1、 毕 业 设 计(论 文)外 文 文 献 译 文 及 原 文学 生:王波波学 号:200705010322院 (系):机电工程学院专 业:机械设计制造及其自动化指导教师:周明贵2011年5月20日在先进的结构发泡成型中获得一个有高间隙率方法的研究John W. S. Lee, Jing Wang, Jae D. Yoon, and Chul B. Park摘要:结构性泡沫提供比它们同类更多的优点,包括更大的几何准确性、最终产品的表面上没有凹痕,较低的重量(由此延伸的需要以较低的材料),和更高的刚度与重量的比率。用传统的结构实现一个合适的空隙率在结构泡沫发泡成型方法已经有一些成功;这些方法允许小
5、构发泡成型技术。Trexel公司开发了一种微往复式注射成型技术的基出上,对预塑式注塑机进行了大量的工作。以进一步改善质模板在微孔发泡过程中使用了微结构成型。Turng,苏达权等, ,研究了改变工艺条件的影响上,特别是在当前国内外微孔结构的例子, 混合成型用结构.何振平,高庆宇报道的创造与微孔发泡细胞的结构和表面质量良好使用了共聚物聚碳酸脂(PC).尹恩惠,孙俐,在当前国内外微孔形貌控制的聚丙烯(PP)等课程教学中存在的报道说,有一个高庆宇甲级的表面和高空隙率可以达到通过使用一个透气通道.发泡等,综述了最近高庆宇的微孔复合材料的新型高分子材料和钢筋与矿物填料及自然光纤。Shimbo报道, 在典型
6、的结构成型工艺另一种微孔发泡过程中注塑机,使用了一个预塑式注塑机被用来塑化螺柱塞聚合物,是用来注入聚合物进入模具腔,另一个替代方案泡沫注射成型工艺是在发达的德国亚琛的一个系统,在这个系统中,气体注射在一个特别设计的喷油嘴,它安装在塑化单元之间的,可对喷嘴关闭的常规射出成型机。此外,它达到更好的分散性之气, 静态混合元素被安装之间的气体喷油嘴和关闭喷嘴。这项技术后来为商业化专利。在2006年,有人提出了一个结构,经过在先进的高庆宇发泡成型技术的基础上,预塑式注射机传统的结构发泡技术这样就提高了注入气体会完全溶解在聚合物。由一个强化技术的齿轮油泵及附加蓄能器使聚合物/气体混合物形成一步连续不断的成
7、型操作。换句话说,更新的设计完全解耦,气体溶解步骤的注塑操作使用一个主驱动泵。这一先进的结构发泡的细节 技术概述在下一节。3先进的成型结构先进的成型机。完整(或实质)溶解在聚合物熔体,尽管是稳定成型工艺。但是它认识到连续成型行为不可避免地引起不一致的气体充填、这种结构使得流动但是聚合物熔体和天然气是连续的(即不停止在注射时期)。图1图2图3-4图1显示的原理图结构,经过先进的泡沫成型机在发达的Toronto大学的这台机器包含了一主驱动泵(例如:一个齿轮泵)和额外的蓄电池、附于挤压桶和之间的关断阀。(一个位于前关闭阀门柱塞,另一种是位于喷嘴处。)此设计完全减弱气体溶解步骤的注塑操作使用和维护主动
9、体。一个统一的聚合物/气体混合物,其中的气体已经完全(或实质上)溶解, 为改善制品塑料结构。就需要有一个常数溶气/重量配比提供理论依据。表1图5图6图7 .瓦斯含量的影响和注入流量等泡沫的形态一个齿轮油泵是一种最基本的组成部分,因为它提供了一份改进工艺恒体积流率对聚合物/气体混合物;泵上的压力,从而控制的挤压,并允许一个一致的连续性桶重量比为粘性聚合物熔体,压力在挤压酒桶保持相对稳定,因为这种积极的位移的齿轮泵。由于气体流量压力取决于在桶显著,恒气流量可以通过保持固定的压力,在挤压桶。聚合物/气体混合物能够控制的变转速的齿轮泵。通过独立控制的流动速率两种气体与聚合物/气体混合物,这种聚合物流量
10、也可以被控制住。因此,既有一致的重量比”,并获得统一流动聚合物/气体混合物可以很容易地实现与齿轮泵。这些优势不能被轻易的做到了,用一个关闭或止回阀。背后的基本原理与装备新模型具有额外的蓄能器来源于需要适应这个混合物在每个周期的注射期间使螺杆可以匀速旋转和煤气可以不断的注入melt.4不断旋转螺杆是一种重要的差异,从以前所有的结构发泡成型技术是基于低压塑料注塑系统。一旦是压力相对稳定的挤出桶,它会变得更容易控制的流量,注入气体的高分子,和气体即可更为均匀散布到融化图8 .细胞密度测量的地点A-C(0.3硅油%氮气)。当一个一致的气体聚合物量比,实现了注入氮气,有一个非常低的溶解性,可完全溶化,如
11、果一个足够高的压力保持在这两种挤压桶和累加器。“足够高的压力”意味着熔体压力远高于溶解性的压力进行了给定的气体的注入聚合物熔体。此外,保持了足够高的压力后的油已经完全溶解,防止形成第二阶段在聚合物熔体在积累阶段。因为溶解性的压力进行了瓦斯含量要求产生一个fine-celled结构例如,为0.1-1.0% N2期的140-1400 psi的高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)在200°C17号低比压极限存在的低压预塑式结构性泡沫成型机(最大许用压力3000 psi),一个足够高的压力就可以很容易地保持先进的结构发泡成型机。4结果和讨论:加工参数的影响程度,充模。图4显示了吹剂的影响(氮气)和温度对
12、泡沫融化程度充满了模具。卒中是用于不同的注入不同数目的N2为了达到不同的空泡内馏份:60,50,和40毫米,和0.5 ,0.1,0.3硅油%氮气,分别。这些注入中风占期末无效的分数占17%,31%和45%,分别。很清楚,氮气含量和喷射流量中起到了至关重要的作用,在确定充填型腔的程度。充填型腔的程度随氮气含量和注入流量而增加。因为低压结构发泡成型使用一种近程注射,在这个过程中,依靠泡沫膨胀以填充模子腔。一个更高的氮气含量增加的程度,从而提高了泡沫膨胀模具,也是值得注意是由高细胞密度增加氮气含量是另一个推动力的创作中较大的空系率。注射充模流动速率也受到了影响。因为在何种程度上的不同,熔体冷却流量、
14、可能获得一个统一的制品结构和较高的制品精度。通过优化所有的压力加工条件,我们就能实现一个统一的细单元结构和较高的制品精度(接近40%)。参考文献(1) Hornsby, P. R. Thermoplastics Structural Foams: Part 2 Properties and Application. Mater.Eng. 1982, 3, 443.(2) Ahmadi, A. A.; Hornsby, P. R. Moulding and Characterization Studies with Polypropylene Structural Foam, Part 1: S
15、tructure-Property Interrelationships. Plast.Rubber Process.Appl. 1985, 5, 35.(3) Hikita, K. Development of Weight Reduction Technology for Door Trip Using Foamed PP. JSAE ReV.2002, 23, 239.(4) Park, C. B.; Xu, X. Apparatus and Method for Advanced Structural Foam Molding. U.S. Patent Application 11/2
16、19,309, filed Sep 2, 2005;Strategies to Achieve a Uniform Cell Structure with a High Void Fraction in Advanced Structural Foam MoldingABSTRACT:Structural foams offer numerous advantages over their solid counterparts, including greater geometrical accuracy, the absence of sink marks on the final prod
17、ucts surface, lower weight (and, by extension, the need for less material), and a higher stiffness-to-weight ratio. The possibility of achieving a suitable void fraction in structural foams using conventional structural foam molding methods, however, has been of limited success;these methods allow f
18、or little control and typically yield large voids and a nonuniform cell structure. This article reports on our use of an advanced structural foam molding machine to achieve a uniform cell structure with a high void fraction. We studied the following processing parameters: injection flow rate, blowin
19、g agent content, and melt temperature. The pressure profile inside the mold cavity under various processing conditions was also investigated to elucidate cell nucleation and growth behaviors. By optimizing all processing conditions, we achieved a uniform cell structure and a very high void fraction
20、(over 40%).IntroductionStructural foams are plastic foams manufactured using ,conventional preplasticating-type injection-molding machines.A physical blowing agent (PBA), chemical blowing agent,(CBA), or both are employed in the process to produce a cellular(foam) structure. The advantages of struct
21、ural foam molding,include the absence of sink marks on the final parts surface, a reduced weight, a low back pressure, a faster production cycle ,-3 Because of thisunique set of advantages, a low-pressure preplasticating-type,structural foam molding technology has been used widely formanufacturing l
22、arge products that require geometric accuracy. Achieving a suitable void fraction in structural foams using conventional structural foam molding has not proven to be successful, however, as these molding methods allow for littlecontrol and yield large voids and a nonuniform cell obtain a uniform cel
23、l structure with a high void fraction,the machine must be,5 This technology facilitates the uniform dispersion and dissolution of gas in the polymer melt during the structural foam molding process, thereby safe guarding against the creation of large, undissolved gas pockets. In a previouswork,5 we d
24、emonstrated the feasibility of using a customized small injection molding system consisting of a miniinjection unit and a foaming extruder based on this newtechnology. However, in addition to improvedhardware technology, it is also required to develop appropriate processingstrategies to control cell
25、 nucleation and growth inside the mold cavity. In this context, the current article discusses some processing strategies required to obtain a uniform cell structure with a high void fraction in an advanced structural foam molding process. We investigated the following critical parameters: blowing ag
26、ent content, injection flow rate, and melt temperature. The structural foams obtained using our advanced molding technology were characterized in terms of voidfraction, cell density, and cell size distribution; three-dimensional X-ray topography was usedto show the 3-D cell morphologies of the struc
27、tural foams. The pressure profile inside the mold cavity was also recorded under variousBackgroundIn recent years, the advantages of foam injection molding have prompted improvements in structural foam moldingtechnologies. Trexel Inc. developed a microcellular injection molding technology (MuCell te
28、chnology) based on a reciprocating-type injection molding machine.6,7 A great deal of work has been carried out to further improve the quality of themicrocellular foams produced using the MuCell process. Turng et al., for example, investigated the impact of changingprocessing conditions on the micro
29、cellular foam structures, especially in cases of coinjection molding with nanocomposites Kanai et al. reported the creation of microcellular foams with a good cell structure and surface quality using copolymer polycarbonate reported the use of CaCO3 for controlling the microcellular foam morphology
30、of polypropylene (PP). Sporrer et al. reported that a class-A surface and a high void fraction could be achieved in foaming by using a breathing mold.12 Recently, Bledzki et al. reviewed microcellular polymer materials and microcellular composites reinforced with mineral fillers and natural fibers.
31、In 2000, Shimbo reported an alternative microcellular foam process that employed a preplasticating-type injection molding machine.14 A screw was used to plasticate the polymer, and a plunger was used to inject the polymer into the mold cavity as in typical structural molding. Another alternative foa
32、m injection molding process was developed at IKV, Aachen, this system, gas was injected in a specially designed injection nozzle mounted between the plasticizing unit and the shut-off nozzle of a conventional injection molding machine. Furthermore,to achieve better dispersion of the gas, static mixi
33、ng ,elements were mounted between the gas injection nozzle and the shut-off nozzle. This technology was later commercialized by SulzerChemtech.In 2006, Park et al. presented an advanced structural foam molding technology based on a preplasticating,5 The conventional structural foaming technology was
34、 improved such that the injected gas would completely dissolve into the polymer. The enhanced technology consisted of a gear pump and an additional accumulator to make the polymer/gas mixture formation step continuous regardless of the stop-and-flow molding operations. In other words, the newer desi
35、gn completely decoupled the gas dissolution step from the injection and molding operations using a positive-displacement pump. The details of this advanced structural foaming technology are outlined in the next section.This technology4 promotes uniform gas dispersion and complete (or substantial) di
36、ssolution in the polymer melt,despite the non -steady molding process. Recognizing that stop and-flow molding behavior inevitably causes inconsistent gasdosing, this design allows the flows of the polymer melt and gas to be continuous (i.e., not to stop during the injection period Figure 1 shows a s
37、chematic of the advanced structural foam molding machine developed at the University of Toronto.4 This machine comprises a positive-displacement pump (i.e., a gear pump) and an additionalaccumulator, which is attached between the extrusion barrel and the shut-off valves. (One shut-off valve is locat
38、ed before the plunger, and the other is located at the nozzle.) The design completely decouples the gas dissolution step from the injection and molding operations using thepositive-displacement gear pump and maintains steady-state gas dissolution. During the injection and molding operations, theplas
39、ticating screw rotates, and the generated polymer/gas mixture collects in the extra accumulator. After the mixture has beensubjected to both injection and molding and has been collected,it moves through the plunger mechanism to be injected intothe next cycle. This technology ensures that the pressur
40、e in the extrusion barrel is relatively constant and that consistent gasdosing is attained so that a uniform polymer/gas mixture is achieved regardless of the pressure fluctuations in the plunger.This technology has been patentedHomogeneous Distribution and Complete Dissolution of Blowing Agent.To m
41、aintain consistent gas dosing of thepolymer and to completely or near-completely dissolve all of the gas in the polymer melt, the screw must rotate at a relativelyconstant speed.4 The advantages of having the screw move ata constant rotational speed are two-fold. First, consistent gasdosing is easil
42、y realized because the pressure fluctuations inside the extrusion barrel are minimized. Second, maintaining a high pressure guarantees thedissolution of the injected gas into the polymer melt. A uniform polymer/gas mixture, in which the gas has been completely (or substantially) dissolved, that has
43、aconstant gas-to-polymer weight ratio provides the basis for improved uniform, fine-celled foam structuresA gear pump is an essential part of the improved process because it provides a constant volume flow rate for the polymer gas mixture; the pump thereby controls the pressure in the extrusion barr
44、el and allows a consistent polymer-to-gas weightratio to be maintained.4 For viscous polymer melts, the pressure in the extrusion barrel is relatively constant because of thepositive displacement of the gear pump. Because the gas flow rate depends significantly on the barrel pressure, a constant gas
45、flow rate can be obtained by maintaining a constant pressure in the extrusion barrel. The flow rate of the polymer/gas mixturecan be controlled by varying the rotational speed of the gear pump. By independently controlling the flow rates of both thegas and the polymer/gas mixture, the polymer flow r
46、ate can also be controlled. Thus, both a consistent polymer-to-gas weightratio and a uniform polymer/gas mixture can be easily achieved with a gear pump. These advantages could not be easily achieved with a shut-off or nonreturnable check valve alone. The rationale behind having outfitted the new mo
47、del with an additional accumulator derives from the need to accommodate the mixture during each cycles injection period so that the screw can rotate at a constant speed and the gas can be continuously injected into the melt.4 The constantly rotating screw represents a significant difference from all
48、 previous structural foam molding technologies that are based on the low-pressure preplasticating-type system. Once the pressure in the extrusion barrel is relatively stable, it becomes easier to control the flow rate of the injected gas into the polymer, and the gas can be more uniformly dispersed
49、into the melt. When a consistent gas-to-polymer weight ratio is achieved,the injected N2, which has a very low solubility, can dissolve completely if a sufficiently high pressure is maintained in boththe extrusion barrel and the accumulators. A “sufficiently high pressure” means that the melt pressu
50、re is much higher than the solubility pressure for the given amount of gas injected into the polymer melt. In addition, maintaining a -1.0% N2 in high-density polyethylene (HDPE) at 200 °C17 is low compared to the pressure limit of the existing low-pressure preplasticating-type structural foam
51、molding machines (maximum allowable pressure 3000 psi),a sufficiently high pressure can easily be maintained in the advanced structural foam molding machines,Although the advanced structural molding machine features modifications that allow for the complete dissolution of gas intoa polymer melt whil
52、e a constant gas-to-polymer weight ratio is maintained,4,5 this system design does not automatically guarantee the production of high-quality foams. To produce high quality foams with uniform cell structures and a large voidfraction, a set of overall conditions must be satisfied; these conditions ar
53、e described below.In addition to the formation of a foamable polymer/gas mixture with a uniform and constant polymer/gasweight ratio, the mold geometry including the gate shape should be designed properly.Once the hardware machinery has been properly designed and constructed, appropriate material co
54、mpositions should be selected and fed into the system. Both the molecular weight and structure variation of the plastic resin and the type and content of added materials, such as the nucleating agent, the blowing agent, and any other additives or fillers, should be prudently selected because all of
55、these materials and their compositions affect the cell nucleation and growth behaviors.Results And Discussion. It should be also noted that the measured void fractions inFigure4 were higher than the set void fraction. If the void fractions of the sprue, runner, and injection-molded parts had been un
56、iform, the measured void fraction from the molded part would be the same as the set void fraction. However, in reality, the void fractions of the spure and runner were observed to be lower than that of injection-molded part. This must have been caused by the higher pressure in the sprue and runner c
57、ompared to the pressure in the mold cavity. Consequently, the measured void fraction of the injection-molded parts became higher than the set void fraction Some large bubbles were observed in the foam, however, when 0.5 wt % N2 was used. There might have been severalreasons for this, as discussed ea
58、rlier, but most likely, a content of 0.5 wt % was too high because of N2s low solubilityThe cavity pressure of a foaming mold has a significant influence on cell nucleation. If the cavity pressure is lower than the solubility pressure (or the threshold pressure22) of the injected gas and if the pres
59、sure before the gate is high enough, cell nucleation occurs at the gate with a high pressure drop rate. In such cases, the cell density will be high. However, if the cavity pressure is higher than the solubility pressure (or the threshold pressure), cell nucleation occurs along the mold cavity with a low pressure drop rate, resulting in a low cell density. Therefore, it is desirable to induce cell nucleation at the gate by re
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