1、雅思语法讲义1 (2007-02-21 11:17:28) IELTS简介BAND 9 EXPERT USER成绩极佳,能将英语运用自如, 精确、流利并能完全理解。BAND 8 VERY GOOD USER非常好,能将英语运用自如,只是偶尔有连接的错误和不恰当,在不熟悉的状况下可能出现误解,可将复杂的争论掌握的相当好。BAND 7 GOOD USER良好,有能力运用英语,虽然在某些情况有时会发生不准确、不适当和误解,大致可将复杂的英语掌握的不错,也理解其全部内容。BAND 6 COMPETENT USER及格,大致能有效的运用英语,虽然有不准确、不适当和误解发生,能使用并理解相当复杂的英语,特
2、别是在熟悉的情况时。BAND 5 MODEST USER适当及格,可部分运用英语,在大多数情况下可应付全部的意思,虽然可能犯下许多错误,在本身领域内应可掌握基本的沟通。BAND 4 LIMITED USER水平有限,只限在熟悉的状况下有基本的理解力,在理解与表达上常发生问题,无法使用复杂英语。BAND 3 EXTREMELY LIMITED USER水平极有限,在极熟悉的情况下,只能进行一般的沟通理解。BAND 2 INTERMITTENT USER只属于偶尔使用英语,除非在熟悉的情况,使用单词和简短的短句表达最基本的信息, 在说写方面有重大的障碍。BAND 1 NON USER不能通过,可能
3、只能说几个单词,无法沟通。IELTS考 试 结 构阅 读 部 分测试时间1小时,约38-42题。考试形式: 简答;复选;连线题;填充题;完成图表、表格;段落大纲与摘要;是非,无关题.写 作 部 分写作部分,测试时间1小时,分2大单元(Task 1&2)A类的Task 1通常考题以根据图片、表格坐标、曲线图的内容写一份报告为基本形式。G类的Task 1是写一封日常生活中常见的信件。 A类与G类的Task 2非常相似,一般要求考生就某问题提出解决的方法;为某一观点辩护;比较或对比一些根据和意见;评价或反驳一些论点;提供一般真实的报告。听 力 部 分测试时间约40分钟,约38-42题。只听到一次语音
4、,不会重复。30分钟听录音,利用额外10分钟把答案誊写在答案纸上。考试形式:图表法(地点、方向、人物特征);复选题;简答题;完成句子,段落;完成一个格式;连接题。口 语 部 分时间:11-14分钟对话形式:一对一谈话(考生与主考官)第一部分:谈谈一般性的话题,如生活作息上、文化习惯上、个人兴趣等等,约3-4分钟。第二部分:主考官抽出一张卡(prompt card),考生根据卡片上的内容回答问题。第三部分:考官根据看片的内容通考生进行进一步的讨论。如何获得高分?“No pain, no gain!”有获得高分的“秘笈”吗?有获得高分的捷径吗?那些获得高分的学生是怎样回答的?成功之路( 21th
5、Century) Name: Zheng Dong Age: 26 Place of birth: Beijing I wouldnt say the test is very easy, but it was more exciting and stimulating than TOEFL. I tried to keep my confidence because this enables one to give 100%. Concentration is important too, and lots of practise. There are no shortcuts with I
6、ELTS, it is designed to reflect the overall ability of the student. Ive got more confidence now. I used to think that British English was hard, but once I passed IELTS I felt less scared about studying in the U.K or working internationally. Living in an English-speaking country requires good speakin
7、g, reading and writing abilities, and IELTS is the best way to measure them. I would recommend it.Name: Zheng Li Age: 24Place of Birth: Anqing, Anhui Province I wanted to go abroad to study, but to do that I needed an English language qualification. I decided on IELTS because I heard that it was mor
8、e comprehensive than other tests. Maybe this would be harder in the beginning, but it would make life easier when I went abroad to take my main degree and I would be able to concentrate on studying without worrying about my English.考生必读:易犯的雅思语法错误1 . Sentence fragments Make sure each word group you h
9、ave punctuated as a sentence contains a grammatically complete and independent thought that can stand alone as an acceptable sentence. 我经常看到句子成分不全,或者两个句子不加任何连词的用在一起的情况,出现这种情况的原因有两个: 1是句子太长,把作者自己搞晕了 2是有些人还不清楚两个完整的句子不能排在一起而不加任何连词。 还有一种情况是一个完整的单句带有有连词,却没有主句。或者将一个主从句断裂开了。第二个例句就是此类。 Sentence Fragment Tes
10、ts of the Shroud of Turin have produced some curious findings. For example, the pollen of forty-eight plants native to Europe and the Middle East. 改正: Tests of the Shroud of Turin have produced some curious findings. For example, the cloth contains the pollen of forty-eight plants native to Europe a
11、nd the Middle East. 原句: Scientists report no human deaths due to excessive caffeine consumption. Although caffeine does cause convulsions and death in certain animals. 改正: Scientists report no human deaths due to excessive caffeine consumption, although caffeine does cause convulsions and death in c
12、ertain animals. 2. Sentence sprawl Too many equally weighted phrases and clauses produce tiresome sentences. 过尤不及,虽然我们强调句子要有一定的复杂性,但是实际上老米教授、专家从来不主张过长的句子,读者也不爱看。不过,要达到精确而又不啰嗦的表达,的确是有难度的。 Sentence sprawl The hearing was planned for Monday, December 2, but not all of the witnesses could be available,
13、so it was rescheduled for the following Friday, and then all the witnesses could attend. There are no grammatical errors here, but the sprawling sentence does not communicate clearly and concisely. 改正: The hearing, which had been planned for Monday, December 2, was rescheduled for the following Frid
14、ay so that all witnesses would be able to attend. 3. Misplaced and dangling modifiers Place modifiers near the words they describe; be sure the modified words actually appear in the sentence. Misplaced or Dangling Modifier When writing a proposal, an original task is set for research.(错位) 改正: When w
15、riting a proposal, a scholar sets an original task for research. 原句 Many tourists visit Arlington National Cemetery, where veterans and military personnel are buried every day from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. 本句最后是一个dangling modifer悬虚的修饰成分,让人产生误解,此成分应该靠近发出动作的人或物 改正: Every day from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00
16、 p.m., many tourists visit Arlington National Cemetery, where veterans and military personnel are buried4. Faulty parallelism Be sure you use grammatically equal sentence elements to express two or more matching ideas or items in a series. 平行结构是很容易出错的,在托福语法中也是出题点,这种错误很容易被忽视。英语我们的是非母语,在语感上来识别错误的可能就降低
17、了。写作和检查的时候注意主胃、动宾的搭配、一致,主动被动的转换。 Faulty parallelism The candidates goals include winning the election, a national health program, and the educational system. 改正: The candidates goals include winning the election, enacting a national health program, and improving the educational system. 原句: Some crit
18、ics are not so much opposed to capital punishment as postponing it for so long. 改正: Some critics are not so much opposed to capital punishment as they are to postponing it for so long. 5. Unclear pronoun reference All pronouns must clearly refer to definite referents nouns. Use it, they, this, that,
19、 these, those, and which carefully to prevent confusion. 错误的使用代词或模糊的是用代词,是我经常在论坛作文里面发现的。不是说不可以用,但是一定要很清楚地有所指。作文的开头部分,我的建议是尽量不要用很多代词,因为开头部分是整个文章的一个概览,thesis必须clear, 不要怕麻烦,即便是多陈述一遍(不要用原句!换换说法),也是对thesis的强调,并不累赘。正文、结尾只要使用代词得当就可以了。 不要小看代词,它对你思想的表达有的时候很关键,如果指代不清,其他写得再好读者也会confused Unclear pronoun referen
20、ce Einstein was a brilliant mathematician. This is how he was able to explain the universe. 改正: Einstein, who was a brilliant mathematician, used his ability with numbers to explain the universe. 原句: Because Senator Martin is less interested in the environment than in economic development, he someti
21、mes neglects it. 改正 Because of his interest in economic development, Senator Martin sometimes neglects the environment. 6. Incorrect pronoun case Determine whether the pronoun is being used as a subject, or an object, or a possessive in the sentence, and select the pronoun form to match. 比较弱的错法,不过你敢
22、保证你从没犯过?! Incorrect pronoun case Castros communist principles inevitably led to an ideological conflict between he and President Kennedy. 改正: Castros communist principles inevitably led to an ideological conflict between him and President Kennedy. 原句: Because strict constructionists recommend fideli
23、ty to the Constitution as written, no one objects more than them to judicial reinterpretation. 改正: Because strict constructionists recommend fidelity to the Constitution as written, no one objects more than they do to judicial reinterpretation. 基础班语法的任务:把汉语译成英语。跟原文对照,并且举一反三。I will persist until I su
24、cceed. 可以改成 I will work hard until I win. I will conquer all the difficulties until I finally achieve my goal. 句子可以越来越长,越来越复杂。雅思阅读中语法词的处理 英语中的词汇可分为词汇词和语法词两种, 前者指的是有具体意义的名词、动词、形容词和副词, 也是考生在处理雅思的阅读文章中往往重点关注的,但数量众多,替换频繁,出现生单词的概率很高;后者指的是冠词、代词、连词和介词等意义比较固定的词。熟练掌握语法词的处理有助于考生猜测生单词的含义,从而提高阅读的速度。以下是对各种语法词的使用
25、方法的分析: 1冠词 冠词分不定冠词和定冠词两类。不定冠词a/an 多表示引入一个具体的例子,尤其是结合大写的专有名词或数字等信息时,在初次处理文章时是不需要详细读的,除非后面有细节性的题目涉及到。这样的例子中多有专业词汇夹杂在其中,如过多关注这些词汇不但影响速度,还会加重考生的紧张心理。而定冠词后往往接的是一个抽象性的概念,或者是对前面提到的核心事物的同义表达,可能有生单词,但也是对前面的重复表达,只要看懂后面的评价性的观点即可。如: In June 1976, 711200 people were living in a different State from that in which
26、 they had been living in 1981.In general, the direction of net interstate migration has been northwards (on the east coast) and westwards (to the west coast). 上文中的第一句that是一个阅读中的难点,代替的是前一句中的某个state,但实际上这句是一举例,不需要读的,反复琢磨出其意思只是耽误时间,而后面的the提示其后的内容才是重点。 2代词 任何一篇阅读文章中都不可避免会出现人称代词和指示代词,在处理文章的过程中应重点把握this,
27、that, these, those,such, his, their,they等构成的短语是继续前面的例子还是对其进行评价, 重点看的应是评价。 如剑3 中的The Scientific Method一文中, “There is no such thing as an unbiased observation”, 统领一个新的段落, 如看懂such是对前面的归纳,那就很容易看懂本短的主要内容是把上一段否定了, 这一段就不需要全读了, 阅读速度自然提高了很多。 It是应该高度重视的一个词, 尤其是以判断句式出现的时候, 重点应看的是系动词后面的形容词或类似的表达, 至于it所代表的从句或不定式
28、或是动名词结构都是全文中反复提到的,只是换了一种表达方式而已,所以处理时可将其看成“这个”.如: It is a mas extinction, and whether we will ever rebound from the loss is difficult to know. 该句子中的mass 和difficult to know 则是阅读中的重点, 至于and 后的从句是什么即使是不看也能猜出是全文反复提到的”语言的死亡”者。 3.连词 大部分备考的考生都已掌握了连词but 和and以及其它类似的表达, 如:, in contrast to, however, while, frut
29、hermore, not onlybut also, besides等对提高阅读速度以及生单词的处理的辅助作用。如剑6中的一篇文章: What was on offer that day was a pair of tickets for a New York musical. But on any given day, what Schaefer can offer is typical for todys drugs rep-a car trunk full of promotiojal gifts and gadgets, a budget that could buy lunches
30、and dinners for a small country 上文中的第二句开始的but提示下面的内容和第一句应是不同的,至于是什么则不需要细读,因为里面有不定冠词a及大写的专有名词,只要知道是举了几个例子即可。而其中的gadgets则是雅思常考的生单词的方式之一, 一个常见的单词和一个较生僻的单词用and连接。 在理解某一段落的主旨时还应注意该段最后是否有类似but之类的将前面的观点否定了的词汇或短语。 4. 介词 介词是英语中应用最灵活的一类词,阅读中英特别关注for, to,from等方向性的词,前两个表示结果或目的,即使有不认识的单词考生们也可往这方面猜;from出表示来自,在很多情
31、况下还表示原因,有可能出判断等题。Of前经常是一些比较生僻的抽象性的集合词,不影响理解句子的意思,如: the oil-rich monarchs of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait flew Asians in to build their new cities. 以上几种语法词经一段时间训练后,结合阅读中的skimming和scanning等技巧,能更快的处理完原文,然后再针对具体的题目搜索答案,效果事半功倍。雅思语法学习纲要 语法的学习繁琐而又枯燥,市面上厚厚的语法书各式各样。学生如果自己买本在家里看,经常会有种摸不着边际的感觉。所以对于计划考雅思的学生而言,补习语法知
32、识最好是针对雅思听、说、读、写四门考试。考生做阅读题最容易得长句恐惧症,一看到长句就心理发毛,但通过一定的语法知识可以去枝叶留主干,化长句为短句,把握句意的同时大大缩短阅读理解的速度。另外大部分考生在写作时满腹经纶,却不知如何正确的用英语表达出来,结果文章语法错误百出,甚至胡说八道,影响评分。因此考生在复习语法时应该多关注自己最易犯的语法错误,总结出的常见错句对症下药,把非谓语动词、简单句、复杂句和主谓一致作为重点,补薄弱环节,学会如何准确流畅的表达观点,提高写作成绩。另外,时态、虚拟语态两个章节与雅思听、说紧密结合,更体现了其实用性。 语法阅读篇 英语同汉语不同,它是种形合的语言,有形就可以
33、分析。长句是雅思阅读考试的一个难点,尤其是长句中的主从句。所谓分析句子,就是分清主次,把握阅读的节奏。 一. 从句的应用 比方说,定语从句分为限定和非限两种,在阅读中非限制性定语从句只作为补充说明,省略也不影响大意,所以阅读时可以一跃而过,加快阅读的速度。 A: The drivers who knew the traffic jam took another road. B: The drivers,who knew the traffic jam,took another road. A句的限制定语从句作必要说明, 表明知道交通堵塞的司机走了另外一条道, 相当于汉语中的 “的”,对司机进行
34、了范围的限定。 而B句中的非限定从只是补充说明司机们走另外条道的原因,并未对司机进行任何范围限定。 But未必是作转折连词,当它在定语从句中作特殊关系词,学生会看不懂。 There is no rule but has its exceptions. There is no man but has his own faults.只要主句中有否定词, 定语从句中就可以用but作关系词,只要把它替换成普通关系词的否定形式,即thatnot就能看懂了。 There is no rule that has not its exceptions. (没有什么事是没有例外,即凡事都有例外。) There
35、is no man that has not his own faults.(没有人没有缺点,即人无完人。) 另外,从句的简化形式也是阅读中的一个陷阱。 1. 定语从句的简化形式: 先行词 + (关系词 + be动词 )+ 动词过去分词 eg. New jobs (which is) created by roboticism generate stress. 这是一句定语从句的简化, 由于关系词和be 动词被省略了,很多学生会错把created 看成谓语, 其实真正的谓语是 generate。 2. 状语从句的简化必须符合两个要求,第一是主从句中的主语一致,第二是从句中的谓语是be 动词。R
36、ipe,the apple tastes better. ( 原句为 When it is ripe, the apple tastes better.) 文章中如果出现这种结构: 形容词, 主+ 谓 形容词指的就是后面的主语, 它其实是状语从句的省略形式。 二. 虚拟语态与阅读: 虚拟就是假的, 是对现实的白日做梦, 一相情愿。对过去事与愿违的惋惜和责备。所以答案应该与原文正好相反。来看一句主题句: If experiments were planned and carried out according to plan as faithfully as the reports in the
37、 science journals indicate, then it would be perfectly logical for management to expect research to produce results measurable in dollars and cents。If引导的虚拟句只不过是作者的一个假设,不太可能实现,理解时要反过来想,即科学研究的结果事实上并不那么有效。 三. 是是非非的否定与阅读题: 1. 双重否定: eg.1 原文 However, there has hardly been a year since 1957 in which birth
38、rates have not fallen in the United States and other rich countries. 题目 During the years from 1957 to 1976, the birth rate of the United States _. 双重否定其实就是肯定句的变体,目的还是为了强调, 雅思考试往往将文章中的双重否定句在出题时变为肯定句,反之亦然。答案为 reduced。 eg.2 原文 Only 14 percent fathers are highly participant in terms of time spent on fam
39、ily work. 题目 The vast majority of fathers do not take part to any great extent in family. 这是雅思阅读中一道T/F/NG题。题目将原文中的14%和highly用反意层面上的词替换掉了, 学生因为找不到原话,一般会认为这句话是错的,事实上是对的。 2 部分否定: eg . All my friends do not smoke. He cannot read and write。 几乎所有的学生看到这两个句子的第一反应就是 “我所有的朋友都不吸烟。” “她不会读也不会写。”理解错误!All, both, e
40、veryone,everywhere,etc和not 出现在一句话中表示部分否定,而不是全部否定。原句的正确意思是“我的朋友不都吸烟。”正如“闪光的不都是金子”的英文就是 “All is not gold that glitters.” 3. 否定形式表肯定, 肯定形式表否定 eg. A man can not have too many friends. (一个人不能拥有太多的朋友。) No man can have too many friends. (没有人能够拥有太多的朋友。) 以上两种理解都是错的。Too和否定词连用表示“再怎么也不为过”, 即“越越好”(一个人拥有的朋友越多越好。)
41、还有许多容易误导的其他形式在这里就不一一举例了。 四. 语法在不同题型中的应用: 1. 猜词: 阅读考试中常常会要求考生猜测词意, 而词意不会一目了然, 躲在隐蔽处, 很容易被忽视,包括:同位语,插入语,定语从句,不定式等等。要引起注意。 2靠连词推断,把握上下文的逻辑关系。 3Summary题和匹配题 这种题对文中的几个段落归纳总结后,留下空格要学生填,选项数往往比空格数要多一倍。学生可以运用语法知识来判断词性,缩小选词目标,从而缩短答题时间。 比如: 系动词后面用动词或名词 介词后面用名词或动名词 情态动词后面用动词原形 及物动词后面用名词、动名词或动词不定式 语法听说篇 听力题中有许多陷
42、阱,虚拟语态就是一个。 题目:Mary said “I shouldnt have gone to the party.” 问题:Did Mary go to the party? 许多同学如果不知道should (not) have done sth.是虚拟语态就会觉得Mary 没去派对。Shouldnt have gone 指本不该去,却去了,是一种后悔的语气,不属于否定句。同样,thoughtwould也是虚拟。 题目:I thought Guotai cinema would be the best cinema。 问题:Is Guotai cinema the best cinema
43、? 这是虚拟语气,是假的,事实正好相反,所以答案是No. 学生在做听力题时倾向于先入为主, 而雅思听力往往最后听到的部分才是答案。答案伴随着连词一同出现,所以考生应特别注意听一些表示转折的信号词,后面往往就是答案。另外, 听力中的blank filling题,要注意填适当的词性,题目中的句子如果和原文不一致就不能把听到的内容直接填上去。填完后重点检查主谓一致,单复数,语态和词性变化,以免因犯语法错误而扣分。 说与时态紧密结合,时态一共十六种,但学生重点掌握五种就够用了。一般现在时(be/do)、一般过去时(did)、一般将来时(will/be going to etc.)、现在进行时(be d
44、oing)和现在完成时(have done)。这五种必须掌握,在听、说、读、写中都要会用,剩下的时态识记就可以了。雅思口语分三部分,第一部分回答简单问题如性格、爱好、习惯、背景信息等用一般现在时回答,问到计划安排用一般将来时。第二部分看情况而定, 如果抽到的卡片是讲事情用一般过去时表经历。第三部分深入讨论基本上用一般现在时回答。 语法写作篇 学生在写作中主要遇到两大难题,一个难题是不知道写什么,一个难题是不知道怎么写。前个问题是可以在写作课上解决,上课时打通写作思路、构架写作框架,问题就迎刃而解了。后面一个问题的根源就是语法基础较差。因为句子不单单是单词的组合,它是单词的有序组合,组成单词的方
45、法就叫做语法。不懂语法是写不出也写不好句子的。复习语法要与准备雅思大小作文联系起来, 如名词复数的变态变形、作文中人称代词的使用、数词的概数倍数表达、副词最佳位置、形容词扩展、情态动词表推测、写作中的时态问题、介词搭配、被动语态的客观表述、饼图中的主谓一致、宾语从句的否定转移、以及如何将短句拉长等等。以下是对学生最容易犯的语法错误的归纳总结。 1 冠词: 在一篇题为“老师是否会被电脑替代”的文章中,一位学生写到“Teacher cannot be replaced by computer.”(老师不会被电脑替代) 我们汉语没有加冠词的习惯, 但英语可数名词单数形式要 “穿衣戴帽” 才能见人。原
46、句有三种改法: A teacher cannot be replaced by a computer.(不定冠词) Teachers cannot be replaced by computers.(名词复数) The teacher cannot be replaced by the computer.(定冠词) 2. 悬垂结构: Looking out of the window,a mountain came into the view. “望处窗外,一座山映入眼帘。”这句话中,学生直接讲中文逐字逐句的翻译成了英文,便犯了悬垂结构的错误,即主句主语与分句逻辑主语不一致。应该是人望出窗外,
47、而主句主语却是山。主要有两种改法: 1When looking out of the window, a mountain came into the view.(状语从句) 2Looking out of the window, we saw a mountain.(分词作状语) 3We looking out of the window, a mountain came into the view.(独立主格结构:主句主语与分句逻辑主语不一致, 分句自带主语) 分词作状语要时刻记住主句主语就是分词的逻辑主语。介词短语、不定式也会有这种错误发生。 比如错句: At the age of te
48、n, my father gave me a puppy. 改正: At the age of ten, I got a puppy from my father. 错句: To crack an egg, the yolk should be left intact. 改正: To crack an egg, you should leave the yolk intact. 3. 两个完整的句子绝不能用逗号逗开(Comma splice),一定要加连词或者将其中的一句子变为从句。 这种错误又是受汉语的影响。 错句:She is a teacher,she is my best friend
49、. 改正:She is a teacher, who is my best friend. She is a teacher and she is my best friend. 4一个句子只有一个主谓结构: 错句:Children like to make friends who are different from themselves has three advantages. 在这个句子中, 有两个谓语:like 和 has。学生在表达观点的时候最容易写这样的错句,可以改成主语从句或用动名词 做主语,谓语都用单数。 改写:That children like to make frien
50、ds who are different from themselves has three advantages.(that引导主语从句)Childrens making friends who are different from themselves has three advantages.(动名词做主语) 总之,雅思要取得好成绩,语法是必先过的一关。搞定语法将为听、说、读、写的进一步强化打下扎实的基础。语法学习的要点:1 长难句的划分;2 分词结构3 定语及定语从句4 不定式结构第一部分 长难句划分SVO:句子主干主语谓语宾语谓语特征时间限制(时态)人称限制(人称)语态限制(被动、主
51、动)exampleGiven anything that resembles a well-rounded life-with adults and other children to listen to, talk to, to do things with-their minds will acquire naturally all the skills required for further learning.exampleGiven anything that resembles a well-rounded life-with adults and other children t
52、o listen to, talk to, to do things with-their minds will acquire naturally all the skills required for further learning.exampleGiven anything that resembles a well-rounded life-with adults and other children to listen to, talk to, to do things with-their minds will acquire naturally all the skills r
53、equired for further learning.More examples精讲63页5More examplesIt was an explosion/ which never should have happened /and a subsequent inquiry laid the blame not on anyone/ who had actually been on the tanker at the time, /but on the owners of the tanker.长难句划分的标准标点连词从句并列结构固定短语非谓语动词类型 1固定短语长句实例1An oppo
54、sing view sees the three family divisions of labor styles as a reflection of the progressive changes couples make in response to changing life situations, rather than being an aspect of personality.dividedAn opposing view sees the three family divisions of labor styles as a reflection of the progres
55、sive changes /couples make in response to changing life situations, rather than being an aspect of personality.divided(An opposing view) sees (the three family divisions of labor styles) as( a reflection of the progressive changes )/couples make( in response to changing life situations), rather than being an aspect of personality.divided(An opposing
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