K83 TSA-230ADVI使用维护说明书2.0中英文版(2009.11.30) edition_第1页
K83 TSA-230ADVI使用维护说明书2.0中英文版(2009.11.30) edition_第2页
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K83 TSA-230ADVI使用维护说明书2.0中英文版(2009.11.30) edition_第4页
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1、TSA-230AD压缩机使用维护说明书Main Compressor Description版本:第2.0版Issue:2.0编制Written by:唐 钊研发部RD Dep.2009.04.10校核Verified by:宋红庆研发部 RD Dep.2009.04.10批准Approved by:冯 伟研发部 RD Dep.2009.04.10姓名Name部门Division日期Date签名Signature修改记录 modification record版本号Issue更改日期date更改的主要原因Reason for change更改的章节与内容Chapter and content

2、for change12009.11. 30第二版 Second全部 all2345678910111213141516171819目 录1功能及用途 PURPOSE/FUNCTION52 说明 DESCRIPTION62.1 技术参数 Technical data62.2 结构及技术说明 Structure and technical description72.3 工作原理Work principle93安全说明SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS223.1 相关安全术语 Safety relevant terms223.2专业人员和专门培训 Reference to qualified

3、 staff and special education233.3与安全有关的拧紧力矩 Safety relevant tightening torque233.4静电敏感设备 Electrostatic sensitive device (ESD)244 使用操作 OPERATION255 安装和调试INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING315.1 安装 Installation315.2 调试Commissioning326 维修MAINTENANCE356.1 维修等级Maintenance steps356.2 维修计划 Maintenance plan366.3

4、 维护工作Maintenance works366.4 修正工作 Revisions417 故障处理、更换原则与维修TROUBLE SHOOTING EXCHANGE CONCEPT /MAINTENANCE427.1 故障处理Trouble shooting427.2 拆卸 Disassembly447.3 更换原则exchange concept457.4 拆解Dismantling457.5 维修 Maintenance467.6 组装 Assembly477.7 重新安装 Reinstalling487.8 参数设置与公差parameter setting and Tolerance4

5、87.9 投入使用/功能试验Return to service/Function test498 专用工具及设备、易损件及备件清单SPECIAL TOOLS、DEVICES,WEARING AND SPARE PARTS508.1 专用工具 Special tools508.2 设备 Devices508.2.1 化学清洗剂 chemical cleaning agent508.2.2 涂层成分 Components for coats of paint518.2.3 润滑剂 lubricant518.2.4 其它设备 other utilities518.3 测量和试验设备 Measurin

6、g and test devices518.4 易损件及备件清单 Wearing and spare parts528.5 运用材料 Operating material529 废弃物处理方案WASTE MANAGEMENT SCHEME5310 运输与贮存 TRANSPORTATION AND STORAGE5410.1 运输 Transportation5410.2 贮存 Storage5411 开箱及检查 CASE OPEN AND CHECK5412 其他 OTHER5513 缩写和索引ABBREVIATION AND INDEX55附件1 AFFIXTURE 1喷油螺杆空压机润滑油乳

7、化原因及预防解决办法 LUBRICANT OIL EMULSIFICATION CAUSE AND RESOLUTION AND PREVENTION56附件2 AFFIXTURE 2 螺杆空压机质保说明 WARRANT INSTRUCTION59文件名称:TSA-230AD压缩机使用维护说明书 Document Name: TSA-230AD Main Compressor Description 63 / 631功能及用途 Purpose/FunctionTSA-230AD型螺杆空气压缩机是专为铁路机车车辆设计的电动空气压缩设备,主要用途是为车辆制动系统提供压缩空气。TSA-230AD t

8、ype screw air compressor is specially designed to supply compressed air for railway locomotive pneumatic brake application. 2 说明 Description2.1 技术参数 Technical dataTSA-230AD型机组技术参数表见表1:Table 1 TSA-230AD type air compressor technical data 压缩方式 compression连续,单级Continuous, single stage额定排气压力Rated delive

9、ry pressure1000kPa冷却方式cooling风冷 air cooling润滑油量oil quantity约8L approx.8L旋转方向Rotation direction从电机轴伸出端看为逆时针 Counter-clockwise viewing from motor shaft额定转速Rated speed3540r/min电机功率Motor power24kW公称容积流量Rated volume flowQ=2.4m3/min工作重量 Weight约400kg(包括电机、底座及润滑油)Approx. 400kg(including motor ,seats and oil

10、)允许工作循环(ED=t1/t×100%)(t1每循环中的工作时间t每循环的全部时间Permitted working cycle (ED=t1/t×100%)(t1working time per cycle, ttime per cycle)EDmax=100%EDmin =30%起动频率 Start frequency不大于30次起动/小时No more than 30 starts/h环境温度上限 Up limit of ambient temperature55环境温度下限 Low limit of ambient temperature40空气压缩机停机温度Br

11、eakdown temperature油气筒内温度t=105Temperature inside oil-air tank t=105空气质量 含油量等级(ISO8573-1)Air quality oil content class(ISO8573-1)4级 4 class噪声(声压级) Noise (SPL) 103dB(A)最大尺寸(长×宽×高)Maximum dimension (L×W×L)1320mm×670 mm×870 mm 2.2 结构及技术说明 Structure and technical description

12、图1 TSA-230AD螺杆空气压缩机结构图Fig. 1 TSA-230AD Screw Air Compressor System Flow Chart1机头组成Air end 2温度开关Temperature switch3压力维持阀Minimum pressure check valve4安全阀Safety valve5进气阀Intake valve6压缩机输气接头Air outlet7空气滤清器Air filter8电机Motor9中托架Middle rack10蜗壳Helicoids shell11冷却器Cooler12风机后盖Rear cover13视油镜Sight glass14

13、温控阀Thermal valve15油过滤器Oil filter16卸油阀Draining valve17电控箱Technical boxTSA-230AD型螺杆空气压缩机组由三大主要部件构成(如图1所示):即驱动装置、空气压缩机体和风冷却装置。用螺栓连接在一起组成一个紧凑单元,通过4个弹性减振器与机车固定。TSA-230AD type screw air compressor consists of three main parts: driving device, compressor and cooling system. They are assembled together by b

14、olts, forming a compact compressor set which lies on locomotive via resilience dampers. u 功能 Function驱动装置:法兰式三相交流电动机。Driving device: Three phase motor which is flange-mounted.压缩机机体:由压缩机的一对螺杆组成的空压机机头,装在油气筒中。螺杆机头和油气筒一体的组合方式,使其在结构空间上最紧凑。油气筒组成上还装有油分离、过滤、控制元件等。Compressor: A pair of screws is mounted in a

15、ir end housing, which is called air end, sliding into the oil-air tank. Integrative design of air end and oil-air tank makes the structure compact to suit the narrow mounting space on locomotives. Some components are designed on the oil-air tank, such as oil-air separator, filter, controlling parts,

16、 etc.风冷冷却装置:一对联轴器分别装配在驱动电机和主机伸出轴上,电机、中托架、蜗壳、风机后盖在轴向组成了一个刚性很好的自支承结构。蜗壳中容纳了装在联轴器上的离心式风扇。冷却器毗连蜗壳,既做空气冷却器,又做油冷器,借助离心式风扇产生的冷空气释放出压缩机机头产生的热量。Cooling system:A pair of couplers is respectively mounted on the motor shaft and compressor shaft. Motor, middle rack, helicoid shell and rear cover form a very rigi

17、d construction that makes the set self-supporting. The helicoid shell holds the centrifugal fan which is attached to the coupling. Adjoining the helicoid shell is the cooler which is dually acts as air cooler and oil cooler. This combined unit serves to exchange the heat of compression with the cool

18、ing air delivered by the centrifugal fan.2.3 工作原理Work principle2.3.1系统流程 System flow图2) TSA-230AD螺杆空气压缩机系统工作流程图Fig. 2 TSA-230AD Screw Air Compressor System Flow Chart1机体Air end2冷却风扇Cooling fan3电机Motor4联轴器Coupler5空气滤清器Air filter6进气阀Intake valve7油气筒Oil-air tank8油气分离器Air-oil separator9压力维持阀Minimum pres

19、sure valve10后冷却器After cooler11油过滤器Oil filter12温控阀Thermal valve13安全阀Safety valve14温度开关Temperature switch15视油镜Sight glass16泄油阀Draining valve17油冷却器Oil cooler18真空指示器Vacuum indicator19压力开关Pressure switchu 机头工作原理:Air end working principle螺杆压缩机为双轴旋转排放式机械,其工作原理是强迫送风。压缩机螺杆组由两个相互啮合的螺旋状槽形转子构成,转子外形为不对称的啮合形状,并在灰

20、色的铸铁壳体内旋转。空气入口、空气出口是分别从径向、从轴向通向压缩机螺杆组外壳内特别形状的通道。Screw air compressor is a twin-shaft rotary displacement machine working on the principle of forced delivery. Compressor screw group consists of a couple of mating helical grooved rotors with an asymmetrical mesh profile and turning inside a grey cast

21、iron housing. Air intake is radial, air outlet axial through special shaped opening in the housing of compressor block. 图3机头工作原理Fig.3 Air end working principle1.阴螺杆 Female rotor2.阳螺杆 Male rotor当转子旋转时,叶片之间的空气体积连续地变化。当入口打开时,空气被吸入。当出入口都被转子关闭时,空气被压缩,同时向出口运动。当转子继续旋转,其后打开出口时,压缩空气就以最终的压力被排出。注入空气压缩机内的油分别在转子

22、的叶片间啮合处和转子的叶片与壳体接触处将转子之间和转子与壳体之间密封并分隔开。另外,油还将压缩作用产生的热量吸收并带走。The volume of air between the lobes changes continuously as the rotors turn. When the inlet port is open, air is aspirated. When both ports are covered by the rotors, the air is compressed and moved towards the outlet. When the rotors final

23、ly clear the outlet port, the compressed air is expelled at its ultimate pressure as the rotors continue turning. Oil is injected into the compressor to seal off the rotor lobes at their mating points and at their points of contact with the housing. This oil additionally absorbs and carries off most

24、 of the heat generated by compression. u 气路系统流程(见图2)Air flow(see fig.2)外界空气由空气滤清器(5)滤去尘埃后,经进气阀(6)到机头吸气口进入机体(1)压缩室,压缩机内的一对转子由电机驱动旋转,润滑油因压力差喷入,此时油与气混合,油气混合物被压缩后从排气口喷向油气筒(7)的档流板进行一次机械油气分离。由于油气混合物在较大的油气筒中突降流速,被筒内挡流板折挡后改变气体运动方向时,由于空气混合的油分较重,凝聚的液相油被沉降在油气筒底部,这时油气混合的压缩气体仅含有少量未被分离的油。经油气分离器(8)二次分离后,纯净的压缩空气经压力

25、维持阀(9)被送至后冷却器(10),冷却后的压缩空气送入使用系统中。Fresh air passes through air filter (5) via intake valve (6) to enter compress chamber(1) of the compressor, here air has been compressed and mixed with lubricating oil, then sent into to the oil-air tank (7). After that the compressed air passes through oil separat

26、or (8), minimum pressure valve (9) and the passage of after-cooler (10). At last it is delivered into users system. 各组件功能说明:Function of each component in air system: 图4空气滤清器结构图Fig.4 Structure of air filter 1防尘罩Dust cover2防尘罩卡Dust cover clip3滤芯Filter element4固定支架Fastening supporter5压扣Pressing clip6支架

27、Supporter. 空气滤清器(见图4)Air filter(see Fig.4)空气滤清器包括滤芯和壳体,滤芯为一干式纸质过滤器,如图4所示。同时,在螺杆空气压缩机上装有一真空指示器,真空指示器连接处用耐油硅酮密封胶(型号HZ-1213B)密封。指示器显示红色或箭头指向5.0kPa时,应更换滤清器芯和倒掉后盖内尘土。重新装上空滤器后,按下指示器顶端的复位按钮复位。The element of air filter is of dry type paper, See Fig. 4. On the intake seat of the air filter, there is a vacuum

28、 indicator (18), space between a vacuum indicator and intake valve is sealed with Oil-resistant silicone sealant (type HZ-1213B). In case the indicator shows red color or its hand directs to 5kPa, you should replace the filter element and clean the dust in the shell immediately. Then press the top o

29、f the indicator to reset it ( Press To Reset) after reinstalling air filter . 进气阀(见图5)Intake valve(see Fig.5)该进气阀专门用于间歇工作的螺杆空气压缩机,螺杆空气压缩机工作时,其阀板打开,提供风源;当其停止工作时,阀板关闭,使油气筒内含油气体不能通过,同时其卸压阀工作,油气筒内压力在很短时间内降到300kPa以下,以免压缩机带压启动。主要由两部分组成(结构见图5)。This intake valve is specially designed for air compressor whic

30、h works intermittently. When compressor works, the valve plate opens allowing air pass through; when compressor is shut down, the valve plate closes the air passage and at the same time its release section acts and makes the pressure in the oil-air tank reduce to below 300kPa in a very short time, t

31、hus preventing the compressor starting under high back pressure.图5进气阀结构示意图Fig.5 structure of intake valve1进气阀体Intake Valve body2卸荷喷嘴Release nozzle3密封垫片Seal washer4垫圈Washer5螺母Nut6螺钉Screw7进气阀阀板Valve board8进气弹簧Intake spring9进气阀阀座Valve seat10挡圈Locking ring11卸荷气缸Release cylinder12O型圈O-ring13O型圈O-ring14卸荷

32、活塞Release piston15B型密封圈B type seal ring16卸荷弹簧Release spring17卸荷阀座Release valve seat18挡圈Lock ring·进气止回阀 Intake check valve当螺杆空气压缩机停机时,在弹簧力的作用下,阀板被迅速推向进气阀腔体顶部,关闭进气通道;防止从油气筒回流至进气阀的含油空气排入大气。同时也能避免因压缩空气倒流造成空气压缩机转子反转。When the compressor stops, the valve plate is rapidly pushed to its seat under the a

33、ct of spring force. Then the intake passage is cut off to prevent the air mixed with oil from exhausting to atmosphere out of oil-air tank. At the same time, it will also prevent the back flow of compressed air from causing the compressor reverse turn. · 卸压阀 Release valve 当压缩机停机后,该阀能在很短时间(14s)内

34、将油气筒内的压力卸至300kPa以下,以保证螺杆空气压缩机在低负荷下再次启动,有利于电机长期地正常工作。When the compressor stops,the release valve can release the pressure of the oil-air tank to a value below 300kPa within a very short period of time(less than 14s), which ensures that the compressor can restart at low pressure and bring benefit to e

35、xtending the service life of motor. . 温度开关 Temperature switch(14)在失油、油量不足、冷却不良等情况下,均可能导致排气温度过高。当排气温度达到温度开关所设定之温度值时,则温度开关断开而停机。检查温度开关时,拔下温度开关上的电线护套,用电阻表测量温度开关两接线柱间的电阻,在温度没有达到断开时,该电阻应为0。When there is a lack of oil or no effective cooling offered by the after cooler, the temperature of exhausted air wi

36、ll be overhigh. In case the temperature of the air-oil tank reaches its preset value, the temperature switch will open and the compressor will stop. When to check temperature switch, first move away the wire protect sleeve of the temperature switch, then measure the resistance between the two poles

37、of the switch with ohmmeter. If the temperature switch is not open, the value of the resistance is 0. . 油气筒 Oil-air tank(7)油气筒筒侧装有视油镜(见图6),用来观察润滑油油位,螺杆空气压缩机停机10分钟后观察,油位应在视油镜的上限与下限之间。油气筒下方装有泄油阀,定期打开泄油阀以排除油气筒内的凝结水,筒上方装有加油孔可供加油用。由于油气筒的特殊设计,可使压缩空气中的较大油滴与空气分离,此为初级油气分离。There is a sight glass (15) on both

38、sides of oil-air tank.( see Fig. 6). After the compressor stops for 10mins, check lubricating oil through the sight glass, the oil level should be within up and low limits. At the lower corner of air-oil tank there is a drainage valve (16).Periodically open the drain valve to discharge the condensed

39、 water. On the top of the tank there is an oil hole to fill oil. Because of the special construction of the oil-air tank, it can separate the larger oil drops from mixture of oil-air. This is the primary oil-air separation. 图6视油镜 Fig.6 sight glass. 油细分离器 Oil-air separator(8)详细内容请油路系统流程一节说明。See oil f

40、low for details. . 安全阀(见图7)Safety valve(see Fig.7)当机车上的主风缸压力开关调节不当或排气管线上有堵塞现象而致使油气筒内压力超过安全阀的设定值时,安全阀即会自动起跳而泄压,使压力降至设定的排气压力以下。安全阀于出厂前已经过整定(整定值为1250kPa),请勿随意调整。In case the pressure switch on the main air reservoir fails to work or jam occurs in pipelines, which makes the pressure in oil-air tank excee

41、ds the setting value of the safety valve. The safety valve will act automatically to reduce the pressure to below set value. The set value of safety valve is adjusted in the factory before delivery. (Set value is 1250 kPa). Do not adjust it without authorization. 图7安全阀Fig.7 safety valve. 压力维持阀(见图8)

42、Minimum pressure valve (9)(see fig.8)此阀位于油气筒上方油细分离器出口处,开启压力设定于600±50kPa。压力维持阀的功能主要为:Minimum pressure valve locates at the outlet of oil separator. Its set open pressure is 600±50 kPa. The main functions of minimum pressure valve are: ·启动时优先建立起润滑油的循环压力,确保机器的润滑。Build up initial circulat

43、ion pressure for the oil to lubricate in the compressor. ·压力超过600±50kPa后开启,可降低流过油细分离器的空气流速,除确保油细分离效果之外,还可保护油细分离器避免因压差太大而受损。At the pressure of 600±50 kPa minimum pressure valve opens. It can descend the velocity of air flow, ensure the effect of separation and prevent the oil separator

44、 from being damaged because of over pressure difference. ·止回功能:当停机后油气筒内压力下降时,防止主风缸内压缩空气回流。Check function: When compressor stops and the pressure in the tank reduce rapidly, it plays a function of check valve to prevent back flow of compressed air. 图8压力维持阀体 Fig.8 Minimum pressure valve. 压力开关(见图9

45、)Pressure switch(see Fig.9)压力开关受进气阀阀座内压力控制,压缩机停机后,油气筒内压力立即传至进气阀阀座内,压力开关断开。随着油气筒内的压力被卸荷阀快速卸除, 进气阀阀座内压力也降低,当压力小于300kPa时,压力开关恢复接通,此时压缩机才能再次启动,保证了电动机在低负载下启动。压缩机运行时,进气阀腔内压力低于大气压力,压力开关处于接通状态。压力开关在出厂前已设定好,请勿随意调整。Pressure switch is controlled by air pressure inside the intake valve seat. Immediately after t

46、he compressor shutdown, the pressure in oil-air tank will transfer to the intake valve seat, and the pressure switch opens. With the rapid reduction of the pressure in air-oil tank caused by release valve, the pressure of inside chamber of intake valve seat reduces to 300kPa, then pressure switch wi

47、ll close and it is possible for the compressor to restart. This performance ensures the compressor can only be started under a low load. When the compressor is running, the pressure of inside chamber of intake valve seat is lower than atmosphere pressure and pressure switch is in close condition. Th

48、e pressure switch has been calibrated before delivery to clients. Dont adjust it without authorization. 图9压力开关 Fig.9 pressure switch. 后冷却器 After cooler(10)风机将冷却空气送入后冷却器,通过后冷却器冷却压缩空气。The blower sends cooling air to pass through the out surface of the after-cooler, taking the heat from compressed air

49、through the after-cooler.u 油路系统流程 Oil flow润滑油路系统由油细分离器、温控阀、油冷却器和油过滤器等组成。润滑油是在无油泵的条件下利用气压压差原理进行循环。Lubricating oil system consists of oil separator, thermal valve, oil cooler and oil filter. The oil flow is driven by the pressure of oil-air mixture inside the tank, no oil pump. 润滑油流程工作原理: Oil flow wor

50、king principle:由于油气筒(7)内存在压力,润滑油从筒内流出,经过温控阀 (12)分成二路,当温度低于下限(77)时,直接从旁通路进入油过滤器(11)过滤,当温度高于下限(77)时,主通路逐渐打开,部分油到油冷却器(17)冷却,油温高于上限(93)以上时,全部经过油冷却器冷却后进入油过滤器,过滤后的油再分成二路,一路由机体下部喷入压缩室,冷却压缩空气、润滑螺杆;另一路通到主机两端,润滑轴承组;而后汇集于压缩室,随压缩空气一起进入油气筒(7)。Due to the pressure inside the oil-air tank(7), lubricating oil flows

51、via thermal valve (12) and divides into two directions, when the temperature is lower than its lower limit(77),it directly flows into oil filter via bypass passage(11); when the temperature is higher than its lower limit(77), main passage opens gradually and part of oil goes in to oil cooler; when t

52、he temperature is higher than its upper limit(93), all the oil enters into oil cooler. The oil filtrated divided into two passages: one leads to compressor block bottom to lubricate compressed air and screws; the other one leads to two ends of compressor block to lubricate bearing group. And then al

53、l oil joins together in the compression chamber entering into oil-air tank together with compressed air (7). 油冷却器 Oil cooler(17)油冷却器之翅片易受灰尘覆盖而影响冷却效果,可能导致排气温度过高而停机。因此每隔一段时间应对其进行清洗以确保其冷却效果。Corrugated fins are likely to be covered with dust, which can influence the cooling effect of oil cooler, even po

54、ssibly leads to shutdown due to over high temperature. So it should be cleaned in intervals to ensure its cooling effect. . 油过滤器 (见图10)Oil filter(见图10 see Fig.10) 图10油过滤器Fig. 10 Oil filter油过滤器是一种纸质的过滤器,其功能为除去油中之杂质,如:金属微粒、油的劣化物等。以保护轴承及转子。若油过滤器未及时更换则可能导致进油量不足,造成排气温度升高,以致停机;或油过滤器内的旁通阀开启,使脏油未经过滤即进入压缩机内,

55、损伤转子、轴承及壳体。在更换油过滤器时,请使用嘉祥公司提供的专用带式扳手,夹住黑色滤筒上的白色金属环,按逆时针方向旋转,拆下旧的油过滤器后,用专用带式扳手按顺时针旋上新的油过滤器。The element of oil filter is of dry type paper. Its function is removing impurity such as metallic particulates, separations from lubricating oil etc. to protect rotors and bearings. If the oil filter is not replaced in time, the flow rate of oil is possibly reduced, leading to over high exhaust temperature or even shutdown. It can also make th


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