《2022年高考英语一轮复习讲练测》必修二 Unit 3 The Internet 课件_第1页
《2022年高考英语一轮复习讲练测》必修二 Unit 3 The Internet 课件_第2页
《2022年高考英语一轮复习讲练测》必修二 Unit 3 The Internet 课件_第3页
《2022年高考英语一轮复习讲练测》必修二 Unit 3 The Internet 课件_第4页
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1、Unit 3The Internet主题语境:人与社会主题语境:人与社会(科学与技术科学与技术)【话题词汇】1.download vt. 下载2.blog n& v. 博客;写博客3.delete vt. 删除 4.file n. 文件;文件夹;档案5.exactly adv. 精确地6.automatic adj. 自动的 7.process vt. 加工;处理8.intelligent adj. 智能的 9.digital adj. 数字的;数码的10.function n. 功能;作用11.instant adj. 立即的;即时的12.drawback n. 弊端;不利条件13.

2、advanced adj. 先进的,高级的 14.calculate v. 计算;核算;推测【话题短语】1.surf the Internet 上网冲浪2.break down 发生故障3.hightech products 高科技产品4.electronic books 电子读物5.text message 手机短信6.be addicted to 沉迷于7.shop on the Internet 网购8. catch on 变得流行;理解9.potential ability 潜能10.change ones life 改变某人的生活【话题佳句】1.Firstly, with the d

3、evelopment of society, computers are playing an important role in many aspects of our life.首先,随着社会的发展,电脑在我们日常生活的各方面起着重要的作用。2.As is known to us, smartphones have become an important part in our daily life. We need them to chat, to surf the Internet as well as entertain ourselves.众所周知,智能手机已成为我们生活中重要的一

4、部分。我们用手机聊天、上网、娱乐。3.It goes without saying that modern technology brings us convenience and comfort in life.毫无疑问,现代科技给我们的生活带来方便和舒适。【话题练习】1.There is no doubt that the Internet makes communication easier and helps us keep up with the latest information.毫无疑问,因特网使交流更简单了,也有助于我们跟上最新的信息步伐。2.Microblog can pr

5、ovide a platform to show our talent and release our pressure, thus making it more and more popular with high school students.微博能给我们提供一个展示我们的天赋、释放压力的平台,因此使它越来越受中学生的欢迎。 .重点单词1_vi. 聊天;闲聊2_ vt. 流播; 流出vi. 流动n. 小河;溪流3. _n. 身份;个性4. _ n. 居民;住院医生adj. (在某地)居住的5_ n. 功能;作用vi. 起作用;工作;运转6_ n. 折扣vt. 打折7_ n. 目标;对象;

6、靶子vt. 把作为攻击目标8_ adj. 让人难堪(尴尬;害羞)的chatstreamidentityresidentfunctiondiscounttargetembarrassing9 _ adj. 灵活的;可变通的10_ adv. 因此;所以11_ n. 博客vi. 写博客12_ n. 准则;指导原则 13_ n. 偷(窃);盗窃罪14_ vt. 更新;向提供最新信息n. 更新;最新消息15_ n. 慈善;慈善机构(或组织)16_ n. 会议;研讨会;正式会谈flexiblethereforeblogguidelinetheftupdatecharityconference.拓展单词1_

7、 v确认;认出_ n身份;个性2_ adj.远的;远处的_ n距离_ adv. 远离地;疏远地3_ n. 益处 vt.使受益 vi.得益于_adj.有益的;受益的4_ adj.方便的;近便的_ n方便;便利;便利设施_ adv. 便利地;合宜地5_ n计数;总数 v点的数目;计算_ n折扣 vt.打折 _ adj.无数的;数不尽的identifyidentitydistantdistancedistantlybenefitbeneficialconvenientconvenienceconvenientlycountdiscountcountless6_ vt. 鼓舞;激励_ n. 灵感;鼓舞

8、_ adj. 有灵感的_ adj. 鼓舞人心的7_ n通道;(使用、查阅、接近的)机会 vt.进入;使用;获取_ adj.可接近的;可进入的8_ vt. 确认;使确信 _ n. 确认;证实;_ adj. 根深蒂固的;坚定的9_ adj.特定的;特别的;讲究的_ adv.特殊地;特别地 10_ vt. 给下定义;界定_ adv. 清楚地,明确地,肯定地_ n. 定义;清晰inspireinspirationinspiredinspiringaccessaccessibleconfirmconfirmationconfirmedparticularparticularlydefinedefinit

9、elydefinition联想拓展tele代表从远方来的telephone n. 电话telegraph n. 电报,电报机vt. 打电报,显示television n. 电视机telescope n. 望远镜teleconference n. (电话、电视等的)电讯会议telecommunication n. 电信,远程通信 电脑专用术语keyboard n. 键盘 monitor n. 显示器mouse n. (复mice)鼠标modem n. 调制解调器screen n. 幕;荧光屏browser n. 浏览器.核心短语1_ 查找;好转;向上看2_ 取笑;戏弄3_ 陪伴某人4_ 既然;由

10、于5_ 经历;度过;通读6_ 状况良好7_ 掌握的最新消息;了解的动态8_ 分发;公布;用尽9_ 对熟悉10_ 牢记look upmake fun ofkeep sb. companynow thatgo throughin shapekeep track ofgive outbe familiar withkeep.in mind联想拓展“all”短语大全after all 毕竟;究竟above all 首先;最重要的是in all 全部;合计at all 一点也不;到底;究竟first of all 首先;第一all in all 总的说来to ones情感名词to ones relief

11、令某人欣慰的是to ones delight/pleasure 令某人高兴的是 to ones disappointment 令某人失望的是to ones surprise/astonishment 令某人吃惊的是to ones amusement 令某人发笑的是to ones embarrassment 令某人尴尬的是.重点句型1句型公式:now that引导原因状语从句_ (既然)he works and can take care of himself,his daughter has time to study at university.2句型公式:“find宾语宾语补足语”结构At

12、 age 50,she_ (发觉自己失业了)with only her computer to keep her company.3the比较级,the比较级句型However,_you are, _ it is you will be attacked. (你越有礼貌,可能性就越小。)Now thatfound herself out of workthe more politethe less likely高频考点探究.核心词汇1distance n距离;远方;疏远;v.与疏远【教材原句】She realised that one of the greatest benefits of t

13、he Internet was its ability to remove the distance that usually exists between people.她意识到互联网的最大好处之一是它能够消除人与人之间通常存在的距离。 (1)in the distance 在远方;在远处at a distance 隔一段距离;距离稍远from a distance 由远处keep sb.at a distance 对某人冷淡;与某人疏远(2)distant adj. 遥远的;远处的;久远的【练透考点】单句语法填空It snows all the year round in that _(d

14、istance) little village. In winter,everything in the distance looks white.The man is always distant towards his neighbors,so his neighbors often keep him _ a distance.I saw some children waving to the foreign guests_the distance,but I couldnt see them clearly.【佳句背诵】Not all cultures greet each other

15、the same way,nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people.各种文化背景下人们互致问候的方式不尽相同,身体接触和相互间距离的程度也并不一样。distantatin2convenient adj.方便的;近便的【教材原句】There are countless articles telling us how the Internet has made our lives more convenient.有无数的文章告诉我们互联网如何使我们的生活更方便。(1)be co

16、nvenient for sb./sth. 对某人/物是方便的It is convenient for sb. to do sth. 某人方便做某事be convenient for sth. 离很近(2)convenience n. U方便;便利C便利的设施for convenience 为了方便起见at ones convenience 在方便的时候for the convenience of sb. 为了某人的方便(3)conveniently adv. 方便地【误区释疑】convenient作表语时,不能用表示人的名词或代词作主语。【练透考点】单句语法填空_ your convenie

17、nce,Id like to invite you and your family to visit China.If_is convenient for you,can you pick me up at the airport at 11:30 am?I bought this apartment for its convenienceit is very convenient for the bus station and it has a lot of_.(convenience) 【佳句背诵】I would be very grateful if you could inform m

18、e of your decisions at your earliest convenience.如果您能尽快通知我们您的决定,我们将感激不尽。 Atitconveniences3benefit n益处; vt.vt.使受益; vi.vi.得益于【教材原句】She realised that one of the greatest benefits of the Internet was its ability to remove the distance that usually exists between people.她意识到互联网的最大好处之一就是能够消除通常存在于人和人之间的距离感

19、。(1)for the benefit of 为;为的利益be of benefit to 对有益(2)benefit from/by. 从受益;得益于benefit sb. 对某人有益(3)beneficial adj. 有利的;有益的;受益的be beneficial to 对有益;对有利【练透考点】单句语法填空/一句多译While the suns rays can age and harm our skin,they also give us_(benefit) Vitamin D.You can also revise the knowledge at the same time a

20、nd you are sure to benefit_ it.上课前预习功课真的让我受益匪浅。It really_ to preview lessons before class. (benefit vt.)It is_ to preview lessons before class. (benefit n)It is_ to preview lessons before class.(beneficial adj.)【佳句背诵】As we all know,books are the source of knowledge,from which I benefit a lot.众所周知,书是

21、知识的源泉,我从书中受益很多。beneficialfrombenefited/benefits me a lotof great benefit to megreatly beneficial to me4upset adj.心烦的;苦恼的;沮丧的 vt.vt.使烦恼;使生气;搅乱【教材原句】It seemed like a joke at first,but the girl was very upset.起初,这似乎是个玩笑,但女孩很难过。(1)be upset about/over/at sth. 为某事烦心/难过be upset to do sth. 对做某事感到不安/难过be ups

22、et that. 让人不安(2)upset oneself about sth. 为某事而烦恼It upsets sb.to do sth./that. 让某人心烦的是【熟词生义】It had been the cause of much emotional upset.那便是使人情绪一落千丈的原因。(n.不痛快;烦闷;失望;苦恼)【语段填空】Jim is doing his homework. The flies flying around him without a stop _ him. He is so _ and annoyed that he _ the cup at the co

23、rner of the desk.吉姆在做家庭作业。苍蝇不停地在他周围飞来飞去,这让他心烦意乱。他烦躁极了,以至于打翻了放在桌角的杯子。upsetsupsetupsets【练透考点】单句语法填空As far as Im concerned,there is no sense in _(get) upset _it now.I was really upset _ (find) that such a thing should have _ (occur) in your shop._ upset me that our flight was delayed because of the ter

24、rible storm.【佳句背诵】What impressed me most was that I failed in an English exam, feeling extremely upset and disappointed. 给我印象最深的是我在一次英语考试中不及格,感到极度心烦和失望。gettingaboutto findoccurredIt5familiar adj.熟悉的;常见的;亲近的He tells us that the best way to overcome culture shock is to get familiar with new culture.他告

25、诉我们克服文化冲击最好的办法就是熟悉新文化。be/get familiar with熟悉;与熟悉起来(其主语通常是指人的名词)be familiar to 为所熟悉(其主语通常是人们所通晓的事物)familiarity n. 熟悉;精通;亲密;随便【练透考点】一句多译他们不太熟悉慈善工作,这项工作在中国还处于初始阶段。They _ charity work, which is still at an early stage in China.Charity work,which is still at an early stage in China, _.【佳句背诵】Visiting the

26、exhibition will help you get familiar with the art of papercutting.参观展览有助于你熟悉剪纸艺术。are not familiar withis not familiar to them.核心短语6keep track of掌握的最新消息;了解的动态; 与保持联系【教材原句】Both of Xiao Bos apps keep track of the steps he takes. 肖博的两个软件都记录着他走的步数。【典型例句】As a doctor, he has to keep track of the latest de

27、velopment in medicine. 作为一名医生,他必须了解医学的最新发展动态。(1)track n. 轨道;足迹,踪迹;小道vt. 追踪;通过;循路而行vi. 追踪;走;留下足迹(2)keep track of 与保持联系lose track of 与失去联系on track 走上正轨on the track adv. 在轨道上;未离题track and field 田径;田径赛【练透考点】完成句子Try to record the details of your life. Start a diary to _ in your own life. (记录生活中美好的事物)Do w

28、rite me as often as you can. I dont want to _. (与你失去联系) 【佳句背诵】Stick with your plan and keep track of your progress.坚持计划,并记录进步的点点滴滴。keep track of the beautiful thingslose track of you7go through经历;度过;通读;仔细检查;用完【教材原句】“When you go through tough times,you meet others who are facing similar challenges,”J

29、an says.简说:“当你经历艰难时期时,你会遇到其他面临类似挑战的人。”【典型例句】I would be grateful if you could spend some time going through my resume and making necessary changes. 如果你能花时间浏览一下我的个人简历并做必要的修改我将万分感激。go ahead 前进;请说(做吧)go over 越过;温习go against 背叛;违背;违反go by 走过(某处);(时间)过去;流逝go up 上升;上涨【练透考点】单句语法填空If you insist on leaving no

30、w, please go _.Things will get better as time goes_.Whoever goes_ the tide of history will come to no good end.Go_ those things that seem impossible, and achieve what we never believed we could.The mountain path becomes steeper and steeper as you go _.Our teacher chose many important exercises for u

31、s, and I went_ the language points at the same time.aheadbyagainstthroughupover8in shape 在外形上;处于良好状态【教材原句】Xiaobo is looking for an APP to help him get in shape.肖博正在寻找一款APP来帮助他强身健体。【典型例句】We will tell why exercise is important and introduce some of the popular ways to get in shape. 我们会讲为何锻炼重要,并介绍一些保持健

32、康的流行方法。in shape在外形上;处于良好状态in good shape 精神或身体状态好;处于很好的状态;良好的体形;体力好in the shape of 以的形式;呈的形状out of shape 走样;身体状况不佳take shape 形成;成形;体现;具体化get into shape 使身体好起来keep in shape 保持好体型【练透考点】完成句子The ancient silk painting dating back to Tang dynasty is well preserved and still_.可追溯到唐朝的古代丝绸画保存良好而且状态不错。As the S

33、pring festival is approaching, plans for our vacation are beginning_.春节就要到了,我们的休假计划已开始形成。Working out regularly can burn out lots of calories,which help us stay _.有规律的锻炼可以燃烧很多卡路里,这帮我们保持良好的体形。He has a watch_ a rabbit.他有一只小兔子形状的手表。in good shapeto take shapein shapein the shape of.典型句式精析9Now that he wor

34、ks and can take care of himself,his daughter has time to study at university.现在他工作了,可以照顾自己了,他女儿有时间上大学了。【典型例句】2020全国卷Now that youve listed your strengths, list your imperfections. 既然你已经列出了你的长处,请列出你的不完美之处。【句式分析】now that意为“既然”,在意思和用法上同since,引导原因状语从句,口语中that可省略。(1)引导原因状语从句的连词还有because,since,as,in that,c

35、onsidering (that),seeing (that)等。(2)for为并列连词,引导并列分句,表示补充说明原因,不能置于句首,其前通常用逗号隔开。【练透考点】完成句子_, you have learned to be independent. 既然你已经长大了,你已经学会独立。_, appropriate action can be taken. 既已找出问题的症结,就可采取适当行动了。Now that you have grown upNow that the problem has been identified10However,the more polite you are,

36、 the less likely it is you will be attacked.然而,你越有礼貌,你就越不可能受到攻击。【典型例句】The more, the better.多多益善。【句式分析】(1)“the比较级(主语谓语),the比较级(主语谓语)”结构,意为“()越,()越”。(2)前一个“the比较级”是条件状语从句,后一个是主句。主句用一般将来时,前面的从句用一般现在时表示将来。【语境速测】完成句子The _ (hard)you work,the _ (great) progress you will make. 你越努力,进步就越快。The more difficult

37、the questions are, _ able to answer them.问题越难,他回答出来的可能性就越小。The happier you are, the more friends _.你越开心,你交的朋友就越多。【佳句背诵】The more the man knows, the more he is inclined to be modest.大智若愚。hardergreaterthe less likely he isyou will make.高考能力同步化单句语法填空12020江苏卷For those who can stomach it, working out befo

38、re breakfast may be more _ (benefit) for health than eating first, according to a study of meal timing and physical activity.22020浙江卷Polar bearslike all wild animalsshould be photographed from a safe _ (distant)32020全国卷“Were thinking about how we can engineer plants to replace _ (function) of the th

39、ings that we use every day,” explained Michael Strano, a professor of chemical engineering at MIT.42020全国卷The unmanned Change4 probe (探测器)the name was _ (inspire) by an ancient Chinese moon goddesstouched down last week in the South PoleAitken basin.beneficialdistancefunctionsinspired52020天津卷Thanks

40、to the Silence Machine, a British invention, you can get rid of the sound without _ (upset) the boy or his parents.6I believe these books will not only make you familiar _ China, but help improve your Chinese.7Satellites make televisions _ (access) to people who live away from the cities. 8Because o

41、f the tough environment. They were pressed _ (quit) the original plan of reaching the peak.9You had better call the airline _ (confirm) your flight before you leave for Beijing.10The problem _ (target) at improving the health of the people.upsettingwithaccessibleto quitto confirmis targeted.必备知识试题化选

42、词填空now that,go through, have access to, look up, make fun of1After he entered middle school. He lacked selfconfidence because his classmates often _ him.2_ I have been fully aware of the bad effect of my behavior,I would make an effort to change it.3Before the Hope Project was carried out in this po

43、or area, children _ no _ education.4Should I _ the new words each time I come across them? 5Plan _ at the meeting, which made us all quite happy.made fun ofNow thathadaccess tolook upwent through.教材语篇高考化语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。The Internet has greatly changed our lives by online 1._ (com

44、munity) and social networks.Jan Tchamani had to quit her teaching job because she suddenly 2._ (develop) a serious illness. Then she found 3._ (surf) the Internet could remove the 4._ (distant) that usually exists between people. The people she met online helped her so much 5._ she decided to start

45、an IT club to help older people how 6._ (use) computers and the Internet. She believes that it is 7._ (high) important to bridge the digital divide and make sure that everyone has access 8._ the Internet and knows how to use new technology. Her next goal 9._ (be) to start a charity website to raise

46、money for children in poor countries. In 10._ word,Jans life has been greatly improved by the Internet. communitiesdevelopedsurfingdistancethatto usehighlytoisa2017浙江卷阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。On a bright, warm July afternoon, Mac Hollan, a primary school teacher, was cycling from his h

47、ome to Alaska with his friends. One of his friends had stopped to make a bicycle repair, but they had encouraged Mac to carry on, and they would catch up with him soon. As Mac pedaled (骑行) along alone, he thought fondly of his wife and two young daughters at home. He hoped to show them this beautifu

48、l place someday. Then Mac heard quick and loud breathing behind him. “Man, thats a big dog!” he thought. But when he looked to the side, he saw instantly that it wasnt a dog at all, but a wolf, quickly catching up with him.Macs heart jumped. He found out his can of bear spray. With one hand on the b

49、ars, he fired the spray at the wolf. A bright red cloud enveloped the animal, and to Macs relief, it fell back, shaking its head. But a minute later, it was by his side again. Then it attacked the back of Macs bike, tearing open his tent bag. He fired at the wolf a second time, and again, it fell ba

50、ck only to quickly restart the chase (追赶)Mac was pedaling hard now. He waved and yelled at passing cars but was careful not to slow down. He saw a steep uphill climb before him. He knew that once he hit the hill, hed be easily caught up and the wolfs teeth would be tearing into his flesh.At this mom

51、ent,Paul and Becky were driving their car on their way to Alaska. They didnt think much of it when they saw two cyclists repairing their bike on the side of the road. A bit later, they spotted what they, too, assumed was a dog running alongside a man on a bike. As they got closer, they realized that

52、 the dog was a wolf. Mac heard a large vehicle behind him. He pulled in front of it as the wolf was catching up fast, just a dozen yards away now.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2请按如下格式作答。The car abruptly stopped in front of him._A few minutes later, the other two cyclists arrived._Step 1品读语篇抓住要点Who: _What: _人称:_;

53、 时态:_;何种细节描写为主:心理;动作;语言;表情;环境;外貌 Mac, Paul and Becky, friends,wolfMac was chased after by wolves on the way to Alaska第三人称一般过去时Step 2审题构思研读首句Para. 1: The car abruptly stopped in front of him.1据第一段开头关键词可知,本段应该描写_。Para. 2: A few minutes later, the other two cyclists arrived.2 据 第 二 段 开 头 关 键 词 可 知 , 本 段 应 该 描 写_。Paul 对Mac救与不救得救后Mac和赶来施救的朋友们的交流互动Step 3斟酌打磨丰富句式1精挑细选核心词汇想周全_ 冲_ 迟疑_ 几乎吓死了_ 血盆大口_ 及时帮助dashhesitationwas nearly dead with frightbloody mouthtimely help2闪耀登场句式升级是亮点句式翻译:狼很生气,不停地咆哮,猛烈地拍打着窗户。The wolf was so angry tha


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