Unit2_The United Kingdom语言知识点梳理_第1页
Unit2_The United Kingdom语言知识点梳理_第2页
Unit2_The United Kingdom语言知识点梳理_第3页
Unit2_The United Kingdom语言知识点梳理_第4页
Unit2_The United Kingdom语言知识点梳理_第5页
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1、Unit Two The United Kingdom 本单元重点词语:本单元重点词语:unite; kingdom; consist;province; clarify; accomplish; conflict; unwilling; union; credit; currency; institution; convenience; rough(ly); nationwide; attract ; collection; administration; port; countryside; enjoyable; description; fax; possibility; quarrel

2、; alike; arrange consist of ;divide into; break away (from); to ones credit; leave out; take the place of ;break down1. Canada has ten _ (省省) . 2. I must _ (澄清)澄清)my reasons for not having attended the meeting.3. I _ (完成完成) two hours work before vincesaccomplishedclarifyRevise new words4.

3、The two stories _ (冲冲突突), so I did not know what to believe. 5. She was _ (不情愿不情愿) to face facts.6. We should _(联合联合) to fight poverty and disease.conflictedunwillingunite7. Coins are now in _ (流通流通).8. It is a great _(方便)(方便)to have a cell phone.9. Marriage became an _ (制制度度) in ancient societies.1

4、0. He played _ (粗鲁地粗鲁地) with the baby.institutionconveniencecurrencyroughly11. We were _ (吸引吸引) by the display of lights.12. There are many vessels in the _ (港口港口).13. A rural region is called_ (农村农村).attractedportcountryside1. How many countries does the UK consist of ? ( p9 )Study the following an

5、d see how consist is used(1)The committee consists of seven members.(2)Water consist of hydrogen and oxygen.consist 词性_含义_(与_ 连用, 不用于进行时进行时)vi. 由由组成,由组成,由构成构成of(3)What does happiness consist in?(4) The beauty of Venice consists in the style of its ancient buildings.consist 词性_ 含义_ (与_连用, 无被动式无被动式)Tr

6、anslate:他的工作包括帮助那些无人照顾的独居老人。_who live alone.他们家很大,有十口人。Theirs is a big family,_ _ ten people.The girls charm does not _ _her beauty.His job consists of helping old peoplevi. (存(存)在于,以在于,以为为主主inconsisting ofconsist in【拓展】 consist with 意为“与一致,符合” 理论应与实践相一致。 【注意】由于consist是不及物动词,所以不用于被动语态,而make up 可以用于被

7、动语态。请比较: 我们班由50名学生组成。Our class _ _fifty students.Our class _ _ _ _ fifty students. Theory should consist with practice. consists ofis made up of1)A stream divides the town.2)Lets divide ourselves into two groups.3)If you divide 30 by 5, the answer is 6.2. England can be divided into three main areas

8、. ( p9 ) Study the following and see how divide is used.词性词性_ 含义含义_ vt. 分割,划分,除分割,划分,除A fence _ the cows_ the pigs.Lets _these books _ten parts.separate 指的是将一个整体的物品分开或将两个靠近的物品分开,使其不在一起,常与介词_连用。divide 指的是把人和物分成若干份,常与介词 _连用。辨析 divide 与separate:separatedfromdivideintointofromI hope that _the situation.

9、3. You can clarify this question if you study British history. (p9)Study the following and see how clarify is used1) Could you clarify the question ?2) His mind suddenly clarified.vt. 使使清楚易懂,澄清清楚易懂,澄清vi. 澄清,明了,清醒澄清,明了,清醒clarify 词性_含义_ 词性_含义_what I say will clarify我希望我所说的能澄清事实。我希望我所说的能澄清事实。4.However

10、, the southern part of Ireland was unwilling and broke away to form its own government. (p10)Study the following and see how break away is used1)The prisoner broke away from his guards.2)The robbery suspect broke away from the lockup. _3) A province has broken away to form a new state. _脱离某政党政府等(尤指另

11、建新组织脱离某政党政府等(尤指另建新组织)突然逃脱,挣脱(束缚)突然逃脱,挣脱(束缚)Try to translate the following sentences:那个小偷想摆脱警察,但失败了。The thief wanted to break away from the police, but failed.难道你不能戒除坏习惯吗?Cant you break away from your bad habits?【复习】 含有break 的固定短语,常见的有:break down break into break out break through(机器)损坏,失败,破裂;(机器)损坏,

12、失败,破裂;闯入,打断,插话;闯入,打断,插话; (事故,火灾等)突然发生;(事故,火灾等)突然发生; 突破,突围突破,突围5. To their credit the four countries do work together in some areas, but they still have very different institutions . (p10)1)Do you give credit to what the man said? credit 词性_ 词义_2)She was given the credit for what I had done.credit 词性

13、_ 词义_ to ones credit adv. 值得赞扬值得赞扬值得赞扬值得赞扬, 他们确实努力合作赢得比赛。他们确实努力合作赢得比赛。To their credit, they do work hard together to win the game.u.n. 信任;相信信任;相信 u.n. 赞扬;表扬赞扬;表扬3)He earned enough credits for his degree.credit 词性_ 词义_4) No credit is given at this shop. credit 词性_ 词义_ How much do I have to my credit?

14、credit 词性_ 词义_ The bank refused further credits to the company.credit 词性_ 词义_ Is this item a debit or a credit?credit 词性_ 词义_ c.n. 学分学分u.n. 赊购赊购u.n. 存款数额存款数额c.n. 借款;贷款借款;贷款c.n. 贷方贷方另外另外credit 也可以作动词,表示也可以作动词,表示“相信;存款相信;存款; 把把归功于归功于”Do you credit what that man said?Please credit $5000 to my account?M

15、uch of their success can be credited to their teacher.6. England is the largest of the four countries, and for convenience it is divided roughly into three zones.1)I keep my reference books near my desk for convenience. 2)It was a great convenience to have the doctor living near us. u.n. 方便,便利方便,便利c

16、.n. 方便的事,方便的事, 有益的事有益的事Study the following and see how convenienceis used拓展:拓展:convenient adj. inconvenientIt is convenient for sb. to do sth. conveniently adv.convenience food 方便食品方便食品 We must arrange a _ time and place for the meeting.My house is _ near a bus-stop.They built a library for the user

17、s_ .convenientconvenientlyconveniencepractice: roughly adv. 概略地概略地, 粗糙地粗糙地He played roughly with the baby. _There were roughly 500 people. _I had roughly four kilometers to go. _大约有500人。我还要走大约4公里。他粗鲁地与这个婴儿玩耍。他粗鲁地与这个婴儿玩耍。英汉互译:英汉互译:7.They had no time to arrange their own wedding , so they had it organ

18、ized by a company.Study the following and see how arrange is used1)Please arrange the books on the shelf.2)Her marriage was arranged by her parents. 3)I arranged with my parents that we could borrow their car.4)Ive arranged for a car to meet you at the airport.vt. 安排;整理安排;整理vi. arrange for sb/sth (t

19、o do sth) 准备准备/安排某人安排某人/某事去做某事某事去做某事vi. 约定,商定约定,商定5) He arranged many traditional folk songs for the piano.vt. 改编改编6) Can I leave the arrangement of the tables to you?7) He is responsible for all the travel arrangements.8) A new arrangement of a popular dance tuneu.n. 安排;整理;安排;整理; 布置布置c.n. arrangements about/for sth 计划;安排;筹备计划;安排;筹备 c.n. 改编的的乐曲改编的的乐曲consist of ; consist in ; divide into ; separate from ; break away from


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