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1、 Telecommunication 通通 信信Probability Increasing in IT&T火灾发生的概率正在火灾发生的概率正在IT及通讯行业中添加及通讯行业中添加发热量 处置速度设备密度TIME火灾发生的机率正日渐添加火灾发生的机率正日渐添加.人员投放管理的时间IC集成密度The Fire Risk for Telecommunication电信业存在的火灾风险电信业存在的火灾风险Fires in Telephone Exchanges or Central Offices (1989 to 1998):发生在交换机房或中心机房的火灾发生在交换机房或中心机房的火灾1989 1

2、998 Approx. 30% of fires caused flame damage beyond the object of origin 大约大约30%的火灾所呵斥的损害曾经远远超出了熄灭本身所产生的破坏的火灾所呵斥的损害曾经远远超出了熄灭本身所产生的破坏 Over 60% of fires caused smoke damage beyond the object of origin 超越超越60%的火灾由于产生了大量烟雾而对处在火灾以外的物体呵斥了损害的火灾由于产生了大量烟雾而对处在火灾以外的物体呵斥了损害 Over 45% of fires deemed to be too sm

3、all to activate “Automatic Detection Equipment or no detector present 人们发现,超越人们发现,超越45%的火灾火势非常弱小而不能触发的火灾火势非常弱小而不能触发“自动探测安装发出警报,自动探测安装发出警报, 或者场所内根本没有安装探测器或者场所内根本没有安装探测器Source: IT Performance Engineering & Measurement Strategies: Quantifying Performance Loss, Meta Group, October 2000. Consequence Incr

4、easing火灾的影响有逐渐上升的趋势火灾的影响有逐渐上升的趋势电信业电信业能能源源制造业制造业金融金融资讯科资讯科技技保险业保险业零售零售药剂药剂银行银行百万百万元元平均每小时对业务的影响平均每小时对业务的影响Smoke damage to components烟雾对电气设备呵斥的损害烟雾对电气设备呵斥的损害2nd International Fire Protection Seminar Buenos Aires 1999 Telecommunication Facilities USA Federal Commission of Communications, 95% of all da

5、mage within computer 95% of all damage within computer room facilities is non-thermal.room facilities is non-thermal.计算机房中全部损害的计算机房中全部损害的95%95%并非源并非源于高温于高温HCL Gas is CorrosiveHCL Gas is CorrosiveHCLHCL是腐蚀性气体是腐蚀性气体How can we reduce this risk?我们怎样才干降低这个风险呢?我们怎样才干降低这个风险呢?Through detection of “thermal e

6、vents before smoke is visible: 经过对可见烟产生之前的发热景象进展探测经过对可见烟产生之前的发热景象进展探测Overheating wire 导线过热导线过热Fused circuit board components 电路板元件过热电路板元件过热Minimises damage: 将损害减至最低将损害减至最低Prevent Fire 防止火灾的发生防止火灾的发生Prevent smoke contamination 防止烟污染防止烟污染Prevent suppressants being used 防止灭火系统防止灭火系统的启动的启动Smoke Obscurat

7、ion烟雾的遮光率烟雾的遮光率0.3m wire produced 0.3m wire produced 0.0156 %/m0.0156 %/m0.30.3米的电线过热产生的烟米的电线过热产生的烟雾可到达雾可到达0.0156 %/m0.0156 %/m的遮的遮光率光率Testing for Very Early Warning对于极早期预警系统的测试方法对于极早期预警系统的测试方法 Paper Basket Fire = 4 kW (UL standard test uses 3 sheets)废纸篓熄灭= 4 kW 美国UL规范测试运用3张纸 BS6266 (1m wire) = 1.0

8、kW 英国BS6266规范1米电线 = 1.0 kW VESDA Hot Wire Test = 40W VESDA过热电线测试= 40W Single Resistor = 10 Watts单个电阻= 10 WattsDesign Criteria 设计时需求思索的要素设计时需求思索的要素Designer Must Consider 设计者必需思索:airflow direction and air change rate 气流方向及换气率coverage area per detector or sample point 每个探测器或采样点的维护面积sensitivity required

9、 per sampling point 每个采样点所需的灵敏度room size and characteristics raised floor, tall ceilings 房屋大小及特点- 如活动地板,高吊顶annunciation of emergency response systems 紧急呼应系统的通告activation of mechanical control systems such as air extraction and suppression systems 启动机械控制系统,如排烟系统和气体灭火系统 C&W Standard AT&T Standard Tels

10、tra Standard Optus Standard BFPSA ASD Code VFS ASD CodeStandards World Wide国际通行规范国际通行规范USA - NFPA 76 “Standard for the Protection of Telecommunications Facilities 美国-NFPA76 “通讯设备防火规范“Every type of sensor and port installed in a space shall be limited to a maximum coverage area of 20 sq.meter “各种类型的探

11、测器和端点在场所内安装时都必需限定在每个点的最大维护面积为20平方米的范围内USA - NFPA 72 “National Fire Code 美国-NFPA72 “国家火灾规范area coverage for spot type detectors to be reduced within high airflow environments to as low as 11.5 m2 per detector for rooms that have 60 air changes per hour.在高气流环境下,当房间内的换气率到达每小时60次时,点式探测器每个探头的维护面积要降至11.5平

12、方米British Standard - BS6266 英国BS6266规范EDP equipment room (ceiling height above 3 metres), require a maximum spacing of 15-25 square metres (150 250 square feet) 电子数据处置设备间天花板的高度大于3米要求探测器的最大间距为15至25平方米150至250平方英尺Industry Standards 行业规范行业规范Factory Mutual - Property Loss Prevention Data Sheet (5-48) for

13、 Automatic Fire Detectors 厂商通用规范厂商通用规范-预防财富损失一览表之自动火灾探测器预防财富损失一览表之自动火灾探测器5-48 A maximum coverage of 200sq. ft. (20 m2) per detector may be necessary where room air is changing at a rate of 20 air changes per hour or 100ft/min (0.5m/sec).“当房间内的换气率在每小时当房间内的换气率在每小时20次或次或100平方英尺平方英尺/分分0.5米米/秒时,每个探头的最大维护

14、面积为秒时,每个探头的最大维护面积为200平方英尺平方英尺20平方米平方米美国美国AT&T 通讯公司通讯公司20 ft.meter Maximum Spacing for Priority1 & Service Class 1 areas including (Telecommunications Equipment Areas, DC power rooms, Data Center/Computer Rooms & Cable Vaults)对于一级的场所,每个探头的最大维护面积为对于一级的场所,每个探头的最大维护面积为20平方米包括通讯设备间,动力设备间,数据中心平方米包括通讯设备间,动

15、力设备间,数据中心/计算机房以及电缆间计算机房以及电缆间美国美国Sprint Corporation 速跑通讯公司速跑通讯公司“There shall be one (1) or more sampling points for every two hundred (200) square feet of floor area. The maximum floor area that each sampling port may cover is two hundred (200) square feet.“房间内每房间内每20平方英米的面积需求一个或多个采样点,每个采样点的最大室内维护面积为

16、平方英米的面积需求一个或多个采样点,每个采样点的最大室内维护面积为20平方米。平方米。 “Where ceiling and low elevation sampling points are required, sampling points shall alternate between ceiling and low elevations. There shall be one ceiling and one low elevation point in every 40 square meter of floor area.“在需求天花板和低处的采样点时,采样点必需在天花板和低处之间交

17、替安装。在房间内每在需求天花板和低处的采样点时,采样点必需在天花板和低处之间交替安装。在房间内每40平方平方米就必需在天花板和低处各安装一个采样点。米就必需在天花板和低处各安装一个采样点。澳大利亚澳大利亚Telstra通讯公司通讯公司VESDA specified for all Telephone ExchangesVESDA已被指定用于一切交换机房已被指定用于一切交换机房例如运用20平米 4.5m x 4.5mUsing 20m2 i.e. 4.5m x 4.5m假设在高气流环境里安装探测器,为了确保灵敏度,应该减少间距,使得探头的维护面积在15-25m2,VESDA很容易做到。If co

18、vering a computer facility with high airflows detector spacing should be reduced, this is to enable higher sensitivity levels. Detector spacing should be 15-25m2VESDA is easily configured to meet these requirements.高气流环境下的常规探测器布置方式高气流环境下的常规探测器布置方式Siting of Conventional Detectors for high airflow env

19、ironmentsSampling pipes采样管采样管Sampling points采样孔采样孔ASD Detector探测探测器器2.25m4.5m4.5m4.5m4.5m4.5m4.5m4.5m4.5m4.5m4.5mArea Coverage每个采样孔的平均维每个采样孔的平均维护面积护面积20M2高气流环境下的采样孔布置方式高气流环境下的采样孔布置方式Siting of Sampling Points for high airflow environmentsNFPA 72-NFPA 72 提供的关于提供的关于气流变化率与探头维护气流变化率与探头维护面积对照表面积对照表-NFPA 7

20、2 supplies information on area coverage vs. air change rateAir Changes P/HM2 coverage 6012302320351546125810708.6817.5846.78468415Smoke Movement In Room房间内的烟雾运动房间内的烟雾运动 (0.05%/m) Small Fires: In-Cabinet Detection 小规模火灾:柜内探测小规模火灾:柜内探测 (0.05%/m)Application Scenarios TelecomCentral Station中心局中心局( 10F-2

21、0F ) Branch Station支局支局( 2F-4F ) Module Station模块局模块局( one room )Mother Station汇接局汇接局( 4F-10F )Application Sites运用地点 Protection Objects维护对象 Protection Objects保护对象保护对象Exchange Room交换机房交换机房Computer Room计算机房计算机房 Power Room动力机房动力机房Transmission Room传输机房传输机房Terminal Room测量机房测量机房Office Zone办公区域办公区域Central

22、Station中心局中心局Mother Station汇接局汇接局 Branch Station支局支局Module Station模块局模块局Optional Products可选产品 Protection Objects保护对象保护对象VLPVLS VLCVLFPRECISIONPROACTIVCentral Station中心局中心局Mother Station汇接局汇接局 Branch Station支局支局Module Station模块局模块局Sampling Methods采样方式 Areas保护区域保护区域Room Ceiling吊顶下采样吊顶下采样Under Floor地板下

23、采样地板下采样 In/On Cabinets柜内上采样柜内上采样Return- Air HVAC回风采样回风采样In- Duct风管采样风管采样Exchange Room交换机房交换机房Computer Room计算机房计算机房 Terminal Room测量机房测量机房Power Room动力机房动力机房Transmission Room传输机房传输机房Typical Building典型建筑 1F2F3F4FSolution A方案A ( 400平米 )Under Floor Area地板下地板下Equipment Racks 机柜机柜Under Floor Area地板下地板下Equip

24、ment Racks 机柜机柜Under Floor Area地板下地板下Equipment Racks 机柜机柜Under Floor Area地板下地板下Equipment Racks 机柜机柜1F2F3F4FArea per Floor400sqm 楼层面积 400平米VLS X 4 Protection Zone addressabilityHigh Sensitivity分区寻址分区寻址高灵敏度探测高灵敏度探测Solution B方案B ( 400平米 )1F2F3F4FVLC X 8 Protection Zone addressabilityHigh SensitivityLow

25、er Price分区寻址分区寻址高灵敏度探测高灵敏度探测更低的价钱更低的价钱When you use Proactiv FACP, VLC-828 is better than VLC-505 for saving the installation cost.Area per Floor400sqm 楼层面积 400平米Under Floor Area地板下地板下Equipment Racks 机柜机柜Under Floor Area地板下地板下Equipment Racks 机柜机柜Under Floor Area地板下地板下Equipment Racks 机柜机柜Under Floor A

26、rea地板下地板下Equipment Racks 机柜机柜Solution C方案C ( 400平米 )Under Floor Area地板下地板下Equipment Racks 机柜机柜Under Floor Area地板下地板下Equipment Racks 机柜机柜Under Floor Area地板下地板下Equipment Racks 机柜机柜Under Floor Area地板下地板下Equipment Racks 机柜机柜1F2F3F4FVLP X 4 Area per Floor400sqm 楼层面积 400平米 Floor addressability High Sensit

27、ivity分层寻址分层寻址高灵敏度探测高灵敏度探测Solution D方案D ( 400平米 )1F2F3F4FVLS X 2 Floor addressability High SensitivityNo Under FloorDetection分层寻址分层寻址高灵敏度探测高灵敏度探测无地板下探测无地板下探测Area per Floor400sqm 楼层面积 400平米Under Floor Area地板下地板下Equipment Racks 机柜机柜Under Floor Area地板下地板下Equipment Racks 机柜机柜Under Floor Area地板下地板下Equipme

28、nt Racks 机柜机柜Under Floor Area地板下地板下Equipment Racks 机柜机柜Solution E方案E ( 400平米 )1F2F3F4FVLC X 4 Area per Floor400sqm 楼层面积 400平米Under Floor Area地板下地板下Equipment Racks 机柜机柜Under Floor Area地板下地板下Equipment Racks 机柜机柜Under Floor Area地板下地板下Equipment Racks 机柜机柜Under Floor Area地板下地板下Equipment Racks 机柜机柜 Floor

29、addressabilityHigh SensitivityLower Price No Under FloorDetection分层寻址分层寻址高灵敏度探测高灵敏度探测更低的价钱更低的价钱无地板下探测无地板下探测When you use Proactiv FACP, VLC-828 is better than VLC-505 for saving the installation cost.Solution F方案F ( 400平米 )1F2F3F4FVLS X 1 Area per Floor400sqm 楼层面积 400平米Under Floor Area地板下地板下Equipment

30、 Racks 机柜机柜Under Floor Area地板下地板下Equipment Racks 机柜机柜Under Floor Area地板下地板下Equipment Racks 机柜机柜Under Floor Area地板下地板下Equipment Racks 机柜机柜Floor addressability Low SensitivityNo Under FloorDetection Lowest Price Low Reliability, its not recommended by VFS分层寻址分层寻址低灵敏度探测低灵敏度探测无地板下探测无地板下探测最低的价钱最低的价钱 低可靠性

31、,不引荐运用低可靠性,不引荐运用Solution A方案A ( 200平米 )1F2F3F4FVLF X 8 Protection Zone addressabilityHigh Sensitivity分区寻址分区寻址高灵敏度探测高灵敏度探测Area per Floor200sqm 楼层面积 200平米Under Floor Area地板下地板下Equipment Racks 机柜机柜Under Floor Area地板下地板下Equipment Racks 机柜机柜Under Floor Area地板下地板下Equipment Racks 机柜机柜Under Floor Area地板下地板下

32、Equipment Racks 机柜机柜Solution B方案B ( 200平米 )Under Floor Area地板下地板下Equipment Racks 机柜机柜Under Floor Area地板下地板下Equipment Racks 机柜机柜1F2F3F4FArea per Floor200sqm 楼层面积 200平米VLS X 2 Protection Zone addressabilityHigh Sensitivity Lower Price分区寻址分区寻址高灵敏度探测高灵敏度探测 更低的价钱更低的价钱Under Floor Area地板下地板下Equipment Racks

33、 机柜机柜Under Floor Area地板下地板下Equipment Racks 机柜机柜Solution C方案C ( 200平米 )Under Floor Area地板下地板下Equipment Racks 机柜机柜Under Floor Area地板下地板下Equipment Racks 机柜机柜Under Floor Area地板下地板下Equipment Racks 机柜机柜Under Floor Area地板下地板下Equipment Racks 机柜机柜1F2F3F4FVLC X 4 Area per Floor200sqm 楼层面积 200平米 Floor addressa

34、bility High Sensitivity分层寻址分层寻址高灵敏度探测高灵敏度探测When you use Proactiv FACP, VLC-828 is better than VLC-505 for saving the installation cost.Solution D方案D ( 200平米 )1F2F3F4FVLF X 4 Area per Floor200sqm 楼层面积 200平米Under Floor Area地板下地板下Equipment Racks 机柜机柜Under Floor Area地板下地板下Equipment Racks 机柜机柜Under Floor

35、 Area地板下地板下Equipment Racks 机柜机柜Under Floor Area地板下地板下Equipment Racks 机柜机柜 Floor addressabilityHigh Sensitivity No Under FloorDetection分层寻址分层寻址高灵敏度探测高灵敏度探测无地板下探测无地板下探测Solution E方案E ( 200平米 )1F2F3F4FVLS X 1 Area per Floor200sqm 楼层面积 200平米Under Floor Area地板下地板下Equipment Racks 机柜机柜Under Floor Area地板下地板下

36、Equipment Racks 机柜机柜Under Floor Area地板下地板下Equipment Racks 机柜机柜Under Floor Area地板下地板下Equipment Racks 机柜机柜Floor addressability Low SensitivityNo Under FloorDetection Lowest Price Low Reliability, its not recommended by VFS分层寻址分层寻址低灵敏度探测低灵敏度探测无地板下探测无地板下探测最低的价钱最低的价钱 低可靠性,不引荐运用低可靠性,不引荐运用Area per Floor400

37、sqm 楼层面积 400平米Area per Floor200sqm 楼层面积 200平米Solution A方案A VLS x 4Solution B方案B VLC x 8Solution C方案C VLP x 4Solution D方案D VLS x 2Solution E方案E VLC x 4Solution F方案F VLS x 1Solution A方案A VLF x 8Solution B方案B VLS x 2Solution C方案C VLC x 4Solution D方案D VLF x 4Solution E方案E VLS x 1性性能能PERFORMANCE价价格格COST价

38、价格格COST性性能能PERFORMANCEIntegrated Solution 集成处理方案集成处理方案Based on the above scenarios, VFS developed an intergrated Solution-集成了集成了VESDA与传统探测技术的处理方案与传统探测技术的处理方案Integration of Fire Detection and ControlVESDA - PROACTIV - PRECISION 天花板层面的探天花板层面的探测测机柜内的采样探机柜内的采样探测测地板下的采样探地板下的采样探测测点式点式探头探头回风回风口的口的采样采样探测探测吊

39、顶下采样头探测吊顶下采样头探测模模块块模模块块模模块块PROACTIV 报警控制报警控制器器VESDAVESDAVESDATypical Application 典型运用典型运用Site ASite BSite CRemote Communication 远程通讯远程通讯Site ISite ESite GSite FSite JSite DSite HPRECISION 回路回路辅助回路辅助回路VESDAnet 回路回路灭火系统灭火系统监控监控PC逃生系统逃生系统PROACTIV 报警控制器报警控制器PSM系统事件记录显示窗口系统事件记录显示窗口PSM系统管理软件系统管理软件PSM系统形状显示窗口系统形状显示窗口PSM系统构造显示窗口系统构造显示窗口PSM系统楼层平面图显示窗口系统楼层平面图显示窗口ModemEthernetConverterLAN/WANWireless LAN1 Primary Monitoring PC + up to 3 Secondary PCs1个主监控电脑+ 最多3个次级监控电脑Remote Monitoring远程监控远程


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