1、外教合同雇佣合同EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT聘用方:美联英语地址:中国福建省厦门市思明区厦禾路879号美新广场1-2楼 受聘方: 持有 国护照号码: This Contract is made by and between METEN ENGLISH,Address: No 879 F1-2 Meixin Plaza Xiahe Road, Xiamen, China, Hereinafter referred to as “ Employer and , holder of passport Number hereinafter referred to as“ Employee ”
2、基于本合同所包含的相互契约与约定以及双方 在此确认收讫并确认充分的其它有效对价, 双方特签订本合同并达成如下协议:In consideration of the mutual covenants and promises made herein and for other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Employer andEmployee agrees as follows:1 .职位: ESL (非母语英语课程)老师Job Titl
3、e: ESL (English as a Second Language) Teacher.2 .工作描述:受聘方将承担以下工作职责:Job Description: The Employee is assigned the following duties:A.熟悉了解美联的教学理念及课程设置(体验 式学习);Make himself/herself familiar of METEN s teaching philosophy and course curriculum (Experimental learning);B.认真备课,并在必要时提出宝贵建议以帮助 学校改进现有的课程设置;Pr
4、epare lessons, make suggestions and help improve the existing curriculum when necessary;C.按照员工手册的规定完成指定课程的教 学(指定课程包括但不限于:VIP课程、 小班课、沙龙课、精选课、语音大师课、会话课、 脱口秀、公开课/示范课、企培课及 网络课程);Teach the assigned classes according to the instructions stipulated in the Employees Handbook (The assigned classes include, b
5、ut not limited to: VIP Class, Private Class, and Salon Class, Selective Class, Pronunciation Class, Conversation Class, Social Talking, Open Class/Demo Class, Corporate Class, Substitute Class and On-line Class.)D.学生考勤记录;Keep students attendance record;E.对学生的在校表现进行评估与评价并在工作簿上作相应记录 Evaluate and comme
6、nton studentsperformance in the work book;F.在“工作时间”内完成聘用方所分配的任务。 该任务包括:例会及研习会、培训项目、自 愿的促销或营销活动、ECAs (课外活动)、学生 辅导(升级口语测试或分级考试)以及备 课;Perform assignments designated by the Employer during duty hours. The assignmentsare: Mandatorymeetings and workshops, training programs, volunteering promotional or mar
7、keting activities, ECAs (Extra Curricular activities), student counseling (upgrade oral test or placement test) and class preparation;G.在教学时间内课程取消的情况下,应在直接 上级的指示下进行C或F项下所列的工作Perform assignments listed in part (C) or (F) above as instructed by his/her immediate supervisor in case of class cancellatio
8、n during teaching hours.H.美联KPI (关键业绩指标)章程所允许的工 作Work in accordance to the METEN KPI regulation.3 .合同有效期 Terms of Contract:受聘方明确合同有效期为 年,即 至 。双方明确聘用方有权依据受聘方直接上级对其做出的评估与参考信息在 截止日期之前终止本合同It is understood by the Employee that the terms of this contract shall be for a period of year, Beginning on and en
9、ding on . It is understood that the Employer has the right to terminate this contract prior to such ending date upon receipt of evaluation and information from his/her immediate supervisor.4 .试用期 Probation Period:试用期自本合同签订之日起,为期 个 月。受聘方直接上级将于试用期结束时递交试用期 工作总结。若受聘方的绩效表现未能达到聘 方领导的期望(试用期工作总结的最终得分低于 总评估分
10、数的80%),聘用方有权将试用 期延长一个月或终止本合同。The probation period is month from the date of this contract.A Probation Review will be submitted by the Employeesimmediatesupervisoruponcompletion of the probation period. If the Employeesperformancefails tomeetmanagements expectation (outcome of the Probation Review is
11、 lower than 80% of the total evaluation score), the Employer reserves the right to extend the probation period for one more month or terminate this contract.5 .工作日与工作时间 Work Days and Hours: 聘用方工作时间为:周一至周日,早 9:00点至 晚9:00点,包括两班倒。聘用方的工作时间:早班: am pm or (中午 12.00-1.00pm 1个小时休息)或者晚班:1.00pm-9.00pm(从 5.00pm
12、 到 6.00pm 1 个 小时休息)聘用方要求一天授课5个小时(在通常情况下, 每天连续教学时间不得超过3个小时)和 责任服务时间为2个小时。工作日:星期一到星期日工作五天(非连续两天 休息)聘用方要求周末工作。如果员工希望两天连休或 者在周末休息,必须得到直接上级的同意。聘用方的课程表将每日更新且应提前一天告知受聘方。受聘方应经常查看更新的课程表The Employers business hours are 9:00 am to 9:00 pm every day. There are two shifts per day.The Employees work schedule is a
13、s follows:Work Hours:Morning shift: 9: 00 am to 5: 00 pm (with one hour break from 12:00 noon to 1:00pm) orEvening shift: 1:00pm to 9:00pm (with one hour break from 5:00pm to 6:00pm)The Employee is required to teach five hours a day (in normal circumstances, it will not be more than three consecutiv
14、e teaching hours per day) and serve two duty hours.Work days:Five days from Mondaythrough Sunday (with two separate weekdays off)The Employee is required to work on weekends. If the Employee wishes to take two consecutive days or weekend off, a prior approval is required from his/her immediate super
15、visor.The daily class schedule will vary every day and will be available one day in advance.It is the Employees responsibility to check the updated schedule regularly.6 .劳动报酬与纳税责任 Remuneration and tax liability:受聘方每月工资将于下月的10日发放。如果工 资发放日正值周末或国定假日,受聘方工资 将于假期后的第一个工作日发放。The Employees monthly salary wil
16、l be paid on the 10th day of the following month. If the pay day falls on the weekend or a public holiday, the salary will be paid on the first working day after the holiday.A.月薪:Monthly Salary :MonthlyevaluationMonthly9score ratingsSalaryMonthlyevaluationProbationscores 4.78Monthlyevaluation10000sc
17、ores 4.83Monthlyevaluation12000scores 4.88Monthlyevaluationscores base onB.力口班费:Overtime Compensation:受聘方加班必须首先经由直接上级批准Oa.普通班:b.公开课:加班费详情如下:人民币/小时人民币/每节课c.由聘用方所分配的活动主持、培训及会议: 人民币/小时Overtime duty must be approved in advance by the Employees immediate supervisor.The details of overtime compensation ar
18、e asiifollows:a. Teaching a regular class: RMB/hourb. Teaching an open class: RMB/sessionc. Hosting activities, training and meeting assigned by the Employer:RMB/hourC:住房补贴:Housing Allowance: 受聘方在转正后每月可享受1000元的住房补贴,与月薪一并发放。Employee is entitled to a monthly housing allowance of RMB 1000 which will be
19、 paid monthly together with the salary after probation period.D.机票津贴:Air ticket allowance:受聘方每年可享受6000元的机票津贴。此津贴 会分成12个月发放。每个月500元会随工资一起支付到受聘方的银行账户。如果聘用方或受聘方的一方终止合同,机票津 贴将停止发放。The Employee is entitled to an air ticket allowance of RMB6, 000 per year. This allowance will be divided into twelve instal
20、lments. A monthly installment of RMB500 will be paid to the Employee sank account together with his/her monthly salary. The air ticket allowance will become unavailable to the Employee if the contract is terminated by either the Employee or the Employer.依据中国税法的规定,以上所列之项皆为应纳税 收入。中国的所得税实行月缴。受聘方的 月工资将按
21、照税后数额由聘用方直接打入其银 行帐户。如财会部门需要,可提供关于应纳 税收入的资料及月度报税收据。在有些城市,地方税务局每年只开具一次报税收据。All the above items are taxable incomes according to Chinese Taxation Laws. Income tax is payable on a monthly basis in China. TheEmployees monthly income will be paid after tax directly into his/her bank account by the Employe
22、r. Information on taxable income and monthly tax receipt will be available upon request from the finance department. In some cities, tax receipt is only issued once a year by the local tax bureau.工作签证费用报销 :Reimbursement of work visa expenses:聘用方将为受聘方的签证申请提供相应的信息 并做出必要的安排。但是受聘方要求提前支 出签证办理费用。当签证办理完成时聘
23、用方会报 销受聘方的签证费用。公司报销包括体检, 工作签证,外专证和居留许可。以上证件的费用 在各个城市会有所不同。受聘方必须保留所有的发票来报销申请签证实际产生的费用。 如 果受聘方或聘用方的一方在合同期满前终止合同,雇佣方有权利从受聘方的工资结算中按 比例扣除签证费用。The Employer will provide information and make necessary arrangements for the Employee svisa application. However, the Employee is required to disburse all expense
24、s related to his/her visa application. The Employer will reimburse the Employee for his/her visa expenses upon completion of the work visa. The company will cover the cost of application for health certificate, work visa, foreign expert certificate and residence permit. The charges for the above men
25、tioned documents could be different in other regions or cities in China. The Employee must safe keep all the receipts as proof of payment for future reimbursement of his/her actual visa application expenses. If the Employee or the Employer terminates the contract before its expiry date, theEmployer
26、reserves the right to deduct the visa expenses from t he Employee final salary on a pro rata basis.如果受聘方需要到另外一个城市办理工作签证、 外专证和居留许可,受聘方需要自己支付 住宿费用。Should the Employee need to travel to another city to apply for his/her work visa, Foreign ExpertCertificate and Residence Permit, (s) he will have to pay
27、the accommodation expenses at his/her own cost.7 .保险 Insurance:受雇方受保于美联团体意外和医疗保险。如果由 于当地政府的保险政策的变化要求购买当 地社保,聘用方和受雇方须遵守当地政府的规 定。The Employee is insured under the METEN Group Accident and Health Insurance. If the insurance policy of the local government changes and requires the foreign employee to pur
28、chase local social security, the Employer and the Employee must abide by the regulations of the local government.8 .节假日Leave :受雇方享有以下公共假期: 中国国庆节(3天)新年元旦(1天),春节(3 天),劳动节(1天),清明节(1天), 龙舟节(1天),中秋节11天)和圣诞节(1天)。s Day (1The Employee is entitled to the following public holidays:China National Day (3 days),
29、 New Yearday), Spring Festival (3 days), Labor Day (1 day), Qing-Ming Festival (1 day), Dragon Boat Festival (1 day), Mid-Autumn Festival (1 day) and Christmas (1 day).实际放假的天数(除了圣诞节)将遵照中国政府 的官方通知。The actual number of public holidays (except Christmas) is subject to the official announcement by the C
30、hinese government.受雇方享有以下带薪(基本工资)假期(除了病 假,事假,产假或陪产假和年假) The Employee is entitled to the following leaves with base salary (except Sick Leave, PersonalLeave, Maternity and Paternity leave andAnnual Leave):病假: 受聘方由于疾病不能上班需立即电话 通知聘用方。受聘方应提交所在地区二级以上 医院或当地社会保障机构认可的医院诊断证明 (医院名单和电话可在各区域人事部获得)。病假期间,受聘方可领取60
31、%的基本工资和60%的住房津贴。受聘方最多享有 2个月的病 假。如果受聘方需要申请2个月以上的病假,在 病情恢复后聘用方将保留和受聘方重新签订一份新合同的权利。Sick leave: The Employee shall notify the Employer promptly by phone of any absence due to sickness. The Employee is required to submit a copy of medical certificate issued by a medical Practitioner from the list of hosp
32、ital approved by the Employer (List of Hospitals with contact address and phone numbers is available from the regional Human Resource Department).During the sick leave period, the Employee will receive 60% of his/her base salary and 60% of his/her housing allowance. The Employee is entitled to a max
33、imum of 2 months sick leave. In the case if the employee needs to take more than 2 months of sick leave, the employer reserves the right to ask the employee to sign a new contract after the employee recovers.产假或陪产假:受聘方享有3个月的无薪产假或 10天的无薪陪产假。如果受聘方需要申请3个月以上的产假或10天以上的陪产假,在受 聘方返回工作岗位后聘用方将保留和受聘方 重新签订一份新合同
34、的权利。Maternity and Paternity leave: The Employee is entitled to 3 months of unpaid monthly salary maternity leave or 10 days paternity leave. Inthe case if the employee needs to take more than paternity leave, the employer reserves the right to ask the employee to sign a new contract when the employe
35、e restarts work. 婚假:受聘方享有3天的婚假。婚假必须自登 记结婚之日起6个月内提出并出示结婚证复 印件。受聘方在入职聘用方公司之前结婚的将 不享有婚假。3 months of maternityleave or over 10daysMatrimonial Leave: The Employee is entitled to 3 days of matrimonial leave. Leave application must be submitted with a copy of the marriage certificate within 6 months from t
36、he date of marriage registration. Employees that are married before working at the company are not eligible for the matrimonial leave.丧假:受聘方直系亲属死亡时享有 3天丧假。 如果受聘方需要出境或者旅行多于6个小时到达亲属目的地可另外享有2天假期。当受聘方 结束丧假时需提交亲属的“死亡证明”复 印件。Bereavement Leave: The Employee is permitted to take 3 days of bereavement leave
37、in the event of death of an immediate family member. Two extra travel days are allowed if the Employee needs to fly out of the country or travel locally for more than six hours to reach his/her destination.The Employee needs to submit a copy of “Certificate of Death together with his/her leaves appl
38、ication upon return of his/her bereavement leave.工伤假:受聘方在试用期满后可享有工伤假期. Accident Leave: The Employee is entitled to accident leave on the condition that the Employee has passed the mandatory probation.事假:受聘方提前2周向直接上级提出事假申 请,最多享有2周的无薪事假。Personal Leave: The Employee is allowed to take up to 2 weeks of
39、unpaid monthly salary personal leave with 2 weeks prior notice and approval from his/her immediate supervisor.年假:受聘方连续完成1年的合同期时提前2 周向直接上级提出可享有5天的年假。以后每满1年增加1天,最多不超过15天。Annual Leave: The Employee is entitled to 5 days of annual leave upon completion of the 1 year contract with 2 weeks prior notice an
40、d approval from his/her immediate supervisor. The Employee will earn one extra day of annual leave after each additional year of service. The maximum annual leave allowed is 15 days.9 .考勤制度 Attendance regulation policies :受聘方必须熟悉了解美联的考勤制度。受聘方分 配到的各个区域人事部有考勤制度的详细 信息。The employee must make himself/her
41、self familiar with the METEN s attendance regulation policies. This information is available from the Human Resource Department at the respective center where the ESL teacher is assigned to work.10 .行为规范 Code of Conduct :所有在校学生对管理人员及员工的高期待对于 学校经营宗旨的贯彻至关重要。以下所列为 需要所有学校员工共同遵守的标准:The students high expe
42、ctations of administrators and staff are essential to the purpose of the Employers business. Listed below are certain standards that are important for all staff members to follow:A.受聘方应严格遵守工作日程表,上下班均应 打卡以保持准确的考勤记录;The Employee is to conform to the regular work schedule. (S) He must punch in upon arr
43、ival at the work place and punch out upon departure in order to maintain an accurate record of his/her attendance;B.鼓励受聘方在工作中尽其所能,与同事之间 相互尊重与理解;The Employee is expected to bring his/her best efforts to the job and to accord mutual respect and consideration to other staff members;C.受聘方在工作中应遵守其部门公认的工作
44、程 序。在执行其工作过程中以及在使用聘用 方财物的过程中应小心谨慎。The Employee is to follow recognized departmental procedures of instructions in performing his/her jobs. When performing job duties, the Employee should be careful in the use of the assets and property of the Employer.受聘方在整个聘期期间应严格遵守并执行本合 同所规定的条款与条件以及员工手册的 规章制度。The
45、Employee is to conform and execute the terms and conditions of this employment contract, and rules and regulations of the foreign teacher ;handbook strictly throughout his/her term of employment;D.受聘方应保持其手机随时开机并经常查看电 子邮箱以保证与聘用方的有效沟通。The Employee is to keep his/her mobile phone switched on and check
46、his/her email regularly to ensure efficient communication with the Employer;E.职业装:在工作时间或代表聘用方形象的场 合,受聘方应着装干净、整洁、大方。 受 聘方穿着装扮应与其职位及公认的社会标准相 符。男教职工应穿着衬衫(长袖或短袖) 和长裤;女教职工应穿着宽松衬衫、裙子、宽松 长裤或连衣裙。不允许职工穿着T恤衫、牛仔裤、拖鞋、凉鞋、运动鞋及其它裸露装。 Professional Attire: During business hours or when representing the Employer, the
47、 Employee is expected to present a clean, neat, and tasteful appearance. (S) He should dress and groom according to the requirements of his/her position and accepted social standards. The male teaching staff members are required to wear a shirt (long or short sleeves) and a pair of long pants. The F
48、emale teaching staff members are required to wear a blouse, skirt, slacks or dress. T-shirts, jeans, flip-flops, sandals, sneakers and revealing clothing are not allowed.11 .合同终止 Termination of Contract :A.在试用期内终止合同:任何一方皆可以终止 本合同,但须提前一周通知对方或提供一 周的工资作为代通知金。Termination of contract during the probation
49、 period: Either party may terminate the contract by giving one week of notice or the equivalent of one weeks salary in lieu of notice.B.在试用期结束后终止合同:任何一方皆可以 终止本合同,但须提前一个月通知对方或 提供一个月的工资作为代通知金。Termination of contract after the probation period:Either party may terminate thecontract by giving one month
50、of notice or the equivalent of one months salary in lieu of notice.12 .有因解雇Dismissal (with Cause):聘用方认为受聘方有下列情形之一的,可以解雇受聘方而无需任何通知或支付任何代通知 金:Employee may be dismissed without notice or payment in lieu of notice should Employer determine that Employee has:A.故意违反合法或合理的命令;willfully disobeyed a lawful an
51、d reasonable order;B.不能即时、善意地履行受聘方职责;engaged in conduct inconsistent with the due and fai thful discharge of the Employee duties; sC.在履行受聘方职责时有不诚实或欺诈行为;been found to be guilty of dishonesty or fraud in relation to Employee s duties;D.习惯性地疏于履行受聘方的职责;been habitually neglectful of meeting the Employee
52、s duties;E.在未经聘用方允许下缺席其被分配的工作;been absent from the location of work where the Employee has been assigned without approval from the Employer;F.违反本合同所规定的条款;been found to be in breach of the stated terms of this contract;G.在未经聘用方预先批准下受雇于或参与其它 公司的经营活动; been found to have engaged in employment or busines
53、s activity outside the company without prior approval by the Employer;H.滥用或误报使用聘用方资金; been found to misuse the Employers funds or misdeclare use of the employers funds;I.在雇佣关系确立前未向聘用方说明其健康或 精神缺陷,或者在求职申请中或求职面试 时虚报其资质、教育背景、工作经历或个人资料; been found not to have disclosed any relevant health or mental defec
54、t to the Employer prior to employment, or to have misrepresented Employee s qualifications, education, experience or personal data on an employment application or in an employment interview;J.与学生或其它教职工有亲密关系; been found to have intimate relationships with the students or other staff members;K.蓄意散布谣言或
55、言论对聘用方的企业形象或 声誉造成影响;been found to have intentionally spread rumors or statements that could damage the Employers business image or reputation.如果受聘方因以上条款被解雇,其必须遵守本合 同第13条。In the case where the Employee is dismissed in the mentioned clauses, the Employee must comply with article 13 of the contract.13 .保密 Confidentiality :受聘方不得向第三方揭露其在聘用方任职期间 所悉知的聘用方的机密或专有信息或对聘用 方的经营活动具有明确的或直接的商业价值的信息。It is a condition of employment that the Employee does not disclose to other parties any specific information which is confidential or proprietary to th
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