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1、 .消防产品型式认可申请书APPLICATION FOR TYPE APPROVAL OF FIRE PRODUCT首次申请 再次申请 First Application Second Application申 请 企 业 名 称:Applicant Firms Name:企业法人代表:Firms Legal Representative:(加盖公章)(Official Seal of the Applicant)填 报 日 期: 年 月 日Date: y m d 公安部消防产品合格评定中心印制Printed and Distributed by China CertificationCent

2、er for Fire Products, Ministry of Public Security .页脚. 须 知1.申请人应将填好的申请书及型式认可实施细则中规定的其它资料一式二份寄公安部消防产品合格评定中心。邮寄地址: 中国北京市丰台区方庄芳群园四区金城中心1205室公安部消防产品合格评定中心邮编:1000782.有关公安部消防产品合格评定中心产品认证的公开文件可通过上网获取,网址是http:/或来函来电直接向本中心索取。3. 本申请表应用中、英文二种文字填写。4.再次申请如实填写已申请并通过认证的产品情况。NOTICE1. Applicant should send two fille

3、d copies of this Application Form and other documents mentioned in the certification rules for fire products to China Certification Center for Fire Products (CCCF).Mail address: China Certification Center for Fire Products, Ministry of Public Security Room 1205,Jincheng Center,4th Section Fangqunyua

4、n, Fangzhuang,Beijing, P.R.C.Postcode: 1000782. Public documents related to CCCF product certification can be found on the website: http:/ or directly contact with CCCF by letter or phone.3. The application form shall be filled out in Chinese and English.4. If second application, applicant should fi

5、ll the description of the product already obtained CCCF certification .申 请 企 业 概 况General Description of the Application Firm 申请企业名称(中、英文)、地址、邮政编码Applicant firmsName,address and post code法人及联系人姓名、电话、传真Name,telephone and faxof firms legalperson and contact person生产厂名称、地址、邮政编码Name,address and post cod

6、eof the factory厂长及联系人姓名、电话、传真Name,telephone and faxof the head of thefactory and contact person办事处或代表处名称、地址、邮政编码Name,address and post codeof the agent办事处或代表处负责人及联系人姓名、电话、传真Name,telephone and fax of the head and contact person of the agent产品检验选择的国家级消防产品质量监督检验中心名称Name of a Fire ProductsTesting Organiz

7、ationSelected申 请 型 式 认 可 产 品 情 况Description of the Product Applied for Type Approval序号Serial No.产品名称Name of Product型号规格Model and Specification执行标准Implemented Standard商标Trade mark申请型式认可产品名称、型号及照片Name, Model and Photograph of the Product due to be Applied for Type Approval 贴 照 片 处 Photograph of the pr

8、oduct put up here名称 型号Name Model 贴 照 片 处 Photograph of the product put up here 名称 型号Name Model申请型式认可产品名称、型号及照片Name, Model and Photograph of the Product due to be Applied for Type Approval 贴 照 片 处 Photograph of the product put up here名称 型号Name Model 贴 照 片 处 Photograph of the product put up here 名称 型号

9、Name Model申请型式认可产品名称、型号及照片Name, Model and Photograph of the Product due to be Applied for Type Approval 贴 照 片 处 Photograph of the product put up here名称 型号Name Model 贴 照 片 处 Photograph of the product put up here 名称 型号Name Model申请型式认可产品名称、型号及照片Name, Model and Photograph of the Product due to be Applie

10、d for Type Approval 贴 照 片 处 Photograph of the product put up here名称 型号Name Model 贴 照 片 处 Photograph of the product put up here 名称 型号Name Model主要生产设备和工装明细表Detail of the Main Production Equipments and Assembly序号Serial No.名称和型号规格Name,Model andSpecification数量Quantity制造单位及出厂时间Manufacturer and Dateof Prod

11、uction启用日期和现状Date of First Application and Current Situation主要检验仪器、设备明细表Detail of Main Testing Apparatus and Equipment序号Serial No.名称和型号规格Name,Model andSpecification数量Quantity制造单位及出厂时间Manufacturer and Dateof Production启用日期和现状Date of First Application and Current Situation主要原材料外协外购件明细表Detail of the Main Raw Materials and Parts purchasedExternally and Made in Cooperation with Other Firms序号SerialNo.原材料外协外购件名称及型号Names and Models of the Raw Materials andParts Purchased and Made Externally供货单位Supplier质量情况Quality information已申请型式认可产品情况Descripti


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