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1、生物颗粒燃料熔炼炉使用维护、保养说明书Operation and Maintenance Instruction of Bio-mass Pellet FuelSmelting Furnace泰州杰利瑞节能科技发展有限公司Taizhou Jie Lirui En ergy Tech no logy Developme nt Co., Ltd敬 告!Attention!请用户使用前详细阅读产品使用维护、保养说明书,并 请在使用过程中严格遵循产品使用维护、保养说明书,若由 用户使用不当引起的损坏制造商将不承担责任, 碳化硅石墨 圮竭属易耗件,不在质保范围。Please read the produ

2、ct operation and maintenance instruction carefullybefore use, and strictly follow the product ope rati on and maintenance in structi onduri ng the ope rati on. In case of any damage caused by improper use, themanufacturer will not be liable; the silicon carbide graphite crucible is subject tovulnera

3、ble part and excluded in the warranty scope.录 Catalog1概述Introduction2组成Components3主要技术参数Main technical parameters4主要用途及适用范围Main applications and applicable scopes5酉己电要求Power distribution requirements6安装Installation7启动前检查Check before start-up8烘炉Dry-off operation for furnace9使用与维护Operation and mainten

4、ance10碳化硅石墨堆堀使用注意事项Precautions for using silicon carbide graphite crucible11常见故障与排除Common faults and troubleshooting12运输及开箱检查Transportation and out-of-box inspection13技术支持Technical support1概述Introduction生物颗粒燃料熔炼炉(以下简称 熔炼炉”)采用半气化复合燃烧 技术, 具有低碳环保、高效节能、操作维护简单的特点,是替代燃油 炉、燃气炉、焦碳炉、电炉的最佳产品,可以降低30%60%的能耗 成本。

5、Based on the semi-gasificati on composite combusti on tech no logy, bio-masspellet fuel smelting furnace (hereinafter referred to as thesmelti nquin ace) is and characterized by the low-carb on environmentalprotection, high efficiency, energy conservation, simple operation and maintenance.It is the

6、best product to replace the oil-fired furnace, gas-fired furnace, coke furnaceand electric furnace; and the cost of energy consumption can be reduced by 30% 60%.2组成Components熔炼炉主要由炉壳、炉膛、堆堀、燃烧室、风机、电控箱、送料 器、装料器、炉盖、堀盖、保温层、烟囱、除尘器、扒灰口等组成。The smelting furnace is mainly composed of the furnace shell, heart

7、h, crucible,combustion chamber, fan, electric cabinet, feeder, charger, furnace cover, cruciblecover, thermal insulation layer, chimney, dust remover and ash-scooping mouth,etc.3主要技术参数Main technical parameters型号容量熔化率功率重量Part No.CapacityMelti ng rateRati ngWeightJLR-SWRL-500500kg120kg/h1.9kW2700kg4主要

8、用途及适用范围Main usages and applicable scope熔炼炉主要供熔化或熔炼铝、锌、铅、锡等低熔点有色金属及合 金,一般与压铸机配套,也可用于铝液保温、除气、精炼。The smelting furnace is mainly used to fuse or melt the low-melt in g-po intnon-ferrous metals (such as alu minum, zin c, lead, tin) and alloys, gen erallymatched with the die-cast ing mach ine, and also ca

9、n be used for liquid aluminumheat preservation, degasification and5配己电要求Power distribution requirements电制Power supply specification:AC 380V 50Hz功率Power:不小于1.9kW no less than 1.9kW6安装Installation熔炼炉安装地基需平整,并有足够的承载强度。将熔炼炉吊装至 地基上,调整水平后接通电源,并接好接地线。The in stallati on foun dati on of smelt ing furn ace sh

10、all be leveled and haveeno ugh beari ng stre ngth. Hoist the smelt ing furnace to the foun dati on, level it off,and the n turn on the power supply and set it properly earthed.7启动前检查Check before start-up7.1电源线连接是否正确,接触点是否规范和牢实,接地线是否正确 连接。Whether the power cord is conn ected correctly; whether the co

11、n tact points are standardized and firm or not; whether the gro unding wire is conn ected properly.7.2测温热电偶是否正确连接。Whether the temperature thermocouple is conn ected correctly.7.3熔炼炉的扒灰口门、加料口盖及炉盖是否关好锁紧。Whether the door for ash-scooping mouth, the charging inlet cover andfurn ace cover are closed and

12、tighte ned up.refin eme nt.smoke outlet:v ash-scooping mouth8烘炉Dry-off operation for furnace8.1新炉或长期停用的炉子以及新更换堆堀后的炉子在投入使用前必须进行烘炉,否则将会引起石墨堆堀的开裂,影响使用寿命。8.1 The new furnace or the Iong-term unused furnace and the furnace with newcrucible shall be treated with drying operation before use; otherwise, it

13、will cause thecracking of graphite crucible and affect the service life.8.2烘炉温度从低至高,用户在烘炉过程中派专人值守,做好烘炉记 录,防止意外事故发生。The dry-off temperature ranges from low temperature to high temperature; during thedrying operation, the user shall assign the special personnel to take charge and keepthe dry-off opera

14、tion records property, so as to prevent the occurrenee of theaccidents.8.3烘炉温度及时间女口下:Dry-off temperature and time requirements arelisted as follows:0C200C3小时3 hours0 0200 C300 C2小时2 hours300C400C1小时1 hour400C升到700C后保温一个小时Carry out the heat preservation for 1 hour when rising 700 C from400C9使用与维护Oper

15、ation and maintenance9.1打开电控箱盖,合上空气开关;关好电控箱盖,将电源开关”置于“ON位置,控制回路温度控制器显示当前堆堀温度,设定所需要的 温度。9.1 Open the electric cabinet cover, and close the air switch; close the electriccabinet cover, and adjust the power switch to ON; then the control loop temperaturecontroller displays the current crucible temperat

16、ure, and set the requiredtemperature.9.2将运行开关”置于“Oh置,将送料频率和风机频率先调整为0Hz;先人工点火,再缓慢加大送料频率,待颗粒燃烧着火后再慢慢加大送料及风机频率,调整火焰达到最佳工作状态。9.2 Turn the fun switch ” to ON, adjust the feeding frequency and fan freque ncy to0Hz; con duct the manual ignition firstly, and the n slowly in crease the feedi ng frequency; af

17、ter the pellets combust and catch fire, in crease the feedi ng and fan freque ncyslowly, and adjust the flame to the best working condition.9.3随着燃烧器工作,温度上升,堆堀当前温度超过设定温度时,送 料与风机的频率会自动减慢至保温状态,温度低于设定值时送料与风 机自动加速至设定频率工作。9.3 Along with the burn er works, the temperature rises; whe n the curre nt crucible

18、temperature is higher than the setting temperature, the feeding frequency and fanfrequency will automatically slow to the heat preservation condition; when thetemperature is lower than the setting value, the feeding frequency and fan frequencywill automatically accelerate to the setting frequency.9.

19、4熔炼炉投入使用后,燃烧室与熔炉火口必须每天扒灰保养一次, 保持燃烧火口、燃烧室内炉排下灰口及炉膛火口内不能有过多的积灰, 如果几天不清灰会结成氧化物堵塞火枪口,很难清除。9.4 After the smelting furnace is put into use, the combustion chamber and stokehole must scoop up the ashes once a day for maintenance, so as to avoid excessiveash deposits in the combustion blow hole, the ash-dis

20、charging hole of grate in thecombustion chamber and the furnace blow hole; if the ash deposits fail to be cleared,the incurred oxides will block the fire hole and difficult to remove.9.5该炉所用生物颗粒里面不能有金属物及石块等杂物,以免卡住送 料轮。9.5 The bio-mass pellets used in the furnace can t contain the debris, such asmeta

21、ls and stones, so as to avoid getting the feeding liquid impeller stuck.9.6正常工作时燃烧室与熔炼炉的观察门、扒灰门、加料盖保持锁紧状态。9.6 During the no rmal ope rati on, the combusti on chamber, observati on gate,ash-scooping hole and feeding cover of the smelting furnace shall be tighte ned.9.7温度控制器最高设定温度一般为850C左右,超温使用炉衬及堆堀容易

22、损坏。9.7 Gen erally, the maximum setti ng temperature of the temperature con trolled is850C or so; in case of overheati ng, the furnace liner and crucible will be easilydamaged.9.8每天清理堆堀内壁的残渣,保持炉盖、堆堀的清洁,以防氧化物积累而无法清理,影响熔化速度,损坏Wo9.8 Clea n up the residues on the inn er wall of the crucible everyday; kee

23、p thefurnace cover and crucible clea n, so as to avoid the in ability to be cleared due to theaccumulated oxides, affect the melting rate and destroy the crucible accordingly.9.9料液不可加得过满,料液高度低于堆堀边沿3050mm,以防料液溢出到火枪口造成堵塞,损坏炉膛及Wo9.8 The feeding liquid can t be overfilled; the height of the feeding liqu

24、id shall be30-50 mm lower than the edge of the crucible, so as to avoid the jamming due to theoverflowed feeding liquid at the fire hole, and destroying the hearth and crucible.9.10在加料前请将料锭或料头先预热,不能一次性投放过多,在生产过程中均匀加料。9.10 Please preheat the material in gots or in got heads before chargi ng; excessiv

25、efeeding is not allowed in a lump sum; the uniform feeding shall be done in theproduction process.9.11将熔化的料液转入堆堀前,必须先将堆堀加热至金属熔点温度附 近后再加入,如低于上述温度时加入料液,会引起堆堀破裂。9.11 Before the melt feeding liquid is delivered into the crucible, it is essential to heatthe crucible to the melting point temperature first

26、ly; if the temperature is lower thanthe abovementioned temperature, the feeding materials will bring about the rupture ofcrucible.9.12停炉若不超过24小时,建议不停炉,可将料液温度设定在金属 熔点温度以上保温,再次使用前2小时左右将料液温度重新设定到使用温度即可。9.12 If the furnace shutdown time is less than 24 hours, then it is recommended notto shut down the f

27、urnace; it is feasible to set the feeding liquid temperate to the metalmeting point temperature for heat preservation; in 2 hours before the next operation,reset the feeding liquid temperature to the operating temperature.9.13每班次需不定时的检查测温系统及热电偶是否正常,闪烁不定,需检查热电偶接线是否烧损或松动。9.13 In each shift, it is esse

28、ntial to irregularly check whether the temperaturemeasurement system and the thermocouples are normal; if the temperature displayflickers, it is essential to check whether the thermocouple wiring is burnt or loose.9.14每班次需不定时的查看电控箱及电压、电流状况,检查接线部位如温度显示是否有松动,要定期清理控制箱及电动机上的灰尘防止散热不良导致 温度过高烧坏机器,以保证能正常生产。

29、9.14 In each shift, it is essential to irregularly check the electric cabinet, the voltageand current situation, check whether the wiring parts are loose or not; it is essential toremove the dust on the control cabinet and motor regularly and prevent burning outthe machine due to the high temperatur

30、e from the bad heat dissipati on, so as to ensure the no rm al producti on.9.15若拟停炉不用侧须将堆堀内料液全部清理干净;将运行开关”和电源开关”全部置于“OFFB置,断开电控箱内空气开关;打开所有清灰口清理积灰,锁紧好清灰口盖,盖好堀盖,断开电源。9.15 If the furnace is planned to be shut down, then all the feeding liquidin the crucible shall be cleaned up; adjust the fun switch ”

31、and power switch ” toOFF, disconnect the air switch in the electrical cabinet; open all ash-dischargingholes for dedusting, tighten up the ash-discharging hole cover, close theash-discharging cover and disconnect the power supply.10碳化硅石墨堆堀使用注意事项Precautions for using silicon carbide graphite crucible

32、10.1堆堀是脆性物品,注意轻搬轻放,不要与机械性外力撞击,更不可从高处跌落。10.1 Crucible is fragile, and shall be han died with care; n either collide it with themechanical force, nor make it fall from the height.10.2堆堀放置区绝对要避免潮湿及防淋水,不可直接放于地面上,需放置在栈板上并密封。10.2 The crucible shall absolutely keep dry and avoid moisture, shall not be put

33、onthe ground directly; the crucible shall be placed on the pallet and sealed off.10.3搬运时不可在地面上横向滚动,需用运输工具来搬运,并在运输工具上垫上纸皮或碎布来防震。10.3 When carrying the crucible, the horizontal rolling on the ground is not allowed; itis essential to carry the crucible by vehicles, and place the papers or rag cuttings

34、onthe vehicle for avoid shocking.10.4投料时料定要沿堆堀壁垂直缓慢加入,防止料锭用力过大撞击或挤压土甘堀。10.4 When feedi ng the materials, it is esse ntial to add the feedi ng in got slowly andvertically along the crucible wall, so as to prevent the feedingin got from hitting or squeezi ng the crucible due to overexerti on.10.5酸化物(除

35、渣剂)使用需适量,以免侵蚀W,过量使用会损坏Wo10.5 Acidified matters (the deslaggi ng age nt) shall be used moderately, so as toavoid the erosion of the crucible; the excessive use can damage the crucible.10.6停电或停炉堆堀内剩余料液要及时取出,堆堀内尽量不要留有残液,以免下次开炉时热膨胀造成堆堀损坏,停炉后要盖好炉盖保持余 温,防止堆堀受潮。10.6 When powering off or shutting down the f

36、urnace, the remaining feeding liquid inthe crucible shall be removed timely; avoid the residue of feeding liquid in the crucibleas much as possible, so as to avoid the damage of crucible due to the thermalexpansion in the next blow-in. After the shutdown of the furnace, it is essential tocover the f

37、urnace lid and keep the warm, so as to prevent the crucible from moisture.10.7每日工作完成后请在堀体通红时及时清理堀内壁附着的残渣,免残渣过多影响传热效率及降低熔解率,甚至由于热膨胀而造成堆堀的损坏。10.7 After the completion of daily work, please clean up the attached residues on theinner wall of the crucible whe n the crucible body is red, so as not to affe

38、ct the heattran sfer efficie ncy and decrease the melt ing rate due to the excessive residues,even the damage of the crucible caused by the thermal expa nsion.10.8停用后需使用前将坩埚预热45小时除湿,对坩埚使用寿命有帮助。10.8 After shutdown, the crucible shall be preheated in 4-5 hours fordehumidification before next use; such

39、 operation is helpful to the serviceof the crucible.10.9更换坩埚时,需在埚台上垫上耐火棉材料,避免坩埚与埚台粘连。10.9 When replacing the crucible, it is essential to pad the fireproof cotton materialson the crucible ben ch, so as to avoid the adhesi on betwee n the crucible and ben ch.10.10为了提高坩埚使用寿命,请客户务必做到:坩埚每使用30天转 动一次,以便调整

40、火枪口与坩埚的接触面。10.10For increasing the service life of crucible, please make sure that thecrucible is rotated once every 30 days in use, so as to adjust the contactsurface between the fire gun hole and the crucible.11常见故障与排除Com mon faults and troubleshoot ing故障现象Faults故障原因Causes of faults排除方法Troubleshoo

41、t ing输料轮卡 死Thefeedi ngimpellers getstruck,生物颗粒内有金 属块或石子Therearemetalblocksorsmallstonesinthebio-mass pellets.按住电控箱盖上投料反转按钮片刻, 待顺畅后松开即可。Press the feed ing reserve butt on on theelectric cab inet for a mome nt, and loose afterthe feed ing wheels become smooth.右上述方法仍不能解决,则将料斗的 料放完后把料斗拆下,再将卡在送料 叶轮的金属块或石

42、块取出。If the above-mentioned method is noteffective, uni oad the feedi ng materials in thehopper and dismantle the hopper, and thentake out the metal blocks or small stones stuckin the feeding impeller.减速机电机损坏或输料轮轴承损坏The motor of the更换电机或轴承即可。Replace the motor or beari ng.speed reducer isdamaged or th

43、e bearing of the feed ingimpeller is damaged;料斗回火The hoppertempers,加料斗加料口盖 没有盖好The charg ing holecover of the hopper isnot covered properly.运行时加料口盖与放料口盖必须盖好 锁紧,防止回火。During operation, the charging hole cover andthe feeding hole cover must be tightened, soas to avoid tempering.风机无送风No air supplyfrom t

44、he fan.检查风机电源是否有电、或电机是否 损坏。Check the power supply of the fan is poweredon, or whether the motor is damaged or not.火焰不通 畅The flame isnotsmooth火枪口及熔炉火口结焦物或灰尘 太多Thereareexcessive coking生物颗粒燃烧枪口会结焦及积灰,如 不及时清理会结成氧化物,无法清除,所以要求每天清除火枪及熔炉火口的 结焦物及积灰。There are coking materials and ashmaterials or dust atthe fi

45、re gun hole andstoke hole.deposits at the muzzle of the bio-mass pelletcombustion gun; if they are not cleaned uptimely, the oxides will be formed and unable tobe eliminated; therefore, it is essential to cleanup the cok ing materials and ash deposits atthe muzzle of the fire gun and stoke hole.烟囱冒黑 烟The blacksmokebursts out ofthechi mney加料过快或送风 不足The too fast feeding


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