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1、Unit6 Contract Management of Construction ProjectsSection 1 Types of AgreementsVocabulary Formalize (If you formalize a plan, idea, arrangement, or system, you make it formal and official) vt.使正式,形式化; 拘泥形式; vi.拘泥于形式; E .g. We formalized the appointment and gave him a title Synonym. 我们正式任命并给了他一个头衔 Pr

2、omulgate vt.公布; 传播; 宣扬(某事物); 颁布(法令、新法律等) E.g. A new constitution was promulgated last month. 上个月颁布了一部新宪法。 Bonus and penalty clause 奖励与惩罚条款 Bonus n.奖金,额外津贴; 红利,额外股息; 退职金; 额外令人高兴的事情 Penalty n.刑罚; 惩罚; 害处; 足球点球; One of those arrested could face the death penalty. 被捕的那些人中有一人可能被判死刑 Clause n.从句,分句; 条款,款项;

3、复数:clauses E.g. He has a clause in his contract which entitles him to a percentage of the profits. 他的合同中有一项条款,使他有权分得一定比例的利润。 Amplify vt.增强; 详述; 放大,扩大; vi.详述; 引申; 发挥; E.g. The tunnel amplify the noise。 这个隧道使噪音扩大。 Attorney n.律师; 代理人; E.g. No contract should be signed until the attorney for all parties

4、 check it . 在所有的当事人律师检查合同之前,合同不应当被签订。 Pertain vi.适合; 关于,有关; 附属,从属; E.g. Each partys attorney will normally give attention only to matters that pertain to his or her clients welfare . 每一方的律师通常只会关注和他(她)的客户福利相关的问题。 Nuance n.细微差别; 细微的表情; E.g. All contractors should employ the services of an attorney who

5、 understand the nuances of the construction industry and property law. 所有的承包商都应雇佣懂得建筑业和财产法之间细微差别的律师服务。 Lump-sum agreement 总价合同 Unit-price agreement 单价合同 Cost-plus-fee agreement 成本加酬金合同 Stipulated sum ,fixed price 规定金额 固定价格Question 1.what items do the agreement include?合同一般包括对项目的描述和合同金额,属于交替接受的其他条款,竣

6、工日期,奖励和惩罚条款以及应该被详述的条款都应被包含在合同中。 2.what types of agreements are generally used? 合同类型一般如下: 1.总价合同 2.单价合同 3.成本加酬金合同Translations 业主与承包商之间订立的合同使工程合同正式化,他以所有其他的合同文件作为参考,业主选择所签合同的类型应该是标准合同形式,比如由美国建筑师协会或其他专业,行业组织规定的形式。 合同一般包括对项目的描述和合同金额,属于其他条款的交替接受,竣工日期,奖励和惩罚条款以及应该被详述的条款都应被包含在合同中,律师检查完所有合同细节后方可签订合同,每一方的律师通常

7、会只关注那些他或她的客户的福利,承包商应该聘请一个懂得建筑行业和房地产法律细微差别的律师为其服务。 合同类型一般如下: 1.总价合同 2.单价合同 3.成本加酬金合同 In accordance with adv.与一致,依照; 禀承; 秉承; 因; E.g. It is the duty of citizens to pay taxes in accordance with the law. 公民有依照法律纳税的义务。 encounter n.相遇,碰见; 遭遇战; 对决,冲突; vt.遭遇; 不期而遇; 对抗; vi.碰见,尤指不期而遇; E.g. Every day of our liv

8、es we encounter stresses of one kind or another. 我们在每天的生活中会面临这样或那样的压力。 Change order 变更单 Written authorization书面授权 总价合同 总价合同又分为固定总价合同和可调总价合同。(1)固定总价合同 承包商按投标时业主接受的合同价格一笔包死在合同,履行过程中,如果业主没有要求变承包内容,承包商在完成承包任务后,不论其实际成本如何,均应按合同价获得工程款的支付。采用固定总价合同时,承包商要考虑承担合同履行过程中的全部风险,因此,投标报价较高。 (2)可调总价合同 这类合同与固定总价合同基本相同,但

9、合同期较长(1年以上),只是在固定总价合同的基础上,增加合同履行过程因市场价格浮动对承包价格调整的条款。由于合同期较长,承包商不可能在投标报价时合理地预见1年后市场价格的浮动影响,因此,应在合同内明确约定合同价款的调整原则、方法和依据。常用的调价方法有:文件证明法、票据价格调整法和公式调价法。 固定总价合同的适用条件一般为: 工程招标时的设计深度已达到施工图设计的深度,合同履行过程中不会出现较大的设计变更,以及承包商依据的报价工程量与实际完成的工程量不会有较大差异。 工程规模较小,技术不太复杂的中小型工程或承包内容较为简单的工程部位。这样,可以使承包商在报价时能够合理地预见到实施过程中可能遇到

10、的各种风险。 工程合同期较短(一般为1年之内),双方可以不必考虑市场价格浮动可能对承包价格的影响。Translations总价合同(规定金额,固定价格)在总价合同中,承包商愿意按照合同文件的要求,以不超过投标或协商达成的固定价格修建工程,承包商承诺的工程无论遇到何种困难都会圆满完成,这类合同让业主预先了解建设费用,并要求承包商接受与该项目有关的大部分风险。会计过程简单,在单一合同项目中产生了集中化的责任,此外,对于项目的交替变换是灵活的,然而,这些变换成本可能较高,业主向承包商发出变更单时,承包商有权为现有工作,额外开销和时间添加资金,如果原先的工作已近完成,那么变更命令的费用不仅包括新工作的

11、费用,还包括移除已完成工作的费用,在随后的工程中发出变更单则需要更大的成本,因此,变更需要尽早确定,以尽量减少工程花费和完成时间,除此之外,承包商在收到业主书面授权的变跟单之间不应开工。总承包商会承担一定的不利和风险,承包商必须以保证的估算价格完成工作,由于总价的风险属性,在投标时,承包商应准确了解项目的工作范围。Unit-Price Agreement (单价合同单价合同)定义: 单价合同是承包人在投标时,按招投标文件就分部分项工程所列出的工程量表确定各分部分项工程费用的合同类型。这类合同的适用范围比较宽,其风险可以得到合理的分摊,并且能鼓励承包商通过提高工效等手段节约成本,提高利润。这类合

12、同能够成立的关键在于双方对单价和工程量技术方法的确认。在合同履行中需要注意的问题则是双方对实际工程量计量的确认。分类: (1)固定单价合同 (2)可调单价合同lin accordance with 与与协调一致协调一致 ; 依据依据 E.g.It is the duty of citizens to pay taxes in accordance with the law公民有依照法律纳税的义务。lPrevalent 英英prevlnt ladj.流行的,盛行的; 普遍存在的,普遍发生的; E.g.this type of contracting is most prevalent in ro

13、ad construction .该承包类型在道路修建中是最普遍的lVariable 英英veribl美美veriblladj.变化的,可变的; 数变量的; 生变异的; ln.可变因素,变量; 易变的东西; E.g.Decisions could be made on the basis of price, delivery dates, after-sales service or any other variable购买决定可能会基于价格、送货日期、售后服务以及其他可变因素lhave insight into 洞察洞察E.g. If contractors have insight int

14、o the quantities , they can use that information to their competitive advantage .如果承包商对工程量有洞察力,那么他们可以使用这些信息来取得竞争的优势。lAnticipate 英英ntspet美美ntspetlvt.预见; 预料; 预感; 先于行动;l vi.预测; 过早地提出; 过早地考虑(或说、做)一件事; (在口头或用文字)预言; E.g. in any case, development teams need to adopt team methods that anticipate change无论哪种情

15、况,开发团队需要采取团队方法来预期变化lApparent 英英prnt美美prnt, pr-ladj.易看见的,可看见的; 显然的,明明白白的; 貌似的,表面的; 显见; E.g. Writing with Pencil, it was apparent that I was using a digital tool.用这支笔写字时,我明显能感到自己是在用一款数码工具在写字lVerification 英英verfken美美vrfkenln.核实; 证明; 证实; (指通过经验)证明(某命题正确); E.g. For that work item, the state is new, and y

16、ou can submit it for approval, review, or verification对于该工作项,状态是新的,而且您可以因为准许,检查或者证实来提交它。lThe owner therefore provides the estimated quantities , and the contractors Are in competition over their ability to complete the work rather than their estimating ability.由于业主提供估算好的工程量,承包商互相竞争的是履约能力而不是估算工程量的能力。

17、lDue to the many variables associated with earthwork-the main component of road project-it is virtually impossible to develop exact quantities由于土方工程有许多可变因素,所以道路工程主要成分的工程量几乎不可能被准确开发lif contractors have evidence that the stated quantities are low , they can spread Their overhead over the units that th

18、ey anticipates rather than the ones provided By owner .如果承包商有证据表明规定的工程量少,他们就可以将管理费用花费在他们事先预期的地方lUnder lump-sum contracts each contractor does a quantity takeoff , which considerably increases the chances for quantity errors and adds overhead to all the contractors.在总价合同下每个承包商都要估算工程量,对于所有的承包商而言,会增加工程

19、量估算出错的概率,同时也会增加管理费用。the biggest advantages of the unit-price agreement are that:it allows the contractor to spend most of their time working on pricing the labor and materials required for the project while checking for the most economical approach to handle the construction process.它允许承包商将大部分时间花在对工

20、程所需的劳动力和材料的价格上,同时检验所用施工工艺流程是否最经济。Cost-plus-fee agreement (成本加酬金合同成本加酬金合同) Percentage fee (费用百分比合同)2. Fixed fee (成本加固定费用合同)3. Fixed fee with guaranteed maximum cost (固定费用加保证最大酬金合同)4. Sliding scale fee (按比例增减费用合同)5. Fixes fee with a bonus and penalty (固定费用加奖罚合同) In Cost-plus-fee agreements the contrac

21、tor is reimbursed for the construction costs as defined in the agreement. However, the contractor is not reimbursed for all items, and a complete understanding of reimbursable and non-reimbursable items is required. Thus agreement is often used when speed, uniqueness of the project, and quality take

22、 precedence. reimburse英ri:mb:s 美ri:mb:rsVt. 补偿;赔偿;向偿付;报销If you reimburse someone for something, you pay them back the money that they have spent or lost because of it.Ill be happy to reimburse you for any expenses you might have incurred.我将很乐意赔偿您所发生的任何费用。与refund区分precedence英presdns 美prsdns, prsidn:s

23、n.优先权; 位次; 领先; 地位先后,级别高低; N-UNCOUNT If one thing takes precedence over another, it is regarded as more important than the other thing.Have as much fun as possible at college, but dont let it take precedence over work.在大学要尽情娱乐,但不要把它看得比学习还重要。take precedence over sth.precedent英presdnt 美prsdntn.先例; 前例;

24、adj.在前的,在先的; If there is a precedent for an action or event, it has happened before, and this can be regarded as an argument for doing it again.The trial could set an important precedent for dealing with large numbers of similar cases.这次审判能为处理大量类似案例开创重要的先例。Precede英prsi:d美prsidvt.& vi.在之前发生或出现,先于

25、; 在之上,优于; 给作序; 处于前面的位置; 1. If one event or period of time precedes another, it happens before it. Intensive negotiations between the main parties preceded the vote.主要政党在选举前进行了集中的谈判。 2. If you precede someone somewhere, you go in front of them. He gestured to Alice to precede them from the room.他给艾丽斯

26、做手势,让她在他们前面离开房间。3. A sentence, paragraph, or chapter that precedes another one comes just before it. Look at the information that precedes the paragraph in question.查看正在讨论的这段文字前面的信息。 This contract agreement allows for construction to begin before all the drawings and specifications are completed, th

27、us reducing the time required to complete the project. The contract should detail accounting requirements, record keeping, and purchasing procedures. There are many types of fee agreements, any of which may be best in a given situation. The important point is that whatever the agreement, it must be

28、clearly understood by all parties-not only the amount of the fee , but also how and when it will be paid to the contractor. Cost-plus type contracts include a project budget developed by all members of the project team. Although the owner is typically responsible for any expenditure over the project

29、 budget, all team members have an intrinsic motivation to maintain the project unlikely that an owner would repeatedly hire a contractor who dose not completed projects within budget. intrinsic英ntrnsk 美ntrnzk, -skadj.本征; 固有的,内在的,本质的; 解剖体内的; 先天性; If something has intrinsic value or intrinsic interest

30、, it is valuable or interesting because of its basic nature or character, and not because of its connection with other things. The paintings have no intrinsic value except as curiosities.这些油画除了作为古董,本身没有什么内在价值。intrinsicallySometimes I wonder if people are intrinsically evil.有时我在想是否人性本恶。 The same hold

31、s true for architects if they design projects that are typically over budget; they most likely will not get repeat business. When dealing with owner-developer there is little elasticity in the project budget. Their financing, equity partners, and rental rates are based on a construction budget and f

32、ew sources for additional funds are available.elasticity英i:lststi 美lststi, il-n.弹性; 弹力; 灵活性; 伸缩性; The elasticity of a material or substance is its ability to return to its original shape, size, and condition after it has been stretched.Daily facial exercises help her to retain the skins elasticity.每

33、天做面部运动帮助她保持皮肤弹性。2. In economics, the elasticity of something, especially the demand for a product, is the degree to which it changes in response to changes in circumstances. The elasticity of demand for a single newspaper is bound to be higher than the figure for newspapers as a whole.某一份报纸需求量的伸缩性肯定

34、大于报业整体需求的伸缩性。elastic英lstk 美lstkadj.有弹力的; 可伸缩的; 灵活的; n.松紧带,橡皮圈; 1.Elastic is a rubber material that stretches when you pull it and returns to its original size and shape when you let it go. Elastic is often used in clothes to make them fit tightly, for example round the waist.a piece of elastic.一根松紧带

35、2.Something that is elastic is able to stretch easily and then return to its original size and shape.Beat it until the dough is slightly elastic.一直搅打,直至生面团略有弹性。3.If ideas, plans, or policies are elastic, they are able to change to suit new circumstances or conditions as they occur.an elastic interpr

36、etation of the rules of boxing.对拳击规则的灵活解释4 elastic is a rubber band . Percentage Fee . The percentage fee allows the owner the opportunity to profit if princes go down and changes in the work may be readily made . the major disadvantage is that the fee increases with construction costs , so there is

37、 little incentive on the contractors part to keep costs low . the primary incentive for contractors to keep costs under control is the maintenance of their reputations .incentive英nsentv 美nsntvn.动机; 诱因; 刺激; 鼓励; adj.刺激性的; 鼓励性质的; If something is an incentive to do something, it encourages you to do it.

38、 There is little or no incentive to adopt such measures.几乎没有什么激励政策来促使人们采取这些措施。 Fixed Fee .The advantages of the fixed fee include the owners ability to reduce construction time by beginning construction before the drawings and specifications are completed, thus removing the temptation for the contra

39、ctor ton increase costs or cut quality while maintaining a professional status. Also, change in the work are readily made. among the disadvantages are that the exact cost of the project is not known in advance , extensive accounting required, and that keeping costs low depends on the character and i

40、ntegrity of the contractor . Fixed Fee with Guaranteed Maximum Costs. Advantages of this fixed fee are that a guaranteed maximum cost is assured to the owner; it generally provides an incentive to contractors to keep the costs down since they share in any savings. Again, the contractor assumes a pro

41、fessional status. Disadvantages include the fact the drawings and specifications must be complete enough to allow the contractor to set a realistic maximum cost. Extensive accounting is required as in all cost-plus agreements. Sliding Scale Fee .The sliding scale fee provides an answer to the disadv

42、antages of the percentage fee, because as the cost of the project increases, the percentage fee of construction decreases .The contractor is motivated to provide strong leadership so that the costs cannot be predetermined, extensive changes may require modifications of the scale, and extensive accou

43、nting is required. Fixes fee with a bonus and penalty. With this type of fixed fee, the contractor is reimbursed the actual cost of construction plus a fee. A target cost estimate is set up and, if the cost is less than the target amount, the contractor receives a bonus of a percentage of the saving

44、s. If the cost goes over the target figure, there is a penalty (reduction of percentage).1.单价合同2.总价合同3.成本费用合同4.费用百分比合同5.固定费用合同Unit-price agreementUnit-sum agreementCost-plus-fee agreementPercentage feeFixed fee 6.固定费用加保证金最大酬金合同7.固定费用加奖罚合同8.按比例增减费用合同9.工程量清单10.工程变更Fixed fee with guaranteed maximum cos

45、tFixed fee with a bonus and penaltySliding scale feeQuantity takeoffChanges11.价款调整12.工程进度款13.工期延长14.总承包合同15.业主代表Cost adjustmentProgress paymentExtension of timeGeneral contractOwners representation16.工程师决定17.书面授权18.变更指令19.图纸规范20.合同担保Architect-engineers decisionWritten authorizationChange orderDrawin

46、gs and specificationsContract guarantee21.仲裁和协商22.电话交谈备忘录23.附加工作24.不可预见的地下条件Arbitration and mediationTelephone conversation memosExtra workUnforeseen subsurface conditions1.The owner selects the type of agreement that will be signed: It may be a standard from of agreement such as those promulgated b

47、y the American Institute of Architects (AIA) or by other professional or trade organizations.由业主选择所签署合同的类型,可以是由美国建筑师学会(AIA)或其他专业组织和贸易组织颁布的格式合同。2.Because of the very nature and risks with the lump-sum price, it is important that the contractor be able to accurately understand the scope of the project

48、 work required at time of bidding.正是由于总价合同的这种性质和风险,承包商能够在投标时精确地认知到项目工作的范围显得尤其重要。3.In a unit-price agreement the contractor bases the bid on estimated quantities of work and on completion of the work in accordance with the contract documents.在单价合同中,承包商根据预估的工程量和合同文件规定的竣工要求来投标。4.The important point is

49、that whatever the arrangement, it must be clearly understood by all partiesnot only the amount of the fee, but also how and when it will be paid to the contractor.无论怎样安排,重要的一点是,各参与方不仅要清晰地知道费用的数额,还必须知道费用在什么时候通过什么方式付给承包商。5.Advantages of this fixed fee are that a guaranteed maximum cost is assured to t

50、he owner; it generally provides an incentive to contractors to keep the costs down since they share in any savings.固定费用合同的好处是业主有把握确保成本的最大值,这通常会激励承包商降低成本,因为他们可以分得剩下的所有钱。6.The right of the owner to inspect the work as it proceeds, to direct the contractor to expedite the work, to use completed portion

51、s of the project before contract termination, and to make payment deductions for uncompleted or faulty work are common construction contract provisions.施工合同通常规定,业主有视察正在进行中工作的权利、监督承包商加快进度的权利、在竣工前使用项目已完工部分的权利、以及减少对未完工和有缺陷的工程所付价款的权利。7.If the owner oversteps its rights, it may not only assume responsibi

52、lity for the accomplished work but may also become liable for negligent acts committed by the contractor in the course of construction operations.若业主越权,其不仅要承担对已完成工作的责任,也有可能会对承包商在现阶段工程施工中的过失行为负法律责任。8.Some contracts provide that the architect-engineers decisions are not final and that the owner and co

53、ntractor can exercise their rights to appeal, arbitration, or the courts, providing the architect-engineer has rendered a first-level decision.某些合同规定建筑工程师的决定并不是绝对的,业主和承包商可以行使上诉、仲裁或向法院申诉的权利,让建筑工程师放弃初步决定。9.Where the contractor has followed the plans and specifications prepared by the architect-enginee

54、r and these documents prove to be defective or insufficient, the architect-engineer will be responsible for any loss or damage resulting solely from the design defect.当承包商遵照建筑工程师提供的计划和规范来施工,而上诉文件有瑕疵或不充分时,这些纯粹由设计瑕疵造成的任何损失都将由建筑工程师负责。10.Despite all the troubles, delays, adversities, accidents , and mis

55、chances that may occur, the contractor is expected to “deliver the goods” and finish the work in the prescribed manner. 尽管可能出现各种困难、延迟、逆境、意外以及不幸,承包商都应当“交货”,并按规定完成施工。11.The contractor is required to conform with laws and ordinances concerning job safely, licensing, employment of labor, sanitation, ins

56、urance, traffic and pedestrian control, explosives, and other aspects of the work. 承包商应遵守与安全作业、执业许可、劳动雇佣、卫生设备、保险、交通与行人管制、爆破物以及其他各方面相关的法规和条例。12.Depending on the contract and its terms, such changes might involve additions to or deletions from the contract, modifications of the work, changes in the me

57、thods or manner of work performance, changes in owner-provided materials or facilities, or even changes in contract time requirements. 取决于合同内容以及合同期的变更有可能涉及到合同内容的增减、工作的修改、工作绩效的方式方法、业主规定的材料或设施,甚至合同的工期。13.The contractors fee might have to be adjusted in accordance with contract terms to reflect the change being made, and target or upset prices must be adjusted by the cost of the ch


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