a tool change?45. Is there a Preventive Maintenance (PM) plan on equipment and is it followed?46. Are listed tests and inspections per control plan, actually performed as stated?47. Where the Process Control Plan calls for SPC are the data pro

21、perly recorded?48. Are the Upper Control Limits (ULC) current?49. Are the Lower Control Limits (LCL) current?50. Does the data make sense and are reasonable control limits shown?51. Are out of control points noted with the corrective action taken?52. Are product audits showing acceptable results for

22、 Final Product?53. Does the manufacturing process demonstrate the required capability or performance?54. Does packaging and material handling protect parts from damage?55. Are instructions for handling Work In Process (WIP) and final product followed throughout the process to shipping area; includin

23、g repair/rework areas?56. Are all parts and components labeled properly?3.3.人机料法审核点人机料法审核点- -客户处客户处 设备的预防性措施4M变更管理: 设备变更,产品验证PFMEA的高风险的降低措施的管理X-R图的应用标签标识环节东洋机电(中国)有限公司3.3.人机料法审核点人机料法审核点- -客户处客户处 运营LOSS管理 记录和跟踪废弃管理 FTQ月度监控运费管理 产品品质报告管理QUALITY SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION BY MANAGEMENT57. Is there a process

24、for documenting and tracking Downtime?58. Is there a process for documenting and tracking Scrap?59.Is there a process for documenting and tracking First Time Quality?60. Is there a process for documenting and tracking Premium Freight?61. Is there a process for documenting and tracking Plant Problem

25、Reports?62. Does leadership ensure that Out of Control Conditions are managed?63. Are Action Plans (AP) followed?64. Is responsibility for implementation assigned and do people understand their responsibility?65. Are problems quickly communicated to people who can help?66. Does the support system re

26、spond to the operator?67. If more than one shift, does information part passes across shifts?68. Are all checks to be done under the PCP requirements performed?69. Are results properly documented?70. Are suitable actions taken in case of deviations?71. Are plans in place to implement all elements of QSB?品质信息能充分沟通 换班的信息传递 特性偏差的处理处置东洋机电(中国)有限公司3.3.人机料法审核点人机料法审核点- -人人 NO.审核类型项目点检方法1人(作业者)新员工是否得到充分的技能验证?新员工标识,培训记录,认证记录2品质岗位是否具备资质?有无周期性实施技能确认?资质证书与操作者一致性确认,能力确认3不良Lesson Learn是否都教育相关的作业者? 询问对应工位作业者,是否掌握4换岗验证等活动有无管理询问确


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