



1、Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark 短语、知识点辨析重点词汇:humorous,help ful,sile nt, dare, in terview,require,p rivate,seldom,abse nt, fail,gen eral.短语:1. used to2. be afraid of3. from time to time4. turn red5. take .up6. deal with7. no t .anymore8. tons of atte ntio n9. worry about10. be careful11. ha ng

2、 out12. give up13. think about14. a very small nu mber o.15. be alone16. give a sp eech17. in p ublic18. all the time19. on the soccer team20. be proud of21. no Ion ger22. be in terested in23. make a decisi on24. in person25. to one' surp rise26. cha nge on' life27. eve n though28. take care

3、 of29. thi nk of30. take pride of31. pay atte nti on to32. one of33. in the last few years过去常常害怕时常,有时 变红 开始做对付、应付不再很多关注为.担忧当心闲逛 X k B 1. c o m放弃考虑极少数的独处做演讲当众一直,总是在足球队为骄傲不再对.感兴趣做决定亲自令某人吃惊的是改变某人的生活尽管照顾关心、想着为感到自豪对.注意,留心在过去的几年里固定词组:1. used to do sth.2. be afraid of doing sth.3. give up doing sth.4. have

4、 to do sth.5. make sb. do sth.6. try to do sth.7. adj. + eno ugh to do sth.过去常常做某事害怕做某事放弃做某事必须做某事让某人做某事尽力做某事 w W w .x K b 1.c o M足够而能做某事准备做某事看见某人在做某事开始做某事 开始做某事 要求某人做某事 决定做某某 决定做某事很难相信自从以来已经有很长的时间了 敢于做某事对某人来说做某事是的to为不定式,后跟动词原形,used to do sth. “过去经常做某事”。to为介词,后跟动名词,be used to doing sth. “习惯做某事”。被用于做某

5、事,是被动语态不定式表示目的时,用于多种时态。Woodmake houses.live in the coun tryside, but now helivi ng in the city.他过去住在乡村,但现在他习惯了住在城市。1) My gran dmame stories whe n I was young.A. was used to tellB. is used to telling2) Your father used to eat meat,?A. did youB. did n't youused to的否定结构是didn'use to.Tony以前不常踢足球。

6、Tonyyou use to p lay the piano?A. CanB. DoC . AreThey used to be on the soccer team.(改为否定句 )Theyteam.He has p le nty of humorous stories to tell.他 有许多幽默故事要讲。(3)这是一个反义疑问句。反义疑问句的特点是:前肯后否,前否后肯。而且附加问句的动词 在时态,人称和数等方面必须与前半句的动词相呼应。如果陈述部分为否定句的反义疑问句时,C. used to tellC. did n't hep lay soccer.D. used to te

7、llingD. did heD. Didbe on the soccer8. be prep ared to do sth.9. see sb. doing sth.10. take up doing sth.11. beg in to do sth.12. require sb. to do sth.13. decide to do sth.14. make a decisi on to do sth.15. It' hard to believe that16. It has bee n + 一段时间 + si nee + 从句17. dare to do sth.18. It&#

8、39; + adj. + for sb. + to do sth.重点句型:1. I used to be afraid of the dark.我过去常常怕黑。2. It' hard to believe that he used to be aproblem child ” until a conversation with his parents his wayof thinking.很难相信他过去是一个“问题少年”,直到一次和他的父母的谈话影响了他的想法。3. It' very important for pare nts to be there for their c

9、hildre n.父母陪伴在他们的孩子身边是很重要 的。知识点辨析:Section A1. Mario, you used to be short, did n't you? 马里奥,你以前个子矮,是吗?(1) 本句是used to do的反意疑问句。used to do的反意疑问句的附加疑问句部分要使用did n't。如:He used to p lay the piano, did n't he?他过去常常弹钢琴,是吗?(2) used to是固定搭配,意为“以前经常;过去常常”。如:She used to be quiet.他过去很文静。used to be us

10、ed to doing stth.be used to do sth.木材被用于建造房子。He附加反问部分“yes”表否定,“no”表肯定。如果陈述部分带有否定的词语“little ,nothing, few, seldom”等,附加疑问部分要用肯定形式。http:/w ww.xk bi. 8m-Jim had nothing for breakfast this morning,too late.A. Had he; YesNoB. hadn' he; YesC. did he; No.He got upD. didn ' he,-You didn 'go to sc

11、hool, did you? -Yes, I did. / No, I didn '. 不,我去了。/ 是的,我没去。2. humorousadj.有幽默感的;滑稽有趣的。是由humor+ ous(形容词后缀)构成的派生词。其名词形式:humor幽默;滑稽。(humor) person in our minds.She likes telli ng jokes. She is a3. She was alwayssile nt in class.她在课堂上总是很沉默。silent adj.不说话的;沉默的;keepsilent是固定搭配,意为“保持沉默”。同根词:silently ad

12、v.沉默地;silenee n.沉默,in silenee老师要求我们保持安静。The teacher asked us to.We felt stra nge about his(sile nt) at the party as he used to be very active.4. Let p ast exp erie nces pro vide you with helpful advice for the future. 让过去的经历为你的将来提 供有用的建议。helpful adj.有用的;有帮助的;是由help+ ful(形容词后缀)构成的派生词。以“ful”为后缀的形容词还有:

13、caren.小心careful adj.小心的use n.用途useful adj.有用的beauty n.美丽beautiful adj.美丽的p eace n.平静;和平p eaceful adj.平静的;和平的thank n.感谢tha nkful adj.感谢的Our teacher gave us a lot of(he Ip) books in math.5. For this mon th'sY oung World magaz in e, I i nterviewed 19yearold Asia n pop star Candy Wang. 为了这个月的青年世界杂志,

14、我采访了19岁的亚洲流行歌手坎迪?王。in terview v. 采访;面试 n.面试;访谈面试进行得非常顺利。The ent well.in terview既可作动词,还可作名词。派生词:in terviewer n.面试者;采访者 in terviewee n.被访问者;被采访者They are going to have an采访)tomorrow morni ng.brave enough意为“足够勇敢”6. She was n ever brave eno ugh to ask questi on她不够勇敢,不敢问问题。en ough修饰形容词或副词时,要位于所修饰的形容词或副词的后

15、面。它可以位于名词之前,也可以位于名词之后。We have(or)to readen ough还可以修饰名词,此时, 我们有足够的时间阅读这些书。the books.x k b i . c o mThe boy isto take care of himself.A. eno ugh oldB. eno ugh youngC. old eno ughD. young eno ugh7. It's bee n three years since we last saw our p rimary school classmates我 们已经有三年没见至 U我们 的小学同学了。1) It&#

16、39; been + 一段时间 + since + 从句以来已经有多长时间了。自从我开始学英语已经有5年的时间了。five years since I bega n to lear n En glish.2) since是连词,意为“自从;从以来”=It' + 一段时间+ since +从句,意为“自从.It ha bee n five years since I bega n to lear n En glish. = Is。本句由since引导时间状语从句 we last saw our primaryschool classmates从句的时态是一般过去时,主句是现在完成时。si

17、nce还可以作介词,意为“自从;从以来”。如:She has bee n ill si nee last Sun day.从上星期日以来,她一直在生病。The local liv ing con diti ons(条件)have impro ved a lotChina set up the city of San sha.And more and more people would like to go there for bus in ess.A . beforeB . whe nC . sinceD. after8. We think of this matter from time t

18、o time.我们时常会想起这个问题。 from time to time 时常:有时;和 sometimes, at times是同义表达。常见的time短语有:what time 几点; for the first time 第一次; all the time 一直,总是; time 及时; on time 按时,准时; at the same time 同时; at good/great/w on derful time 玩得开心; in no time 立即,马上at times 不时,有时; inany time 随时; have asee sb. doing sth.表示“看到某人

19、正在做某事”,强调动作正在进行。see sb. do sth.表示“看到某人做某事”,强调动作经常发生或看到动作发生的全 过程。9. I used toseehim readi ng in the library every day.我以前天天看至 U他在图书馆看书。 see sb. doing sth.看到某人正在做某事,其中doing sth是宾语补足语。They saw a boyA. walks_ across the street slowly.B. walkedC . walk ingD. to walk10. Candy Wang told me that she used to

20、 be really shy artdoku p singing to deal with her shyn ess. 坎迪?王告诉我,她以前真的很害羞,后来开始唱歌来应对害羞。take up开始从事;占用;take up doing sth 开始做某事这张桌子占了太多空间。The table常见的take短语有:too muchtake care 当心; take care of 照顾; take part in 参加; take off 起飞,逃脱; take away 拿走,带走;take out 掏出; take turns 轮流;take down 记下,写下;take place

21、发生;take a walk散步;take a look 看一看I decide todoing exercise to keep fit新课 标第 一i 网A . take upB . take offC . take outD. take away11. I have a huge pile of letters todealwith.我有一大堆信件要处理。deal with 对付; 应付deal with和do with都表示“对付;应对”,但deal with多和how搭配,do with多和what搭配。the p roblem?你知道怎样处理这个问题吗?Do you know ho

22、w to12. However, too much attention can also be a bad thing然而,太多注意力也可能是一件坏事。 too much意为“太多”,修饰不可数名词。词条含义用法too much太多修饰不可数名词too many太多修饰可数名词much too太修饰形容词或副词Why are you so tired these days? Well, I havehomework to do.A. too muchB. too manyC . much tooD . many too13. You have to be prepared togive up

23、your no rmal life. 你不得不准备放弃你的正常生活。give up意为“放弃”,give up doi ng sth.意为“放弃做某事”。give短语:give in 屈服,让步; give up 放弃; give sb. a hand 帮某人忙;give away扌捐献,扌捐出;give out 分发,散发; give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb.给某人某物。hop e.D. give outIt was a difficult time for the quakehit victims in Ya'a n, but they did n&#

24、39;tA. give upB. give offC. give in 14. Only a very small number of peopie make it to the top.只有一小部分的人能够成为佼佼者。 a number of意为“许多;大量”, number前可以用large, small等形容词修饰。a nu mber ofthe nu mber of表示“许多;大量”,修饰可数名词。a number of结构作主语时,谓语动词用复 数形式。表示“的数量”,修饰可数名词。the number of结构作主语时,谓语动词用students is fifty.学生的数量是 5

25、0。differe nt p laces in Australia. 他已经参观过澳单数形式。He has already visited大利亚的很多地方了 。新课标第一 |网more tha n one milli on.D. wereNow the nu mber of Chin ese people worki ng in Africa A. isB. areC . wasSecti on B1. It' hard to believe that he used to be a “ problem child ” until a conversation with his par

26、ents his way of thinking.很难相信他过去是一个“问题少年”,直到一次和他的父母的谈话影响了他的想法。It' hard to believe + that 从句 很难相信,it 是形式主语,that 从句是真正的主语。2. He has great nflue nee on the gover nment.他对政府有很大的影响力。influence v. & n .影响in flue nee可以作名词,也可以作动词,意为“影响”。have (an) in flue neeon对有影响。What we readour thi nkin g. 我们所阅读的书本

27、会影响我们的思想。Believe in yourself. Don't let others iyour decisi on.As a small child, he seldom gave his parents any p roblems, and they were proud of him.3.当他还是小孩子的时候,他很少给他的父母惹麻烦,他的父母为他感到骄傲。“seldom adv.不常;很少;近义词:hardly adv.意为“几乎不”。D. seldomMy un cle does n't like fast food, so heeats it.A . alwa

28、ysB . ofte nC . sometimes2)give sb. p roblem 给某人惹麻烦 =cause p roblem / trouble for sb.X k B 1. c o m4. He was ofte n abse ntfrom classes, so he failed his exam in ati ons.他经常逃课,所以考试不及格。 absent是形容词,意为“缺席的;不在的”,beabsentfrom意为“缺席”。反义词:presentadj. 出席的;到场的 absent n.缺席,不在work that day.他那天没上班。He5. We tried

29、but failed.我们试过,但失败了。fail v .不及格;失败;未能(做到) fail to do sth.未能做某事。反义词:succeedv.成功passv.及格;考试通过If you don't work, youp ass the exam. 女口果你不学习,你考试就会不及格。C . missedHe was unhappy, because hehis driv ing test.A . succeededB . failedD. passed6. The woman was proud of her son's success. 那个女人为她儿子的成功而骄傲

30、。 be proud of为 骄傲;感到自豪;proud是形容词,意为“骄傲的;自豪的”; take P ride in。Mom, I was the first to reach the top of the moun ta in. you.A. carefulGood job, Jack! rmB. proudC. tiredD. afraidbe p roud of=of8. The head teacheradvised his parents to talk with their son in person.儿子谈一谈。advise sb. to do sth.建议某人做某事advi

31、se是动词,意为“建议;提议” 意为“建议某人(不要)做某事”。advise的名词形式是advice.Mary advised methe En glish club.A . joi nB . joi ningC . to join校长建议他的父母亲自和advise sb.( not) to sth.D. joined7. Finally, his parentsmadea decision to send him to a boarding school.最后,他的父母决定把他送 到一所寄宿学校。make a decision作出决定 decision是名词,意为 “决定; 决心” 。 de

32、cision的同根词:decidev.决 定;decide的常见短语:decide to do sth.决定做某事1)我们已作出了一个好的决定。We havego away at last.2)我们最终决定还是不离开。We've9. He will be present at the meetingn person. 他将亲自参加会议。 in person意为“亲自;亲身”,与“ for on eself'同义。.x K b 1.c o M你必须亲自来这里。You must come here10. To every ones surp rise, this con versa

33、ti on cha nged Li Wen's life.令所有人惊讶的是,这次谈话 改变了李文的生活。surprise n.,意为“惊讶”。surprise还可以作动词,意为“使惊讶”。to one'surprise 令某人惊讶的是;in surprise 惊讶地;派生词:surprising adj.令人惊讶的;_ he did n't p ass the exam. the n ews.surp rised adj.感至U惊讶的。(1)令我们惊讶的是,他考试没有及格。我们对这则消息感到吃惊。We(3)他吃惊地问:“难道你以前没看过这部电影吗?”He asked “

34、 Have n't you ever see n the film before”11. I took care of my little sister when my parents were not at home.当我父母不在家时,我照顾我 的妹妹。take care of意为“照顾”,与“ look after”和“ care for” 同义。take good care of意为“好好照顾”,其同义表达为“ look after weldThey pro mised to take care of /my dog.12. There were so many rules, a

35、nd he used to break them all the time学校)有如此多的规定,他以 前一直都不遵守它们。so many rules意为“如此多的规定”,如果名词前有 many修饰,要用so,而不用such。so 与 suchso和such都可表示程度,意为“如此,这样”。(1) such是形容词,修饰名词,而so是副词,修饰形容词或副词。(2) 当名词被many, much, little, few修饰时,其前只能用so,不能用such。(3) 当that前是单数可数名词且该名词前面有形容词修饰时,so与such可以互换。即so+ adj.+a/an+n. = such+ a

36、/an+ adj. + n.。如:teacher that we allShe is so good a teacher that we all love her She islove her.她是一位好老师,我们都爱她。13. He has bee n work ing hard and is now one of the best stude nts in his class.他学习一直很努力,现在他是班里最好的学生之一。has been worki ng属于现在完成进行时的结构。现在完成进行时的结构是“have/ha+ been+动词about this的现在分词” 。 http:/w

37、ww.xk b1. com 我对这个问题已经考虑好几个星期了。questi on for weeks.现在完成进行时表示动作从某一时间开始,一直持续到现在,或者刚刚终止,或者可能仍然要继续下去。该时态与since或for连用时,常常表示动作会进行下去。我们一直滑冰滑了三个小时。Wefor three hours.14. His parents loves made him feel good about himself.他父母的爱让他对自己有信心。made him feel属于make sb. do sth的结构,表示“使某人做某事”,其中 do sth是make的宾语 补足语。make的常见

38、搭配有:(1)make + sb./sth.+ 动词原形。with him.他让我和他待在一起。He(2)make + sb./sth.+ adj.女口:这则好消息使我兴奋。The good news(3)make + sb./sth.+ n.女口:只学习不玩耍,聪明的孩子也变傻。All work and no playJack a dull boy.当把make sb. do sth结构的句子变为被动语态时,要把省略了的to补出来。如:她哥哥把她弄哭了。 Her brother made her cryShe was made to cry by her brother. 他的父母让他整天学

39、习。 His parents made him study all dayj He was madehis paren ts.(1) 过多的家庭作业使我疲惫不堪。Too much homework(2) 他妈妈让他每天洗脸。His mother( )We're madethe words aga in and aga in.A. readB. readingC. to readinghis face every day.D. to readall day by书面表达:本单元的话题是“谈论生活变化”。该话题是中考常见话题之一,该话题贴近学生生活,更 容易引起学生的共鸣。在谈论生活变化时,描述过去的生活可以使用一般过去时或used to,描述现在的生活要用一般现在时。写作时要注意使用合适的时态。常用表达But tech no logy has cha nged everythi ng.新课标第 一网Better tech no logy has cha nged that.Flyovers have cha nged the face of the city.My life has cha nged a lot..某中学生英文报正在开展关于家乡生活变化的征文活动,请你根据下表提示,以“Changes in OurHom


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