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1、会计学1book6unit2Reading课件课件第一页,共84页。第1页/共84页第二页,共84页。 Hush, little baby, dont say a word,Papas going to buy you a mockingbird. If that mockingbird wont sing, Papas going to buy you a diamond ring. If that diamond ring turns to brass,Papas going to buy you a looking glass. If that looking-glass gets br

2、oke,Papas going to buy you a billy-goat. If that billy-goat runs away,Papa is going to buy you another today.Nursery rhyme(童谣童谣(tngyo):dina:suei第2页/共84页第三页,共84页。five kindsNursery rhymesList poemsHaikuCinquainTangpoems童谣童谣 清单诗清单诗 俳句俳句(pij)诗诗 五行诗五行诗 唐唐诗诗Fast reading:1. How many forms of poems are ment

3、ioned in the passage?第3页/共84页第四页,共84页。2. Pair work-Just read the 8 poems & finish the chart with your partner by ticking the correct box(es) on P. 9Pay attention: there may not be one answer to some questions第4页/共84页第五页,共84页。Which poemABC D EFG Hdescribes a person?tells a story?describes an aspect o

4、f a season?is about a sport?is about things that dont make sense?is recited to a baby?describes a river scene?has rhyming words?repeats words or phrases 第5页/共84页第六页,共84页。Hush, little baby, dont say a word,Papas going to buy you a mockingbird.If that mockingbird wont sing, Papas going to buy you a di

5、amond ring.If that diamond ring turns to brass,Papas going to buy you a looking-glass.If that looking-glass gets broke,Papas going to buy you a billy-goat.If that billy-goat runs away,Papas going to buy you another today.Poem A: a nursery rhyme that illustrates a fathers love for his babyPoem ACaref

6、ul reading:第6页/共84页第七页,共84页。I saw a fish-pond all on fireI saw a fish-pond all on fireI saw a house bow to a squire, I saw a person twelve-feet high,I saw a cottage in the sky,I saw a balloon made of lead,I saw coffin drop down dead,I saw two sparrows run a race,I saw two horses making lace,I saw a

7、girl just like a cat,I saw a kitten wear a hat,I saw a man who saw these too,And said though strange they all were true.Poem B: an amusing nonsense poem which describes images of some ridiculous thingsList poem (清单清单(qngdn)诗诗)第7页/共84页第八页,共84页。Our first football matchPoem C: About losing a football m

8、atch and the writer lists a lot of excuses for their failurePoem C第8页/共84页第九页,共84页。Does the speaker really believe his or her own excuse? How do you know?No, because at the end of the poem the speaker admits that they just did not play well enough to win.Didnt have enough time; didnt have thousands

9、of fans screaming; stayed up too late, and ran out of energy.Why didnt the players win? Write down three excuses that the speaker gives.第9页/共84页第十页,共84页。 Brother Beautiful, athleticTeasing, shouting, laughing Friend and enemy too mineCinquain (五行五行(wxng)诗诗) (poem D and E)-one word (topic)-two adjs -

10、three verbs with ing -four words -one wordFive lines第10页/共84页第十一页,共84页。 Brother Beautiful, athleticTeasing, shouting, laughing Friend and enemy too Mine Summer Sleepy, saltyDrying, drooping, dreading Week in, week out. Endless夏日夏日困乏困乏, 咸涩咸涩干涸干涸, 枯萎枯萎, 恐怖恐怖(kngb)周而复始周而复始永无止境永无止境 兄弟兄弟爱美爱美, 又爱运动又爱运动(yn

11、dng)爱闹爱闹, 爱叫爱叫, 又爱笑又爱笑是我的朋友是我的朋友也是我的敌人也是我的敌人Poem DPoem E第11页/共84页第十二页,共84页。Q: Whatre Poems D about? Does the authors like the subjects?Poem D: a description of a lovely brotherPoem D: The author likes his subject. Although the speaker describes a couple of negative aspects of his/ her brother (teasi

12、ng, enemy), the reader can feel the affection that the speaker feels for his/ her brother.第12页/共84页第十三页,共84页。Q: Whatre Poems E about? Does the authors like the subjects?Poem E: a description of hot and boring summerPoem E: The author doesnt like his subject. The reader gets the feeling that the spea

13、ker cannot wait until the summer is over. The words drooping, dreading, week in, week out and endless convey this feeling.第13页/共84页第十四页,共84页。 A fallen blossom is coming back to the branch. look, a butterfly! (by Moritake) Snow having melted,The whole village is brimful of happy children (by Issa)落下的

14、花朵落下的花朵(hudu)回到了树枝上。回到了树枝上。瞧啊瞧啊, 是个蝴蝶!是个蝴蝶! 雪儿融化雪儿融化(rnghu)了了,整个村庄充整个村庄充满着满着 欢乐的儿欢乐的儿童。童。Haiku (俳句俳句(pij)诗诗 )17 syllables第14页/共84页第十五页,共84页。Poem F: describes how a butterfly rests on a treePoem G: describes that the weather is warmer and the village is full of happy children第15页/共84页第十六页,共84页。Poem H

15、: Tang poemWhere she awaits her husband,On and on the river flowsNever looking back,Transformed into stone.Day by day upon the mountain top,wind and rain revolve.Should the journey return,this stone would utter speech. (by Wang Jian)望夫石望夫石 -王健王健望夫处望夫处, 江悠悠。江悠悠。化为石化为石, 不回头。不回头。山头日日风复雨,山头日日风复雨,行人行人(xn

16、grn)归来石归来石应语。应语。第16页/共84页第十七页,共84页。Q: Choose the words to show the womans feelings. loneliness joy love anger hate sorrowPoem H: Could you tell us the womans story in your own words?A womans husband has gone away. The woman waits for him by the river where she last saw him. she waits and waits never

17、 moving from that spot and never speaking, while the river continues to flow and the wind and rain come and go.第17页/共84页第十八页,共84页。The reason why the woman have the feelings:loneliness:She was alone watching her husband on the mountain waited year after year despite wind and rain.sorrow:

18、Year after year, she waited and waited without seeing any hope of her husbands coming back, she was very sad.第18页/共84页第十九页,共84页。1. What is the main topic of the reading passage?2. Which two poems have rhyming lines? Circle the pairs of rhyming words.Some simple forms of English poemsPoem A and B. Ea

19、ch poem has four beats a line.Read again and answer the questions. 第19页/共84页第二十页,共84页。Listen to the tape and find the words that rhyme:wordsingbrokemockingbirdringbrasslooking-glassbilly-goatawaytodayPoem A第20页/共84页第二十一页,共84页。3. Which poems give you one clear picture in your mind?Most probably Poems

20、 F, G.Summing-upDiscuss and find out the feature of each kind of poem.第21页/共84页第二十二页,共84页。Forms of poems FeaturesNursery rhymes(A)List poems (B and C)Cinquain (D and E)Haiku (F and G)Tang poems (H)Strong rhythm and rhyme, a lot of repetition, easy to learn and to reciteRepeated phrases and some rhym

21、esMade up of five lines, convey a strong picture in just a few wordsGive a clear picture and create a special feeling in just a few wordsThe translations have a free form.第22页/共84页第二十三页,共84页。1. What is the babys father going to buy if the mockingbird wont sing in Poem A? A. A billy-goat. B. A diamon

22、d ring. C. A looking-glass. D. A computer.Choose the best answers.B第23页/共84页第二十四页,共84页。2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in Poem B? A. A fish-pond on fire. B. A cottage in the sky. C. A girl like a cat. D. A person ten-feet high.D第24页/共84页第二十五页,共84页。3. Which of the following is NOT mentione

23、d in Poem F? A. Child. B. A branch. C. A butterfly. D. A blossom.A第25页/共84页第二十六页,共84页。4. What kind of feeling is conveyed in Poem G?A. Sorrow. B. Love. C. Happiness. D. Loneliness. C第26页/共84页第二十七页,共84页。5. All the following make small children like nursery rhymes EXCEPT _. A. strong rhyme B. strong r

24、hythm C. much meaning D. a lot of repetitionC第27页/共84页第二十八页,共84页。6. Which of the following are English speakers interested in copying? A. Chinese and Japanese poems B. Chinese and French poems C. Japanese and American poems D. Japanese and Russian poemsA第28页/共84页第二十九页,共84页。7. What kinds of poems can

25、 be written by the students themselves easily? A. List poems and cinquain. B. Tang poetry and cinquain. C. Haiku and nursery rhymes. D. Cinquain and nursery rhymes.A第29页/共84页第三十页,共84页。Post-reading1. Discussion: Are poems good for our life? What can we get from poems?u Poems bring passion (激情激情(jqng)

26、to our life.u Poems help us to understand life, virtues, beauty and romance. u Poems can make our life and the world more colorful and beautiful!第30页/共84页第三十一页,共84页。2. Learn to write a cinquain Brother Beautiful, athleticTeasing, shouting, laughing Friend and enemy too Minea name (subject of the poe

27、m)two adjs ( describe the subject)three verbs ending with ing (describe actions)four words (opinions or feelings)restates the subject in another single word第31页/共84页第三十二页,共84页。Players, Proud and joyful Take a well deserved rest. Dedication and sacrifice Paid off. Dont lie I look through you To the d

28、epths of your soul I can see your innermost thought I know 第32页/共84页第三十三页,共84页。pay off1) 付清付清We paid off our debt in the end.2) (after risk, effort, etc.) to be successful and bring good result 经常翻译作经常翻译作: “奏效、很值得奏效、很值得”In the final exam, their effort paid off.在期末考试当中在期末考试当中, 他们的努力奏效了。他们的努力奏效了。The f

29、act proved that their struggle paid off. 结果证明结果证明(zhngmng)他们的拼搏很值得。他们的拼搏很值得。第33页/共84页第三十四页,共84页。Ode to a GoldfishO Wet Pet!第34页/共84页第三十五页,共84页。Eat . Eat . Eat Fat . Fat . Fat第35页/共84页第三十六页,共84页。第36页/共84页第三十七页,共84页。 A Students PrayerNow I lie down to _I pray I pass tomorrows _resttest第37页/共84页第三十八页,共

30、84页。A Grain of Sand-William BlakeTo see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour. 一花一世界一花一世界(shji),一沙一天国,一沙一天国,君掌盛无边,君掌盛无边,刹那含永劫。刹那含永劫。 宗白华宗白华第38页/共84页第三十九页,共84页。韵韵, 压韵的词压韵的词 (n.)压韵压韵 (v.)节奏节奏 (n.)诗歌诗歌诗人诗人诗歌诗歌 (总称总称)po

31、empoetpoetryrhymerhythm第39页/共84页第四十页,共84页。Rhyme & rhythm are essential to poetry. Twinkle twinkle little star How I wonder what you are,Up above the world so highLike a diamond in the sky. 强强 弱弱 强强 弱弱强强 弱弱 强强More examples: 第40页/共84页第四十一页,共84页。What is love Love is giving,Love is living,Love is taking

32、 someones load(负担负担(fdn),Love helps them along the road.Love is caring, Love is sharing,Love will seek the best for others,Love treats everyone as brothers.Poetry plays with sounds, words and grammar.rhymerhythmList poem (清单清单(qngdn)诗诗)第41页/共84页第四十二页,共84页。爱是给予,爱是给予,爱是生活,爱是生活,爱是肩负他人重任,爱是肩负他人重任,爱是一路帮助

33、他人。爱是一路帮助他人。爱是关怀爱是关怀(gunhui),爱是分享,爱是分享,爱是为别人争取最好,爱是为别人争取最好,爱是将人人当成兄弟。爱是将人人当成兄弟。Reading poetry brings people from different places and different times together.第42页/共84页第四十三页,共84页。Sunshine Lovely, cheerfulWarming, welcoming, calmingI sing with youBrightnessCinquain (五行五行(wxng)诗诗)第43页/共84页第四十四页,共84页。A

34、 RainbowCurving up, then down. Meeting blue sky and green earth Melding (合并合并(hbng) sun and rain.Haiku(俳句俳句(pij)17 syllables第44页/共84页第四十五页,共84页。春晓春晓(chn xio)春眠不觉晓春眠不觉晓, 处处闻啼鸟。处处闻啼鸟。夜来风雨声夜来风雨声, 花落知多少。花落知多少。Tang Poem第45页/共84页第四十六页,共84页。1. There are various reasons why people write poetry. 1) various:

35、different, its root is vary.2) poetry is a collective noun, used as an uncountable noun.Language points 一首诗一首诗 a poem第46页/共84页第四十七页,共84页。 2. Some poems tell a story or describe something in a way that will give the reader a strong impression. 有些诗讲述一个故事有些诗讲述一个故事, 或者描述某件事情或者描述某件事情, 这样给读者留下强烈的印象。这样给读者留

36、下强烈的印象。点拨点拨 该句中的该句中的in a way意为意为“用一种方用一种方式式”, 由于由于way后接一个后接一个that引导引导(yndo)的定语的定语从句且在从句中作主语从句且在从句中作主语, 故在此理解为故在此理解为“用一种能给读者留下强烈的印象的方式用一种能给读者留下强烈的印象的方式”。第47页/共84页第四十八页,共84页。如:如:We should help the poor student in a way that wont hurt his self-respect. 我们应该我们应该(ynggi)以一种不伤害到这个以一种不伤害到这个贫困生的自尊的方式来帮助他。贫困生

37、的自尊的方式来帮助他。第48页/共84页第四十九页,共84页。3. Others try to convey certain emotion. 1) Some others/One the other (s) 常常以固定的搭配形式常常以固定的搭配形式(xngsh)出现出现2) conveyto make (feeling, idea, thoughts, etc.) known 传达传达, 表达表达 (感情感情,意见意见, 思想思想(sxing) 言语无法表达我的感情。言语无法表达我的感情。 Words cannot convey my feelings. 第49页/共84页第五十页,共84页

38、。I cant convey how angry I feel. Colors like red convey a sense of energy and strength. Body language conveys much more information than language spoken.第50页/共84页第五十一页,共84页。His letter conveys that he has a warm heart. This ship conveys oil from the Middle East to Europe. 第51页/共84页第五十二页,共84页。3) emoti

39、on 情绪情绪(qng x)emotional 易动感情的易动感情的 kinds of feelings:忧伤忧伤(yushng) sorrow sadness乡愁乡愁 homesickness悲伤悲伤 grief憎恨憎恨 hatred幸福幸福 happiness爱爱 love喜欢喜欢 fondness热情热情(rqng) enthusiasm激情激情 passion第52页/共84页第五十三页,共84页。4. are still a common type of childrens poetry. commonusualnormalexisting in large numbers or i

40、n many places 常见常见(chn jin)的的, 普遍的普遍的happen most of the time or in most cases 惯常惯常(un chn)的的 of what you would expect 正常正常(zhngchng)的的第53页/共84页第五十四页,共84页。common diseases usual timenormal temperaturenormal state(状态状态(zhungti)usual workcommon spelling mistakes第54页/共84页第五十五页,共84页。5.they delight small c

41、hildren becausedelight:1) be delighted to do Children will be delighted to receive presents from Santa Claus. 2) be delighted at/by sth.3) delight in doing sth. 以以取乐取乐(ql)v. give sb. a lot of pleasure and enjoyment 使欣喜使欣喜(xnx)第55页/共84页第五十六页,共84页。His joke delighted everyone He often delighted his chi

42、ldren with his magic.The old man delighted in (listening to) jazz. He delights in finding fault with others 第56页/共84页第五十七页,共84页。To my great delight 第57页/共84页第五十八页,共84页。愉快愉快(ykui)(ykui)的宴会的宴会 那个那个(n ge)(n ge)女孩讨人喜欢。女孩讨人喜欢。 I was very delighted with the results第58页/共84页第五十九页,共84页。6. We would have won

43、if Jack had scored that goal. 要是要是(yo shi)当时捷克进了那个球当时捷克进了那个球, 我们就赢了。我们就赢了。 score v. 得分得分 1) to win points or goals in a game or a competition Yao Ming scored 23 points in the first quarter. 2) gain marks in an examShe scored 98 out of 100.第59页/共84页第六十页,共84页。score n. 二十二十score与数词与数词many, several 等连用时

44、等连用时, 不加不加 “s”, 所修饰的名词所修饰的名词(mng c)前常省去前常省去 “of”two score of people 中应加中应加of , 但但three score and ten people 中不加中不加 of, scores of people 指指“许多人许多人” 。 第60页/共84页第六十一页,共84页。score与与dozen, hundred, thousand, million等词的用法一样等词的用法一样The bus can hold _ people. 这辆汽车可以这辆汽车可以(ky)容纳容纳50人。人。 _ people took part in t

45、he game. 许多人参加了这次比赛。许多人参加了这次比赛。two score and tenScores of第61页/共84页第六十二页,共84页。7. We would have won, if we had had thousands of fans screaming. 要是我们有很多球迷高声呐喊要是我们有很多球迷高声呐喊(n hn), 我们就赢了。我们就赢了。 have sb doing 你不能整天呆呆的坐着。你不能整天呆呆的坐着。 You should not have yourself sitting, abstracted all day long. 第62页/共84页第六

46、十三页,共84页。8. We would have won if we hadnt taken it easy. 如果如果(rgu)我们没有放松警惕我们没有放松警惕, 我们本来会我们本来会 夺冠。夺冠。relax and avoid working too hard 松散松散, 松懈松懈2) used to tell a person not to worry. 放心别着急放心别着急第63页/共84页第六十四页,共84页。now take it easy for an hour Sit down and take it easy. 第64页/共84页第六十五页,共84页。9. if we ha

47、dnt run out of energy. 如果我们没有筋疲力尽如果我们没有筋疲力尽(jn p l jn)的话。的话。I have run out of my money.My money has run out.我用完了我的钱。我用完了我的钱。 run out of patience失去了耐心。失去了耐心。第65页/共84页第六十六页,共84页。1) if引导的虚拟条件句与过去事实相反引导的虚拟条件句与过去事实相反, 从句的从句的2) 谓语谓语(wiy)用用“had +过去分词过去分词”, 主句的谓语主句的谓语(wiy)用用“would 3) / should / could / migh

48、t + have +过去分词过去分词”。4) _ he had not hurt his leg, John would have 5) won the race. (2007全国卷全国卷II) 6) A. If B. Since C. Though D. When7) 点拨点拨 根据主、从句的谓语根据主、从句的谓语(wiy)动词的形式可以动词的形式可以8) 看出看出, 这是一个与过去事实相反的这是一个与过去事实相反的if虚拟语气虚拟语气, 9) 故选故选A。 A第66页/共84页第六十七页,共84页。They _ two free tickets to Canada, otherwise t

49、heyd never have been able to afford to go. (山东山东2007)A. had got B. got C. have got D. get 点拨点拨 otherwise theyd never have been able .这一句用了与过去这一句用了与过去(guq)事实相反的事实相反的虚拟语气虚拟语气; 但是但是“他们弄到了两张去加拿他们弄到了两张去加拿大的免费票大的免费票”却是事实却是事实, 所以用一般过去所以用一般过去(guq)时。时。B第67页/共84页第六十八页,共84页。2) run out of 是及物短语是及物短语(duny), 后接宾语

50、后接宾语, 表示表示“用完用完”, 而而run out是不及物短语是不及物短语(duny), 表示表示“被用完被用完”。The petrol is running out. 汽油快用光了。汽油快用光了。We are running out of our time.= _.史密斯还没到达终点就精疲力竭了。史密斯还没到达终点就精疲力竭了。 _ before he reached the goal.Our time is running out Smith ran himself out第68页/共84页第六十九页,共84页。The photographer needs to charge up t

51、he digital camera every day as the battery _ quickly. (上海上海2005春春)A. shuts up B. ends up C. runs out D. turns out 根据主句的句意根据主句的句意“摄影师需要每天给数码相机摄影师需要每天给数码相机(sh m xin j)充电充电”, 可知电池很快用完了可知电池很快用完了, 故选故选C。shut up关闭关闭, 关紧关紧; end up结束结束; turn out关掉。关掉。 C第69页/共84页第七十页,共84页。I have used up all the glue. She use

52、d up the chicken bones to make soup.use up all his strength 第70页/共84页第七十一页,共84页。这些争论是有利于被告这些争论是有利于被告(bigo)(bigo)的实情。的实情。 形成他的性格形成他的性格(xngg)(xngg)的特质是什的特质是什么么? ?第71页/共84页第七十二页,共84页。和解和解(hji) 编造编造(binzo)凑凑足足弥补弥补化妆化妆 第72页/共84页第七十三页,共84页。The committee is made up of seven members. 专为专为制作制作(zhzu)的的用用制成的制成

53、的 制成制成, 加工加工(ji gng)成成用用制成的制成的第73页/共84页第七十四页,共84页。知识拓展知识拓展make up for 补偿补偿How can we make up to you for what you have suffered?我们我们(w men)如何补偿你所遭受的损害如何补偿你所遭受的损害?make up for lost time 补回失去的时间补回失去的时间They hurried on to make up for lost time.他们加速进行以补回失去的时间。他们加速进行以补回失去的时间。第74页/共84页第七十五页,共84页。11. A fallen

54、 blossom is coming back to the branch. branch在此意为在此意为“树枝树枝”, 它还可意它还可意(ky)为为“分部分部; 分行分行”。The head office of the bank is in Beijing, but it has _ all over the country. (辽宁辽宁2005)A. companies B. branches C. organizations D. businesses句意句意: 这家银行的总部在北京这家银行的总部在北京, 但是但是它在全国有分行它在全国有分行”, 故选故选B。B第75页/共84页第七十六页,共84页。12. Snow having melted, the whole village is brimful of happy children. =As snow has melted, the whole village is 冰雪已消融冰雪已消融, 满村尽乐童。满村尽乐童。冬天冬天(dngtin)来了来了, 春天还会远吗?春天还会远吗?Winter coming, can s


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