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1、 英语英语5English 5Teacher : Li ShimeiClass:Class One/Class Two in the year 2015Major: Nursing/Pharmacy Unit 9 Environment AwarenessContentsReading I Passage A Green ElectricityApplied Writing: Public Service AdGrammar Focus: Comparative Degree of AdjectivesSelf-Assessment Emphases & difficulties1.

2、理解课文的大意。2. 重点单词和词组3. 重点句型 4. 形容词比较级用法。5. 公益广告格式和写法、有用的句型。Brief Introduction of the Style and Background of the Passage.n This passage is of an argumentation style in the form of newspaper editorial, in which the writer presents his/her point of view and tries to convince readers to agree with it. Th

3、e most important features of argumentative writing are its three elements: a clear theme that the writer argues for; evidence that supports the argument; and logically organized points.n During the last decade, the media has greatly raised the environment awareness of the public. However, a new repo

4、rt shows that Californian consumers have been deceived by “green” electricity marketing claims and the green buyers are actually paying extra dollars for sham 虚假的 benefits.Language PointsWord Study(1)n release v. to be known and published 公开发表,发布公开发表,发布n e.g. The new trade figures have just been rel

5、eased.n The police have released no further details bout the crime.n Syn: disclose v.to tell or show 披露;公开披露;公开n e.g. He disclosed his innermost feelings. n deregulate v. to take away governmental rules and limits 撤销对撤销对的管制的管制n e.g. The government deregulated the airlines and allowed them to compete

6、 with each other on prices and routes. n hoax n. a deception or trick 骗局;恶作剧骗局;恶作剧n e.g. The children loved playing hoaxes on their teacher.n The bomb threat turned out to be a hoax.n Syn: deception n. something that causes people to believe what is not true. 骗人的东西骗人的东西;骗局;骗局n e.g. She spread false

7、information as a deception to mislead the investors. n result in v. to have as a result; to cause 导致导致,造成,造成n e.g. The accident resulted in the death of two passengers.n The game resulted in a tie.n Her hard work resulted in a big bonus for her.n Ant: result from v. to be the cause of 起因于起因于n e.g. H

8、is illness resulted from eating contaminated food. n justify v. to give acceptable reasons for an action 证明证明有理;为有理;为辩护辩护n e.g. How can you justify such an expense?n The government will find it difficult to justify this decision to the public. n renewable a. able to be renewed or continued 可更换的;可继续的

9、可更换的;可继续的n e.g. Sun, wind and waves are renewable sources of energy.n This ticket is renewable after 12 months. n generate v. to produce or create 引起,导致引起,导致n e.g. The accident generated a lot of public interest in the nuclear power issue.n The personnel department seems to be generating a lot of pa

10、perwork these days.n generation n. production 产生产生n e.g. The generation of electricity is done with nuclear power. ntake advantage of to use an opportunity; to cheat 利用;蒙骗利用;蒙骗n e.g. He always takes full advantage of the mistakes made by his rivals.n The salesperson took advantage of me by charging

11、me too much.n Syn: exploit v. to treat unfairly 剥削剥削n e.g. He exploited workers by paying them very little. n promoten v. to support, propose, esp. for the public good 主张;提倡;发起主张;提倡;发起n e.g. The mayor promoted the idea of building a new sports stadium in the city.n China is sparing no efforts to pro

12、mote the cause of world peace. n beware v. to be very careful about 当心,注意当心,注意n e.g. Beware of pickpockets.n Beware, sir, (of) what you do. n critical a. analytical 评判性的,评判性的,extremely important 关键的关键的n e.g. The reviewer published his critical comments on art in the newspaper.n The critics have made

13、 a critical analysis of the governments record.n The problem of food supplies is bound to be critical. nreview v. to reexamine; to criticize 细查;评论n e.g. The airport authorities have promised to review their security arrangements.n A critic reviewed the new Broadway play and wrote food things about i

14、t.review n. a critique 评论n e.g. I hope your new book gets favorable reviews.n A good review of new play was in todays newspaper. nanalyze v. study or examine in order to learn about 分析,研究n e.g. He analyzed the food and found it contained poison.n The leader tried to analyze the causes of our failure

15、. nrepackage v.to put into a new covering 重新包装n e.g. The design of their product looked old- fashioned, so they repackaged it to look more modern. nfollow suit to do the same as another person 仿效别人;跟着做n e.g. Once one bank raised its interest rate, all the others followed suit.n He asked for a rise,

16、and soon other employees followed suit. nlead to result in 导致n e.g. This will lead to trouble in the future.n The scandal led to him resigning. nextend v. to continue in space or timen e.g. The company plans to extend its activity to produce videos.n We will eventually extend the road as far as it i

17、s needed. ndeal with to concern; to be about 涉及,关于n e.g. This chapter deals with the problem of inflation.n Ill deal with verbs in the next lesson. nencourage v. to give hope, courage and confidence to; to support 鼓励,支持n e.g. He encouraged me to apply for the job.n You should encourage her in her at

18、tempts to become a doctor, instead of being so negative about it. nlook into v. to try to find the truth about sth. 调查n e.g. A special committee was set up to look into the problem.n He has promised to look into the matter.n Syn: investigate v.调查;审查n e.g. My car was stolen last week; the police are

19、investigating the case.Language Points1.notes to the passagen (Para.1) A ground-breaking new study released today by Public Citizen shoes that the marketing of “green ”electricity in Californias newly deregulated market is largely a hoax on consumers nd result in little or no benefit to the environm

20、ent.nTranslation: 今天,今天,大众大众杂志所公布的最新一杂志所公布的最新一份开性的研究报告表明,在加利福尼亚州新进放开份开性的研究报告表明,在加利福尼亚州新进放开的公用事业市场上所销售的的公用事业市场上所销售的“绿色电力绿色电力”,对消费,对消费者来讲,很大程度上是一个骗局,而且对环境的益者来讲,很大程度上是一个骗局,而且对环境的益处也微乎其微,甚至根本没有。处也微乎其微,甚至根本没有。nAnalysis: nAnalysis:nThe past participle released today by Public Citizen is used as a postmodi

21、fier, equivalent to a relative clause “that was released today by Public Citizen”.nNewly deregulated or newly-deregulated is a past participle phrase that can be used as a premodifier of a noun. A past participle can be used in this way when it is preceded by an adverb, an adjective or even a noun s

22、howing the manner of the participle. Other examples can be found in: a well-done job, a delicately made watch, the beautiful-printed brochure, a grass-covered slope, the quick-witted student.nExample: She shrank from the eyes turned upon her.n He ate all the food left in the dark-lit kitchen. 1.note

23、s to the passage(Para.2)The electric utility industry is justifying deregulation by claiming there are environmental benefits, such as the marketing of green electricity, but in fact the “green” is going mostly into the pockets of marketers.nTranslation:电力事业部门正在为撤销管制面辩解,声称诸如绿色电力的推向市场会给环境带来益处,但事实上大把的

24、“绿色”钞票却落入了经销商的口袋。Language Points1.notes to the passagen Analysis:nIn the adverbial of manner by claiming there are environmental benefits, the relative pronoun “that” which introduces the object clause “there are environmental benefits” is omitted.nDont confuse “green electricity” with “green” in th

25、e sentence. The latter s actually the “greenback” for short, which refers to the US back notes.nExample: There are $80 billion in greenbacks floating around the world as an unofficial currency.Language Points1.notes to the passagen(Para.2)An estimated 75-95 percent of that cost goes toward covering

26、marketing and overhead and does not result in an expansion of renewable energy generation.nTranslation:这项收费中估计有这项收费中估计有75%到到95%需用于市场需用于市场销售和日常行政性开支,并没有用于促进可再生资源的销售和日常行政性开支,并没有用于促进可再生资源的扩大再生产。扩大再生产。nAnalysis:ncovering marketing and overhead is a present participle phrase acting as the object of the p

27、reposition “toward”.Language Points1.notes to the passagen(Para.2)An estimated 75-95 percent of that cost goes toward covering marketing and overhead and does not result in an expansion of renewable energy generation.nTranslation:这项收费中估计有这项收费中估计有75%到到95%需用于市场销售和日需用于市场销售和日常行政性开支,并没有用于促进可再生资源的扩大再生产。常行

28、政性开支,并没有用于促进可再生资源的扩大再生产。nPay particular attention t the usage of cover and overhead.nCover is a verb here which means “to have enough money to pay for something.”nOverhead is a noun which means “the money spent to run a business, such as rents, salaries, etc.”nExample: Will $10 cover the cost of the

29、 damage?n When we moved our offices out of the city, our overhead was cut in half. Language Points1.notes to the passagen (Para.4)Most marketers are making renewable energy the “boutique option” and taking advantage of people who want to do the right thing.nTranslation:大多数经销商正把可再生能源变成一种大多数经销商正把可再生能源

30、变成一种“时时髦的选择髦的选择”,并利用人们乐于公益事业的心理(大做文,并利用人们乐于公益事业的心理(大做文章)。章)。nAnalysis: Making renewable energy the boutique option forms the structure of “V+O+C”, meaning “turning renewable energy into the boutique option”, something fashionable to run after. Besides, taking advantage of here means “cheating”.Langu

31、age Points1.notes to the passagen (Para.4)Most marketers are making renewable energy the “boutique option” and taking advantage of people who want to do the right thing.nExample: Id like to making the world a better place.n Theyre making the old kitchen into a little bedroom.n The salesperson took a

32、dvantage of me by charging me too much. n(Para.4)They are deceiving ratepayers into believing the extra dollars they pay for “green” electricity are actually promoting the greater use of clean, renewable energy sources, when that is clearly not the case.nTranslation:他们诱骗纳税人相信选用绿色电力而多付的款确实促进了可再生的清洁能源

33、的推广使用,而事实显然并非如此。Analysis: The overall structure of this sentence is: They are deceiving . into believing . (that-clause of object) . (when-clause of contrast). n(Para.4)They are deceiving ratepayers into believing the extra dollars they pay for “green” electricity are actually promoting the greater

34、use of clean, renewable energy sources, when that is clearly not the case.nAnalysis: Deceiving . Into believing means “causing people to believe by cheating them”. Believing takes an object clause with “that” omitted. And the subject of the object clause the extra dollars is modified by a relative c

35、lause which has omitted the relative pronoun “that” or “which”. The use of when in the last clause is a little specific, used structurally to introduce an adverbial clause of time, but in meaning this clause gives the negation of what is said in the main clause, thus forming a sharp contrast.nExampl

36、es: He deceived the old lady into lending him all her money for his business.n You describe this policy as rigid and inflexible, when in fact it is extremely flexible. n(Para.5)The report reviews the content and cost of green power products being offered in California and analyzes the claims being m

37、ade about them.nTranslation:这份报告审查了加州市场销售的“绿色电力”产品的成分和成本,并解剖了经销商对此所作的承诺。nAnalysis:Being offered in California and being made about them are both the passive form of the present participles, which functions to show the present continuous tense and, thus, can be translated as “正在加州销售的”和“正就它们做出的”。nExam

38、ples: The conference being held in Beijing is of tremendous important.n The expressway being built is scheduled to be opened to traffic on May Day. n(Para.6)The green electricity bought by Californian consumers comes largely from renewable energy sources controlled by utilities and is already being

39、paid for by those utilities customers.nTranslation:加州的消费所购买的绿色电力主要来自于公用事业部门控制之下的可再生能源,消费者已为使用这种能源一直在付款。nAnalysis:nThe two italicized participle phrases bought by Californian consumers and controlled by utilities serve as the postmodifier of “electricity” and “sources” respectively. n(Para.6)The gree

40、n electricity bought by Californian consumers comes largely from renewable energy sources controlled by utilities and is already being paid for by those utilities customers.n2)Is being paid the passive from of the verb phrase “to pay” in present continuous tense.nExample: Another kind of football in

41、vented in England is rugby which was be n(Para.6)The electricity is simply being repackaged and sold at higher prices.nTranslation:这种电力现在仅仅是经过重新包装,便以更高的价格出售。nAnalysis: Is simple being repackaged and sold is the passive voice of the present progressive form of verbs “repackage” and “sell”, which indi

42、cates something that is or was being done.nExample: New building materials and new inventions are constantly being developed. P1481 Checking your understanding1. Wec an know from the passage that the fossil energy is not sustainable b.2 . In the sentence “but in the green is going mostly into the po

43、ckets of marketers .” The word “green ” mostly probably means consumers money c.3. Green electricity is generated from the following energy sources except the coal-fired power c. 4. according to the passage, many ratepayers did not realize that they were cheated by the bogus claims a.5. The purpose

44、in writing the report is to criticize the marketers to ask for compenstion b. P169-5Translate the following sentences into English using the given words.1. The telephone caller said there was a bomb in the hotel but it later turned out to be a hoax .2. The police have received the complaint, and the

45、y re looking into it.3. Hollywood has been dying for years. Will the British film industry follow suit?4. Beware how you handle this dangerous substance. P169-5Translate the following sentences into English using the given words.5. The state government claims they have reduced personal taxation 6. .

46、6. Dont deceive yourself into thinking that the bad plan will work.7. Lets analyze the problem and see what went wrong.Applied writingPublic Service Ad nBrief Introductionn Public service ads can be classified as non-commercial advertising. They are usually announcements and advertisements for publi

47、c affairs which were made by non-profit-making organizations such as religious groups, charitable institutions and governmental departments. Public service ads usually features five basic elements: illustration; headline; body copy; slogan; trademark.Notes to the Passagen(Title)Global relief comes i

48、n all shapes and sizes.nTranslation:拯救地球,不分你我nAnalysis: In all shapes and sizes mean “of any kind”.nExamples: Houses come in all shapes and sizes.n He will not tolerate disobedience in all shapes and sizes. n(Sample 2)Philips U.K. Limited is a subsidiary of Phillips NV, a multinational with its head

49、quarters in the Netherlands.nTranslation: 菲利普英国有限公司是菲利普NV的一家子公司。菲利普NV是一家跨国公司,其总部设在荷兰。nAnalysis:A multinational (company) is an appositive to Philips NV. With its headquarters in the Netherlands is an absolute participle structure with the present participle “being” omittedthe resumed structure shoul

50、d have been:with its headquarters being in the Netherlands.nExample:MSE is an subsidiary of Mannesman Seiffent GmbH, a multinational with its headquarters in Germany. n(Para.2)You see, Global Relief is no more than a name.nTranslation:你瞧,“拯救地球”仅仅是个名称而已。nAnalysis: No more than means “simply or merely

51、”.nExamples: Dont worry about the rain, you see, its no more than a drizzle. n(Para.3)By planting even one tree youll be making a positive contribution to the world we live in.nTranslation:哪怕是种植一棵树,也会对我们所生存的这个世界有所贡献。nAnalysis: We live in is a relative clause which omits relative pronoun “which” and

52、modifies “the world”.nExample: By donating even one yuan youll be making a positive contribution to the 2008 Olympics we bid for. NotesWord Studyn beautify v.to make pretty 美化;使漂亮n e.g. She beautified her garden by planting flowers.n The avenue has been beautified by a spectacular fountain. Notes Word Studyn make a difference to bring a change (for the better) 引起(更好的)变化引起(更好的)变化n e.g. She rece


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