1、Paragraph 1 question: Who were on the Sabena Ailrine 707 ? Answer:the 18members of the United statesfigure skating team. Where were they going ? Answer:They will go to Brussels ,Belgium then they will go to Prague Czechoslovakia辨析一:1.Board/Aboard/broad/Abroad 1board: n. 董事会;木板;甲板;膳食 vt. 上(飞机、车、船等);用
2、板盖上;给提供膳宿 vi. 寄宿 1The board split in half。 那块木板被劈成了两半。 2The board of directors canvassed his design thoroughly。董事会彻底讨论了他的设计。 3They railroaded the plan through the board of directors.他们迫使董事会通过了这项计划。 Aboard: prep. 在上 adv. 在飞机上;船 在船上;在火车上 1Everyone was soon aboard the plane.大家很快登上了飞机。 2He lifted the fi
3、sh aboard.他把鱼扔到了板子上 Broad: n. 宽阔部分 adj. 宽的,辽阔的;显著的;大概的 adv. 宽阔地 We place the hope on the broad masses.我们把希望寄托于广大群众。 abroad n. 海外;异国 adj. 往国外的 adv. 在国外;到海外 She and l forgathered abroad.她和我在国外邂逅。辨析二 Champion/champagne/campaign/shampoo Champion: n. 冠军;拥护者;战士 n. (Champion)人名;(英)钱皮恩;(法)尚皮翁 adj. 优胜的;第一流的c
4、hampion 1He succeeded in his efforts to get the champion.他经过艰苦的努力,忠于成功的取得了冠军。 2The world champion was dethroned in the third round of the match by a young challenger.这名世界冠军在比赛的第三个回合被一名年轻的挑战者撵下了台。champagne n. 香槟酒;香槟酒色 n. (Champagne)人名;(法)尚帕涅;(英)尚帕涅 I drank a cup of champagne. 我喝了一杯香槟。campaign n. 运动;活
5、动;战役 vi. 作战;参加竞选;参加活动 1The army is beating up recruits for the campaign.军队正在为战役招兵 2The captured more than ten thousand prisoners and large quantities of arms in that campaign. 他们在那次战争中俘虏了一万多的战俘和大量武器。shampoo n. 洗发;洗发精 vt. 洗发 Ive rinsed the shampoo out of my hair.我把头发上的洗发剂冲洗干净了 Beam:堆满笑容 Smile:微笑 gigg
6、le :咯咯地笑,傻笑 laugh :引发人笑的物或事 laugh at :嘲笑 make fun of :取笑Paragraph2-3 Question:What do we know about Laurence and her family? Answer:Laurence had won the North American title for women just two days earlier. Her family is a skating family. Bound for. 开往。 The Pauls was now bound for St. Louisleave.for
7、. 而且。Paragraph4 Questions: 1 When did the plane take off? Answer:7:30P.M on February14,1961 2 How was the flight across the Atlantic? answer:Pleasant 3 What was the weather like? Answer:There was no storms or high winds in the region.The weather was perfect.翻译 There seemed to be no case for concern.
8、 There was no distress signal of any kind from the pilot 似乎没有理由担心。没有任何形式的遇险信号的飞行员Paragraph 5词语辨析Contact :n. 接触,联系 vt. 使接触 vi. 联系,接触 1Does that metal pit after contact whit acid.那种金属同酸接触后是否会起凹点?2Even if we cannot agree,we should maintain our contact.即使我们不能取得一致,我们也要保持联系。3When you contact these two wir
9、es,the machine will star at once.当你是这两条导线一接触,这台机器就会立刻运行。 contract n. 合同;婚约 vt. 感染;订约;使缩短 vi. 收缩;感染;订约 1They lost on the contract.他们在合同上赔了钱。 2What clause do you require in the contract.你要求在合同中订上了什么条款。 3The contract admits no other interpretation.这七月不容许做别的解释。contest n. 竞赛;争夺;争论 vt. 争辩;提出质疑 vi. 竞争;争辩 1
10、Tom aced out his opponent in the contest.汤姆在比赛中胜过自己的对手。 2The award for the oratorical contest was made by a jury of nine professors.演讲比赛的裁决有九位教授组成的评判委员会作出。 3I was going to enter a belly-dancing contest,but l bottled out at the last minute. 我当时正想参加肚皮舞比赛,但我在最后一分钟失去了勇气而没有参加。contrast n. 对比;差别;对照物 vt. 使对
11、比;使与对照vi. 对比;形成对照 1THis is an example of no contrast. 这就是一个没有对比的例子。 2Once again-this is all about maintaining contrast in your design.再次说明,这都是关于在你的设计里面保持对比。 3The contrast of white and orange was so beautiful.显然白雪和橙黄色的对比是很美丽的。23 In any case 无论如何,不管怎样,不管发生什么情况,总之 In any case,we could have the benefit.
12、在任何情况下我们都将利益均分。 in no case 绝不,决不 In no case will they look on passively. 他们决不会在一边看热闹。 in case万一;假使 Listen out in case he calls. 注意听着万一他打电话来。 in the case of至于,在的情况下 In the case of certainty,the choice is unambiguous. 在确定性的情况下,这个选择是非常清楚的。 翻译: Just before 10am, he lowered the wheels of the jet and bega
13、n his approach to land. 就在10点之前,他降低了飞机的轮子,开始着陆。Paragraph 6-8 Question 1、Was the second approach to land successful? 2、How terrible was the air crash? Answer 1、No. 2、The crash was particularly devastating for some families,the hopes and dreams had ended in a flash. Rear up into the sky暴跳 Those who co
14、uld temporarily rear up on two feet could get more food,and thus had a survival advantage over those who couldnt. 那些可以临时靠两脚跳起来的人得到了更多的食物,从而相比于那些不能这样做的人有了生存的优势。 Hit the ground and explode vi. 爆炸,爆发;激增 vt. 使爆炸;爆炸;推翻 They help you cool down when you feel like your anger might explode.当你感觉自己要怒火爆发的时候,他们会
15、帮你冷静下来。 A row of houses一排 The great photographer posed them in front of a raw of tenement. 摄影大师让他们在一排公寓房前摆好姿势。 People on board在船(火车、飞机)上 His favorite fruits and vegetables as well as 55 lb.of bamboo will be on board for nourishment. 除了他最喜爱的水果和蔬菜以外还有55磅的竹子将会作为他在飞机上的食物。 Debris was scattered over 200 y
16、ards.分散的;散乱的 The crowd scattered gradually. 人群渐渐散开了。Paragraph 9Stun n. 昏迷;打昏;惊倒;令人惊叹的事物vt. 使震惊;打昏;给以深刻的印象If you use this in your daily life you will stun people with your mastery of English.在日常生活中,如果你使用这个句子,人们将会对你掌握英语的程度目瞪口呆。This animal uses its toothy “saw” to sense buried crustaceans or bottom-dwe
17、ling fish,and to stun and kill them.这种生物用它的齿状“锯子”来感知,打昏,杀死隐藏的甲壳类动物和住在海底的鱼类。shock n. 休克;震惊;震动;打击;禾束堆 adj. 浓密的;蓬乱的 vt. 使休克;使震惊;使震动;使受电击;把堆成禾束堆 She was immobitized by shock. 她由于震惊而目瞪口呆。 She fainted away with the shock of the news.她听到这个消息后震惊的晕了过去。 The shock was so great that she blacked out. 打击如此之大以致使她暂
18、时失去了记忆。numb adj. 麻木的;发愣的vt. 使麻木;使发愣;使失去感觉I fell numb.我感觉很麻木。Now they can have sex with anyone because theyre numb.现在她们可以和任何人发生性关系,因为已经麻木了。Anger is a higer level of consciousness than apathy ,so its a lot better taan being numb all the time.愤怒比起冷漠来说是一种更高层次的意识,所以这要比整日麻木的过日子要好多了。surprise n. 惊奇,诧异;突然袭击 adj. 令人惊讶的 vt. 使惊奇;奇袭 The boy blinked up at me in some surprise.那男孩有些吃惊地眨着眼看我。 To his surprise,he swept through the exit easily. 令他惊奇的是,他竟然轻易地出境了。 astonish使惊讶 We and the world are knit together by Einsteins thinking in ways that astonish me. 通过爱因斯坦的思维,我
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