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2、会直接导致问题,并且返工将从EM装配线上大大减少。关键词:电子制造 互联网 印刷电路板 表面贴装技术 用户界面1 介绍表面组装技术向高密度封装的趋势已经突出了在有这些非常好搭的设备的组装线的固有困难。尽管所有都进步了,在印刷电路板装配技术(PCBA)中各种的缺陷仍然是常见的,并且PCBA的返工是不可避免的而且既然每个组件的成本和PCB本身的话费是几百美元那么必须在PCBA制造地板时必须手动执行。在过去的几年里,包括自动在内的在市场上可以供应的返工站的数量大幅度增长。在电子产品制造中,返工被定义为用那些符合执行标准的组件更换有故障的部件的活动。产品复杂性的增加,组件尺寸的减小以及双面板的使用已经

3、使基于电子制造组件的表面贴装技术更难以组装。PCBA制造技术已经随着完全的自动化,准确组装机器和机器人的使用得到相对的提高。尽管显著改善自动返工也已经由编者之一完成,但事实表明自动返工线还不能产生一个足够可靠地搞得收益比例。这个调查的目的是通过建立一个基于知识的智能系统的电路板缺陷,对表面贴装返工技术做出贡献,这样需要返工操的缺陷可以通过电子制造装配线被检测到。随着这个系统的发展,有缺陷的板的数量将会从PCBA线上最小化,并且那些造成关节水平可靠性问题的PCBA工艺参数将被识别。这些问题的原因将借助于发达的网络系统被发现。2 通用概述应用于计算机,军事和电信应用程序的高价值的印刷电路板是21世


5、3】。从图一可以看出,返工流程的功能是从一个完全填充的印刷板而不是破坏性的印刷板本身,周围的组件或是焊点周围的组件删除和替换单个组件。到目前为止,在这个PCBA方向的主要作者已经取得了重大的进展【1】【4,5】。图片2显示了完全自动化的再制造细胞系统通过Fidan创建【2】。在1990年代中期,一些电子产品制造基本知识已经开发为各种PCBA线条和应用【6-11】。这些研究都没有报道一个集成PCBA工艺规划环境。已经验证的系统也弱化了世纪工业装置。这个调查的目的是通过建立一个基于知识的智能系统的电路板缺陷,对表面贴装返工技术做出贡献,这样需要返工操的缺陷可以通过电子制造装配线被检测到。3 工艺参

6、数对PCBA质量的影响与不断小型化电子组件和整体系统互连的PCB和组件,焊点也变得小了。接头地方尺寸的减小更要求机械属性的焊料来确保共同的鲁棒性。在除了足迹大小的减少,是一个重点总空间减少,常常导致尺寸的包装硅模具。作为向更小的包装尺寸迁移的SMT技术,每个包装的加工条件的变得更加关键【12】。 在一个包装的显著的差异(从层到层之间或承运人和模具)会引起广泛的内部应力。一旦安装到电路板,焊接头通常必须通过包装的扩装和PCB在热源组来吸收所有的应力。对于SMT设备,如扁平包,引线和焊点提供合规需要弥补不匹配在热膨胀系数的包和PCB。为了让关节变得更小,他们的质量变得更为重要。物理缺陷(如,可怜的

7、可焊性,孔焊,焊料球和桥焊)可以对联合鲁棒性和焊料的收益性有负面影响。 影响PCBA收益的因素可以分为几个主要类别,包括组装材料,多氯联苯和组件以及过程方法和人类的表现【2】。 组装材料的类别可以进一步细分到锡焊膏和通量的相关材料,如应用体积,回流参数,造渣,焊膏沉积方法,以及处理和储存条件。在这个类别最关键的我问题是在回流操作中适当的稀释的附件表面和创造冶金凝固。包含了许多因素的PCB范畴影响整个焊点可靠性,包括电路板厚度,垫大小,基材,通过形成技术,印刷电路板层数,焊接掩膜技术。组件子群参数影响装配可靠性可能包括距大小,销数,包装大小和基材。 PCBA的各个步骤的需求严重影响过程方法的类别


9、形成。氮可能在黏贴套印是帮助抵消形成锡球的形成趋势【14】。图片3显示栽培要影响焊点质量的输出的所有可能的数量。4 新的组件放置用于在印刷板上放置组建的策略可以分为进入管道,质量,顺序,同时放置【16】。在高容量生产中,专用的顺序或质量可能会执行位置。在大多数情况下,柔性对于适应新产品和组件式非常重要的。通常SMT组装使用顺序元件布局。两个类型的放置设备用于顺序挑拣和放置操作;第一个是一个X-Y龙门式第二个是定头移动表放置机器【12】。头顶的设备提供高灵活性,中放置的速度,精度高,最小加速度或运动的PCB。相比之下,表运动及其(通常旋转炮塔头)提供高位置速度和中等精度额灵活性,但征收高加速度的

10、PCB【17】。另一个重要特性放置系统映像的是视觉系统的需要【17,18】。一个主要问题是设备的能力来识别功能在黑板上和组件和正确地放置在设备的校准设备导致附件垫在PCB。照明的包从低角度,即侧照明,可以需要防止错误的位置和SMT【19】。4 联合水平附件传热机制用于大规模回流焊接过程包括对流,辐射(使用辐射来源)和冷凝(气相)【20】。回流焊的最流行方法是基于强制对流或红外辐射。一些其他的方法的焊料是气相,激光和热棒。处理大规模的回流焊接,PCBA主要往往受到一个波峰焊接操作。在波焊的应用程序中,经过的PCBA一波喊的焊料是吸引所有科室的表面,包括组建领导。波温必须仔细控制预防从燃烧的焊点。

11、在任何回流系统,均匀的温度在PCB和在一个组件是一个主要目标【2,21】。对于一个SMT系统,一个温度梯度是10摄氏度或更少应该保持的防止变形包和确保所有关节正常回流。5 组建的开发工具发达的系统由两个主要组件组成。这个组件式面向对象的性质,分别代表一个特定的功能组件的整体。这种形式的编程时声明性的,代表事实和主张而不是程序。·主要的组件包括测试软件,这将决定是否将输入的值不产生一个可靠地焊接接头。这是通过使用可扩展标记语言(XML)来完成的。晚间定义了参数进行测试,起约束和依赖以及一个程序模块解释测试。这是一个简单地,非常灵活的文本格式最初是为了满足大规模电子出版的挑战。XML在W

12、eb和别处各种的数据交流也发挥着越来越重要的作用【22】。6 未来研究方向这种直观的系统将积极消除的主要问题导致表面组装PCB操作。谈话种类与快乐度关系和数目的减少缺陷也将被制作成表格的工具的理由。统计分析焊点的质量输出在这项研究中没有被提出。在不久的将来,完成测试的结果和统计研究不同的组件和流程变量。参考文献Internet-based electronics manufacturing troubleshooting toolfor surface mount PCB assemblyReceived: 2 March 2004 / Accepted: 6 May 2004 / Publi

13、shed online: 9 February 2005. Springer-Verlag London Limited 2005Abstract Increasing product complexity, decreasing component size, and using double-sided boards have made surface mount technology (SMT) based electronics manufacturing (EM) component more difficult to assemble. This has resulted in t

14、he economic troubleshooting of EM defects being one of the main problems facing all manufacturers. Although the authors have made significant improvements in the EM process, it has been shown that the implemented changes in the automated lines have not yet produced a high enough percentage of reliab

15、le finished products. The objective of this current development is to make a contribution towards these EM processes by creating an Internet-based intelligent system of circuit board defect detection so that EM process flaws that necessitate rework operations can be identified prior to manufacturing

16、 runs. With the development of this system, the need to rework the defective components will be minimized for any assembly line and assembly line process parameters, which cause some reliability problems (such ass older balls, insufficient solder at joints, burnt joint connections, bridged leads, vo

17、ids, skewed leads, and unformed joints) will be troubleshot directly, and the rework will be greatly reduced from the EM assembly line. This paper reports the current development and its structure.Keywords Electronics manufacturing Internet Printed circuit board Surface mount technology User interfa

18、ce1 IntroductionThe trend to high-density packaging in surface mount technology assembly has highlighted inherent difficulties in the assembly line of these very fine-pitched devices. A variety of defects is still common in printed circuit board assembly (PCBA) technology despite all of the improvem

19、ents made, and rework of PCBA is inevitable and must be performed manually in PCBA manufacturing floors since the cost of each component and the PCB itself may be hundreds of dollars. In the last few years, the number of rework stations available on the market has grown considerably including automa

20、ted ones, but there has still been no significant reduction in the number of defects. In electronics manufacturing, rework is defined as the activity that replaces defective components with those that are acceptable such that the populated board performs to specifications. Increasing product complex

21、ity, decreasing component size, and using double-sided boards have made rework more difficult and the economic reworking of PCBA is one of the main problems facing PCB manufacturers .PCBA manufacturing has been relatively improved with fully automated, accurate assembly machines and the use of robot

22、s.Although significant improvement in automated rework has also been made by one of the authors, it has been shown that the outcome of the automated rework line has not produced a high enough reliable yield percentage. The objective of this research project is to make a contribution towards this sur

23、face mount rework y creating a knowledge-based intelligent system of circuit rd defects so that the defects that necessitate a rework operation can be detected through the electronics manufacturing line. With the development of this system, the number of defective boards will be minimized from the P

24、CBA line and PCBA process parameters that cause joint level reliability problems will be identified. The causes of these problems will be troubleshot with the help of the developed online system. 2 Generic overviewHigh value printed circuit boards used for computer, military ,and telecommunications

25、applications are a critical mission sensitive eel e m en t for the 21st centurys advanced technologicaldevelopments. The growth of small-footprint and small-feature SMT in electronic components presents enormous technical obstacles to the successful production of such PCBAs.Rework refers to the gene

26、ral technical problem of removing and replacing defective circuit components on a printed circuit board. A variety of different rework methods have been successfully developed and tested during the last decades of the 20th century, but it has also been proven that none of them has perfectly produced

27、 final reliable joint throughputs out of the manufacturing line 1. Now the new objective is to develop alternative methods instead of utilizing manual, semi-automated, or automated rework systems. The technology, which has been under investigation now focuses on eliminating the causes of these manuf

28、acturing problems since the old technologies practiced in rework are costly, complicated, and require skilled operators 1, 2. The rework operation involves several steps: removing defective components, cleaning the vacant component sites, dispensing new solder paste, placing new components, and then

29、reflowing the joints 3.To date, major advances have been made in this direction for PCBAs by the authors 1 4, 5. Figure 2 shows the fully automated remanufacturing cell system created by Fidan 2. In the mid 1990s, some electronics manufacturing knowledge bases have been developed for various PCBA li

30、nes and applications 611. None of these studies reported an integrated PCBA process planning environment. The validations of the systems were also weakly presented in real industrial settings. The purpose of this research project is to make a contribution towards this surface mount rework and PCBA b

31、y creating an interactive knowledge base system of circuit board defects so that defects requiring rework operation can be detected through the PCBA line.3 The effect of the process parameters on PCBA qualityWith the continual miniaturization of electronic components and overall systems, the interco

32、nnection of the PCB and the component namely, the solder joint becomes smaller as well. This reduction in the size of the joint places more demands on the mechanical properties of the solder to ensure joint robustness. In addition to footprint size reduction, there is an emphasis on total space redu

33、ction, often leading to reduced size in the packaging of the silicon die. As SMT migrates toward smaller package dimensions, the processing conditions of each packaging become more critical 12. Significant differences between properties within a package (from layer to layer or between the carrier an

34、d the die) can cause extensive internal stresses. Once mounted to a PCB, the solder joint typically must absorb all strains induced by the expansion of the package and the PCB in thermal excursions. For SMT devices, such as quad flat packages, the leads and solder joints provide the compliance neede

35、d to compensate for the mismatch in the coefficient of thermal expansion of the package and the PCB. As joints become smaller, their quality becomes more critical .Physical defects (e.g., poor solderability, voids, solder balls, and bridging) can have a negative impact on joint robustness and solder

36、 yields. Factors that affect PCBA yields can be classified into several main categories, including assembly materials, PCBs, and components, as well as process methods and human performance 2. The assembly materials category can be subdivided further into solder-paste- and flux-related materials, su

37、ch as applied volume, reflow parameters, fluxing, and solder paste deposition methods, as well as handling and storage conditions. The most critical issue within this category is the proper fluxing of the attachment surfaces and the creation of metallurgical bonds during the reflow operation. The PC

38、B category contains many factors influencing the overall solder joint reliability, including board thickness, pad size, base material, via formation technology, PCB layer count, and solder mask technology. The component subgroup parameters that influence the assembly reliability may include pitch si

39、ze, pin count, package size, and base material. The process methods category is influenced heavily by the individual steps in the PCBA. Factors such as reflow methodology (convection versus infrared (IR) radiation) and ambient conditions will affect solder-wetting, joint formation or shape, and the

40、presence of voids. Joint quality is affected by almost all assembly variables, but is influenced strongly by the solder paste dispensing, component placement, and reflow conditions. 3.1 Solder paste dispensingThe most common method for solder paste deposition in SMT is stencil printing. In this proc

41、ess, solder paste is deposited onto the attachment pads of the board through corresponding holes made in a metal foil. For fine-pitch SMT, the printing process becomes critical because there is insufficient room to elongate the solder stencil aperture. For 0.5-mm-pitch components, it is not uncommon

42、 to achieve a print efficiency of less than 60 percent 12. Aperture size and stencil thickness need to be adjusted properly to ensure the highest transfer ratio (paste deposited versus aperture volume) 13. In general, the apertures should be oversized slightly compared to the attachment pad geometry

43、 to increase the solder deposit volume and transfer ratio. However this may lead to an increase in solder ball formation. Nitrogen may help counteract the tendency of the paste to form solder balls during paste overprinting 14. Figure 3 shows the number of all possible factors in dispensing affectin

44、g solder joint quality output. 4 New component placementThe strategies used to place components on boards can be divided into in-line, mass, sequential, and simultaneous placement 16. In high volume manufacturing, dedicated sequential or mass placement may be performed. In most cases, flexibility is

45、 important to accommodate new products and components. Typically SMT assembly uses sequential component placement. Two types of placement equipment are used for sequential pick-and place operations; the first is an xy gantry style, and the second is fixed-head moving-table placement machines 12. The

46、 overhead equipment offers high flexibility, medium placement speed, high accuracy, and minimal accelerations or movement of the PCB. In contrast, the table movement machines (usually rotary turret heads) offer high placement speeds and medium accuracy and flexibility, but impose high accelerations

47、on the PCB 17.Another important feature of the placement system that affects the PCBA is the vision system 17, 18. A major issue I the ability of the equipment to recognize features on the board and component and accurately place the device by aligning the device leads to the attachment pads on the

48、PCB. Illumination of the package from a lower angle, namely side-lighting, may be required to prevent erroneous placements with SMT 19. 5 Components of the developed toolThe developed system consists of two major components. The components are object-oriented in nature, each representing a specific

49、functional component of the whole. This form of programmingis declarative, representing facts and assertions, rather than procedural. The primary component consists of the testing software which will determine whether the values entered will or will not produce a reliable solder joint. This is accom

50、plished through the use of an extensible markup language (XML) file that defines the parameters to be tested, their constraints, and dependencies/equations along with a program module that interprets the tests. XML is a non-proprietary language for data storage. It is a simple, very flexible text fo

51、rmat originally designed to meet the challenges of large-scale electronic publishing. XML is also playing an increasingly important role in the exchange of a wide variety of data on the Web and elsewhere 22. It allows for verbose definitions, hierarchical relationships, and cross-platform compatibil

52、ity. It is a tagged language similar to HTML and therefore consists of human readable markers for defining objects, relationships, and their parameters.6 Future research directionsThis intuitive system will positively eliminate the major problems resulting in surface mount PCB operations. Cause-and

53、effect relationships and the reduction in the number of defects will also be tabulated for the tools justification. Statistical analysis of the solder joint quality outputs has not been presented in this study. Complete results of the beta testing and statistical studies for different components and

54、 process variables will be presented in the near future.References1. Fidan I, Kraft RP (2000) Inline troubleshooting for electronics manufacturing systems. In: Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE/CPMT InternationalElectronics Manufacturing Technology (IEMT) Symposium, pp 3383432. Fidan I (1996) The design,

55、 implementation, and performance analysis of a prototype SMD automated rework cell. PhD thesis, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute3. Fidan I, Derby S (1995) Surface-mount rework operations. Circuits Assem 6(7):36384. Fidan I, Kraft RP, Ruff L, Derby S (1998) Designed experiments toinvestigate the sold

56、er joint quality output of a prototype automated surfacemount replacement system. IEEE Trans Compon Packag ManufTechnol 21(3):1721825. Fidan I, Kraft RP, Ruff L, Derby S (1998) Integration steps ofa fully-automated remanufacturing cell system used for fine-pitch surfacemounted devices. IEEE Trans Co

57、mpon Packag Manuf Technol21(1):71786. Maria A, Srihari K, Emerson CR (1994) Solder advisor a knowledgebasedsolder paste selection system. Int J Comput IntManuf 7(4):2292417. Shih W, Srihari K, Adriance J (1996) Expert system based placementsequence identification for surface mount PCB assembly. Int J AdvManuf Technol 11:4134248. Wu CH, Srihari K (1996) Automated knowledge acquisition for


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