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1、网格计算技术与数字化校园根底架构IBM公司 周志强经典的数字化校园结构经典的数字化校园结构 http:/http:/Web: Uniform naming/access to documentshttp:/http:/Web: Uniform naming/access to documents两种两种网络网络应用方式应用方式 网格计算网格计算技术特点技术特点 大规模资源共享/组合 不同的地点 不同的管理组织 不同的体系结构 在一组动态组合的 individuals, organizations, and institutions 之间实现共享 平安,合作 支持动态的虚拟组织 存取数据 存取计

2、算和存储资源UserUserUserGrid InfrastructureOGSAOpen Grid Services Architecture定义 ApplicationsApplicationsMiddlewareMiddlewareSystems Management and AutomationSystems Management and AutomationWorkload / Performance ManagementWorkload / Performance ManagementSecuritySecurityAvailability / Service Availabili

3、ty / Service ManagementManagementLogical Resource ManagementLogical Resource ManagementClustering ServicesClustering ServicesConnectivity ManagementConnectivity ManagementPhysical Resource ManagementPhysical Resource ManagementOSOSOSOSOSOS+ + +网格计算架构的产品级实现网格计算架构的产品级实现 Local ServicesCondorLSFMPIPBSNQ

4、ESolarisUDPTCPAIXLinuxGrid-Enabled ApplicationsCore ServicesI/OMetacomputingDirectory SvcsHeartBeatMonitorGRAMGASSGlobus SecurityInterfaceNexusHigh-Level Services & ToolsGlobusViewTestbed StatusDUROCMPICondorHPC+Nimrod/GglobusrunIntegration between layersService and SupportGlobus 模块Nexus Communicati

5、on library for grid environment Supports multimethod communicationGlobus_IO Library Provides TCP, UDP, IP multicast and file I/O services with support for security, asynchronous communication and Quality of Service Minimal changes are required to port code from native Unix or Win32 system calls to g

6、lobus_ioGASS: Globus Access to Secondary Storage Allows access to data stored in remote filesystem Client libraries allow applications to access remote files Server component allows any computer to act as a limited file serverHeartbeat Monitor Simple, reliable mechanism for monitoring the state of p

7、rocesses Allows monitoring of both Globus system processes and application processes Globus 模块 (续1) MDS: Metacomputing Directory Service Part of the information infrastructure Provides a framework for managing static and dynamic information about the grid networks compute nodes storage systems instr

8、ument Uses the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAPv3) as a uniform interface to the information Resource Specification Language Common interchange language to describe resources Globus Resource Allocation Manager Processes requests for resources for remote application execution Allocates the

9、 required resources and manages the active jobs Returns updated information about available resources to MDSGlobus 模块 (续2) DUROC: Dynamically-Updated Request Online Coallocator Provides co-allocation service Coordinates single request that may span multiple GRAMs Grid Security Infrastructure Secure

10、authentication and communication Based on public key encryption, X.509 certificates, and the Secure Sockets Layer Extensions for single sign-on and delegation Portability System-level APIs to improve application portability Portable version of libc Threads library modeled after a subset of POSIX threads Data Conversion Library utp API - allows use of timers for monitoring Libraries to implement basic data types 使用网格技术构建的数字化校园 生物工程网格物理学网格计算化学网格结论与建议 学校具有实施网格计算架构的优势 对共享


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