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1、Lesson 97-98A small blue case本课内容 单词学习 课文讲解 翻译句子 翻译对话 作业 Never love anyone who treats you like youre ordinary.Daily English别爱那些看不到你特别之处的人。 Review The exact time 1. 差差5分分5点了点了 2. 8:45 3. 11:30 4. 12:55 5. 2:02 6. 6:15 7. 1:55 8. 3:03单词学习 leave (left, left) v. 遗留 describe v. 描述 zip n. 拉链 label n. 标签 h

2、andle n. 提手,把手 address n. 地址 pence n. 便士 belong v. 属于 leave 1)v. 遗留,遗忘我把笔记本忘在我母亲家了。I left my notebook at my mothers .他把钥匙忘在了教室。He left his key in the classroom. leave 指知道东西忘在哪个地方 lose 丢失(不知道丢失东西的地方)2)v. 离开当你离开的时候记得关灯。Remember to turn off the light when you leave. leavefor 离开(某地)前往明天我要到上海去。I am leavi

3、ng for Shanghai tomorrow.3)v.把留下/ 留在你可以把孩子留在家里。You can leave your children at home.leave a message for sb 给留个口信4) v.使处于某种状态让门开着吧。Leave the door open. leave alone 不 管,不惹 别再碰那个瓶子了leave the bottle alone5)n. 准假,休假ask for leave 请假 a sick leave of three days 三天病假 describe description n.描述 你能描述一下你的手提箱吗? Ca

4、n you describe your suitcase? = Whats your suitcase like? describeas 把 说成 describe sb as 把自己说成 他说她聪明 是聪明的女人 He described her as clever a clever woman. label n. 标签 attach a label to在上标签 这个女孩正在往她的行李上贴标签。 The girl is attaching a label to her luggage. tag n.标签 写有名称,地址,号码及定价等的牌子 a price tag 价目标签 handle 1

5、) n. 提手,把手 茶壶(kettle)的把手 the handle of a kettle 我手提箱的把手坏了。 The handle of my suitcase is broken. 2)v. 触,摸,拿,弄 先洗手,然后再拿筷子。 Wash your hands, then handle the chopsticks. Handle with care. 小心轻放。 3)v. 处理,管理,对待 这个小男孩太年轻不能处理这个问题。 The boy is too young to handle this problem. 你应该好好学习怎样对待别人。 You should learn h

6、ow to handle people. 4)v. 经营 这家店经营纸张和文具。 This shop handles paper and stationery. address 1) n. 地址 2)n.演说,讲话 Give/deliver an opening address致开幕辞 Deliver a closing address致闭幕词 address of welcome 欢迎辞 pencepenny(单数) every penny of it 确实值得钱 这件外套确实值这些钱。 This coat is worth every penny of it. belong 1)v. 属于

7、 这个房子属于我。 The house belongs to me. (后加宾语) (不能用于进行时态或被动语态) 这本书是你的吗? Does this book belong to you? 2)是的一员 他是高尔夫俱乐部的一员。 He belongs to a golf club. Exercises for consolidation : 写出下列句子的同义句: 1. These books are ours. These books _ _ _ . 2. This pair of shoes belongs to him. This pair of shoes _ _. 3. Whos

8、e is the pen? _ does the pen _ _? 4. Does the case belong to her? _ the case _? belong to usis his Who belong to Is hers代词代词主格主格宾格宾格所有格所有格 名词性名词性反身代词反身代词第第1人人称称Imemyminemyselfweusouroursourselves第第2人人称称youyouyouryoursyourselfyouyouyouryoursyourselves第第3人人称称hehimhishishimselfsheherherhersherselfititi

9、tsitsitselftheythemtheirtheirsthemselves leave (left, left) v. 遗留 describe v. 描述 zip n. 拉链 label n. 标签 handle n. 提手,把手 address n. 地址 pence n. 便士 belong v. 属于summary 1.Where did Mr.Hall leave his suitcase? 2.What does his suitcase like? 3.Is there a label on the handle? 4.Whats his name and address?

10、5.How much should he pay for? 6. Does Mr .Hall get his case back?Listen to the tape and answer the questions.课文讲解 I left a suitcase on the train to London the other day. left是leave的过去式,表示“遗忘,丢了”,通常与表示地点的短语连用。 我把我的眼镜忘在教室里了。 I left my glasses in the classroom. 别把伞忘在图书馆里。 Dont leave your umbrella in th

11、e library. the other day “几天前”一般与过去时连用 the other morning the other week the other month 几天前的上午几周前几月前leave sth at/in/on把忘在. Can you describe it , sir? 很难用语言描述我的心情。 Its hard to describe my feeling with words. 你能描述一下那个男子么? Can you describe the man? Its a small blue case and its got a zip. Theres a labe

12、l on the handle with my name and address on it. “with+介词短语”表示伴 随情况 一个女孩手里拿着一支玫瑰站在街上。 A girl is standing in the street with a rose in her hand. 我们老师手里拿着几根粉笔进来了。 Our teacher comes in with some chalk in her hand. What about this one? This ones got a label. what about相当于how about 多用于征求意见 出去散散步怎么样? What about going out for a walk? 这周末去购物怎么样? How about going shopping this weekend?


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