ASTM E84-06建筑材料表面燃烧特性的实验方法_第1页
ASTM E84-06建筑材料表面燃烧特性的实验方法_第2页
ASTM E84-06建筑材料表面燃烧特性的实验方法_第3页
ASTM E84-06建筑材料表面燃烧特性的实验方法_第4页
ASTM E84-06建筑材料表面燃烧特性的实验方法_第5页
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1、 Designation:E 8406An American National StandardStandard Test Method forSurface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials 1This standard is issued under the xeddesignation E 84; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision,

2、the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript epsilon (e indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval. This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1. Scope1.1This re-test-responsesta

3、ndard for the comparative surface burning behavior of building materials is applicable to exposed surfaces such as walls and ceilings. The test is conducted with the specimen in the ceiling position with the surface to be evaluated exposed face down to the ignition source. The material, product, or

4、assembly shall be capable of being mounted in the test position during the test. Thus, the specimen shall either be self-supporting by its own structural quality, held in place by added supports along the test surface, or secured from the back side.1.2The purpose of this test method is to determine

5、the relative burning behavior of the material by observing the amespread along the specimen. Flame spread and smoke developed index are reported. However, there is not necessarily a relationship between these two measurements.1.3The use of supporting materials on the underside of the test specimen h

6、as the ability to lower the amespread index from those which might be obtained if the specimen could be tested without such support. These test results do not neces-sarily relate to indices obtained by testing materials without such support.1.4Testing of materials that melt, drip, or delaminate to s

7、uch a degree that the continuity of the amefront is destroyed, results in low amespread indices that do not relate directly to indices obtained by testing materials that remain in place. 1.5The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard.1.6The text of this standard referenc

8、es notes and footnotes that provide explanatory information. These notes and foot-notes, excluding those in tables and gures,shall not be considered as requirements of the standard.1.7This standard is used to measure and describe the response of materials, products, or assemblies to heat and ameunde

9、r controlled conditions, but does not by itself incorporate all factors required for re-hazardor re-riskassessment of the materials, products, or assemblies under actual reconditions. .1.8This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the

10、 responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents 2.1ASTM Standards:2A 390Specicationfor Zinc-Coated (GalvanizedSteel Poultry Fence Fabric (Hexagonaland St

11、raight LineC 1186Specicationfor Flat Non-Asbestos Fiber-Cement SheetsC 1396/C1396M Specicationfor Gypsum BoardD 4442Test Methods for Direct Moisture Content Measure-ment of Wood and Wood-Base MaterialsD 4444Test Methods for Use and Calibration of Hand-Held Moisture MetersE 69Test Method for Combusti

12、ble Properties of Treated Wood by the Fire-Tube ApparatusE 136Test Method for Behavior of Materials in a Vertical Tube Furnace at 750CE 160Test Method for Combustible Properties of Treated Wood by the Crib Test 3E 162Test Method for Surface Flammability of Materials Using a Radiant Heat Energy Sourc

13、e E 176Terminology of Fire StandardsE 286Method of Test for Surface Flammability of Building Materials Using an 8-ft (2.44-mTunnel Furnace 3E 2231Practice for Specimen Preparation and Mounting of Pipe and Duct Insulation Materials to Assess Surface Burning Characteristics 3. Terminology3.1DenitionsF

14、ordenitionsof terms used in this test method refer to Terminology E 176. The term amespreadFor referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, , or contact ASTM Customer Service at .For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information, refer to the standardsDocument Sum

15、mary page on the ASTM website. 3Withdrawn.2This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E05on Fire Standards and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E05.22on Surface Burning.Current edition approved June 1, 2006. Published June 2006. Originally approved in 1950. Last previou

16、s edition approved in 2005as E 8405e 1.1Copyright ASTM International, 100Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.index from Terminology E 176is of particular interest to this standard and is denedin .1.1amespread index , n anumber or classicationindicat

17、ing a comparative measure derived from observations made during the progress of the boundary of a zone of ameunder denedtest conditions.3.2Denitionsof Terms Specicto This Standard:3.2.1smoke developed index , n anumber or classicationindicating a comparative measure derived from smoke obscu-ration d

18、ata collected during the test for surface burning characteristics.3.2.2surface amespread , n thepropagation of a ameaway from the source of ignition across the surface of the specimen.4. Signicanceand Use4.1This test method is intended to provide only compara-tive measurements of surface amespread a

19、nd smoke density measurements with that of select grade red oak and ber-cement board surfaces under the specicreexposure condi-tions described herein.4.2This test method exposes a nominal 24-ft (7.32-mlong by 20-in. (508-mmwide specimen to a controlled air owand amingreexposure adjusted to spread th

20、e amealong the entire length of the select grade red oak specimen in 512min. 4.3This test method does not provide for the following:4.3.1Measurement of heat transmission through the tested surface.4.3.2The effect of aggravated amespread behavior of an assembly resulting from the proximity of combust

21、ible walls and ceilings.4.3.3Classifying or deninga material as noncombustible, by means of a amespread index by itself.5. Apparatus5.1Fire Test Chamber SeeFigs. 1-The retest chamber is a rectangular horizontal duct with a removable lid. The inside dimensions are as follows:Width:1734614in. (

22、45166.3mm measured between the top ledges along the side walls, and 1758638in. (448610mm at all other points.12612in. (305613mm measured from the bottom of the test chamber to the top of the ledges on which the specimen is supported. This measurement includes the 18in. (3.2mm thickness of the 112in.

23、 (38mm wide woven berglassgasket tape.25ft 63in. (7.62m 676mm.Depth:Length:5.1.2The sides and base of the chamber shall be lined with an insulating rebrickwith the dimensions of 412in. by 9in. by 212in. thick as illustrated in Fig. 2. The insulating rebrickshall have the following properties:Maximum

24、 Recommended Temperature 2600F(1424CBulk Density 5063lb/ft3(0.7760.046g/cm3Thermal Conductivity at MeanW/mCBtuin./hrft2FTemperature of400F(205C1.70.24800F(425C1.90.271200F(650C2.20.321600F(870C2.60.372000F(1095C3.20.462400F(1315C3.90.565.1.3One side of the chamber shall be provided with double obser

25、vation windows 4with the inside pane ushmounted (seeFig. 2. Exposed inside glass shall be 234638by 11+1, 2in. (70610by 279+2550mm. The centerline of theHeat-resistant glass, high-silica, 100%silica glass, nominal 14-in. thick has been found suitable for the interior pane. Borosilicate glass, nominal

26、 14-in. thick has been found suitable for the exterior pane.4FIG. 1Test Furnace, Showing Some Critical Dimensions (Nota Construction DrawingFIG. 2Test Furnace Showing Critical Dimensions (Nota Construction Drawingexposed area of the inside glass shall be in the upper half of the furnace wall, with t

27、he upper edge not less than 2.5in. (63mm below the furnace ledge. The window shall be located such that not less than 12in. (305mm of the specimen width can be observed. Multiple windows shall be located along the tunnel so that the entire length of the test sample is observable from outside the rec

28、hamber. The windows shall be pressure tight in accordance with 7.2and .1.4The ledges shall be fabricated of structural materials 5capable of withstanding the abuse of continuous testing. The ledges shall be level with respect to the length and width of the chamber and each other. The ledges s

29、hall be maintained in a state of repair commensurate with the frequency, volume, and severity of testing occurring at any time. 5.1.5Lid :The lid shall consist of a removable noncombustible metal and mineral composite structure as shown in Fig. 2and of a size necessary to cover completely the

30、 retest chamberand the test samples. The lid shall be maintained in an unwarped and atcondition. When in place, the lid shall be completely sealed to prevent air leakage into the retest chamber during the test.The lid shall be insulated with a minimal thickness of 2in. (51mm castable insulati

31、on or mineral composite material having physical characteristics comparable to the following:Maximum effective use temperature of at least:1200F(650CBulk density 21lb/ft3(336kg/m3Thermal conductivity at 300to 700F0.50to 0.71Btuin./hft2F(0.072to (149to 371C0.102W/mKHigh-temperature furnace refractory

32、. Zirconium silicate, or water-cooled steeltubing have been found suitable for this purpose.The entire lid assembly shall be protected with atsections of nominal 14-in. (6.3-mmber-cementboard meet-ing the properties of Annex A3. This protective board shall be maintained in sound condition th

33、rough continued replacement. The protective board is to be secured to the furnace lid or place on the back side of the test specimen. 5.1.6Gas Burners :One end of the test chamber shall be designated as the “reend”.This reend shall be provided with two gasFIG. 3Typical Exhaust End Transition

34、(Nota Construction Drawingburners delivering amesupward against the surface of the test sample (seeFig. 2. The burners shall be spaced 12in. (305mm from the reend of the test chamber, and 712612in. (190613mm below the under surface of the test sample. Gas to the burners shall be provided through a s

35、ingle inlet pipe, distributed to each port burner through a tee-section. The outlet shall be a 34in. NPT elbow. The plane of the port shall be parallel to the furnace oor,such that the gas is directed upward toward the specimen. Each port shall be positioned with its centerline 4612in. (102613mm on

36、each side of the centerline of the furnace so that the ameis distributed evenly over the width of the exposed specimen surface (seeFig. .2The controls used to assure constant owof gas to the burners during period of use shall consist of a pressure regulator, a gas meter calibrated to read in

37、increments of not more than 0.1ft 3(2.8L, a manometer to indicate gas pressure in inches of water, a quick-acting gas shut-off valve, and a gas metering valve. 5.1.7Air Intake :An air intake shutter shall be located 5465in. (13726127mm upstream of the burner, as measured from the burner cente

38、rline to the outside surface of the shutter (seeFig. 1. The air intake is to be ttedwith a vertically sliding shutter extending the entire width of the test chamber. The shutter shall be positioned so as to provide an air inlet port 36116in. (7662mm high measured from the oorlevel of the test chambe

39、r at the air intake point.To provide air turbulance for proper combustion, turbulance baffling shall be provided by positioning six refrac-tory rebricks(asdenedin 5.1.2 along the side walls of the chamber. With the long dimension vertical, 412in. (114-mmdimension along the wall, place the bri

40、cks as follows from the centerline of the burner ports:On the window side at 7, 12, and 20612ft (2.1,3.7, and 6.160.2mOn the opposite side at 412, 912, and 16612ft (1.3,2.9, and 4.960.2mThe movement of air shall be by an induced draft system having a total draft capacity of at least 0.15in. (

41、3.8mm water column with the sample in place, the shutter at the reend open the normal 36116in. (7662mm, and theof the tunnel, 160.5in. (25612mm below the ceiling, 1560.5in. (381612mm downstream from the inlet shutter (seeFig. Exhaust End :The other end of the test chamber is designated

42、 as the exhaust end. The exhaust end shall be ttedwith a gradual rectangular-to-round transition piece, not less than 20in. (508mm in length, with a cross-sectional area of not less than 200in. 2(1290cm 2 at any point (seeFig. .2The transition piece shall in turn be ttedto a 16in. (406mm diam

43、eter duct pipe. A typical duct system shown in Fig. 4contains two 90elbows (seeFig. 5 with the exhaust duct running beside the retest chamber. In order to comply with this typical design, the vertical centerline of the exhaust duct system is identical to that of the retest chamber.The exhaust

44、 duct is to be insulated with at least 2in. (51mm of high temperature mineral composition material from the exhaust end of the rechamber to the photometer location.An exhaust fan shall be installed at the end of the exhaust duct. The air owshall be controlled as speciedin .1.8.5An alt

45、ernative exhaust duct layout design shall demonstrate equivalency by meeting the requirements speci-edin Section Photometer System :A photometer system consisting of a lamp 6and photocell 7shall be mounted on a horizontal section of the 16-in. (406-mmdiameter vent pipe at a point where

46、 it will be preceded by a straight run of pipe (atleast 12diameters or 16ft (4.88m and not more than 30diameters or 40ft (12.19m from the vent end of the chamber, and with the light beam directed upward along the vertical axis of the vent pipe. The vent pipe shall be insulated with at least 2in. (51

47、mm of high-temperature mineral composition material, from the vent end of the chamber to the photometer location. The photoelec-tric cell of which the output is directly proportional to the amount of light received shall be mounted over the light source and connected to a recording device having a m

48、inimum operating chart width of 5in. (127mm with an accuracy within 61%of full scale, for indicating changes in the attenuation of incident light by the passing smoke, particulate, and other effluent. The distance between the light source lens and the photocell lens shall be 3664in. (9146102mm. The

49、cylindrical light beam shall pass through 3-in. (76-mmdiam-eter openings at the top and bottom of the 16-in. diameter duct, with the resultant light beam centered on the photocell.The sole source of supply of the apparatus known to the committee at this time is 12-V sealed beam, clear lens, auto spo

50、t lamp, No. 4405, from General Electric, Nela Park, OH. If you are aware of alternative suppliers, please provide this information to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consider-ation at a meeting of the responsible technical committee, 1which you may attend. 7The sole source of s

51、upply of the apparatus known to the committee at this time is No. 856BB from Weston Instruments, Wauconda, IL. If you are aware of alternative suppliers, please provide this information to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical c

52、ommittee, 1which you may attend.6FIG. 4Plan ViewTypicalDuct System (Nota Construction Drawingdamper in the wide open position. A draft gage tap to indicate static pressure shall be inserted through the top at the midwidthFIG. 5Typical Duct Elbow (Nota Construction DrawingLinearity of the phot

53、ometer system shall be veriedperiodically by interrupting the light beam with calibrated neutral density lters.The ltersshall cover the full range of the recording instrument. Transmittance values measured by the photometer, using neutral density lters,shall be within 63%of the calibrated value for

54、each lter.5.1.10Draft Regulating Device :An automatically controlled damper to regulate the draft pressure shall be installed in the vent pipe down-stream of the smoke-indicating attachment. The damper shall be pro-vided with a manual override.Other manual or automatic draft regulati

55、on de-vices, or both, are allowed to be incorporated to help maintain fan characterization and air-owcontrol throughout the test. 5.1.11Thermocouples :A No. 18Awg (1.02-mmthermocouple, with 38618in. (9.563.2mm of the junction exposed in the air, shall be inserted through the oorof the test c

56、hamber so that the tip is 16132in. (25.460.8mm below the top surface of the gasketing tape and 23ft 612in. (7.0m 613mm from the centerline of the burner ports at the center of its width.Two No. 18Awg (1.02mm thermocouples are embedded below the oorsurface of the test chamber. These thermocou

57、ples shall be mounted at distances of 13ft 612in. (3.96m 613mm and 2314ft 612in. (7.09m 613mm measured from the centerline of the burner ports. The thermo-couples shall be inserted from below the retest chamber through the rebrickuntil the tip of the thermocouple is 186132in. (3.260.8mm below the oo

58、rsurface. The tip of the thermocouples shall be covered with refractory or portland cement, carefully dried to avoid cracking.66. Test Specimens6.1Specimens shall be representative of the materials which the test is intended to examine. The report shall include information on the composition needed for identicationof the test specimen as described in .2The specimen shall be provided in one of two ways:(1a continuous, unbroken length; (2sections that will be joined or butted e


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