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1、 一笔交易的达成,一般都要经过磋商。 其过程一般包括:EnquiryOfferCounter-offerAcceptance 询价询价/询盘询盘 报盘报盘/发盘发盘 还价还价/还盘还盘 接受接受1.Introduction An inquiry is a request for information. As a routine part of their jobs, buyers must often write letters to request brochures, samples, prices, or other information that will help them de

2、cide whether to buy a particular product. 询价(询价(Inquiry)是指交易一方欲购买或出售某种)是指交易一方欲购买或出售某种商品,问另一方发出的探询买卖该商品及有关交商品,问另一方发出的探询买卖该商品及有关交易条件的一种表示。易条件的一种表示。 In a General Enquiry(一般询价), a businessman states clearly all the information he needs- general information, a catalogue目录, or price list报价单, a sample样品or

3、sample book样本,illustrated photo prints图片, etc. In a Specific Enquiry(具体询价), he points out what product(s) he wants. He may ask for a catalogue目录, a price list报价单, sample样品, etc., or ask for an offer报盘.()the name of the commodity商品名称、the specifications规格、the quantity数量、the unit price FOB CIF单价、 the t

4、ime of shipment装船期、the terms of payment付款方式) 说明:说明: 询盘法律效力询盘法律效力 询盘对于询盘人和被询盘人均无法律上的询盘对于询盘人和被询盘人均无法律上的约束力,而且不是交易磋商的必经步骤。约束力,而且不是交易磋商的必经步骤。 In order to receive the information you want as quickly as possible, you should make certain that your request is reasonable, specific, brief, and polite. Your fi

5、rst step is to define exactly what it is that you need or want to know. Then you must provide the necessary details that your reader will need in order to answer your questions completely.2. Writing Principles of Enquiry Letters (1)To tell where you learned the company and its products. (2) To descr

6、ibe your specific needs but with no promise of booking the proposed products. (3) To stress the importance of your needed information and try to flatter your receiver for getting more information. (4) In any queries, ask the reader to give you a definite reply. (5) If an unfamiliar reader, try to pe

7、rsonalize your letter like the one between friends. (6) Use courtesy words.询盘采用的主要词句:询盘采用的主要词句: Please advise Please quote. Please offer . Any business should be happy to respond to a direct inquiry. The writer is a potential customer, and his or her questions should be answered promptly, completely

8、, and courteously.3. Writing Principles of Responding LettersReplies to EnquiriesFrom an old customerstate firstly how much you appreciate it. Then provide the information asked for.EnquiriesRepliesFrom a new customerstate firstly you are glad to receive it before answer the questions, and express l

9、astly your expectation of cooperation. (1) If you can meet all the requirements of the buyer, let him know ASAP. (2) If you can only meet part of the requirements, tell him first what you can do for him and then explain why you fail do. (3) If you can not meet any of the requirements, first, express

10、 your thanks for the inquiry and then your regret. (4) Try your best to please your potential buyers by offering the services as much as you can. (5) Let your reader feel the sincerity and heart-felt desire otherwise they will be depressed at your helplessness. (6) When sending the literature, in yo

11、ur replied letters, only mention the buyers interested part. If necessary, try to introduce more about your company and your products.How to Write an Inquiry Letter一般询价信写四或五段:a. Source of informationb. Reason for Enquiry c. Asking for price, list, and catalogue d. Giving references e. Showing expect

12、ationsOpening SentencesSource of information We were given your name by. You have been recommended to us by. As we have learned from.,your are manufactures of . We have seen your ad in .and we are interested in.Reasons for Enquiry We are interested in. We need /are in the market for. We have receive

13、d many enquiries from our customers for. We have a considerable demand here for.Asking for Price Please send your current / latest catalogue / price list / brochure. Please quote your best / most competitive / lowest price. We shall be glad to receive an offer from you on.Giving References For infor

14、mation about our company please refer to/contact. Should you wish to make any enquiries about us, please write to. We shall be pleased to provide the usual trade references.Showing Expectations We hope We look forward to We are awaiting Please give usASAPSpecimen Letters Gentlemen: 敬启者:敬启者: We learn

15、 from ABC & Co. Ltd, New York that you are a leading exporter in your country. 从纽约的从纽约的ABC公司处得知,贵方是贵国主要出口商之一。公司处得知,贵方是贵国主要出口商之一。 We are, at present, very much interested in importing your goods and would appreciate your sending us catalogue, sample books or even samples if possible. 目前,我方对进口贵方产品

16、很感兴趣。若能向我方寄产品目录、目前,我方对进口贵方产品很感兴趣。若能向我方寄产品目录、样品簿或者在可能的情况下惠寄样品,我方将不胜感激。样品簿或者在可能的情况下惠寄样品,我方将不胜感激。 Please give us detailed information of CIF Guangzhou prices, discounts and terms of payment. 请告知详细的广州成本、保险加运费价、折扣及付款方式等请告知详细的广州成本、保险加运费价、折扣及付款方式等。 We hope this will be a good start for a long and profitabl

17、e business relations. 希望此次合作将是我们双方长期而有利的贸易关系的良好开端。希望此次合作将是我们双方长期而有利的贸易关系的良好开端。 Truly yours, XXX谨上谨上 A Positive and Encouraging ReplyGentlemen: 敬启者:敬启者:We welcome for your enquiry of March 21 and thank you for your interest in our export commodities. We are enclosing some copies of our illustrated ca

18、talogues and a price list giving the details you ask for. Also under separate cover, we are sending you some samples which will show you clearly the quality and craftsmanship. We trust that when you see them you will agree that our products appeal to the most selective buyer.贵方贵方3月月21日询价函收悉。感谢贵方对我方的

19、出口产品感兴趣。兹随函附寄数份带插图日询价函收悉。感谢贵方对我方的出口产品感兴趣。兹随函附寄数份带插图的目录和价目表,上面有贵方要求了解的情况。同时,我方又为贵方另函寄去产品样的目录和价目表,上面有贵方要求了解的情况。同时,我方又为贵方另函寄去产品样品,由此即可了解到我方产品的质量和工艺。我方相信,当贵方看到产品时,一定会同品,由此即可了解到我方产品的质量和工艺。我方相信,当贵方看到产品时,一定会同意我方的产品对很挑剔的顾客也是很有吸引力的。意我方的产品对很挑剔的顾客也是很有吸引力的。 We allow a proper discount according to the quantity o

20、rdered. As to the terms of payment we usually require L/C payable by sight draft. 按照订购货品的数量多少,我方按照订购货品的数量多少,我方可以给予适当的折扣。至于付款方式,我方通常要求即期信用证支付。可以给予适当的折扣。至于付款方式,我方通常要求即期信用证支付。Thank you again for your interest in our products. We are looking forward to your order and you may be assured that it will rece

21、ive our prompt and careful attention.再次感谢贵方对我方产品的兴趣。我方期盼着贵方的订单,同时请贵方相信,我方会对再次感谢贵方对我方产品的兴趣。我方期盼着贵方的订单,同时请贵方相信,我方会对贵方订单作出及时而认真的考虑。贵方订单作出及时而认真的考虑。Truly yours, XXX谨上谨上L/C (Letter of Credit)信用证是目前国际贸易中流行较广的一种支付方式,也是最重要的一种资金融通方式。简单地说,信用证就是为了解决买卖双方互不信任而设计出来的银行业务。在国际贸易中,信用证是具有银行的信用誉,是开证银行的第一性付款责任人,也是国内企业之间商

22、品交易的信用证结算,该结算办法有效保证了进出口双方的货款和代表货权方的单据不致落空,同时又使双方在资金融通上得到便利,基本满足了进出口双方的要求。LC信用证具体流程表现为:1. 卖方向买方开出形式发票(PROFORMA INVOICE)或签订销售合同(SALES CONTRACT) 2. 买方根据形式发票或合同,向开证银行(卖方银行)申请开出信用证. 3. 开证银行将信用证以电传(SWIFT)或正本(COURIER快递)发到卖方银行(信用证通知行) 4. 卖方根据信用证要求,出货,并准备好信用证规定文件交到自己的银行(信用证里的议付行) 5. 议付行再将文件用国际快递(一般情况)寄到买方银行(

23、信用证里的付款银行)。6. 买方银行收到单证后,审核无误后付款给卖方银行信用证种类信用证种类 Kinds of L/C1. revocable L/C/ irrevocable L/C 可撤销信用证/不可撤销信用证2.confirmed L/C/unconfirmed L/C 保兑信用证/不保兑信用证 3.sight L/C/ usance L/C 即期信用证/ 远期信用证4.transferable L/C (or) assignable L/C (or) transmissible L/C /untransferable L/C 可转让信用证/不可转让信用证5.divisible L/C/

24、 undivisible L/C 可分割信用证/不可分割信用证6.revolving L/C 循环信用证 7.L/C with T/T reimbursement clause 带电汇条款信用证 8.without recourse L/C/with recourse L/C 无追索权信用证/有追索权信用证9.documentary L/C/clean L/C 跟单信用证/光票信用证 10.deferred payment L/C/anticipatory L/C 延付信用证/预支信用证11.back to back L/C reciprocal L/C 对背信用证/对开信用证 12.trav

25、ellers L/C (or circular L/C) 旅行信用证 2. Specific Enquiry and ReplyEnquiry For Chinese Cotton Piece GoodsDear Sirs, 敬启者:We are glad to note from your letter of March 9 that, as exporters of Chinese Cotton Piece Goods, you are desirous of entering into direct business relations with us. This happens to

26、coincide with our desire.从贵方从贵方3月月9日来函有幸得知,作为中国棉纺织品的出口商,贵方日来函有幸得知,作为中国棉纺织品的出口商,贵方热切盼望与我方建立直接的贸易关系,这正好与我方愿望相同。热切盼望与我方建立直接的贸易关系,这正好与我方愿望相同。At present, we are interested in Printed Shirting and shall be pleased to receive from you by airmail catalogues, samples and all necessary information regarding t

27、hese goods so as to acquaint us with the quality and workmanship of your supplies. Meanwhile please quote us your lowest price, C.I.F. Vancouver, inclusive of our 5% commission, stating the earliest date of shipment.目前,我方对印花衬布很感兴趣。若能收到贵方航寄的有关这类目前,我方对印花衬布很感兴趣。若能收到贵方航寄的有关这类产品的目录、样品及必要的资料,以帮助我方了解贵方产品的质

28、产品的目录、样品及必要的资料,以帮助我方了解贵方产品的质量和工艺,我方将不胜感激。同时请报贵方量和工艺,我方将不胜感激。同时请报贵方CIF温哥华最低价,温哥华最低价,包括我方包括我方5%的佣金,并告知最早的装船日期。的佣金,并告知最早的装船日期。Should your price be found competitive and delivery date acceptable, we intend to place a large order with you.若贵方的报价具有竞争力,装运日期可以接受,我方便从贵方大若贵方的报价具有竞争力,装运日期可以接受,我方便从贵方大量订货。量订货。We

29、 trust you will give us an early reply. 期盼早复!期盼早复! Yours faithfully, XXX谨上谨上CIF Vancouver需注明目的港名称从装运港目的港采用这一术语,卖方的基本义务就是负责按照通常的条件租船订舱租船订舱,支付到目的港的运费运费,并在规定的装运港和装运期内将货物装上船货物装上船后及时通知通知买方买方。此外,卖方还需负责办理从装运港到目的港的海运货物保险,支付保险费支付保险费。Enquiry For Digital CamerasGentlemen, 敬启者:敬启者:We are interested in buying la

30、rge quantities of Digital Cameras in different brands. We would be obliged if you would give us a favorable quotation CIF Shenzhen, China. 我公司有意大量购买各品牌数码相机,如蒙告知送抵中国深圳交货的成本、保我公司有意大量购买各品牌数码相机,如蒙告知送抵中国深圳交货的成本、保险加运费价将不胜感激。险加运费价将不胜感激。It would also be appreciated if you could forward samples and your pric

31、e list to us.如能惠寄样品和价格表,亦必感谢不尽。如能惠寄样品和价格表,亦必感谢不尽。We used to purchase these products from other sources. We may now prefer to buy from your company because we understand that you are able to supply large quantities at more attractive prices. In addition, we have confidence in the quality of your prod

32、ucts.我公司素来向其他公司购买此类货品,获悉贵公司能大量供货且价格具有吸引我公司素来向其他公司购买此类货品,获悉贵公司能大量供货且价格具有吸引力,此外,我们相信贵公司产品的质量。力,此外,我们相信贵公司产品的质量。We look forward to hearing from you soon. 盼早复!盼早复!Kindest regards. 诚挚祝福诚挚祝福! XXX谨上谨上Reply to Enquiry For Digital CamerasGentlemen, 敬启者:敬启者:We warmly welcome your enquiry of July 15 and thank

33、you for your interest in our digital cameras.欢迎贵方欢迎贵方7月月15日的询盘,并感谢贵方对我方数码相机感兴趣。日的询盘,并感谢贵方对我方数码相机感兴趣。We are enclosing our illustrated catalogue and price list giving the details you ask for. As for the payment terms we usually require confirmed, irrevocable Letter of Credit payable by draft at sight.

34、现随函寄上我方附插图的产品目录和价目表,上面有贵方想了解的详细情况。现随函寄上我方附插图的产品目录和价目表,上面有贵方想了解的详细情况。至于付款条件,我方要求是保兑的、不可撤销的即期信用证。至于付款条件,我方要求是保兑的、不可撤销的即期信用证。We have already sold some of those cameras to China and are now represented there by The XX Import & Export Ltd., Beijing. May we suggest that you contact the company directl

35、y? We think the firm may supply you with more details of our cameras. We feel confident that you will find the goods are both excellent in quality and very reasonable in price. 我方已向中国销售过此类产品,且在该国由我方已向中国销售过此类产品,且在该国由北京某进出口公司代理。敬请贵方直接与该公司联系。我方认为该公司会向贵北京某进出口公司代理。敬请贵方直接与该公司联系。我方认为该公司会向贵公司提供有关我方产品的详细情况,且

36、相信贵方定会发现我方产品质量可靠,公司提供有关我方产品的详细情况,且相信贵方定会发现我方产品质量可靠,价格合理。价格合理。With best regards. 谨致问候!谨致问候!Yours sincerely. XXX谨上谨上Enquiry For TextilesDear Sir, 敬启者:敬启者:It is a pleasure for us to introduce ourselves to you as a commission agent for Chinese Commodities. Weve been engaged in this post for over 5 years

37、 now.我方有幸自荐为中国商品的代理商。我方从事此种经营已有我方有幸自荐为中国商品的代理商。我方从事此种经营已有5年。年。We would be so grateful if you send us catalogues and samples for the following items: 如蒙贵方惠寄如下产品目录及样品将不胜感激。如蒙贵方惠寄如下产品目录及样品将不胜感激。(1) Towels, bed-sheets and blankets 毛巾、床单和毯子毛巾、床单和毯子(2) Baby napkins and diapers 婴儿湿巾和尿布婴儿湿巾和尿布(3) garments f

38、or men, women and children 男士、女士、儿童服装男士、女士、儿童服装(4) Underwear for men, women and children 男士、女士、儿童内衣男士、女士、儿童内衣(5) Cotton piece goods and cotton fabrics 棉织品棉织品(6) Sewing thread 缝纫线缝纫线(7) Cotton knitwear 棉绒针织衣棉绒针织衣(8) Synthetic fabric 合成纤维织品合成纤维织品(9) Any other item that you wish to offer 其他任何其他贵方愿意提供的商

39、品其他任何其他贵方愿意提供的商品We are awaiting your earliest reply. 期盼早日回复!期盼早日回复!Yours faithfully. XXX谨上谨上Enquiry For CosmeticsDear Sirs, 敬启者:敬启者:Re: COSMETICS 事由:化妆品事由:化妆品We are one of the leading importers of Daily Chemicals in this city and shall be pleased to establish business relations with your corporation

40、. 我方是本市日用化学品的主要进口商,若能与贵公司建立贸易我方是本市日用化学品的主要进口商,若能与贵公司建立贸易关系,将感到非常高兴。关系,将感到非常高兴。At present we are interested in your cosmetics, details as per our Enquiry Note No. 1345 attached, and shall be glad to receive your lowest quotation as soon as possible. 目前,我方对贵公司化妆品很感兴目前,我方对贵公司化妆品很感兴趣(详情见我方所附第趣(详情见我方所附第1

41、345号询价单),并盼早日报最低价。号询价单),并盼早日报最低价。We would like to mention that if your price is attractive and delivery date acceptable, we shall place our order with your immediately. 我方想提及的是,如果贵方产品具有吸引力,交货日期可以接我方想提及的是,如果贵方产品具有吸引力,交货日期可以接受,我方将即刻从贵方订货。受,我方将即刻从贵方订货。We look forward to your early reply. 期盼早复!期盼早复!Fait

42、hfully yours, XXX谨上谨上Encl. As stated. 如上所述附件如上所述附件 Enquiry For Portable ComputersDear Sirs, 敬启者:敬启者:We are pleased to learn from your letter of 1st August that, as a manufacturer of computers, you are desirous of entering into direct business relations with us. This is just our desire, too. We have

43、studied your catalogue and are interested in your portable computer Model PH-88. please quote us your lowest price, CIF Guangzhou, inclusive of our 2% commission, stating the earliest date of shipment. 从贵方从贵方8月月1日函获悉,作为计算机制造商,贵方热切盼望日函获悉,作为计算机制造商,贵方热切盼望与我方建立直接的贸易关系。这正好与我方愿望相同。经过对贵方产品目录的与我方建立直接的贸易关系。这

44、正好与我方愿望相同。经过对贵方产品目录的研究,我方有意购买贵方的研究,我方有意购买贵方的PH-88型手提式计算机,请报包括我方型手提式计算机,请报包括我方2%佣金,佣金,CIF广州最低价,并且告知最早的交货期。广州最低价,并且告知最早的交货期。Should your price be found competitive and delivery date aceptable, we intend to place a large order with you. 如果贵方报价具有竞争力,如果贵方报价具有竞争力,且运货日期可以接受,我方便从贵方大量订货。且运货日期可以接受,我方便从贵方大量订货。P

45、lease give us your reply as soon as possible. 请尽早回复!请尽早回复!Yours faithfully. XXX谨上谨上Commission 佣金佣金佣金一般是中间商因介绍交易或代买商品而获取的报酬。作为中间商因其有一定的贸易渠道,所以通过其开展交易已是国际贸易中的一种普遍做法。佣金一般来说分为:明佣和暗佣。明佣明佣是指在合同中已明确确定下来的佣金。暗佣暗佣是指在合同中没有表明,而由双方另行约定。佣金数额的计算一般按发票金额总值,即C.I.F.价格或C.F.R.价格乘以佣金率而得。但金额较大的也有按F.O.B.净价计佣的。Please quote

46、us your lowest price C.I.F. Los Angeles inclusive of our 5% commission, stating the earliest date of shipment. 请报洛杉矶包括我方5% 佣金在内的最低到岸价格,并告知最早的装船日期。Enquiry For Parts and Components of AutomobilesDear Sirs, 敬启者:敬启者:Your advertis ement in The Times attracted us and we are, at present, interested in your

47、 parts and components of various automobiles. 贵方在贵方在时代周刊时代周刊上刊登的广告吸引了我们,我们目前对贵上刊登的广告吸引了我们,我们目前对贵方的汽车零部件感兴趣。方的汽车零部件感兴趣。We shall be obliged if you will send us a copy of your latest catalogue and please quote us for the supply of the item listed on the enclosed enquiry from, giving your earliest deliv

48、ery time and discounts for regular purchases. 如蒙惠寄贵方最新目录,则非常感谢。如蒙惠寄贵方最新目录,则非常感谢。请报贵方各项目的价格,并请告知最早交货期及定期订货的折扣。请报贵方各项目的价格,并请告知最早交货期及定期订货的折扣。If the quality of your products may satisfied with us and your price and discount may compare favorably with those of other suppliers, we will surely have a long

49、cooperation with you. 如果贵方产品能令我如果贵方产品能令我们满意,且产品的价格和折扣比其他供应商优惠的话,我们将长期与贵方合作。们满意,且产品的价格和折扣比其他供应商优惠的话,我们将长期与贵方合作。Yours truly. XXX谨上谨上Useful expressions1. 询盘询盘Please quote us for the goods listed on the enclosed inquiry sheet, giving your prices CIF Shanghai. Please also state your earliest delivery dat

50、e, your terms of payment, and discounts for regular purchases. 请向我们报出列在被附上的询盘表上的货物的上海到岸价格。并且请说明你方对于常规购买的最早交货期、支付条件和折扣。We have pleasure in enclosing our inquiry for handmade gloves in leathers, against which you are requested to make us an offer on CIF basis. 我们很高兴封入我们的皮革手工手套的询盘,这是应你方请求我们做出的以到岸价为基础的发

51、盘。We shall be pleased if you will furnish us with your lowest quotation for the following goods. 如果你们为我们提供下列产品的最低报价,我们将会很高兴。We are pleased to inform you that there is good sale for your Drilling Machine, Model Z-33 and would ask you to send us your best offer. If your price is found competitive, we

52、are confident there are good prospects for business. 我们很高兴告知你方,贵方型号为Z-33的钻机很畅销,并请求你方报此钻机的最优惠价格。如果你方所报价格具有竞争力,我方相信我们能够达成交易。As we are in the market for canned mushroom, we should be pleased if you would send us your best quotations. 我方市场上需要罐装蘑菇,如果你方能够向我们发送你方最优报价,我们将很高兴。2. 索取索取Will you please send me a copy of your catalogue, with details of your prices and terms of payment? 你方能向我发送一份带有你方价格和支付条件详细资料的目录吗?Will you please send us a copy of your catalogue and curren


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