1、。SHANDONGLUKMANAUTOPARTSMANUFACTURINGCO.,LTDADD: Dongyu avenue,Tianqiao district,Jinan,Shandong,ChinaTEL: 86 0531 81260185MOBIL:86ONTRACT出口合同Contract No:SD201606PARTSDate:Jun. 2th, 2016合同编码: SD201606PARTS约日期: 2016年6月 2日签Place:Jinan China签约地点:中国济南The Buyer :ADD:Tel:买方:The Seller :SHANDON
2、GLUKMNAUTOPARTSMANUFACTURINGCO.,LTD卖方:山东鲁克曼汽车零部件制造有限公司ADD: Dongyu avenue,Tianqiao district,Jinan,Shandong,China地址:济南市天桥区东宇大街56 号 No.56Tel. :86 0531 81260185电话: 86 0531 812601851、The Contract is made , by and between the Seller and the Buyer whereby the Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to b
3、uy the under-mentioned commodity subject to terms and conditions set forth hereinafter as follows, the specifications of trucksand trailers are in attachments:本合同由买卖双方按照下述条款缔结,卖方同意售出买方同意购进以下货物,具体配置请看附件。Snenglish name/零件名Quantity/Unite priceTotal / 合计Type/ 款式FOB QINGDAO US$美/序号数量(USD)元离岸价单价1grinding
4、apparatus/磨具300×50011507.691507.692grinding apparatus/磨具430×86012800.002800.003grinding apparatus/磨具530×96013618.463618.464PRESS MACHINE/压力机150T18461.548461.545PRESS MACHINE/压力机315T12230822308。1。6grinding apparatus/磨具1000x10001846284627grinding apparatus/磨具850x850144164416Total/ 合计( U
5、SD)51573.69SAY US DOLLAR: Fifty-onethousand and fivehundredseventy three dollarand sixty-ninecentsonly.2、 Packing:3、 Time of Shipment:30 days upon 3 0% by TT in advance, 70% balance by IrrevocableLC at sight.发运时间 : 收到 30%定金,开立70%不可撤销即期信用证后30 天内发货。4、 Place of Loading:QINGDAO,CHINA发运地 : 青岛,中国5、Port of
6、 Destination: Haiphong,Vietnam目的港 :越南,海防港口6、 Terms of Payment:FOB Qingdao port付款条件 : FOB Qingdao port7、 All the bank fees incurred in China should be paid by the Seller, and all the bankfeesincurred outside China should be paid by the Buyer.一切在中国境内的银行费用由卖方承担,一切在中国境外的银行费用由买方承担。8、 Force MajeureNeither
7、 the Seller nor the Buyer shall be held responsible for failing toperform the whole or parts of the contract, owing to“Force Majeure ”causes. Howeverin such a case , the affected party shall immediately notice the other party, withinthirty (30) days after the accident,and enough evidence to prove th
8、e occurrence andcontinuous of the accident should be submitted to the other party. If the said "ForceMajeure" cause lasts over sixty (60) days,the Buyer shall have the right to cancelthe whole or parts of the Contract.“ForceMajeure ” includesallincidentsthathappenafterthe signing date,unfo
9、reseen when signing the contract, unable to avoid and overcome the occurrence andresults,and that preventany ofthe parties toperformparts or thewhole ofthe contract.The incidentsshouldincludesearthquake,typhoon,flood,fire,war,nationalorinternational transportations break off, governmental or officia
10、l actions, epidemic,civil turbulence, strike and any other unforeseen or unavoidable or unconquerableincidents,includingallincidentsthat conventionallyconsideredas Force Majeureininternational commercial practice.不可抗力在合同执行过程中, 如果发生 " 不可抗力 " ,则任何一方不对合同全部或部分的不履行负责。但受事件影响的一方应在事件发生后迅速通知对方, 并在其
11、后 30 天内提供证明该不可抗力发生及其持续时间的足够证据。 如果上述 " 不可抗力 " 继续存在 60 天以上,买方有权撤销合同的全部或一部。“不可抗力 ”指在生效日期后发生的、本合同签署时不能预见的,并且其发生与后果是无法。2。避免或克服的,妨碍任何一方全部或部分履约的所有事件。该等事件应包括地震、台风、水灾、火灾、战争、国际或国内运输中断、政府或官方机构的行为、流行病、民事骚乱、罢工及其它任何无法预见、避免或克服的事件,包括一般国际商业惯例认作不可抗力的事件。9、International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade T
12、erms.All terms shall be subject to the International Rules for the Interpretation ofTrade Terms (INCOTERMS 2000) provided by International Chamber of Commerce ( ICC) unless otherwise stipulated herein.国际贸易术语解释通则:除非本合同另有约定, 本合同的相关专业术语和条件与国际商会制定的 2000 年国际贸易术语解释通则相一致。10、 ArbitrationBoth parties agree t
13、o attempt to resolve all disputes between the parties withrespect to the application or interpretation of any term herein, through amicablenegotiation.Ifa disputecannot be resolved inthis manner to the satisfactionof theSellerand theBuyer withina reasonable periodof time , maximumnotexceeding90 days
14、after the date of the notification of such dispute,the case under dispute shall besubmitted to arbitration. Such arbitration shall be held in Beijing, China, and shallbe governed by the rules and procedures of arbitrationstipulated by theForeign TradeArbitration Commission of the China Council for t
15、he Promotion of International Trade.The award by such arbitrationshallbe acceptedas finaland bindingupon both parties.Neitherofthe parties should go tocourt or other arbitrationorganizationsforremedy.The arbitration fees shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise agreed.仲裁双方同意对一切因执行和解释本合同条款
16、所发生的争议,努力通过友好协商解决。在争议发生的通知之日起一个合理的时间内, 最多不超过 90 天,协商不能取得对买卖双方都满意的结果时,则该争议应提交在中国北京的中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁,并依据申请仲裁时现行的仲裁规则进行。该仲裁为终局裁决,对双方均有约束力。任何一方不得寻求法庭或其它机构更改仲裁裁决。仲裁费用除非另有约定,由败诉一方负担。11、 This contract is underlying the international pacts that the two parties nations take part in. If no such an internationa
17、l pact exists this contract should be governedby the laws of the Peoples Republic of China.本合同优先适用买卖双方所在国参加的国际公约和缔结的双边或多边协定,若不存在上述公约和协定,则适用中华人民共和国法律。12、This contract comes into force on the date of signed and will expired until Dec31. 2016. This contract is signed with two (2) originals, and each party holds one. Each original is equal in force.本合同自签订日起生效, 2016 年 12 月 31 日前有效。本合同正本一式两 (2) 份,合同双方各执壹 (1) 份。每份合同正本具有同等
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