1、Module 8影评、名著阅读2AAs we grow old, we realize that we have so little time to read and there are so many great books that we veyet to get around to. Y efeariers are everywhere around us. For certa in fan s, re-read ing The Lord of the Ri ngs is a conven ti onal practice annu ally. One frie nd told me t
2、hat Jane Auste n Ems na can still surprise him, despite his having read it over 50 times.New sudde n clear un dersta ndings can be gained from the process of re-readi ng. Jour n alist Rebacca Mead, a Ion g-time En glishwoma n in New York, first came across George Eliot s Middlemarch at 17. Si nee th
3、e n, she has read it aga in every five years. With each re-read in g, it has ope ned up further; i n each chapter of her life, it has resonated (弓丨起共鸣)differently. Mead evide need the large nu mber of ways in which really good books not only sta nd the test of repeat reads, but also offer fresh gift
4、s each time we crack their spines . These kinds of books grow with us.Scie n tists have also recog ni zed the men tal health ben efits of re-read ing. Research con ducted with readers in the US found that on our first readi ng, we are concerned with thewhat and the why . Second time round, we re abl
5、e to better appreciate the emotions that t plot con tinues to express. As researcher Cristel Russell of the America n Uni versity expla in ed, retur ning to a book“ brings new or ren ewed appreciati on of both the great book and its readers.It s true that we often find former selves on the pages of
6、old books (if weof making rno tes on the pages). These texts can carry us back to a time and place, and remind us of the kind of pers on that we were then. we rechanged not only by lived experienee but also by read experienee -by the books that we vediscovered sin eadaig the one in our hand.More so
7、tha n the movie director or the musicia n, the writer calls upon our imag in ati ons, using words to lead us to picture this declarati on of love or that un faithfu In ess in life. A book is a joi nt project betwee n writers and readers, and we must pour so much of ourselves into read ing that our o
8、wn life story can become conn ected with the story in the book.Perhaps what s really strange is that we don -read moreofteie. After all, we watch our favorite films again and we would n think of listening to an album only once. We treasure messy old paintings as objects, yet of all art forms, litera
9、ture alone is a largely on e-time delight. A book, of course, takes up more time, but as Mead con firms, the rewards make it adequately worthwhile.1. The two books are men ti oned in Paragraph 1 main ly to .A. attract the atte nti on of readersB. in troduce the topic of the passageC. provide some ba
10、ckgro und in formati onD. show the similarity betwee n re-readers2. The un derl ined expressi on“ crack their spines in Paragraph 2 refers to .A. recite them B. re-read themC. recall them D. retell them3. It can be lear ned from the passage thatA. readi ng ben efits people both men tally and physica
11、llyB. readers mainly focus on feeli ngs on their first readi ngC. we know ourselves better through re-read ing experie neeD. writers in spire the same imagi nati ons as film directors do4. The purpose of the passage is to .A. call on differe nt un dersta ndings of old booksB. focus on the men tal he
12、alth ben efits of readi ngC. bring aware ness to the sig ni fica nee of re-read ingD. in troduce the effective ways of re-readi ng old booksBIT is a truth un iversally ack no wledged, thata sin gle man in possessi on of a good fortune must be inwant of a wife.However little known the feeli ngs or vi
13、ews of such a man may be on his first en teri ng a n eighbourhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is con sidered as the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters.“ My dear Mr. Bennet, said his lady to him one dayh ave you heard that Neth
14、erfield park is let at last?Mr. Bennet replied that he had not.But it is, returned fdJieMrs. L&ng has just been here , and she told me all about it.Mr. Bennet made no an swer.Do not you want to know who has taken it? cried his wife hripatiently.You want to tell me, and I h ave no object ion to heari
15、 ng it.This was in vitatio n eno ugh.Why, my dear, you must know, Mrs. Long says that Netherfield is take n by a young man of large fortune from the n orth of En gla nd; that he came dow n on Mon day in a chaise and four to see the place, and was so much delighted with it that he agreed with Mr. Mor
16、ris immediately; that he is to take possessi on before Michaelmas, and some of his serva nts are to be in the house by the end of n ext week.“ What is his n ame?“ Bingley. Is he married or sin gle?Oh! sin gle, my dear, to be sure! A sin gle man of large fortune; four or five thousa nd a year. What a
17、 fine thing for our girls!How so? how can it affect them?“ My dear Mr. Bennet, replidhOhAscswifApu be so tiresome! You must know thatI am thinki ng of his marrying one of them.Is th at his desig n in settli ng here?Desig n! nonsen se, how can you talk so! But it is very likely that he may fall in lo
18、ve with one of them, and therefore you must visi t him as soon as he comes. “see no occasi on for that. You and the girls may go, or you may send them by themselves, which perhaps will be still better; for, as you are as han dsome as any of them, Mr. Bin gley might like you the best of the party.My
19、dear, you flatter me. I certainly have had my share of beauty, but I do not pretend to be any thing extraord inary now. When a woma n has five grow n up daughters, she ought to give over thinking of her own beauty.In such cases, a woma n has not ofte n much beauty to think of. But, my dear, you must
20、 in deed go and see Mr. Bin gley whe n he comes into the n eighbourhood.ft is more t han I en gage for, I assure you. But consider your daughters. Only think what an establishment it would be for one of them. Sir William and Lady Lucas are determined to go, merely on that account, for in general, yo
21、u know they visit no new comers .In deed you must go, for it will be impossible for us to visit him, if you do not. You are over-scrupulous 过于小心,surely. I dare say Mr. Bin gley will be very glad to see you; and I will send a few lines by you to assure him of my hearty consent to his marrying which e
22、ver he chuses选择of the girls;though I must throw in a good word for my little Lizzy. f desire you will do no such thing. Lizzy is not a bit better tha n the others; and I am sure she is not half so han dsome as Jane, nor half so good humoured as Lydia. But you are always givi ng her the prefere nee.T
23、hey have none of them much to recomme nd them, replied he; they are all silly and ignorant like other girls; but Lizzy has someth ing more of quick ness tha n her sisters.Mr. Bennet, how can you abuse your own children in such way? You take delight in vexing me. You have no compassi on on my poor n
24、erves.rYou mistake me, my dear. I have a high respect for your n erves. They are my old frien ds. I have heard you mention them with considerati on these twenty years at least.rAh! you do not know what I suffer.rBut I hope you will get over it, and live to see many young men of four thousa nd a year
25、 come into the n eighborhood.rft will be no use to us if twenty such should come, since you will not visit them.Depe nd upon it, my dear, that whe n there ar e twenty I will visit them all.Mr. Bennet was so odd a mixture of quick parts, sarcastic humour, reserve, and caprice反 复无常,that theexperienee
26、of three and twenty years had been insufficient to make his wife understand his character. Her mind was less difficult to develop. She was a woman of mean un dersta ndin g, little in formati on, and un certa in temper.Whe n she was disc onten ted, she fan cied herself n ervous. The bus in ess of her
27、 life was to get her daughters married; its solace 慰藉 was visit ing and n ews.selected from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Auste n5. The sentence in the first paragrapha single man in possession of a good fortune must be irwant of a wife means thatA. a single man who is financially stable needs a wife.
28、B. a single man without money needn t a wife.C. women want to get married to financial stable men.D. once man becomes rich, he must want to get a wife.6. Accord ing to the passage, the young man, Mr. Bin gley, is believed to have all the followi ngcharacteristics Except.A. richB. gen erousC. sin gle
29、D gen tle.7. From the con versatio n betwee n Mr. and Mrs. Benn et, we can con clude that Mrs. BennetA.B.C.D.wan ted to tell her husba nd someth ing about their new n eighbor. wan ted to get acqua in ted with their new n eighbor.wan ted to persuade her husba nd to see the young man.asked her husband
30、 s permission to visit the new neighbor.The word 8.irprobably mea nsvexing in the sentence Yoi VakbidemehtA. pleas ingB. teas ingC. annoying9. From the last paragraph, we can infer that Mr. BennetD. rejecti ngs attitude towards his wifeA. unfrien dlyB. i n differe ntC. delightedD. annoyedCANNES has
31、certainly li ved up to its motto:Life is a festival.Every May, the small city in the south of France is filled with more cameras and champagne香槟酒tha n any where else in the world.ts famous film festival turns Cannes into a sea of movie stars and luxury奢华.From May 13 to 24, atotal of 19 movies compet
32、ed for its highest honor, the Palme d the best film.J?山河故人?,andAmong them are directo r Jia Zhangke s family s 长篇故事 Mountains May DepartTaiwa n s Hou -hsiBKn s martial ar 武打movie The Assass in ?朿 9 客聂隐娘?The Assass in is an epvisualPalme d Oraward for the best director. As the Cannes Review put it ,.
33、The latter won thepoem .The Cannes Film Festival aims to promote non-H ollywood movies and develop new tale nt. Former Palme d Or winners have ofte n bee n directors trying to make very differe nt films from the usual box office-drive n Hollywood producti ons.However, Cannes is actually more commerc
34、ial than you might think. It gives movie producers agood opportunity to sell their new work to distributors 发行商who have come from all over the globe. But many say there s nothing wrong with that, since film is never100 perce nt art. It s a bus in ess at the same time.While Cannes receives the most a
35、tte nti on in May, the city is n ot just well-k nown for its film festival. Sunny beaches make the city a hot travel desti natio n as well. Walk ing on theCroisette road that runs alongside the fine, sandy beach or just sitting on one of the walkway s blue chairs is a relaxing experienee.Filled with
36、 smldundcdes andby calm Mediterra nean waters, Cannes sparkles 闪耀with life, Forbes magaz ine no ted. stadapted from 21 cen tury10. Cannes is a city famous for the followi ng exceptA. cameras and champagne B. film festival C. sunny beaches D. relaxing life11. Which of the follow ing stateme nt is tru
37、e ?A. The Cannes Film Festival aims to promote box office-drive n Hollywood producti ons.B. Former Palme d Or winners can t compete for the Palme d Or award for the bestC. Chin ese films Mountains May Depart and The Assass in both won the Palme d Or award .D. Cannes provides a good cha nee to movie
38、producers to sell their new work to global distributors.12. By sayi ng Can hes is actually more commercial tha n you might think the writer wants to say.A. it is not worth competing for the Palme d Or awardB. the quality of Palme d Or awarded films are not as good as expectedC. Cannes Film Festival
39、con tributes to promote new filmsD. Cannes Film Festival will affect the development of film industryDIN differe nt societies, huma n beings follow certa in beliefs and types of social behavior that we easily take for gra n ted. But how would alie ns look at us, and the seem in gly no rmal thi ngs w
40、e do, if they came to Earth one day?In a new movie, an alie n n amed PK has his say whe n he lands in In dia. The In dia n sci-fi comedy PK arrived in Chin ese cin emas on May 22.In the film, PK comes to Earth on a research missi on. However, shortly after he Ian ds, his“emote control 遥控器-a tool to
41、get his spaceship back so he can retur n to his pla net -gets stole n. From that mome nt, he goes on a journey to discover the world, or In dia to be exact, where religion is deeply rooted in people s culture.In search of his remote con trol, PK lear ns to speak to huma ns and is told by every one t
42、hatonly God can help him. So he visits temples, mosques 清真寺,and churches. He follows advice_given_to_him_by_priests 牧J帀and_religious_leaders,_but_slowly_finds_out_that_somefor being drunk,“ peekay . His innocent questions and childlike curiosity will take him on ajourney of love, laughter and lett i
43、ng go, said IMDB.PK has bee n a huge hit at the box office, i n In dia, and around the world. The film, releasedin In dia and other coun tries in late 2021, has become the highest-gross ing In dia n film of all time.Bollywood at its best, Bloomberg called it.Despite its success, the film has started
44、 debates on social issues that matter to the country.As the BBC no ted, PK takes a critical批判性的look at religious practices in In dia. Some“ simple but importa nt questi ons have made the movie thought-provoking 弓丨发思考的 drama ,it commented.However, religious activists 激进分子 in India have found the film
45、 disrespectful. Therehave been violent protests 抗议,calls for a ban on the film, and even calls for the arrest of its lead actor Aamir Kha n and director Rajkumar Hira ni.But most have praised Khan and Hirani, who also produced the successful movie 3 Idiots?二傻大闹宝来坞?in 2021. They say the pair has show
46、n courage to bring religion to publicdiscussi on while most other filmmakers are tryi ng to keep away from it as their cen tral theme, accord ing to The Finan cial Express in In dia.13. The article is mainly aboutA. How PK is different from other sci-fi movies.B. Why sci-fi movies are popular in In
47、dia.C. The shooting of the movie PK.D. The story of the movie PK and comments on it.14. Which of the following is TRUE about the movie PK ?A. It focuses on how an alie n adapts to livi ng in In dia.B. It has in spired people to reth ink their beliefs and religi on.C. It was banned in In dia due to s
48、ome religious activists viole nt protests.D. It has made people shed tears for the alie n PKending. s tragic15. Accord ing to the article, most people have a n _ attitude toward PK and its lead actorand director.A. supportiveB. in differe ntC. criticalD. SympatheticEWhen I heard the piano, I walked
49、to Mrs. Windsor s house and waited outside as I always did. That meantshe was work ing with ano ther stude nt, and I was not supposed to bother them by ringing the bell. I stood againstthe wall and daydreamed what I dather be doing. “ Almost anything , I sighed dejectedly . I had bee n tutored eno u
50、gh to read, un dersta nd, and eve n writesome musical compositions, but I just didn t have a gift for it. It didn t come to mthought back to happier times whe n I was writi ng stories and act ing them out with my frie nds, cutt ing up old clothes to make dresses that performers wear in plays, and bu
51、ilding scenery out of old things we found. But Mrs. Windsor had offered to give me the less ons for free, so I felt my duty to try.The door opened and Wendy Barton came out. I walked in, sat down on the piano bench and began to sort through my sheet music.“ Hello, I heard a voice behind me say softl
52、y. I turned around to see a little girl standing behind me, eating an apple. But before I could make any response, Mrs. Windsor walked into the room in her usual urgent manner and announced, “ Jennifer, this is my niece, Pasha. Pasha, this i Jennifer. Pasha will be giving you your lesson today. I m
53、up to my ears in something else!then exited to the kitchen.Pasha set her apple down on the side table and slid beside me on the piano bench.“What piece do you like best? she asked.“What do you mean? I asked.“They re all the same to me. I don t know.“You mean you don t have a favorite? “No, not reall
54、y. Pasha looked at me, rather puzzled, then opened my sheet music to the beginning page and asked me to play.I arranged my fingers on the keys and studied the notes on the page for a moment. Then I frowned and concentrated to make the notes on the page match the finger movements. I have to admit I w
55、as a rather mechanical pianist.After about a page or two, Pasha gently put her hand on top of mine as if to calm my fingers. There was a long pause.“What are you hearing in the music? I looked at herstrangely and admitted I didn t know what she meant.“Like a story. What story is being playing out wi
56、thin the music?“I guess I ve never thought about it before. I don t know. “ Here, let me try and you listen, Pasha advised.She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, letting her fingers dance lightly over the keys.Then, she began to play.“See, it begins here beside some kind of river. Hear the water flowingbeside you? Her fingers rose and fell gently on the keys.“Now the princess appears and sheflowers from the water s edge. A carefree, happy piece of music filled the air in time to Pashadancing fingers. “Oh, but she slips! The mu
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