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1、英语词汇学PPTlLexicology is the study of form, meaning and behavior of words. (The New Oxford Dictionary of English )lMorphology(形态学), semantics(语义学), etymology(词源学)lVocabulary(口语化), lexis(两者之间), lexicon(学术味) (词汇)英语词汇学PPTl1011学年第二学期词汇学试题类型学年第二学期词汇学试题类型lI. Explain the following terms. (20 points)lII. Comp

2、lete the following statements or passages with lproper expressions according to the text. (10 points)lIII. Fill in each blank with a word contrary in meaning to the word given in the bracket. (10 points)lIV. Complete the following idioms. (10 points)英语词汇学PPTlV. Fill in the blanks with the following

3、verbal phrases in their suitable forms. (20 points)lVI. Express the following in one compound word. (10 points)lVII. Answer the following questions. (20 points)lI. Explain the following terms.lhomonym compounding connotative meaninglMorpheme blending initialism antonymy synonym denotative meaning po

4、lysemy Conversion derivation motivation Acronym back-formation radiation英语词汇学PPTlVII. Answer the following questions.l1. How do you define antonyms?l2. What is the difference between conversion and suffixation?l3. What do we mean by literary and common words?l4. What is the difference between gramma

5、tical meaning and lexical meaning?l5. What are the differences between inflectional and derivational affix?英语词汇学PPTl6. What is the difference between prefixation and suffixation?l7. Why should we give primary importance to denotative meaning of words?l8. What is the difference between root antonyms

6、and derivational antonyms?l9. State the vital role of context in determination of word meaning.l10. What are verb phrase idioms? What are their peculiar features?英语词汇学PPTlA General Survey ofEnglish Vocabulary英语词汇学PPTl1.The Development of the English vocabularyl2. Classification of English words acco

7、rding to different criterial3. Varieties of Englishl4. Classification of languages英语词汇学PPTlDefinition of WordBloomfield: some linguistic forms, which we call bound forms are never used as sentences.-ess; -ish;-sFree form: two or more lesser free forms Poor JohnlFrench linguist, Antoine Meillet A wor

8、d is defined by the association of a given group of sounds capable of a given grammatical use. 英语词汇学PPTllexicon (词汇): lthe vocabulary of person, language, or branch of knowledge, leg. the size of the English lexicon英语词汇学PPTlEntry (词条): lan item written or printed in a diary, list, account book, or r

9、eference book.英语词汇学PPTl a basic lexical unit of a language consisting of one word or several words, the elements of which do not separately convey the meaning of the whole.英语词汇学PPTlIn brief, a word may be defined as a fundamental unit of speech and a minimum free form, with a unity of sound and mean

10、ing (both lexical and grammatical meaning), capable of performing a given syntactic function.词是语言组织中的基本单位,能独立运用的,具有声音 、意义和语法功能。英语词汇学PPTl1.1. English vocabulary as viewed in the historical perspective1.1.1Old English (449/450 1100) Anglo-Saxon (古英语)(50,000-60,000 words)1.1.2Middle English (1100 - 150

11、0) strong influence of French (中古英语)1.1.3Early Modern English (1500 - 1700 ) (早期现代英语) Renaissance Latin Greek 1.1.4Late Modern English (1700 Pres.) (后期现代英语)英语词汇学PPTl(“the Anglo-Saxon Period”) lBackgroundl Characteristics of OE英语词汇学PPTlPaleolithic Manl3000 BC, Iberians - Neolithicl500 B

12、C, Celts l55BC 410 AD, the Roman occupation l55BC: Julius Caesar l43AD: Emperor Claudius l - The Roman Conquest罗马人的征服l410 AD, the fall of the Roman Empire英语词汇学PPTl449AD, Invasion of Angles, Saxons & Jutes - the Tutonic Conquest (449 6th C )lthree Low West Germanic lg.l -Anglo-Saxon *“Runic”l597A

13、D, introduces. of Christianity, by Augustine.Introduces. of Latin wordsl790 AD, invasion of Scandinavians, esp, Danes. Vikings. Introduces of vocabulary from Scandinavian countries ( Old Norse words ) 英语词汇学PPTl1) OE Dialects 方言l2) OE Vocabulary 词汇l3) OE Spelling 拼写l4)OE Pronunciation 发音l5) OE Inflec

14、tions 屈折形式l6)Loan Words 外来语英语词汇学PPTlWest Saxon西撒克逊语 Kentish肯特语 Mercian莫西亚语 Northumbrian北恩布瑞安语英语词汇学PPTlCompounding: lfor-(forbid, forget), in-, -ful, -dom, -hood, -ship, - ness, -th, -ish.lAlliteration: l(with)might and main, friend or foe, a labour of love.英语词汇学PPTleg. (1)lOE Modern E OE Modern E lh

15、m home mtan to meetstn stone fdn to feedhs house u Thoubc book t thatfftig fifty英语词汇学PPTleg. (2) lFder re, e eart on heofonum,lFather of ours, thou that art in Heaven,英语词汇学PPTlOE Sp. OE Pron. Mod.E Sp. Mod.E Pron. l tme ti:m time taim hs hu:s house haus stn sta:n stone stun英语词汇学PPTleg. (1) hm(home)的

16、变格: Singular PluralSubjective hm hmas lPossessive hmes hmalPatient hme hmumlObjective hm hmas英语词汇学PPTl(1) Introduction of Christianity(基督教) Fr. Latin: bargain, cheap, inch, pound, cup, dish, wall, wine, etc.; abbot, alter, candle, disciple, hymn, martyr, num, priest, pope, shrine, temple, etc.(2) Sc

17、andinavian invasion Vikings Fr. Old Norse: are, they, their, them, till, call, die give, take skin, sky, window, ill, weak, etc.英语词汇学PPTl Backgroundl Characteristics of ME英语词汇学PPTlThe Norman Conquest: l 1066.1 King Edward 1066.9.28 William 1066.10 Hastings William I, William the Conque

18、ror William I (1066-1100)l -House of Normandy (诺曼底王朝)英语词汇学PPTlHenry I (1100-1135)Henry II (1154-1189) l - House of Plantagenet(金雀花王朝)John (1199-1216)Henry III (1216-1272)Edward III (1327-1377) - Black Death l1337-1454: The Hundred Years WarRichard II (1377-1400)Henry IV (1399-1413) l - House of Lanc

19、aste(兰加斯特王朝) 英语词汇学PPTl1455-1485: The Wars of the RosesEdward IV (1461-1483)l - House of York (约克王朝) Edward V (1483-1483)Richard III (1483-1485)Henry VII (1485-1509)l - House of Tudor (都铎王朝)lCoexistence of three languages French + English + Latin lEnglish: 1204, 1399, 1404Chaucer, the Bible英语词汇学PPTl1

20、) Dialectsl2) Spelling and Pronunciationl3) Grammarl4) Loan Words英语词汇学PPTlNorthern DialectEast Midland DialectWest Midland DialectSouthern Dialect英语词汇学PPTle.g. ,th, a, ou (hshous), l hwwh, cwqu, scsh/sch -e not pronounced letter j from French, lclear l,r; -gh-, -gn-, -kn-. “knight”lFormation of Stan

21、dard Pronunciation: lend of 14th C- 15th ClBased on East Midland Dialect (esp. London dialect)英语词汇学PPTlNouns, Adjectives, Articles(s,se,t) (OE) e (Later written as the); t(OE) that; “a/an” appeared Verbs(Most verbs turned to be regular. )Significance:(a) Importance of Word Order(b) Nature of English

22、 : from synthetic language to analytic language英语词汇学PPTl(a)Fr. FrenchlThe Romanization of English Loss of a large part of the OE word-stockl(b) Fr. Latin l Two ways: directly into English l into English via French. (c) Affixes of French and Latin.英语词汇学PPTl(d) Significance: l -modification of meaning

23、 le.g. beef, mutton, pork : l牛、羊、猪(Fr.)牛肉、羊肉、猪肉(E.)l-synonyms le.g. l W. fr. OE W. fr. Fr. W. fr. Latin fire flame conflagration l ask inquire interrogate英语词汇学PPTlBackgroundl Characteristics of Early Modern E英语词汇学PPTl1) 1492, Christopher Columbus, 90 sailors/3 sails1519-1522, Ferdinand

24、 MagellanLondon as the world trade centre2) Enclosure Movement3) The Renaissance英语词汇学PPTl4) Brief History1603, Death of Elizabeth I, l James VI of Scotland James I(1603-1625) - House of l Stuart(斯图亚特王朝)1653, Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protect (1653-1658) - the Commonwealth(共和政体)1660, Charles II(1660-1685

25、)- Restoration of the House of Stuart (斯图亚特王朝复辟) James II (1685-1688)William III and Mary II(1689-1702)英语词汇学PPTl1) Spelling and Pronunciationl2) Vocabulary and Grammarl3) Influence of Renaissance onl English英语词汇学PPTl(a) Spelling tended to be uniformed(mid 17th C) and take the present form.Edward Phi

26、llips: The New World of English Words(1658)(b) Change of Short Vowels.a: (letter a) (cat , thank, flax)u (mostly letter u) (cut, sun, us, love)英语词汇学PPTl(c) Change of Long Vowels - the Great Vowel shiftl (元音大变动 1500-1750)l ME EModE l e: i:l i: eiail a: eil : oul o: u:l u: uau英语词汇学PPTl(d) Change of Co

27、nsonantsChange of h; Loss of w l in consonant clusters Introduction of (e) Discordance between Spelling and Pronunciatione.g. i: ea(leaf), ee (sheep), e(fever), ie(thief), ei(either), ey(key), ay(quay)英语词汇学PPTl(a) Interchange of features of speech. l adj. adv./n./v. n. v.eg.l(fr. Antony and Clepoatr

28、a by Shakespeare)l- He words me, girls, he words me- a hand that kings have lippd, and trembled kissing.英语词汇学PPTl(b) Continuous loss of inflections.n. : plural: -(e)s (Some n) possessive: s l - the writer of the books ambition - the king of Englands noseadj.: -er, -est or more, mostpron.: thou, thy,

29、 theeye, your, youl you, your, you “its”, “who” came into existence.v.: third sing.: eth -s英语词汇学PPTl(c) Establishment of Word Order词序位置的固定是 中古英语过渡到现代英语的一个重要标志。主语+动词+宾语 定语名词e.g. “是我。”lOE: ic hit eom (I it am.)lME: Hit am I (It am I )l Chaucers time: It am I.lEModE: It is me.英语词汇学PPTl(d) Difference in

30、 vocabularye.g. l climate : countrycircumstance: ado, fuss, ceremonyaddress: to prepare , to get readyenlarge: release英语词汇学PPTl(a) On formality of the English Languagel(b) On Literature. Drama, Shakespeare.e.g. Shylock, pound of flesh, the salt of youth, Cordelias gift.l(c) On vocabulary. (Borrowed

31、words)英语词汇学PPTl(c) On vocabulary. (Borrowed words)lLatin and Greek: arbiter, genius, ignoramus, census, maximum; -ism, -ist, -ize, anti-,co-,de-, ex-,inter-,pre-,pro-. From French: alloy, bizarre, comrade, detail, duel, vogue, surpass. From other languages: armada, banana, cocoa, hurricane(fr. Spani

32、sh) balcony, design, portico, colcano (fr. Italian)英语词汇学PPTBackground Characteristics of Late ModernE The rapid growth of present day English英语词汇学PPTl1) The 18th C Society 1688 Enlighttment, the Age of Reason Novelists: Defoe, Swift, Fielding l Poets: Blake, Burns.2) The 19th C

33、 to Date Industrializationl Technological development英语词汇学PPTl1) Prescription of Englishl2) Grammar Studyl3) Vocabularyl4) Pronunciation英语词汇学PPTlLearned thinkers and authors who wrote in Latin.1729, Thomas Cooke: Proposals for Perfecting the English Language.1755, Samuel Johnson: A Dictionary of the

34、 English Language.英语词汇学PPTlVariety of grammar books.From the viewpoint of prescriptivism.e.g. Id rather: I had rather I would rather It is me It is I. I/we shall, you/he/she/they will.英语词汇学PPTl2nd influx of Fr. Vocabulary: effect of the Restoration of the House of Stuart.lLoan words from colonies an

35、d other countries.Varieties of Ways of Enlarging Vocabulary-In form: affixation, compounding, conversion, blending, backformation.-In meaning: extension, narrowing, transference, elevation, degradation.英语词汇学PPTlPetty modification of some phonemes in standard pronunciation.e.g. unstressed i, e in ei

36、,o in ou. Word stress: l ally ally, l laboratory laboratory英语词汇学PPTl1.2.1 Marked progress of science and technology eg unclear bomb computer science l1.2.2 Socio-economic, political and cultural change eg social habits living conditionl1.2.3 The influence of other cultures and languages 英语词汇学PPTl2.1

37、 by origin: native words and loan words fundamental features of the basic word stocklNational characterlStabilitylWord-forming ability(1)Ability to form collocations英语词汇学PPTl2.2.1 common wordsl2.2.2 literary wordsl2.2.3 colloquial wordsl2.2.4 slang wordsl2.2.5 technical words 英语词汇学PPTl2.3.1 function

38、 words determiners, conjunctions, prepositions, auxiliaries, and so forth2.3.2 content words 英语词汇学PPTlDeterminer(限定词 )Pronoun代词Preposition介词Conjunction连接词Auxiliary verb助动词Interjection感叹词英语词汇学PPTlNoun名词Verb动词Adjective形容词Adverb副词英语词汇学PPTl3.1 General View (概述)3.2 American English(美国英语)3.3 Difference be

39、tween Br.E and Am.El (英国英语和美国英语的差别)英语词汇学PPTlBritish EnglishAmerican EnglishScottish EnglishCanadian EnglishAustralian EnglishNew Zealand English英语词汇学PPTl3.2.1 lBackgroundl3.2.2 lCharacteristics of American English英语词汇学PPTlEngland, The Queen of the Seasl1607, the first colony, Jamestownl1620, the fir

40、st pilgrims. Plymouthl1607-1733, 13 colonies英语词汇学PPTl1607-1733, 13 colonies:l Virginia (1607), Massachusetts (1630), lMaryland (1632), Rhode Island (1636), Connecticut (1638), North Carolina (1663), lNew York (1664), New Jersey (1664), lSouth Carolina (1670), lNew Hampshire (1679), lPennsylvania (16

41、82), lDelaware (1703), lGeorgia(1733)英语词汇学PPTl1765. 1017731774.91776.7.4.英语词汇学PPTl1) Archaisml2) Heterogeneityl3) Creativeness英语词汇学PPTl17th C British Englishle.g. In grammar: gotten, In pronunciation: r, 英语词汇学PPTlFrom Indian: raccoon, squash. (anglicize)From French: prairie, pumpkin, caribou, rapids

42、.From German: noodle, sauerkraut.From Dutch: Santa Claus, boss, bedspread, dumb, sleigh.From Spanish: cockroach, patio, plaza, ranch.英语词汇学PPTlTo name new things: lground hog, bullfrog, sweet potato, lynch.英语词汇学PPTl3.3.1 In Pronunciation3.3.2 In Grammarl3.3.3 In Vocabularyl3.3.4 Mutual Influence英语词汇学PPTl1) Different Pronunciation for the same symbolli e ; u-ou; r lt (writing, bitter, waiter)l2) r : farm, cord, hard, far.llaw & lore; saw, sore & soarl3) a:- path, laughl o law, cause英语词汇学PPTl4) dormitory, secretary, laboratoryl5) Different Pron. for the Same Wordltomat


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