已阅读5页,还剩17页未读 继续免费阅读




1、实训项目二实训项目二公司与产品介绍公司与产品介绍实训方法实训方法能力要求能力要求实训目标实训目标掌握公司介绍和产掌握公司介绍和产品介绍的基本方式品介绍的基本方式,能够介绍自己熟,能够介绍自己熟悉的某一公司及某悉的某一公司及某种产品。种产品。 每四个人一组,将每四个人一组,将班级学生分成若干班级学生分成若干组,采用互动讨论组,采用互动讨论、动手写作、现场、动手写作、现场展示、问答、电子展示、问答、电子文本上交的方式完文本上交的方式完成本章节任务。成本章节任务。 1、能抓住公司、能抓住公司和产品的特点进和产品的特点进行介绍,行文流行介绍,行文流畅没有明显语法畅没有明显语法错误;错误;2、能灵活运用

2、、能灵活运用PPT,口头表达,口头表达相关信息。相关信息。 一、如何介绍公司一、如何介绍公司 向投资者、合伙人、顾客或者未来的员工等介绍你的公司是公司通向成功的关键一步(most critical doorway to business success)。当你再投资者和合作者面前亮相,当你站在报告间开始侃侃而谈的一刻,听众的感受将决定将来是否进一步与贵公司合作(move forward with you to the next stage)。如果你无法激发听众的兴趣,你就没有机会介绍贵公司的先进技术(technology)、实验数据(test data)、产品展示(demo),以及骄人的专利(

3、patents)或是精干的技术团队(technical team)。 第一节第一节 知识巩固知识巩固一、如何介绍公司一、如何介绍公司 介绍公司的时侯要注意抓住听众的兴趣,语言简明易懂,切忌让听众感到一头雾水。介绍时要记住提到公司的名称、国籍、总部、分支机构数量、工厂、办公室等。无论介绍的风格如何因人而异,语气都要真诚,最主要的是要与听众取得有效交流。如果能够应用一些技巧,就能收到更好的效果。例如,调整语速、改变语调、音量等,避免自始至终语调平淡乏味。此外,必要时可使用一些肢体语言(physical gestures)来吸引听众的注意力(to keep your audience focused

4、 on you)。第一节第一节 知识巩固知识巩固二、如何制作组织结构图二、如何制作组织结构图第一节第一节 知识巩固知识巩固 组织结构图(组织结构图(organization chart),是最常见的表现雇员、职称),是最常见的表现雇员、职称和群体关系的一种图表,它形象地反映了组织内各机构、岗位上下左和群体关系的一种图表,它形象地反映了组织内各机构、岗位上下左右之间的关系。组织结构图是组织结构的直观反映,也是对该组织功右之间的关系。组织结构图是组织结构的直观反映,也是对该组织功能的一种侧面诠释。完整的组织结构图应包含以下内容:公司名称、能的一种侧面诠释。完整的组织结构图应包含以下内容:公司名称、

5、Logo;标题,其中应该包括;标题,其中应该包括“组织结构图组织结构图”字样;发布的日期、版本字样;发布的日期、版本;结构图主体,以框、线、部门或岗位名称等构成;读图说明、备注;结构图主体,以框、线、部门或岗位名称等构成;读图说明、备注;修改记录;制作部门、制作人,批准人员签名等七个部分。;修改记录;制作部门、制作人,批准人员签名等七个部分。 二、如何制作组织结构图二、如何制作组织结构图第一节第一节 知识巩固知识巩固 制作组织结构图的软件有制作组织结构图的软件有WORD、 VISIO、WPS OFFICE等。这些软件等。这些软件非常容易找到。其中,非常容易找到。其中,WORD和和WPS中,都内

6、嵌组织结构图制作插件工具,中,都内嵌组织结构图制作插件工具,但如果使用其中的绘图工具制作,可能会更美观一些,只是速度稍慢。但如果使用其中的绘图工具制作,可能会更美观一些,只是速度稍慢。VISIO软件制作组织结构图效率高、简易方便,建议大家使用。软件制作组织结构图效率高、简易方便,建议大家使用。三、三、FAB产品介绍法产品介绍法 介绍产品的角度和方法有很多种,其中介绍产品的角度和方法有很多种,其中FAB产品介绍法是目前一种较产品介绍法是目前一种较常用、较简单实用的产品介绍方法。常用、较简单实用的产品介绍方法。FAB是三个英文单词开头字母的组合是三个英文单词开头字母的组合. 1、特性(、特性(Fe

7、ature) 产品的特性其实就是产品事实状况,比如产品的原材料、产地、设计、产品的特性其实就是产品事实状况,比如产品的原材料、产地、设计、颜色、规格等,用眼睛能观察到的外部信息。颜色、规格等,用眼睛能观察到的外部信息。2、优点(、优点(Advantage) 产品的每一个特点都可以引申出产品的优点,当产品拥有明显的优点产品的每一个特点都可以引申出产品的优点,当产品拥有明显的优点后,就使产品具备了强大的说服力。后,就使产品具备了强大的说服力。3、好处(、好处(Benefit) 产品的特性以及优点可以伸展为消费者购买此产品的好处。产品的特性以及优点可以伸展为消费者购买此产品的好处。第一节第一节 知识


9、。约翰:你知道的不少啊!茱莉亚:知道一点儿而已。第二节第二节 实际运用实际运用任务一任务一第二节第二节 实际运用实际运用Suggested answers for task 1John: Julia, whats that?Julia: Well, that is the chart showing our companys organizational structure. John: Could you tell me something about it?Julia: OK. On the top, it is the Board which makes all the importan

10、t decisions for the company. John: Does the Board decide who the President is? Julia: Yes. John: What does the general manager do?Julia: He runs the company. He would also pick the vice general managers.John: How many vice general managers does a company have?第二节第二节 实际运用实际运用Suggested answers for tas

11、k 1Julia: That depends on the size of the company. Big companies like Ford may have hundreds of vice general managers.John: Wow. Thats a lot. What kind of job are the vice general managers responsible for?Julia: They are generally responsible for the development of software, customer services and ma

12、rketing.John: The directors are under the general manager?Julia: Yes, unless he is in the Board of Directors.John: You already know a lot.Julia: Just a little.把下面湖南纺织品有限公司介绍翻译为英文。把下面湖南纺织品有限公司介绍翻译为英文。湖南纺织品有限公司 公司成立于1985年5月,经过十多年的努力,如今已发展成为以纺织品、服装外销为主,兼营轻工、工艺、土畜、五矿和化工等产品外销,以及集服装生产、化工生产、房地产开发、汽车修理、仓储运输

13、等多种经营为一体的综合性外贸企业,业务遍及欧美等三十多个国家和地区。公司多次被湖南省政府、省直工委、省外经贸厅(原省外经贸委)授予创汇、创利“双十强企业”、“双文明建设单位”、“外贸先进工作单位”等多种荣誉称号;连续多年名列全国进出口总额最大 500强企业之一;连续多年被中行湖南省分行评为特级资信(AAA)企业。 公司主要经营的品种有:各种支数的棉纱、T/C纱;各种规格的坯、漂、花色布;棉、麻、化纤及其混纺的男女童各种针织内外衣;全棉毛巾、浴巾、方巾;全棉中西式床单;全棉、麻棉、棉/化纤混纺、毛呢和其它织物面料的各式男女衬衣、夹克衫、牛仔裤、西裤、工作服、套装、连衣裙、绣衣、西服、童装等。 我

14、们热情欢迎各方朋友与我们进行平等互利的友好往来,我们的工作格言是:“诚信、真挚、互利”。第二节第二节 实际运用实际运用任务二任务二第二节第二节 实际运用实际运用Suggested answers for task 2Hunan Textiles Imp. & Exp. CorporationSince its founding in May 1985, through dozen years development, Hunan Textiles Imp. & Exp. Corporation has become one large multiple enterprise d

15、ealing in import and export of mainly textiles and garments, also light industrial products, arts and crafts, native produce and animal by-products, metals and minerals, chemicals etc., with business range over more that 30 countries and regions. The corporation also expand its business scope to gar

16、ment processing, chemicals production, real estate, warehousing and others. The Corporation has, many times received form the Government honors of Double Excellent in Export and Profit, Advanced Enterprise in the Construction of Two Civilizations, Progressive Unit in Foreign Trade. Many years succes

17、sively its export value ranks one of the 500 biggest in the country. It was elected by Bank of China Hunan Branch the AAA credit enterprise every year. 第二节第二节 实际运用实际运用Suggested answers for task 2Our main products for export are: various counts of cotton yarn, T/C yarn, R/C yarn, acrylic yarn and oth

18、er kind of yarn; various kind of grey, bleached, dyed and printed fabrics; various types and styles of knitted underwear and outer garments of 100% cotton, 100% ramie and chemical fiber; 100% cotton face towels, bath towels and terry face cloth; bed sheets of Chinese and western style; bed sheet set

19、 of various sizes and specification; various types and styles of mens, ladies and childrens shirts, blouses, jackets, jeans, trousers, pants, overalls, dresses, skirts, suits and others.Business contacts from all over the world are cordially welcome. Integrity, Sincerely, Mutual Benefit is our busin

20、ess motto.第三节第三节 职场任务职场任务任务一任务一(一)以小组为单位,为你所熟悉的公司制作一张组织结构图,(一)以小组为单位,为你所熟悉的公司制作一张组织结构图,(二)以对话的形式介绍此公司的组织结构。(二)以对话的形式介绍此公司的组织结构。(三)教师点评。(三)教师点评。 第二节第二节 实际运用实际运用Suggested answers for task 1X e r o x Corporation Production DepartmentS a l e s DepartmentR e s e a r c h & Development SectionMaintenan

21、ce SectionAdvertising SectionAfter-sales Section S h i p p i n g Department M a i l i n g DepartmentFinancial Department H u m a n Resources DepartmentRecruitment SectionEmployee T r a i n i n g Section第二节第二节 实际运用实际运用Suggested answers for task 1A: How many departments are there in Xerox Corporation,

22、 Mr. Allen? B: Weve got six. First of all is Production Department, which of course deals with producing the products. It is also responsible for the research and development of new products. A: I see, and then?B: Then theres the Sales Department, who do all the buying, selling, preparation and appr

23、oval of contract. They have to meet customers and suppliers and do all the commodity exchange work. After that, there is the Shipping Department. Theyre dealing in dispatch and receipt of consignments.A: Why only shipping, what about air freight?B: I am glad you mention that. Of course, we often sen

24、d goods by air. The name “shipping” is historical; nowadays it should be “transport”.第二节第二节 实际运用实际运用Suggested answers for task 1A: What are the responsibilities of the Mailing Department?B: They deal with all the cables and telexes, as well as the dispatching of letters and parcels. Mrs. Smith is in

25、 charge; you are bound to meet her, though you wont actually work in her department.A: And your fifth department, I suppose, is Financial Department?B: Thats right. This department probably saves the firm as much money as Sales makes.A: How can they do that, just by book-keeping?B: Oh, I expect they

26、 do a lot of other things besides keeping the books, and dont forget exchange rates. The Financial Department does all the covering of forward exchange; very important in our business.A: And the final one is the Human Resources Department, am I right? B: Yes, you are right. A: I suppose they are in

27、charge of the training of the new employees.B: Besides this, they are responsible for the recruitment of new employees.A: I see. Thank you for telling me all of these. 第三节第三节 职场任务职场任务任务二任务二(一)学生每(一)学生每3人一组,任意选择一家企业,根据其中文基本介绍,做出英文人一组,任意选择一家企业,根据其中文基本介绍,做出英文PPT。(二)现场做(二)现场做presentation,每人讲述一部分,使之形成一个整

28、体。,每人讲述一部分,使之形成一个整体。(三)现场回答同学和老师的相关问题。(三)现场回答同学和老师的相关问题。(四)教师点评。(四)教师点评。第二节第二节 实际运用实际运用Suggested answers for task 2Italy Sidano (International) Home textile & Technology Co., Ltd is a prior manufactory in home textile area. Its a professional enterprise which is combined with developing, designi

29、ng, manufacturing and marketing. Besides, it has formed its own brand-advantage. With its corporate headquarters set in Hong Kong, Nantong Sidano Home textile Co., Ltd is authorized of charging manufacturing and marketing affairs in Greater China. Meanwhile, Sidano Home textile has invested 50 milli

30、on RMB to built a new manufacturing base in the most well-known home textile center-Nantong Dieshiqiao World Home textile Center, which includes 4000 workshop, warehouse, 500 classical new products exhibition room, living district, entertaining district, etc. Basing on this, it echoes with Wuhan man

31、ufacturing base in Central China and has formed a leading industry zone in home textile area which owns a full industry chain including developing, designing, manufacturing, physical distributing, marketing and training.第三节第三节 职场任务职场任务任务三任务三(一)以小组为单位,向全班同学介绍一款你所喜爱的电子产品。(一)以小组为单位,向全班同学介绍一款你所喜爱的电子产品。(二)以(二)以PPT或视频的方式辅助说明产品特性及优势。记住:一定要激起其或视频的方式辅助说明产品特性及优势。记住:一定要激起其他同学的购买欲,他们对你产品的喜爱程度决定了你们产品介绍的成败。他同学的购买欲,他们对你产品的喜爱程度决定了你们产品介绍的成败。(三)


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