已阅读5页,还剩35页未读 继续免费阅读




1、高中英语各题型答题技巧和步骤高中英语各题型答题技巧和步骤 (一)单选(一)单选“语法问题是具体语境具体语境中的具体问题”。单选题目绝大部分都有明确的语境设置,几乎没有单纯靠单词、短语、句子和语法就能做出选择的试题,注意中西方两种文化的差异、语言的灵活性和得体性。具体步骤:1:认真阅读认真阅读4个选项个选项,明确考点时态,冠词,连词,非谓语,代词,词语辨析,固定搭配。2:带着考点研读句子带着考点研读句子。研读可以采取以下研读方法:句子结构分析句子结构分析法法(遇上疑问句、强调句、定语从句、插入语要对题干进行还原和简化)、标点提示法标点提示法、主谓或时态一致法、补全法补全法、语境分析法、排除法、克

2、服思维定式法。克服思维定式法。3:把选择好的答案带到句子把选择好的答案带到句子中默读至少两遍,中默读至少两遍,看句子是否通顺。1-5 BDDBC 6-10 CAACB (二)完形(二)完形完形填空主要是对动词和实词动词和实词的考查。一般说来完形填空的文章语言生动形象,情景来源于生活而又高于生活,要读懂文章就需要有很强的阅读想象力。“把文章中的情景和实际生活相把文章中的情景和实际生活相联系,把自己当成文章的主人公联系,把自己当成文章的主人公”是把文中抽象理念变不成具体的唯一可行的办法。明确考查形式:明确考查形式:1、上下文联系、上下文联系2、固定搭配、固定搭配 3、词语辨析、词语辨析(带在文中翻


4、的好处是不受其它干扰选项的影响。11-15 DBACD 16-20 BCCDA 21-25 BABAC 26-30 ABCDA (三三)阅读理解阅读理解主旨大意和细节理解是考查重点考查重点。重在阅读速度、长句理解、词语推测。通常考生必须明白你所选择的答案是依据文依据文中哪个词或句子而来。中哪个词或句子而来。阅读时,要充分注意查找关键词和关键句,如果遇到大量生词,只要不影响对整篇文章的理解就跳过去跳过去,如要求猜测词义就通过上下文来猜,一定要保持良好的心态。测试题型测试题型 1猜测词义猜测词义:猜词悟意最根本的办法就是把四个答案带入文章中进行翻译,根据上下文选择最佳答案。常用的提问方式:1.Th

5、e word“” refer to / probably means/ could be best replaced by?2.The word “”is most likely to mean?3.What do you think the expression“” stand for?4.Bying saying“” we/ the author means5. “”as used in the passage, can best be defined as 6. Which of the following is nearest in meaning to?7. According to

6、 the passage, the word “”is known As?8. The phrase “”is closest to方法方法:1)释义法释义法:抓关键的解释词语or/ that is/ that is to ay/ in other words2)举例举例:for example/ instance; such as/ like/ namely3)构词法构词法4)对比法对比法:对等and/ or; 相反:but/ however/on the other hand, though5) 上下文:上下文:根据上下文找复现、同现信息6)常识法2归纳总结归纳总结:这类题主要有两种考试方

7、式:归纳中心思想和选择标题归纳中心思想和选择标题。在阅读中抓住主题句主题句是做这类题的关键。主题句主题句可能出现在段中,段首,段末,甚至要归纳总结归纳总结。但主题句出现在段中和段尾的情况比较普遍。因此,同学们在平时的学习中要学会抓住主题句,通过主题句来把握文章的中心,从而培养自己良好的阅读思维习惯。标题的选择应该满足三个条件即六颗字 :短小,精干,有趣短小,精干,有趣。“短小短小”即字数不能太多;“精干精干”即 必须包括文章的主题。“有趣有趣”即不能一语道破天机,应该留给读者一点想象的空间和思维的余地。要勾起读者阅读的欲望。英文标题原则上要越详细、包含的信息越多越好,忌以偏概全忌以偏概全。常用

8、的提问方式:常用的提问方式:1)The main idea of the passage is_2) Which of the following is the best title? What would be the best title for the text/ passage?3) The main purpose of the story is to tell us?4) Which of the following best describes the main point of the passage?5) What is the writer tying to tell us

9、?6) What is the main idea/ topic/ purpose/ subject of the passage?7) The main/ general idea of the passage is?8) The passage is mainly about?9) From the passage we know that_10) The first paragraph is mainly about.11) The novel/ article “”mainly describes.12)The best title / headline for the passage

10、 is_13)Which of the following best states the theme of the passage?3. 细节测试细节测试:这类题占阅读理解的50%以上。只要找准文章所在的地方,也就找准了答案了答案。一般说来,细节有以下几种情况:1)描述性细节描述性细节:这类细节使用来传递情绪与感情、某种印象、或叙述亲眼目睹的一些经历。2)事实性细节事实性细节:指作者在描述某人或某事时所用的事实和数字。3)说明性细节说明性细节:以解说或介绍的方式说明事物或告诉人们如何做某事,这些细节条理清楚,过度自然。4)比较或对比性细节比较或对比性细节:对比是指出同类事物中的不同之处,而比

11、较是把两种或两种以上的事物相比较并指出相同或不同的地方。5)说理性细节说理性细节:在说明性或议论性文章中,为了说明文章的主题思想,说服读者,或让读者接受,就应该讲事实,摆道理。常用的提问方式:常用的提问方式:1)According to the passage, who/ what/ which/when/ where/ why/ how many/ how much/ how often/ how soon/ how long?2) Which of the following statement/ sentences is true/ NOT true?3) Which of the fo

12、llowing is mentioned/ Not mentioned/ included?4) All of the following are true except / but5) Which of the following is probably the name of?6) sb believe / think that.7) Choose the right order of the events given in the passage?8) Which of the following drawings below given an idea of what is like?

13、常用的相应的解答方法常用的相应的解答方法:排序法:排序法:用首尾定位法,找出第一个动作和最后一个动作,缩小选择范围。图形辨认图形辨认:用按文索图法,找出飘回图形的句子和段落进行文图对照数字换算法数字换算法:用列表推算法,找出题干中相关的数据列表推断算出。表格理解表格理解:用文标分析法,把题干选项与表格对照分析应用广告应用广告:用题干定位法,直接阅读题干,在文中找到答案,不必阅读全文。4. 逻辑推理逻辑推理:作者在文章中传达的信息主要包括两个方面:一方面是根据文章提供的事实线索进行逻辑推理,推测作者文章中没有提到的事实推测作者文章中没有提到的事实。考察此项题目一般采用”infer”设问。另一方面

14、是作者希望读者读了文章之后知道应该怎么做,怎么思考应该怎么做,怎么思考。应该吸取哪些,放弃哪些,从而使自己的生活更加美好。作者在文章中通常不表达出来而是隐含在文章中,也就是要求同学们读出文章的言外之意。命题人常用”suggest”, “suggestion”, ”should”等词进行发问.常用的提问方式常用的提问方式:1) It can be concluded / inferred that.2) The writer suggests/ implies that3) What is the authors purpose/ attitude towards?critical;批评的,爱挑

15、剔的批评的,爱挑剔的; optimistic adj. 乐观的;乐观主义乐观的;乐观主义的 pessimistic 悲观的,厌世的;悲观主义的悲观的,厌世的;悲观主义的; Moderation中庸中庸indifferent/ unconcerned漠不关心的;无关紧要的漠不关心的;无关紧要的neutral中立的中立的,中性的中性的4) The passage proves that文章证明了5) This passage is mostly probably taken from6) The writer probably feels that7) The passage is develop

16、ed by.8) If the passage id to be continued , the writer will write. 9) The author seem to be in favor of/ against10) The author may probably agree with/ support11) The author give the impression that12) The tone of the author may be解题步骤:1:读懂问题,找出问题中的关键信息读懂问题,找出问题中的关键信息。2: 带着关键信息,利用各类题型相应的解答方法认真读带着关键

17、信息,利用各类题型相应的解答方法认真读文章解题。一定要要在文中勾勒出答案所在的地方。除文章解题。一定要要在文中勾勒出答案所在的地方。除了推断性细节题文章相关地方可重复读,其余题型一次了推断性细节题文章相关地方可重复读,其余题型一次性作答。性作答。3:欣赏性阅读,实际相关的短语和句子。欣赏性阅读,实际相关的短语和句子。答题小技巧答题小技巧1.注意特殊句型意义,:特别注意虚拟语气、部分否定(not与all, both, every-, always, all the time连用表部分否定)。2.客观追踪作者思路,谨防片面钻牛角尖,而不考虑通篇情况。3.把握好首段,每段首句,以求短时高效。4.Bu

18、t, however, though, although, because, so后的信息往往是重点。5.英文标题原则上要越详细、包含的信息越多越好,忌以偏概全。6.选项中含all, only, nothing,never等太绝对的词时,一般假定为错误选项,再去文中核实。7.题干中出现conclude, infer from, imply, suggest, learn from时,选项如果是作者明确告知的信息或与文中原句一样或几乎一样,一般不能作为正确选项;当然,如果其他三个选项都是错误选项时可以考虑选它。8.注意题干或选项中的中文注释。注意掌握不同文体特点注意掌握不同文体特点说明文、科普文


20、上的品质,而非你的阅读能力,有可能就是送分题。6、最后一篇文章不一定是最难的,不要轻易放弃。7 、逆读法:广告类、说明类文章要带着问题去找对应的时间、地点和人物。8.顺序定位法:题目设置一般是与文章内容顺序一致的。9主题句法:通过主题句防止以偏概全10. 辨认事实法:记叙文、人物传记类,问什么就到文中找什么特别提示:特别提示:要相信自己的第一感觉,没有绝对把握不要改答案,当然,有绝对把握时也 要大胆改。如果你不能坚持一口气读5篇,可以先读3篇,做深呼吸,再读另2篇;也可以读完3篇后做一做其他题再回来读另2篇。31-35 DADBC 36-40 DAADC 41-45 ACCDB 46-50 B

21、BCAD(四)阅读表达(四)阅读表达常见提问方式:常见提问方式:When提问提问,问时间:In+年/月;On+具体某天;At + 时刻;Before/After/Since+How 提问提问,问方法或方式:By doing sth或句子。Why 提问提问,问原因:Because of +n/doing; Because +句子,问目的:To do sth.What提问提问:多用名词、名词短语或动名词回答,也可用含that的名词性从句;根据句义用完整的句子回答。问题中含purpose, aim词时:For 短语;To do sth.填词前:填词前:1、看清题目要求;词源(可否用原文中词)注意:注

22、意:1、读清题目要求:怎么问就怎么回答。注意字数要求。2、填最恰当最有把握的词和词性。3、对相关有用信息加工、重组(原则上不会是文中原句)。4、复查。阅读作答时容易出现低级错误,只要稍一检查就能发现。(可把答案带到问题中把疑问句变成陈述句去印证是否符合要求)5、考查单词或短语意思时,答案要与原词或短语在时态、语态、单复数、大小写上保持一致。特别提示:特别提示:用大写字母用大写字母开头你的答案,注意书写工整,卷面整洁。因为是逐行扫描,答案只能写在该题横线上,不能写在旁边,也不能错位。请“左对齐左对齐”,不要“居中对齐”。56. On his 60th birthday.57. The peopl

23、e who know/knew her father.58. Because they needed to put the mails into envelopes.59. He felt/was moved/excited/happy.60. The memories about/of the authors father.(五)短文改错(五)短文改错常用口诀:常用口诀:万恶动为首,连、代紧跟后,名词多陷阱,介、冠要当心,形、副须弄清。遵循一致性原则:遵循一致性原则:1、主谓一致;、主谓一致;2、时态一致;、时态一致;3、名词的数与、名词的数与格的一致;格的一致;4、代词指代关系一致;、代词

24、指代关系一致;5、句式结构与语意一致;、句式结构与语意一致;6、行文逻辑关系一致。、行文逻辑关系一致。特别提示:特别提示:答题一定要规范和准确,按要求标示;按要求把答案写在下方。短文改错:短文改错:Hello, boys and girls! Today, I am going to talk with what you should do when a fire alarm go off. If you hear the alarm, stand in line at the door and wait your teacher to lead you outside. Stay close

25、 to your teacher and classmate. Dont panic or get out of line, and trying to remain quiet and calmly. Soon the firefighters will come and put out a fire. If its a false alarm and there is no fire, your teacher will lead us back to the classroom.If you notice that when someone is missing and hurt, te

26、ll your teacher immediately.about goes for Classmates try calm the you 去掉 or (六)书面表达(六)书面表达近几年四川高考英语书面表达的特点是:贴近学生生活,让人人有话可说。如果是应用文会给出格式。书面表达四步法书面表达四步法:第一步:审题即严格落实审题即严格落实“人称,时态,要点,书写,人称,时态,要点,书写,三段式三段式”11个字。个字。第二步:简译要点简译要点打草稿第三步:扩展句子扩展句子完善句子结构。要注意的是句子而不是短语。第四步:连句成篇连句成篇。书面表达十大注意点书面表达十大注意点:1、要点要点是英语作文的


28、“应试技巧”时,应出现skills/techniques, exam等词。9、三段式,最多四段。10、尽量用上所给参考词汇。再次提示:再次提示:审题、列提纲很重要;一定要注意书写清楚、规范;正确是根本:基础不牢的同学尤其要追求语言的正确性,没有把握的词汇或句型不要乱用;不要排斥平时写作文时被你用烂了的短语或句型;尽量打草稿,实在没有时间也要写一个简略提纲。特别提示:特别提示:段首空四个字母四个字母,单词与单词间空一个字母一个字母,标点前不空格不空格,后空一个字母一个字母,字大小适中,圆润饱满,要入格,要亮行;拆单词换行时要保证音节的完整;标点不另提行;字数只在120左右 识记英语作文经典句型识

29、记英语作文经典句型:文中至少灵活运用6个句型1.What is known to all is that.众所周知的都是众所周知的都是.What is known to all is that today, pollution is becoming more and more serious. 2.There is no doubt(疑问感) that.毫无疑问的毫无疑问的. There is no doubt that as a student, studying hard is our basic duty.3.Only + 状语(in this way/ by doing sth/ w

30、hen. can we .只有当(时候)只有当(时候).我们才能我们才能. Only in this way, can we get rid of our bad habit. Only by improving our study ways, can we get more knowledge. Only when we become parents, can we understand what ourparents said is right.4.As the saying goes.俗话说俗话说. As the saying goes, where there is a will ,t

31、here is a way.5.With the development of technology and science.随着科技随着科技的发展的发展 With the development of technology and science, computers play an important part in our daily life.6.Its absolutely essential for sb. to do sth.对某人来说做什么对某人来说做什么事情绝对很重要事情绝对很重要 Its absolutely essential for us to form the goo

32、d habit of loving and protecting nature.7.The reason why.is that.什么事情的原因是什么事情的原因是 The reason why I couldnt pass this examination is that I didnt listen to the teacher carefully in the class.8.I hold the viewbelief that.我们的我们的.想法想法 I hold the viewbelief that it is necessary for all of us to play spor

33、ts on time and have good health.9.Its high time that sb did sth./ sb should do sth 该某人做该某人做.了了 Its high time that we tried our best to solve the problem of pollution. Its high time that we should try our best to solve the problem of pollution.10.SuchSo.that.如此如此.以至于(倒装)以至于(倒装)So serious is the pollu

34、tion that all of us have too take many good measures to solve it.Such a good student is he that all the teachers and classmates like him very much.11.When it comes to.就就.而言而言/ 当谈到当谈到When it comes to the importance of protecting the environment of nature, we all know earth is our mother of living.Whe

35、n it comes to saving time, first, we should make a reasonable plan.12.It must be made clear +主语从句.这件事必须被弄清楚这件事必须被弄清楚 It must be made clear where and when we will hold the sports meeting.13.I would appreciate it if.如果如果.我将不甚感激我将不甚感激 I would appreciate it if you can give me a reply as soon as possible

36、.14:As far as I am concerned就我而言就我而言As far as I am concerned, doing morning exercise on time is our students duty.15: It be +强调部分+ that / who + 剩余部分It is what the teacher said that makes me understand our country now is facing the overpopulation.16: What I want to do/ say now is to do sth; What I wa

37、nt to do / say is that- 从句现在我想说的是现在我想说的是/现在我想做的是现在我想做的是What I want to do/ say now is in all kinds of ways to make our dream come true.What I want to do / say is that we should use all kinds of ways to make our dream come true.17: What on earth should we do to solve the problem?我们到底应该做些什么来解决这个问题?我们到底

38、应该做些什么来解决这个问题?书面表达阶段训练书面表达阶段训练(提高篇提高篇)使用多种句式和复杂结构,丰富文章的表现力,提高书面表达使用多种句式和复杂结构,丰富文章的表现力,提高书面表达档次档次1. 学习使用被动句,以符合英语的表达习惯,使文章丰富多彩。学习使用被动句,以符合英语的表达习惯,使文章丰富多彩。 例1: Every one should give back his or her library books on time. (一般中文习惯) Library books should be returned on time. (高级英文习惯)例2: People make great

39、use of computers widely in the world. (一般中文习惯)Computers are widely used in the world. (高级英文习惯)2. 尽可能多的使用各种时态变化,丰富语言表现力尽可能多的使用各种时态变化,丰富语言表现力例1:你老是问我这样的问题!You always ask me such questions.(一般)Youre always asking me such questions!(用现在进行时烦)例2:我现在住在一间非常舒适的公里。I live in a very pleasant flat now. (一般)I am

40、now living in a very pleasant flat. (用现在进行时表示意)3. 使用名词性从句使用名词性从句例1:翻译句子: 他居然不认识我,这使我非常吃惊。To my great surprise, he didnt know me at all. (一般)What surprised me most was that he didnt know me at all. (高级)It surprised me that he didnt know me at all. (高级)I was surprised that he didnt know me at all. (高级

41、)例2: Everybody was disappointed that he didnt turn up. (一般)The fact that he didnt turn up disappointed everybody. (高级)4. 使用定语从句使用定语从句例1:The girl is spoken highly of. Her composition was well written. (一般) The girl whose composition was well written is spoken highly of. (高级)例2:The flat is in a buildi

42、ng on Fangcao Street. It is not far from Jianxin Chinese School. (一般)The flat is in a building on Fangcao Street, which is not far from Jianxin Chinese School. (高级)5. 使用状语从句使用状语从句例1: I wont believe what he says. (一般) No matter what he says, I wont believe. (高级高级)例2:He was very glad. He jumped with j

43、oy. (一般) He was so glad that he jumped with joy. (高级高级)例3: 翻译:天气很好,我们决定去郊游。The weather was fine, so we decided to go for an outing. (一般)Because the weather was fine, we decided to go for an outing. (一般)The weather being fine, we decided to go for an outing. (高级高级)6. 使用强调句型使用强调句型例1:My parents praised

44、 Ah Fu warmly. It had saved my little sister bravely. (一般)My parents praised Ah Fu warmly, because it was our brave Ah Fu who had saved my little sister. (高级高级)例2: My brother really dont know where he had his mobile phone stolen. (一般)My brother really doesnt know where it was that he had his mobile

45、phone stolen. (高级高级)7. 使用倒装句使用倒装句例1:她下岗了,但是并未灰心丧气。She was laid off. She didnt give up. (简单句) (一般)Although she was laid off, she didnt give up. (复合句复合句) (一般一般)Laid off as she was, she didnt give up. (倒装句倒装句) (高级高级)例2: Though Im weak, Ill make the effort. (一般)Weak as I am, Ill make the effort. (高级高级)例

46、3:He came here at 5 pm. Yesterday.(一般句式)He did not come here until 5 pm.yesterday. (否定句否定句) (高级高级)Not until/till 5 pm. did he come here yesterday. (倒装句倒装句) (高级高级)It was not until 5 pm. that he came here yesterday. (强调句强调句) (高级)8. 使用好现在分词、过去分词、不定式等非谓语动词形式。使用好现在分词、过去分词、不定式等非谓语动词形式。 (1). 使用不定式使用不定式例1:T

47、he foreigners want to know how they can learn to do Chinese Kongfu well. The foreigners want to know how to do Chinese Kongfu well.(高级高级)例2: She was so weak that she couldnt take care of her baby.She was too weak to take care of her baby. .(高级)例3: The ice on the lake was so thin that people couldnt

48、skate on it.The ice on the lake was not thick enough for people to skate on it(高级高级)(2).使用使用V-ing形式形式例1:When he arrives, please give me an e-mail. (一般)On arriving/his arrival, please give me an e-mail. (高级高级)例2: If the weather permits, Ill come morrow. (一般)Ill come tomorrow, weather permitting. (高级高

49、级)例3: The driver escaped and didnt stop. He left the old man lying on the road. (一般)The driver escaped without stopping, leaving the old man lying on the road. (高级高级)例4: My brother was riding the bike and I sat on the seat behind him.(一般)My brother was riding the bike with me sitting on the seat beh

50、ind.(高级)(高级)例5: The young man couldnt help crying when he heard the bad news.(一般)Hearing the bad news, the young man couldnt help crying.(高级)(高级)(3).使用过去分词使用过去分词例1:She walked out of the lab and many students followed her. (一般)Followed by many students, she walked out of the lab. (高级高级)例2: Once it is

51、 seen, it can never be forgotten. (一般) Once seen, it can never be forgotten.(高级高级)巩固练习巩固练习:翻译句子翻译句子: 我建议你三思而行我建议你三思而行 (Think it over before you take action)I suggest that you should think it over before you take action.Youd better think it over before you take action.My suggestion is that you should

52、 think it over before you take action.Id like you to think it over before you take action.I think it would be better for you to think it over before you take action. 二二.使用高级词汇使用高级词汇, 增加文章的亮点增加文章的亮点I am utterly in the dark about the matter.我对这件事完全不知道。(介词词组in the dark作表语)Christmas is coming up圣诞节就要到了。

53、(动词短语come up作谓语)对于对于“较复杂的词汇较复杂的词汇”,可以从以下几个方面着手,可以从以下几个方面着手。1. 注意使用词组、习语来代替一些单词,以增加文采。如:原文A new railway is being built in my hometown.修正A new railway is under construction in my hometown2.使用一些很有“洋味”的单词。如: Thank you for sharing the time with us. The way he views the world is very practical.3. 避免重复使用某一

54、单词或短语。如: 原文I like reading while my brother likes watching television.修正I like reading while my brother enjoys watching television. 4. At the foot of the mountain, there was a small river. 原文At the foot of the mountain, there flowed a small river. 修正5. My parents and I are very pleased to invite you to stay at home. 原文My parents and I


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