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1、The frontal frnt()l plane plen may divide dvad the body into four major cavitieskvti : two dorsal ds()l cavities and two ventral ventr()l cavities. Cranial krenlcavitybrainSpinal span()l cavityspinal corddorsalcavitiesventral cavitiesThoracic rskcavitytwolungsAbdominopelvicb,dminpelvikcavitymediasti

2、num ,midstanmdiaphragmabdominalbdmn()l cavitypelvicpelvk cavity dafrmmediastinumheartht aortaet Esophagus isfs 食管食管tracheatrki; trek thymus Gland ams 胸腺胸腺abdominalcavitystomachspleensplin 脾脏脾脏liverlv Gallbladder:l,bld 胆囊胆囊pancreaspkrs 胰腺胰腺Portions of small intestinescolonkln 结肠结肠pelvic cavityurinary

3、 bladder膀胱膀胱 Ureters输尿管输尿管 urethrajrir 尿道尿道portions of small intestinescolonmaleFemalefimel Exercise: change the following combining forms into adjectivesabdomin/odist/ocrani/oanter/odors/oviscer/ocaud/oepitheli/oabdominaldistalcranialanteriordorsalvisceralcaudalepithelial9. infer/o10. pelv/o11. spi

4、n/o12. cephal/o13. poster/o14. ventr/o15. medi/o16. later/oinferiorpelvicspinalcephalicposteriorventralmediallateral17. cervic/o18. super/o19. thorac/o20. neur/o21. system/o22. muscul/o23. somat/o24. proxim/ocervicalsuperiorthoracicneuralsystemicmuscularsomaticproximalEpidermis ,epdms dermisHypoderm

5、is,hapdms locationoutmostmiddleinnermostcompositionEpithelial cellsConnective fiber, collagenkld()n fiberLoose connectivefeatureNo blood supply spla Good blood supply functionsprevent damage from the ultraviolet ltrvalt rays (melanin) and toughentfn the skin (keratin)Support and nourish the skin con

6、serve heat hit (adipose)layersCorneumk:nim角质层, lucidum, granulosum, spinosum, basale Papillarypplr , reticularrtkjl Purposes of the skin Protecting Housing nerve receptors Secreting fluids sikrt Regulating rgj,let temperaturetemp()rt Protecting Keeping pathogens pdns and harmful chemicals from enter

7、ing the body. Stopping critical body fluids from escapingiskeip the body preventing injuryn(d)()r to the internal organs lying underneath ndni the skin.Housing nerve receptor Sensorysens()r receptors in the middle layer of the skinSecreting fluids two types of skin glands: sweat and sebaceoussbes .

8、Sweat glands secret sweat, which can create a cooling effectfekt when sweat evaporates. The sebaceous glands, produce sebum sibm which can lubricate lubrket the skin surface.Regulating temperature Release rlis释放heat: sweat evaporation dilatedalet 扩张superficial blood vessels Conserve heat: constrict

9、blood vessels adiposedps; -z / fatThe layersleis of skin Epidermis Dermis Subcutaneous,sbkjutens layerEpidermis Epidermis: outmost layer. It is composed of squamous skwems epithelial,epill cells. It is referred as stratifiedstrt,fad 分层 squamous epithelium. No blood supply Function of epidermis Basal

10、bes()l layer new cells rise to the surface die filled with keratin toughen the skin M e l a n o c y t e s i n b a s a l l a y e r melaninmelnn provide color of the skin, protect against damage from the ultraviolet rays of the sun.Layers of the epidermis from the deepest to the outermost basale/ basa

11、l layer Spinosum Granulosum Stratum lucidum Stratum corneumMajors cells in the epidermis Melanocytes: produce melanin Dendritic/ Langerhans cells: be involved in epidermal immune system Basal cellsDermis Dermis: middle layer of skin, between the epidermis and the subcutaneous layer. It is composed o

12、f CT and collagen fibers. It has good blood supply.Function of dermis The dermis houses hair follicles, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, blood vessels, lymphlmf vessels, sensory receptors, nerve fibers, and muscle fibers.Layers of the dermis Papillary layer Reticular layerSubcutaneous layer Subcutane

13、ous layer: innermost layer. It is mainly formed of fat. This layer protects the deeper tissues of the body and acts as insulation nsjle()n for heat and cold. Human skeletonskelt()n # the axialksl skeleton#the appendicular ,p()ndkjl skeletonThe skull *cranium *facial bonesSphenoid BoneForeheadUpper s

14、ides of cranium and roof of skullBack andBase of skullSides and base Of cranium Cranial bonesSaggital sutureExtermal auditorymeatusInner core Of each eyesUpper jawLower jawBase of nasalseptumLacrimal boneVomer boneMandibleMaxillaZygomatic boneNasal boneFrom part of nasal septum and support bridge of

15、 noseCheekbones The hyoid bone is a single U-shaped bone suspended in the neck between the mandible and larynx. It is a point of attachment for swallowing and speech muscles.Tracheal cartilageBones of the Trunk躯干骨 sternum(胸骨) rib cage(胸廓) vertebral column(脊柱) The vertebral or spinal column颈椎颈椎胸椎腰椎腰椎

16、11骶骨骶骨尾骨尾骨胸骨体胸骨体胸骨柄胸骨柄剑突剑突sternumRib cage The rib cage has 12 pairs of ribs attached at the back to the vertebral or spinal column. The rib cage serves to provide support for other organs, such as the heart and lungs. Ten of the pairs are also attached to the breastbone or sternum in the front. The

17、remaining two pairs are called floating ribs and are attached only to the vertebral column.The Appendicular SkeletonPectoralgirdle上肢带上肢带(4)Upper extremities上肢上肢(60)Pelvic girdle下肢带下肢带(2)Lower extremities下肢下肢(60)TheAppendicularSkeleton附附肢肢骨骨骼骼( )126pectoral girdle clavicle (2)(collar bone) 锁骨 scapula

18、r (2) (shoulder blade) 肩胛骨upper extremities humerus 肱骨 ulna 尺骨 radius 桡骨 carpals 腕骨 metacarpals 掌骨 phalanges 指骨,趾骨 Pelvic girdle Pelvic girdle (骨盆带)also called the os coxae (髋骨)(p64 O2)or the innominate bone (无名骨)or hipbone(髋骨). ilium(髂骨髂骨), ischium(坐骨), pubis(耻骨). Pelvic girdle It aticulates with t

19、he sacrum posteriorly to attach the lower extremity, or leg,to the axial skeleton.Lower extremities Femur 股骨 Patella 膝盖骨 Tibia 胫骨 Fibula 腓骨 Tarsals 跗骨 Metatarsals 跖骨 Phalanges 指骨,趾骨 Atria: the receiving chambers Ventricles: the pumping chambersHeart valvesthere are four valves act as restraining gat

20、es to control the direction of the blood flow. 1.Tricuspid valve(三尖瓣) 2.pulmonary valve(肺动脉瓣) 3. mitral valve/bicuspid valve(二尖瓣) 4. aortic valve(主动脉瓣) Tricuspid valve(三尖瓣):atrioventricular valve, between the right atrium and the right ventricle.Function: prevent the blood back into the right atrium

21、2. pulmonary valve(肺动脉瓣):semilunar valve,between the right ventricle and the pulmonary arteryFunction: allow the blood to flow from the right ventricle into the pulmonary artery; prevent it flowing back3. mitral valve/bicuspid valve(二尖瓣):between the left atrium and the left ventricle Function: make

22、the blood in the left ventricle not back up to the left atrium. 4. aortic valve(主动脉瓣):blood leaves the left ventricle through this semilunar valve between the left ventricle and into the aorta.Function The heart is actually a muscular pump made up of cardiac muscle fibers that could be called a musc

23、le rather than an organ. It beats an average of 60 to 100 beats per minute (bpm). Each time the cardiac muscle contracts, blood is ejected from the heart and pushed throughout the body within the blood vessels.Superior vena cava right atrium via tricuspid valve Inferior vena cava Right ventricle Pul

24、monary valve pulmonary artery lungsFour pulmonary veins left atrium mitral valve left ventricle aortic valve aorta body tissuesPath of blood through the heart Coronary sinusCardiac conduction system S-A node (pacemaker) internodal tracts A-V node bundle of His/ A-V bundle branches Purkinje fibers st

25、ructureslocationSinoatrial node(S-A node)In the RA near the opening of superior vena cavaAtrioventricular node(A-V node)In the inferior portion of the interatrial septumA-V bundle/ bundle of HisDistal side of A-V nodeRight and left branchesUpper part of interventricular septumPurkinje fibersHalfway

26、down the interventricular septumMajor organs in the respiratory systemNosePharynxLarynxTracheaBronchial tubesLungsProcess of respirationventilationExternal respirationInternal respirationBetween outside environment and lungsInhalationexhalationExchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between air sacs o

27、f the lungs and the bloodstreamAlso referred to as tissue breathingExchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide at the cellular level.Transportation of gasesBlood as vehicle下鼻甲下鼻甲中鼻甲中鼻甲上鼻甲上鼻甲鼻中膈鼻中膈上颌窦上颌窦蝶窦蝶窦额窦额窦鼻孔鼻孔鼻底鼻底Paranasal sinusesNosepharynxThe pharynx is a fibromuscular tube which extends from the b

28、ase of the skull to the lower border of the cricoid cartilage 环状软骨环状软骨 (at which point it becomes the esophagus).Three divisions are: Nasopharynx, which contains adenoids/ pharyngeal tonsilsoropharynx, which contains palatine tonsils and lingual tonsil laryngopharynx 会厌会厌小舌小舌甲状软骨甲状软骨环状软骨环状软骨颏舌骨颏舌骨颏舌

29、肌颏舌肌下颚骨下颚骨舌骨舌骨舌会厌韧带舌会厌韧带切牙腔切牙腔上颌骨上颌骨鼻厌鼻厌口厌口厌喉厌喉厌硬腭硬腭软腭软腭上鼻甲上鼻甲中鼻甲中鼻甲下鼻甲下鼻甲舌扁桃体舌扁桃体声带声带pharynxLarynx1. The larynx is a special part of the body that functions as an airway to the lungs as well as providing us with a way of communicating (vocalizing).2. Adams apple3. epiglottis: provides protection ag

30、ainst food and liquid being inhaled into the lungs会厌会厌舌骨舌骨甲状软骨甲状软骨 环状软骨环状软骨环甲肌环甲肌环甲韧带环甲韧带甲状软骨膜甲状软骨膜气管气管trachea Alternative name: windpipe Composition: twenty C-shaped pieces of hyaline cartilage, the gaps are filled with smooth muscle and connective tissues Function: mucous membrane to filter the in

31、coming air and move particles upward into the pharynx( sputum, phlegm)Bronchial tubes Bronchi bronchiole alveoli External respiration happens between the air within the alveolus and the blood inside the capillaries( external respiration)气管气管左主支气管左主支气管支气管支气管细支气管细支气管左叶左叶 胸膜胸膜胸膜液胸膜液横隔膜横隔膜肺泡肺泡右主支气管右主支气管

32、右叶右叶Lungs There are two lungs within the human thoracic cavity: a right and a left. They are separated from by mediastinum. Pulmonary nerves, blood vessels, and the primary bronchi enter each lung via a small slit in each - the hilum. The left lung is smaller than the right and has a cardiac notch o

33、n its medial surface to accommodate the heart. In man the left lung is divided into 2 lobes: the superior, and the inferior lobes. The right lung has an additional middle lobe. Each lung is the collection of the bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli 上叶上叶中叶中叶下叶下叶肺门肺门心包切迹心包切迹Pleurae The pleurae are serous

34、 (fluid secreting) membranes enclosing the lungs, with 3 main functions - lubrication, facilitation of inspiration, protection. Pleurae are composed of visceral and parietal layers. The visceral layer covers the outer surface of the lung, whereas the parietal layer lines the walls of the thoracic ca

35、vity and the surface of the diaphragm. Between these two layers there lies a pleural cavity. Cells that line the pleura secrete fluid into the pleural cavity and this fluid has two main functions - lubrication, and causing visceral pleurae to adhere to parietal pleurae. Pleurae also serve to separat

36、e thoracic organs from one another, thereby protecting them from injury and infection.apexbaseDiaphragm The diaphragm is a domed muscle which forms the floor of the thoracic cavity. It has attachments to the parietal pleurae via the central tendon, and the spine, lower ribs, and sternum. The diaphra

37、gm is innervated(神经支配的)by the phrenic nerve 膈神经膈神经, and it is a muscle which is intricately involved in inspiration 吸气吸气.Intercostal Muscles The intercostal muscles are located between the ribs, and is composed of two separate layers - external and internal. The external layer is involved in inspiration,


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