1、7Unit 2 Fill out our form and come to learn English in Los Angeles!What do you know about Los Angeles?Do you want to Learn English in Los Angeles?Which country or city would you like to go to learn English? Los Angeles洛杉矶洛杉矶 洛杉矶是美国第二大城市,位于美国洛杉矶是美国第二大城市,位于美国西海岸加州西海岸加州南部南部,是全世界的文化、科学、技术、国际贸易和高,是全世界的文化
2、、科学、技术、国际贸易和高等教育中心之一,拥有巨大国际影响力。等教育中心之一,拥有巨大国际影响力。 一望无垠的沙滩和明媚的阳光、闻名遐迩的一望无垠的沙滩和明媚的阳光、闻名遐迩的“电电影王国影王国”好莱坞好莱坞、引人入胜的、引人入胜的迪斯尼乐园迪斯尼乐园和和贝弗利山贝弗利山庄庄使洛杉矶成为一座举世闻名的使洛杉矶成为一座举世闻名的“旅游城旅游城”和和“电影电影城城”。 洛杉矶的洛杉矶的文化和教育事业文化和教育事业也很发达。这里有世界也很发达。这里有世界著名的洛杉矶音乐中心、南加利福尼亚大学、加利福著名的洛杉矶音乐中心、南加利福尼亚大学、加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校、加利福尼亚理工学院等。洛杉尼亚大学洛
3、杉矶分校、加利福尼亚理工学院等。洛杉矶矶公共图书馆公共图书馆藏书量居全美第三位。洛杉矶还是世界藏书量居全美第三位。洛杉矶还是世界上屈指可数的举办过两届夏季奥运会的城市之一。上屈指可数的举办过两届夏季奥运会的城市之一。洛杉矶位于美国西海岸吉利福尼亚州南部洛杉矶位于美国西海岸吉利福尼亚州南部 “电影王国电影王国”好莱坞好莱坞这儿一个字母的高度就达这儿一个字母的高度就达13.713.7米,是洛杉矶有名的建筑物米,是洛杉矶有名的建筑物好莱坞星光大道好莱坞星光大道(Hollywood Walk of Fame)是条沿着美国)是条沿着美国好莱坞大道与藤街伸展好莱坞大道与藤街伸展的人行道,上面有的人行道,上
4、面有2000多颗镶有好莱坞多颗镶有好莱坞商会追敬名人姓名的星商会追敬名人姓名的星形奖章,以纪念他们对形奖章,以纪念他们对娱乐工业的贡献。娱乐工业的贡献。 好莱坞好莱坞星光大道星光大道好莱坞杜莎夫人蜡像馆好莱坞杜莎夫人蜡像馆(Madame Tussauds Hollywood)这是位于好莱坞星光大道的分馆,特点是以展现好莱坞的众多电影这是位于好莱坞星光大道的分馆,特点是以展现好莱坞的众多电影明星为主,当然也有中国明星和大人物,个个栩栩如生,与星光大明星为主,当然也有中国明星和大人物,个个栩栩如生,与星光大道相互辉映,成为明星迷的目的地。道相互辉映,成为明星迷的目的地。 洛杉矶迪士尼乐园,洛杉矶迪
5、士尼乐园,位于位于洛杉矶洛杉矶市区东南,是世界上最大的综合游乐场市区东南,是世界上最大的综合游乐场 。是一座主题游乐公园,主要有主街、冒险乐园、是一座主题游乐公园,主要有主街、冒险乐园、新奥尔良新奥尔良广场、动物王国、广场、动物王国、拓荒者拓荒者之之地、米奇卡通城、梦幻乐团、未来王国八个地、米奇卡通城、梦幻乐团、未来王国八个主题公园主题公园。中央大街中央大街上有优雅的老式马车、上有优雅的老式马车、古色古香的店铺和餐厅茶室等;走在古色古香的店铺和餐厅茶室等;走在迪斯尼世界迪斯尼世界中,还经常会碰到一些演员扮成的米中,还经常会碰到一些演员扮成的米老鼠、老鼠、唐老鸭唐老鸭、白雪公主和七个小矮人白雪公
6、主和七个小矮人。 圣莫妮卡圣莫妮卡(Santa Monica)海滩海滩坐落在洛杉矶西北坐落在洛杉矶西北 ,是洛杉矶最出名的海滩之一。,是洛杉矶最出名的海滩之一。 比弗利山庄(比弗利山庄(Beverly Hills)有有“全世界最尊贵住宅全世界最尊贵住宅区区”称号,是称号,是洛杉矶洛杉矶市内最有名的市内最有名的城中城城中城,这里有着全球最,这里有着全球最高档高档的的商业街商业街,也云集了,也云集了好莱坞好莱坞影星们的众多豪宅,同样还影星们的众多豪宅,同样还作为世界影坛的圣地。作为世界影坛的圣地。 洛杉矶现代艺术博物馆洛杉矶现代艺术博物馆拥有五千多幅油画、摄像、雕刻和拥有五千多幅油画、摄像、雕刻和
7、新媒体作品。这里是洛杉矶唯一一家专门收藏现代艺术品的博物新媒体作品。这里是洛杉矶唯一一家专门收藏现代艺术品的博物馆,展示和解析自馆,展示和解析自19401940年以来创作的各种媒体的艺术品并将其加年以来创作的各种媒体的艺术品并将其加以保护。以保护。 加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校(加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校(University of California, Los Angeles,简称,简称UCLA)是位于美国是位于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市西木区(加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市西木区(WestwoodWestwood)的一所公立研究大)的一所公立研究大学,是美国最顶尖的综合大学之一。学,是美国最顶尖的综合大学
8、之一。 洛杉矶湖人队(洛杉矶湖人队(Los Angeles Lakers),),是拥有悠久是拥有悠久而辉煌的历史的而辉煌的历史的NBANBA职业职业篮球队篮球队 ,至今合共夺得,至今合共夺得1616次总冠军,次总冠军,落后于落后于波士顿凯尔特人队波士顿凯尔特人队的的1717次次 。目前他们拥有著名的球星。目前他们拥有著名的球星科科比比布莱恩特布莱恩特。 1. Teaching aims: To get information from the passage about an English course To understand the main idea of a paragraph T
9、o be able to write about a Chinese courseTeaching aims2. Main contents:Key vocabulary culture, at the same time, last, depend, depend on, provide, test, progress, form, stay in touch (with sb.), prefer, certain, fill, fill outKey structures We provide books, and we set tests every week to check your
10、 progress. You can choose to take trips to Hollywood, Disneyland or San Francisco, or you can go shopping./klt/l:st/dIpend/文化文化 n. culture同时同时 at the same time持续;延续持续;延续 v.depend视视而定;决定(于)而定;决定(于) v.取决于;决定于取决于;决定于lastdepend onWords and expressions/prvaId/test/prres/prres/gest/提供;供应提供;供应 vide测验;
11、考试测验;考试 n. 测验;考察测验;考察 v.test进步;进展进步;进展 n. progress(继续)发展,推进(继续)发展,推进 v.客人;宾客客人;宾客 n. progressguestWords and expressions/f:m/frendIp/日常生活日常生活daily life形成形成 v.表格表格 n. form友谊;友好友谊;友好 n. stay in touch (with sb.)(与某人)保持联系(与某人)保持联系friendshipWords and expressions/prIf:/s:tn/fIl/更喜爱;钟爱更喜爱;钟爱 v.prefer确定的;无疑的
12、确定的;无疑的 adj.certain填写;充满填写;充满 v.fill out填写;填充填写;填充fillWords and expressions1. Work in pairs. Look at the photos in Activity 2 and say what you can see.course Disneyland family Hollywood shopping In the passage in Activity 2, some sentences about what will happen are used to convince you to learn Eng
13、lish in Los Angeles. Find these sentences.备注:见视频Module 7 Unit2-2The passage is _.a) a guide to Los Angelesb) information about English coursec) a story of life in Los Angeles d) a newspaper story about language courses2. Read the passage and choose the best answer.b Come to learn English in Los Ange
14、les! We can offer you great summer English courses. You will love coming to Los Angeles to learn about American culture and improve your English at the same time. 1Learn English in Los Angeles The courses last for four, six or eight weeks. They start at the end of July. Our teachers are well trained
15、 and have a lot of experience. They teach English classes for four hours a day. You can work in small or large groups : it depends on your personal choice. We provide books and we set tests every week to check your progress. There are also computers for personal study.2 As well as learning English,
16、we want you to experience life in the US. You can stay as a guest with an American family and take part in their daily life. You have meals with the family and do some activities with them, too. For many of our students this is the best part of the course. Many families form close3friendships with t
17、he students and stay in touch with them. Buy if you prefer, of course, we can stay in a hotel. There are many exciting things to do in Los Angeles. We plan activities every day after class. You can choose to take trips to Hollywood, Disneyland or San Francisco, or you can go shopping. 4 You are cert
18、ain to get the best possible experience of English learning and life in the US. You must pay for your course at least one month before it starts. Do not waitfill out our form and come to learn English in Los Angeles.5Match the headings with the paragraphs.d) More informationc) Please to staye) Study
19、 English with us b) Free timea) TeachingPara. 1Para. 2Para. 3Para. 4Para. 54. Read the passage again and answer the questions. How long does the shortest course last? 2. How do you check your progress?It lasts for four weeks.You can take a test every week to check your progress.3. What is the best p
20、art of the course?4. When should you pay for the course?Staying as a guest with an American family and taking part in their daily life./Taking part in American life with an American family.At least one month before it starts.5. Complete the passage with the correct form of the words and expressions
21、in the box. Come and study in Los Angeles! You are (1)_ to learn a lot from the course and understand more about American (2)_. We also hope you will form close (3) _certain culture depend on fill out friendship guest progress provide testcertainculturefriendshipswith the other students in your clas
22、s. You can stay in a hotel or as a (4)_with a family but that (5)_ your personal choice. The school (6)_ books and computers to help you study, and the teachers set (7)_ every week to check your (8)_. Do not forget you must (9)_a form and payat least one month before you start the course.guestdepend
23、 onprovidestestsprogressfill out6. Think about a course for foreign students learning Chinese in your town or city. teachingwhere to stay and what to eatwhat to see and what to dowhy students will enjoy the courseMake notes on:Now write about the course.Describe the language course. Classes last for
24、 four hours a day. The teachers.Say where the students live. Students live either. or.Say what other activities the students can do. There are many things to do in. For example,.Say why the students will enjoy themselves learning Chinese All our students have a wonderful time learning Chinese inLang
25、uage points1. We can offer you great summer English courses. 我们可以为你提供非常棒的暑期英语课程。我们可以为你提供非常棒的暑期英语课程。offer sb. sth =offer sth to sb, 向某人提供向某人提供/给给予某物,予某物,如如: The young man offered the old man his own seat on the bus. 那个年轻人在公共汽车上将自己的座位让给那个年轻人在公共汽车上将自己的座位让给了那个老人。了那个老人。 2. You can work in small or large
26、groups : it depends on your personal choice.你可以选择上小班课或大班课你可以选择上小班课或大班课 这由你自己决这由你自己决定。定。depend on在本句中的意思是在本句中的意思是“取决于取决于”The cooking time depends on the size of the potato.烹调时间的长短取决于土豆的大小。烹调时间的长短取决于土豆的大小。depend on 还有还有“依赖依赖”的意思,如:的意思,如:The young birds depend on their parents for food. 这些小鸟靠他们的父母提供食物。
27、这些小鸟靠他们的父母提供食物。3. As well as learning English, we want you to experience life in the US.除了学习英语外,我们还希望你能体验美国除了学习英语外,我们还希望你能体验美国的生活。的生活。as well as 表示表示“而且,还,也而且,还,也”Our monitor is smart as well as friendly. Everybody likes him.我们的班长聪明而且待人友好,大家都喜欢我们的班长聪明而且待人友好,大家都喜欢他。他。4. You can stay as a guest with a
28、n American family and take part in their daily life. 你可以像客人一样住在美国人家中,融入他你可以像客人一样住在美国人家中,融入他 们的日常生活。们的日常生活。 take part in: 参加,参加, 参与参与 Will you take part in the English evening? 同我们一起参加英语晚会好吗?同我们一起参加英语晚会好吗? We should take an active part in school activities. 我们应该积极参加学校的活动。我们应该积极参加学校的活动。 5. You have me
29、als with the family and do some activities with them, too. 你会和美国家庭一起吃饭、一起活动。你会和美国家庭一起吃饭、一起活动。 do some activities: 做一些活动做一些活动 Its time to do some activities. Lets go out. 该做活动了,我们出去吧。该做活动了,我们出去吧。6. Many families form close friendships with the students and stay in touch with them.很多家庭和学生建立了亲密的友谊,而且和他
30、很多家庭和学生建立了亲密的友谊,而且和他们保持着联系。们保持着联系。 form a friendship with sb.表示表示“和某人建立友和某人建立友谊谊”,除了用,除了用form这个动词外,还可以这个动词外,还可以 用用make。例如:例如:Did you make any close friendship with anyone while you were in high school? 你上中学时有没有关系很密切的朋你上中学时有没有关系很密切的朋 友?友?stay in touch表示表示“保持联系保持联系”,还可以说,还可以说 keep in touch。例如:例如:Where
31、ver you go, keep in touch with me, please.无论你去哪里,请与我保持联络。无论你去哪里,请与我保持联络。This is my name card. Lets keep stay in touch.这是我的名片,让我们保持联络。这是我的名片,让我们保持联络。7. Buy if you prefer, of course, we can stay in a hotel.如果你愿意,你也可以住宾馆。如果你愿意,你也可以住宾馆。 if you prefer 如果你愿意喜欢高兴的话,如果你愿意喜欢高兴的话,类似的表达还有:类似的表达还有:if you like,
32、if you wish等。等。 When can you go to the movies with me? Now, if you prefer. 你什么时候能陪我一起去看电影啊?你什么时候能陪我一起去看电影啊? 现在就行,如果你愿意的话。现在就行,如果你愿意的话。8. Do not waitfill out our form and come to learn English in Los Angeles.不要再等了不要再等了 填了表来洛杉矶学习英语吧。填了表来洛杉矶学习英语吧。fill out 表示表示“填写(文件或表格)填写(文件或表格)”,如:,如:Please fill out t
33、he form and sign it.请填表签字。请填表签字。It took me half an hour to fill out the questionnaire.我花了半个小时的时间填写那份调查问卷。我花了半个小时的时间填写那份调查问卷。1. Many people like this film. _I dont like it. A. and B. or C. but D. so2. How many of you will _ the English competition next week? A. take part B. attend C. take part in D. join inExercise一、单项选择题。一、单项选择题。CC3. I am making a _of things for my shopping. A. lists B. list C. last D. lasts4. William will learn swimming,no matter how much it _.
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