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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Time to wake up!该起床了!Good morning!早安I'm awake我睡醒了。(贝壳亲子英语)Did you sleep well?睡得好吗?Let's get dressed.来穿衣服吧。Put on your shoes.穿上你的鞋子。It's time to go to bed.该睡觉了。(跟大熊学英语)Take off your clothes.脱掉衣服。Let me read you a story.我来念个故事给你听。Choose a book you want to read .选一本你想听的故事书吧?Lis

2、ten carefully.仔细听哦Good night! Sweet dreams晚安!做个好梦。(跟大熊学英语)Let me tuck you in让我帮你盖好被子(跟大熊学英语)Don't go to bed too late不要太晚睡哦(跟大熊学英语)Let's drink some water.喝点水。What do you want to eat你想吃什么 (米菲英语)Are you hungry?你饿了吗?It's too hot.太烫了。Blow on your food to cool it off.吹一下,让它冷一点。Wash your hands

3、well before eating.吃饭前,要好好洗手It's time to eat该吃饭了(跟大熊学英语)Sit down in your spot坐在桌子盘(跟大熊学英语)Don't talk with your mouth full吃饭时不要总说话(跟大熊学英语)Don't eat so fast不要吃那么快(跟大熊学英语)Are you finished你吃完了吗(跟大熊学英语)It's okay,I'll clean it up没关系,我来收拾(跟大熊学英语)Wash your face and brush your teeth.洗脸刷牙。

4、Wash your neck, too.脖子也要洗哦。Go wash your hands.去洗手。Let's wash your hair.来洗头吧。Mommy will wash you.妈妈帮你洗。It's so dirty.太脏了Look at the mirror.照照镜子.Close your eyes.闭上眼睛。I'm full.我吃饱了。(跟大熊学英语)I'm thirsty我渴了。(跟大熊学英语)I'm sleepy我困了。(跟大熊学英语)I'm starving我饿了。(贝壳亲子英语)Do you want to pee?你要

5、尿尿吗?Do you want to poop?你要拉粑粑吗?Do you want me to hold you?要我抱你吗?Give me a kiss!亲一下!It's time to clean up.该打扫卫生了。It's time to take a bath.该是洗澡的时间了。Let's wipe the floor.我们来擦地板吧。Mommy is doing the dishes.妈妈在洗碗。I'm going to do the laundry.我要去洗衣服了I'm sorry.对不起。Don't shout.不要大叫。I&#

6、39;m tired.我累了I love you.我爱你。You are the best.你是最棒的。Good job!你做得很好!Al right 好的Who made such a mess?是谁弄得这么乱?Put your toys away.把你的玩具收拾好。Let's get out.我们出去吧。Let's go for a walk.我们去散步。Go and play outside.去外面玩。It's raining outside外面在下雨It's going to rain. Don't go out today.要下雨了。今天不要出

7、去。It's too hot today. Play inside.今天太热了。在家里玩。Where are you going to go?你要去哪里?Let's play ball我们来玩球Okay. I will throw the ball.好,我来丢球Go and get the ball.去把球捡回来Do you want to swing?你想玩荡秋千吗?It's go out together.好!那我们一起去吧.The elevator is going up 电梯上来了。The elevator is going down.电梯下来了。Here's the elevator.Let's get in.电梯来了。我们进去吧。Push button one.按一楼。Watch out for cars.小心车子。Wait for me等等我There are a lot of cars.车子很多。It's danger


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