1、第1页/共42页What the meaning of “Circuit”? (radio)第2页/共42页“Circuit”是什么意思?(单选):提交第3页/共42页 There are many components that may be used in circuits: batteries, light bulbs, wires and switches. The parts of a circuit can be connected in two different ways. When they are connected such that there is a single
2、conducting path between them, they are said to be connected in series. When circuit elements are connected across common points such that there is more than one conducting path through the circuit, they are connected in parallel. A typical electrical device is composed of many smaller series and par
3、allel portions. In general, only very simple circuits can be entirely in series or in parallel.第4页/共42页Series circuitsA series circuit and its matching circuit diagram are shown in Fig. 16-1. Because there is only one path for charge movement through the circuit, the current is the same throughout t
4、he circuit. As electrons move through the circuit, their flow is resisted by each light bulb, so that the total resistance to charge movement is the sum of all the resistances in the path . From Ohms law (I=VR), we know that the total current is equal to the voltage divided by the total resistance.
5、There is a voltage drop across each bulb. The sum of the voltage drops is equal to the voltage of the power source, which in this case is a battery. Because the current is the same throughout a series circuit, the voltage drop across each light bulb is directly proportional to that bulbs resistance.
6、第5页/共42页Parallel circuitsA parallel circuit and its corresponding circuit diagram are shown in Fig. 16-2. Since there is more than one path for charge to flow as it moves through the circuit, the current is divided between the two bulbs. Therefore, the current is the same before the bulbs (at the no
7、de; intersection of two wires) and after the bulbs (at the node; intersection of two wires), but is divided at the bulbs. In other words, the total current in the circuit is equal to the sum of the currents in the parallel portions. Note that if the bulbs have the same resistance, the current is div
8、ideded equally among them. On the other hand, if the bulbs have different resistances, the bulb with greater resistance has less current. The total resistance of the circuit decreases if the number of parallel paths increases. The voltage drop across each part of a parallel circuil is the same becau
9、se each part is connected across the same two points.第6页/共42页 A very complicated circuit that combines thousands to millions of parallel and series circuits working together is called an integrated circuit (see Fig. 16-3). A microprocessor, known as a central processing unit or a CPU, is a type of i
10、ntegrated circuit that works as a complete computation engine. 第7页/共42页 component kmpunnt adj. 组成的,构成的 n.元件;组件circuit s:kit n. 电路,回路 vt. 绕回环行conduct kEndQkt vt.导电;引导 n. 行为;实施proportional prupC:Fnl adj. 比例的,成比例的;均衡的diagram daigrm n. 图表;图解 vt. 用图解法表示current kQrnt n.(电)流;趋势 adj. 现在的;通用的electron ilektrE
11、n n. 电子resistance rizistns n. 抵抗;电阻;阻力第8页/共42页 voltage vultidV n. 电 电压 node nud n. 节点;瘤;叉点 intersection ,intsekFn n. 十字路口;交叉点;交集 decrease dikri:s n. 减少;减少量 vt. 减少 integrated intigreitid adj. 综合的;完整的v. 整合 microprocessor ,maikrupruses n. 计 微处理器 process pruses v. 加工;处理;对起诉第9页/共42页 connected in series 串
12、联connected in parallel 并联integrated circuit 集成电路computation engine 计算引擎,计算中心CPU 中央处理单元第10页/共42页 1. A typical electrical devicein series or in parallel. 译文:任何常见的电子设备都是由许多小型串联和并联电路组成的。一般来说,只有那些非常简单的电路才会完全由单一的串联或并联电路组成。 说明:be composed of :由组成 又如: The rings themselves are seen to be composed of many ind
13、ividual ringlets. 可以看到光环本身是由许多单道小环形组成。 in general:总之,通常;一般而言 又如: In general, the wheels of European policy turn slowly. 总的来说,欧洲政策制定进程缓慢前行。第11页/共42页 2. As electrons move throughthe sum of all the resistances in the path. 译文:电子流过电路过程中,它们的流动会受到每一个电灯泡阻碍。因此,电子运动的总电阻就是电路中所有电阻的总和。 说明:the sum of:的总数 又如: But
14、 the whole seems less than the sum of those parts. 但从整体上来看就略逊于那些优秀部分的总和。第12页/共42页 3. In other words, the total current in the circuit is equal to the sum of the currents in the parallel portions. 译文:也就是说,电路当中的总电流等于各并联部分的电流之和。注意,如果两个灯泡有相同的电阻,那么电流就将被分为相等的两部分。 说明:in other words:也就是说;换句话说 又如: In other w
15、ords, with hard work any obstacle can be overcome. 换句话说,只要努力工作任何障碍都可以被克服。第13页/共42页 4. A microprocessor,as a complete computation engine. 译文:大家都知道的微处理器(也叫做中央处理单元或CPU)就是一种作为完整的计算中心的集成电路。 说明:句中 known asa CPU 是过去分词短语作定语,修饰 microprocessor, 相当于一个非限制性定语从句。“CPU” 意为“中央处理单元”。 第14页/共42页I. Answer the following
16、questions according to the text. 1. What are the two different ways the parts of a circuit can be connected? 2. What is CPU? They can be connected in series or in parallel. A microprocessor, which is a type of integrated circuit that works as a complete computation engine.第15页/共42页II. Place a “T” (t
17、rue) or an “F”(false) beside the sentences according to the text. 1. A lot of circuits may be entirely in series or in parallel. 2. The current is the same throughout the circuit in parallel. 3. The bulb with greater resistance has less current in the circuit in series.4. The current is divided in p
18、arallel circuit.FFFT第16页/共42页1.When they are connected such that there is a single conducting path between them, they are said to be connected in series.2. When circuit elements are connected across common points such that there is more than one conducting path through the circuit, they are connecte
19、d in parallel. Translate the following sentences intoChinese当这些元件以单一的传导路径来连接时,这种连接方式就称为串联。当电路元件的连接通过公共节点,也就是说电路中有多条传导路径时,我们称这种连接为并联。 第17页/共42页 3.The sum of the voltage drops is equal to the voltage of the power source, which in this case is a battery. 4.The total resistance of the circuit decreases
20、if the number of parallel paths increases. Translate the following sentences into Chinese电路中总的压降等于电源电压,在此处即电池电压。如果并联的路径增加了,那么电路中的总电阻就会减小。第18页/共42页 科技术语是准确地标志科技和社科领域的一定概念的词语,用来记录和表述各种现象、过程、特性、关系、状态等不同名称,是科技文献的灵魂、精华和关键。在进行英译时,科技术语翻译往往也是难点和亮点。如何把这类术语译成适当的汉语且又不失科技文体准确性与严谨性呢?下面介绍一些常用的翻译方法: 第19页/共42页按照原词所
21、表达的具体事物和概念译出科学概念。这种译法最为普遍,例如:holography全息摄影、guided missile导弹、aircraft carrier航空母舰、videophone可视电话、E-mail电子邮件等。多适用于以下几类术语:1.合成词: 由两个或两个以上旧词构成的复合词。例如:skylab太空实验室;moonwalk月球漫步;friction factor摩擦系数。2.多义词: 旧词转义,即通过赋予旧词以新义而构成新术语。例如:drone雄蜂无人驾驶飞机;bug臭虫窃听器;computer计算者计算机。3.派生词: 在原有的词根上加前缀或后缀构成新术语。例如:thermocou
22、ple热电偶;voltmeter电压表。第20页/共42页根据英语单词的发音译成读音与原词大致相同的汉语。主要适用于以下两类术语:1.计量单位词 例如:hertz赫兹(频率单位);bit比特(度量信息单位,二进制位);lux勒克司(照明单位);joule焦耳(功或能的单位)2.某些新发明的材料或产品名称 例如: nylon尼龙(酰胺纤维);sonar声纳(声波导航和测距设备);vaseline凡士林(石油冻);morphine吗啡。一般来说,意译能够明确地表达涵义。因此,有些音译词常被意译词所取代,或二者同时使用。例如:combine康拜因联合收割机;laser莱塞激光;vitamin维他命维
23、生素;penicillin盘尼西林青霉素。第21页/共42页用英语常用字母的形象来为形状相似的物体定名。常用的形译法适用于以下三种情况:1.选用于原字母形似的汉语 例如:T-square丁字尺;I-column工字柱;U-bend马蹄弯头;V-slot三角形槽。2.保留原字母不译,在该字母后加“形”字 例如:A-bedplate A形底座;D-valve D形阀;C-network C形网络;M-wing M形机翼。 3.保留原字母不译 例如:X ray X射线;L-electron L层电子(原子核外第二层的电子);N-region N区(电子剩余区,即电子导电区)。 第22页/共42页 根
24、据具体情况音译与意译混用。例如:logiccircuit逻辑电路;covar科伐合金( 铁镍钴合金);microampere微安(培);kilowatt千瓦;radar-man雷达手;Morse code莫尔斯电码; Babbit metal巴氏合金。 在科技文献中商标、牌号、型号和表示特定意义的字母均可不译,直接使用原文,只译普通名词。例如:B-52 E bomber B-52 E轰炸机;Kubota Mobile Crane Model KM-150;库宝塔KM-150型流动式起重机。第23页/共42页 在翻译科技术语时,应避免译名不统一,不规范化,以免给读者带来麻烦。首先要尽量采用已公布
25、的统一译名,或者已为大家所公认的译名。例如:lathe一词就应译为车床,而不应译为旋床。gram 的新旧译名有“公分”,“克兰姆”,“克”等等,则应译为“克”。对于那些已经有了习惯译法的科技术语,则不适合标新立异,别出心裁。例如Nylon,现在习惯译为“尼龙”,如果随便译成为“乃隆”,就可能被当成另一种材料。对于那些有几种习惯译法,几个译名都通用的术语,应注意保持前后译名一致。第24页/共42页 科技术语翻译的难点主要集中于对专业词语的认知理解上,因此在日常学习与工作中,应多注意搜集相关专业知识以及表达方法,包括专业术语、专业词汇以及语言特色等。并且,要对搜集到的资料及时进行归纳、整理和总结。
26、只有这样,才能不断地提高自己的专业素质和外语能力。第25页/共42页 Nowadays all of us are familiar with the computer. The ability of a computer to solve a problem depends upon its ability to make certain decisions as it progresses through the various steps of the problem. For example, the computer must make decisions (called logic
27、al decisions) as to whether a number is positive, whether a certain number is larger or smaller than another, or whether a portion of the problem is finished so that the computer may proceed to the next portion. The various circuits that enable the computer to make its decisions are called logic cir
28、cuits, or digital circuits. 如今,我们对计算机都很熟悉。计算机解答问题的能力取决于它对问题的各个步骤进行判断的能力。例如,计算机必须判断(叫做逻辑判断)一个数字是不是正确的,某个数比另一个数大还是小,或者问题的某一部分是否已经完成以便进行下一步。使计算机能进行判断的各种电路叫做逻辑电路,或数字电路。第26页/共42页 The term digital circuit is used to describe those circuit systems which primarily operate with the use of only two different
29、voltage levels or two other binary conditions or states. The two different states by which digital circuits operate may be of several forms. They can, in the simplest form, consist of the opening and closing of a switch. In this case, the closed-switch condition can be represented by 1 and the open-
30、switch condition by 0. Likewise, the lighted lamp can be considered as being in the 1 condition when the switch is closed, while the unlighted lamp can be considered as being in the 0 condition when the switch is open. 数字电路这个术语被用来描述仅用两种不同电压电平,即两种不同的二进制状态进行工作的电路系统。 数字电路进行工作的两种不同状态可以有很多种形式。最简单的形式是由开关的
31、断开和闭合形式形成的。就这而言,开关闭合状态可以用“1”表示,开关断开状态用“0”表示。同理,当开关闭合时,亮着的灯可以看作“1”的状态,而当开关断开时,熄灭了的灯可以看作“0”的状态。第27页/共42页 A very common method of digital operation is achieved by using voltage pulse. A pulse is defined as a rapid change from one voltage level to another and then a rapid return to the original level. T
32、he duration or time at the second level is usually quite short compared with the time at the first level. The pulse is made up of a positive step and a negative step. (If the step is above the baseline, it is called a positive step, if it is below the baseline it is called negative). If the positive
33、 step comes first it is a positive pulse and if the negative step is first it is a negative pulse. The presence of a positive pulse can be represented by 1 and the absence of a pulse by 0. 数字电路工作的最普通的方法是采用电压脉冲进行的。脉冲的定义是:从一个电平迅速变化到另一个电平,然后又快速回到初始电平。第二个电平的持续时间通常比第一个电平短得多。一个脉冲由一个正阶跃和一个负阶跃组成。(如果阶跃位于基线之上
34、,那么它被称为正阶跃;如果在基线之下,则被称为负阶跃。)如果正阶跃首先出现,脉冲是正的,相反,如果负阶跃首先出现,脉冲就是负的。有正脉冲存在,用“1”表示,没有正脉冲存在用“0”表示。第28页/共42页 Pulses are various in forms. Pulse waveforms used in electronic devices are: rectangular waveform, sawtooth waveform, differentiated waveform and so on. With a square-wave signal, the positive pulse
35、 can represent 1 and the negative pulse can represent 0. 脉冲形式是多种多样的。电子仪器中用到的脉冲波形有:方波形、锯齿形波、微分波形等等。若用方波信号,正脉冲可代表“1”,负脉冲代表“0”。第29页/共42页progress prugres n. 进步,发展;vi. 进行portion pC:Fn n . 部分,命运vt. 分配;proceed prusi:d v.(继续)进行,开展,着手binary bainri adj. 二元的,二进制的,有两个部分的pulse pQls n. 脉搏;脉冲 vt. 使跳动original ridVn
36、l adj. 原始的;新颖的n. 原型duration djureiFn n. 为期,持续(时间)positive pCztiv adj. 正的,阳性的n.正数negative negtiv adj. 负的;阴性的 n.负数baseline beislain n. 基线,底线,起线rectangular rektgjul adj. 矩形的,长方形的,成直角的sawtooth sC:tu: n. & adj. 锯齿(形的),锐齿的第30页/共42页logical decision 逻辑判断digital circuit 数字电路pulse waveform 脉冲波形differentia
37、ted waveform 微分波形第31页/共42页1.What is logic circuits or digital circuits? 2. What is a pulse? And what is it made up of ?3. Can you give us some forms of the pulse?IAnswer the following questions according to the reading The various circuits that enable the computer to make its decisions are called lo
38、gic circuits, or digital circuits.It is a rapid change from one voltage level to another and then a rapid return to the original level. The duration at the second level is usually quite short compared with the first one. The pulse is made up of a positive step and a negative step.There are rectangul
39、ar waveform, sawtooth waveform, differentiated waveform and so on.第32页/共42页1.脉冲数字电路 2. 逻辑电路 3. 电压脉冲 4. 正/负阶跃IITranslate the following into English pulse digital circuitlogic circuitvoltage pulsepositive/negative step第33页/共42页 如今,我们对计算机都很熟悉。计算机解答问题的能力取决于它对问题的各个步骤进行判断的能力。例如,计算机必须判断(叫做逻辑判断)一个数字是不是正确的,某个数比另一个数大还是小,或者问题的某一部分是否已经完成以便进行下一步。使计算机能进行判断的各种电路叫做逻辑电路,或数字电路。 数字电路这个术语被
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