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1、 信用证汇票 SWIFT-DRAFT DRAFT OF SWIFT MESSAGE SENT DATE:20101215DOCUMENT ID:IM101215WP0002 Issue of a Documentary Credit信用证汇票信用证汇票信息发送时间:2010年12月15日文档编号:IM101215WP0002 跟单信用证基本标头: F 01 ICBCTWPA 069 0000 0000应用标头: I 700 CMBCCNBS008 N用户标头: 113 108 Offshore-banking 119银行名称: 中国招商银行(深圳境外金融业务部)Basic Header F 0

2、1 ICBCTWPA 069 0000 0000Application Header I 700 CMBCCNBS008 NUser Header 113 108 Offshore-banking 119CORR NAME China Merchants Bank( Offshore-Banking Department) SHENZHEN*27: Sequence of total 1/1*40A: Form of Doc. Credit Irrevocable*20: Documentary Credit Number F0OBCI10002/331C: Date of Issue 101

3、215*40: Applicable Rules UCP Latest Version31D: Expiry Date & Place 110131 In Beneficiarys Country*27: 报文页码次序 1/1*40A: 跟单信用证形式 不可撤销*20: 跟单信用证号 F0OBCI10002/331C: 开证日期 2010年12月15*40: 适用规则 UCP 最新版本31D: 有效日期&有效地点 2011年01月31日 受益人所属国*50 : Applicant*59 : Beneficiary*32B: Currency Code, Amount USD26404,90*4

4、1D: Available withBy Any Bank By Negotiation 42C: Draft At At Sight For 100 PCT Of Invoice Value 42A: Drawee ICBCTWTP069 *50:信用证申请人:*59:信用证受益人:*32B:货币代码与金额: 26,404.90美元 *41D:兑付银行及兑款方式 任何银行均可议付 42C: 汇票付款期限 即期兑付发票面额 42A: 汇票付款人 ICBCTWTP06943P: Partial Shipment NOT ALLOWED 43T: Transshipment ALLOWED44E:

5、Port of loading: any Chinese port or Hong Kong44F: Port of discharge: Mombasa,Kenya 44B: Place of final destination: Kampala,Uganda44C: Latest date of shipment : 11011043P:分批装运条款 禁止43T: 转运条款 允许44E:装货港口 任何大陆或香港港口44F:卸货港口 肯尼亚蒙巴萨岛44B:最终目的地 乌干达坎帕拉44C:装运期限: 2011年01月10日45A: Shipment (of goods) White oil/p

6、araffin oil liquid,grade A LPO 1517A for cosmetic use Packing in new drums Inner coating is food grade Net weight 170KG*98drums Total 16,660KGS Price terms: CPT Kampala,Uganda45A:装运货物: A级白油/液态石蜡 1517过氧化脂质用作化妆 用新桶装,内涂层为食品级 净重170千克*98桶 总重:16660千克 价格条件:运费付至乌干达坎帕拉 CPT:Carriage paid to 46A: Documents req

7、uired 1. commercial invoice in quadruplicate manually signed 2. detailed packing list in quadruplicate ,mentioning net weight/gross weight 3. full set originals of clean on board ocean bills of lading and one non-negotiable copy, made out to order of Mega International Commercial Bank Chung Ho Branc

8、h indicate gross weight, notify applicant with full address 4. material safety data sheet 5. certificate of analysis46A:所需文件1.手签商业发票一式四份2.提及净重/总重的详细装箱单一式四份3.全套清洁海运提单和非流通副本,空白抬头为兆丰国际商业银行中和分行,注明净重且通知开证申请人详细地址4.材料安全数据表5.分析证明书47A: Additional condition (附加条款)The issuance date and number of this credit mu

9、st be quoted on all documents and draft(s).1. 1. 此信用证的签发日期与信用证号需在所有的单据和汇票中注明。2. Should any terms or conditions stipulated in this credit be contradictory to or inconsistent with that of UCP600, the relative UCP600 provision(s) is/are deemed as expressly modified and/or exclude.若此信用证的任何条款与UCP600相矛盾或不

10、一致,则UCP600中的相关规定视作明确修改和/或排除。3. In case amendment(s) have been issued under the L/C, one original beneficiarys certificate mentioning this L/C number, listing the amendment(s) received and confirming acceptance or rejection of said amendment(s) is required.若此信用证的修改已发布,则需原受益人证明一份,该证明需标有此信用证号,列出所有收到的修改

11、,并表示是否接受或者拒绝相关修改。4. Discrepancy fee USD70. (or equivalent) and all relevant charges for handling discrepant documents are always for beneficiarys account. 单据不符点费为70美元(或等额),且处理单据不符而产生的一切相关费用由受益人承担。5. Notwithstanding the provision of UCP600 ART.18B, a commercial invoice issued for an amount in excess

12、of the amount permitted by this credit is prohibited.尽管UCP600第十八条款B中另有规定,金额超过信用证所允许金额的商业发票是禁止的。6. Bill of lading transport document issued by pacific international lines only. Bill of lading issued by forwarder or house bill of lading is not accepted. 只接受由太平洋国际航线出具的运输提单。不接受承运人或运输代理行出具的提单。7. All docu

13、ments except material safety data sheet having date prior to date of L/C issuance is strictly prohibited. 除材料安全数据表外,所有出单日期先于信用证签发日期的单据均被严厉禁止。71B. All banking charges except discrepancy free, reimbursement charge outside of China are for applicants account除了差异费用,报销费用以外,所有中国境外银行费用由申请人承担。48:period for

14、presentation(提交日期)documents must be presented for negotiation within 10 days after the day of shipment but not later than the validity of the credit单据必须在装船后单据必须在装船后10天内但不得迟于信用证的有效期提交议付天内但不得迟于信用证的有效期提交议付49:confirmation instructions Without 保兑指示 没有78:Instr to the pay/ acc/ neg bank 1.upon receipt of d

15、ocuments in order, at maturity, we shall reimburse you as per your instructions less our cable charges/ reimbursement charges对付款行,开户行,议付行的指令在依次收到单据后,届时,我们将按贵方每一条指令偿还电报费/手续费2.documents must be forwarded to mega intl comml. bank co. ltd. chung ho br. no.124, sec.2, chung shan road, chung ho city(235)

16、taipei hsien, taiwan by courier service in one lot文件必须被转发到大型国际银行股份有限公司,该公司位于台北县中和市(235),中山路,第2节,124号,钟浩无线电通信局。台湾的快递一体服务很多。3.we hereby engage with drawers and/ or bona fide holders that drafts drawn and negotiated in strict conformity with credit terms will be duly honoured on presentation我们特此与出票人及/或抵押汇票持有人协商,严格按照信用证条款,及时承兑。4. the amount of drafts must be duly endorsed on the reverse of the credit by rem


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