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1、31 UnderstandingUnderstanding Structure Analysis Structure Analysis Summary Summary Focus StudyFocus Study31 With her lifetime experience, the author tells us there have never been any limitations to love whatever life may present. The writing method of this text is:I. I. Structure Analysis Structur

2、e AnalysisProblem + Response +EvaluationText StudyStructure Analysis31Part I (Para.1_ ):3All family members took good care of Jimmy.Part II (Para. _ _ ):I looked after Jimmy alone after parents death. 47Part III (Para. _ _ ):Jimmys 57th birthday was a success.Part IV (Para. 12):Conclusion: Love with

3、out limitations8 11Text StudyStructure Analysis31II.II. Understanding Understanding Love is a song without words. One must feel it with his soul. Love is an endless path. One must walk on though his life. Text StudyUnderstanding31Jimmys life is a misery because he was born with brain damage; meanwhi

4、le, Jimmy is lucky because he is deeply loved by the people around all through his life. Now, go to the text to find out what people aroundsister: _.mother: _.father: _.sisters friends: _.1. Action of Love1. Action of LoveText StudyUnderstandinghave done to him.31Jimmys SisterText StudyUnderstanding

5、His sisters life revolved around her brothers. 1.His sister was in charge outside where she administered justice by tracking down the parents of the kids who picked on her brother, and telling on them.2.Jimmys MotherJimmys Mother taught Jimmy practical things like how to brush his teeth or put on a

6、belt. 31Text StudyUnderstandingJimmys FatherHe and Jimmy were inseparable. They ate breakfast together and on weekdays drove off to the navy shipping center every morning where they both worked. Sisters FriendsSisters friends helped make the Jimmys 57th birthday a success by bring the ideal presents

7、: country music CDs, a sweatshirt, one leather belt with “J-I-M-M-Y” on it, a knitted wool hat and a cowboy costume. 312. Philosophy of Love2. Philosophy of Love If you read carefully, youll find that except the narration of how the family cared about Jimmy, theres some understanding about love phil

8、osophy of love scattered in the text. For example:Can you find more?Text StudyUnderstanding31Tips:Tips: In fact, caring for someone who loves(L38) But as we sang for Jimmy , we were reminded (L66) The simplicity with which (L69) There had never been any limitations (L71)Now challenge yourself to tra

9、nslate them into Chinese to see whose version is the best one. Try to be Text StudyUnderstanding31 Focus Study Focus StudyNotes to the TextFocus Study 1. so I urged the neighborhood kids to come to my house for some out-of-control kid-centered fun.for some out-of-control kid-centered fun = to have a

10、s much fun as the kids like out-of-control 和和 kid-centered 是复合形容词是复合形容词More ExampleMore Example: The women got out of the jump-on-the-desk-at-the-sight-of-mouth times. 因此,我怂恿邻居的孩子到我家来,尽情因此,我怂恿邻居的孩子到我家来,尽情地玩孩子们玩的游戏。地玩孩子们玩的游戏。312. I was in charge outside where I administered justice by tracking down t

11、he parents of the kids who picked on my brother, and telling on them. (Para.2)Notes to the TextFocus Study I was . outsidewhere I administered of the kidswho picked on my brother我则负责外面的事,找到那些我则负责外面的事,找到那些欺负欺负我哥哥我哥哥的孩子们的父母,的孩子们的父母,告他们的状告他们的状,为我哥哥,为我哥哥讨回公道讨回公道。pick ontell on sb.administer justice313.

12、Usually very agreeable, he now quit speaking altogether and no amount of words could penetrate the vacant expression he wore on his face.Notes to the TextFocus Study No amount of word could penetrate the vacant expression he wore on his face = nothing could change the empty look on his face通常,他是一个令人

13、愉快的人,现在却一言通常,他是一个令人愉快的人,现在却一言不发,无论说多少话都不能透过他不发,无论说多少话都不能透过他木然的脸木然的脸部表情部表情了解他的心事。了解他的心事。314. I hired someone to live with him and drive him to work, but no matter how much I tried to make things stay the same, even Jimmy grasped that the world hed known was gone.(P.4)Notes to the TextFocus Study No m

14、atter (how, who, what, where, etc.)= however, whoever, whatever, wherever stay the same = keep things as they weregrasp = understand我雇了一个人和他住在一起,开车送他去上我雇了一个人和他住在一起,开车送他去上班。然而,不管我怎么努力地维持原状,吉班。然而,不管我怎么努力地维持原状,吉米还是米还是认为认为他熟悉的世界已经消失了。他熟悉的世界已经消失了。315. Just as my fathers death had changed world overnight,

15、 September 11th changed our lives; the world wed known was gone.Notes to the TextFocus Study “just as” = “in the way that someone says, or in the same condition something is in” .e.g. Just as we gained fame in victory, we lost nothing in defeat. 犹如父亲的死一夜之间改变了吉米的世界,犹如父亲的死一夜之间改变了吉米的世界,9.11也也改变了我们的生活;我

16、们熟悉的世界不复存在了。改变了我们的生活;我们熟悉的世界不复存在了。31 Word Word & Phrases Old to New Old to New Chinese to English Chinese to English311. My father, a saint, simply held the house together with his patience and understanding. (L.8)Words and ExpressionsWord UsingIn face of the great disaster, the Chinese communists h

17、eld the whole nation together through their own role models.I. Words & PhrasesI. Words & Phrases他的耐心和理解使一家人心贴着心。他的耐心和理解使一家人心贴着心。to hold together: 使结合团结在一起使结合团结在一起面对大难,中国共产党人通过自身垂范面对大难,中国共产党人通过自身垂范把把全全民族民族团结在一起团结在一起。31 她很想向他倾诉衷肠,但其傲慢的心她很想向他倾诉衷肠,但其傲慢的心态使她态使她欲言又止欲言又止。She wanted to pour out her heart to

18、 him, but her pride held her back. to hold back:to hold down:to hold dear:阻挡隐瞒踌躇阻挡隐瞒踌躇控制保住(职位)控制保住(职位)珍惜珍惜312. to track down (L.9) 追踪到追踪到Words and ExpressionsWord UsingThrough unyielding effort, they managed to track down the shortest way to the epicenter.313. to pick on (L.10) 找岔选择找岔选择Words and Exp

19、ressionsWord UsingWhile he grasped that our society was picking on him, I held that he was picking on his own shamelessness for showoff.尽管他认为社会和他尽管他认为社会和他过不过不去去,我仍坚持,我仍坚持认为他是认为他是拿自己的无耻做秀拿自己的无耻做秀。 314. to adjust to (Para.6) 适应适应Words and ExpressionsWord Using许多地震导致的孤儿尚未许多地震导致的孤儿尚未适应适应没有亲生父母没有亲生父母呵护的生

20、活。呵护的生活。Many of the earthquake-made orphans havent adjusted yet to living without good care from their biological parents.315. to hit / strike home: 被领会被领会 (L.40)Words and ExpressionsWord UsingThe power of boundless love did not hit home until this terrible earthquake happened.大爱的力量直到这次地震发生后才被真切地大爱的

21、力量直到这次地震发生后才被真切地感受到。感受到。31 此次地震此次地震使使各级政府各级政府彻底明白了彻底明白了建筑市场建筑市场腐败的后果。腐败的后果。 to drive sth. home:to bring sth. home to sb.:to feel/be at home with/in:把某事讲透彻把某事讲透彻使某人清醒认识某事使某人清醒认识某事精通精通This earthquake has brought home to the governments of all levels the consequences of corruption in the construction m

22、arket. 316. reckon with (L42) to take account of in ones planWords and ExpressionsWord Using1. 我我没料到没料到要等这么长时间。要等这么长时间。2. 在世界事务中在世界事务中, 妇女已成为一支妇女已成为一支不可忽视不可忽视的力量。的力量。3. 等那孩子回家后等那孩子回家后, 我要我要惩罚惩罚他他!考虑面对对付考虑面对对付1. I didnt reckon with having to wait so long.2. Women have become a force to be reckoned wi

23、th in the affairs of the world. 3. Ill reckon with that boy when he gets home!More314. I wouldnt like to reckon with the manager when hes in a bad temper.5. We must reckon with all possible difficulties when we are considering the cost of the contract.6. After all the suffering that you have had to

24、reckon with in the past, your present struggle will seem easy.4. 吧经理脾气不好时我不愿同他吧经理脾气不好时我不愿同他打交道打交道。5. 我们考虑合同费用时必须我们考虑合同费用时必须认真考虑认真考虑所有潜在的困难。所有潜在的困难。6. 在你在你战胜了战胜了过去种种磨难之后过去种种磨难之后, 你目前的斗争你目前的斗争 看来是容易的。看来是容易的。More31 一个国家大难临头时所能一个国家大难临头时所能指望的指望的,是,是其民族的自信心。其民族的自信心。In the event of catastrophe, what a coun

25、try can reckon upon is its national confidence.to reckon in:to reckon (up)on:to reckon without:算进去算进去指望;依靠指望;依靠不考虑不考虑317. 作为作为的先导引起的先导引起 (L.50)Words and ExpressionsWord UsingAccording to some quake experts, in a long time leading up to the earthquake, few signs of an impending massive one were found

26、. 据一些地震专家说,此次据一些地震专家说,此次地震发生前的地震发生前的很长很长时间内,没有发现大震的先兆。时间内,没有发现大震的先兆。to lead up to 318. restrain v. (L53) prevent sb. from doing sth.Words and ExpressionsWord Using听到这消息我无法控制我的兴奋之情。I can not restrain my excitement about the news.drain 流干,流走 constrain 强迫,迫使319. 全力以赴全力以赴 (Para.10)Words and ExpressionsW

27、ord UsingAlthough they carried out the rescue of him with all of the energy left in their souls, he still failed to survive the disaster.尽管他们竭尽全力对他施救,他还是没能从尽管他们竭尽全力对他施救,他还是没能从灾难中生还。灾难中生还。with all of the energy left in ones soul3110. end up (doing) sth. (L61) to be in the end ( in a stated place or c

28、ondition) Words and ExpressionsWord UsingIf you dont work hard, youll end up nowhere. we didnt like it at first, but we ended up cheering. 3111. get (sb.) through (L69) (help sb.) deal with a difficultWords and ExpressionsWord Using Her mothers support got her through her depression.the tough time.

29、Please get me through to Dr. Lemon. Im so glad I got through finals week.妈妈的支持让她走出了忧郁。妈妈的支持让她走出了忧郁。别指望他来帮你度过难关。别指望他来帮你度过难关。我很高兴终于考完了。我很高兴终于考完了。 请给我接请给我接Lemon医生。医生。这封信将送达他那里。这封信将送达他那里。 More31get through / go through1) get through 和和 go through 表示表示“通过;用完通过;用完”时可互换使用。时可互换使用。 The man was so fat that he

30、 couldnt get / go through the door. 那人胖得连那扇门都那人胖得连那扇门都过不去过不去。 The plan for this term will have to get / go through the leading group of the school. 本学期计划得经校领导班子本学期计划得经校领导班子通过通过。 I have got / gone through three pairs of shoes in a month. 这一个月内我这一个月内我穿坏穿坏了三双鞋。了三双鞋。 More312) get through 和和 go through又各

31、有其意义。又各有其意义。 get through: 通过考试;接通电话通过考试;接通电话 I got through everything except English . 除英语外我别的都及格了。除英语外我别的都及格了。 I cant get through to Beijing. The line is busy. 我打不通北京的电话,占线。我打不通北京的电话,占线。 More312) get through 和和 go through又各有其意义。又各有其意义。 go through: 检查;看一遍;经历(困难,痛苦)检查;看一遍;经历(困难,痛苦) I went through my

32、homework to make sure that nothing had been missed. 我将作业检查了一遍,以确定什么都没有漏掉。我将作业检查了一遍,以确定什么都没有漏掉。 Go through the text from the beginning. 把课文从头看一遍。把课文从头看一遍。 She must have gone through a lot. 她一定吃了不少苦。她一定吃了不少苦。31 我们的勇气与耐心能我们的勇气与耐心能帮助我们渡过艰难的帮助我们渡过艰难的时期时期。Our courage and patience will see us through the t

33、imes of hardship.to pull through:to see through:to go through:渡过难关渡过难关看穿看穿 / / 帮助渡难关帮助渡难关经历通过成交经历通过成交3112. to reconcilewith (L61)Words and ExpressionsWord Using1. 中国人民正在用行动兑现自己对大爱的诺言。中国人民正在用行动兑现自己对大爱的诺言。2. 小男孩不愿与他姐姐和解。小男孩不愿与他姐姐和解。 使使和和一致一致 1. The Chinese people are reconciling their actions with the

34、ir promise of great love. 2. The little boy does not readily reconcile with his sister. 31 与其受命运与其受命运摆布摆布,不如自己掌握自己的命运。,不如自己掌握自己的命运。Rather than reconcile yourself to the plaything of fate, you should keep yours under your control.to reconcile to :to conform to/with :to square to/with :( (使使) )顺从顺从( (

35、使使) )与与一一致致( (使使) )符合符合31Words and ExpressionsPhrasal VerbsII. Chinese to EnglishII. Chinese to English形影不离伪装依靠自己活得有声有色维持原状眼泪开始流把某事做成好极了额外的礼物度过难关 inseparable disguise blossom on ones own stay the same tears begin to flow work sth. out super a welcome bonus get through 31Words and ExpressionsPhrasal

36、VerbsIII. Old to NewIII. Old to Newsolve sth.empty; not fillingloyalpromise to dointense fearstanding straight upbecome more successful giving birth want sth. very much work out vacant faithful pledge terror erect blossom delivery long 31 Practical Writing Practical Writing Structure Writing Structu

37、re Writing31I. Structure WritingI. Structure Writing 1. 1. The Writing Method of the Passage:The Writing Method of the Passage:A Problem Response Evaluation Structure This is very commonly used structure in English. Normally, some part of a situation is introduced before the problem. Then, solutions

38、 are taken to solve the problem. Afterwards, some evaluationmight occur in the actions taken. WritingStructure Writing31Jimmy, was born with brain damage due to a lack of oxygen at his birth. My mother taught Jimmy practical things.My life revolved around Jimmys.My father held the family together wi

39、th his patience and understanding.I protected Jimmy when the kids picked on him.My father and Jimmy were inseparable and did everything together.ProblemResponseEvaluationWritingStructure Writing2. Sample 1Part 1 of the Text2. Sample 1Part 1 of the Text31Sample 2Sample 2Ever since I arrived at Essex

40、University, I have found it very difficult to make friends with other students. I live with my parents off campus and Im finding that I dont generally get the chance to know people since I dont live in student accommodation. After class, very one disperses and no one stays behind to chat.WritingStru

41、cture WritingsituationproblemOther students in my classes already know each other because they see each other on campus on a regular basis. I feel isolated and alone.31 Ive spoken to several people about this problem. The Student Support office suggested that I should join more student clubs and soc

42、ieties where I will meet new students who share the same interests as me. Im sure this is a good idea but it will be difficult for me to get back home if any of the activities involve remaining on campus late into the evening.solutionevaluationWritingStructure Writing313. Tips for writing3. Tips for

43、 writing1. understanding the situation being faced; 2. analyzing the specific problem to be tackled; 3. creating, analyzing, and refining a solution; 4. further evaluating, improving, and implementing.WritingStructure Writing314. Your Task4. Your TaskWrite a paragraph with a problem-response-evaluat

44、ion structure. Topic: The Fight Against Air Pollution. WritingStructure WritingFor your reference31The region has been seriously polluted by harmful smog, which proves to be the cause of many illnesses and for the climbing death rate. As a result, people have started to move out ofthe area.In respon

45、se to the problem, the local government has decided to fight against air pollution. It has closed down several factories, which were considered to be the major cause of the pollution. Many power plants have been modernized to give off less pollution and alsoWritingStructure Writing31 moved further a

46、way from peoples homes so as to decrease the damage. At the same time, the local government has decided to plant trees in and around the region because trees can absorb some of the pollution. People welcome all the measures taken by the government. Consequently, more and more people have begun to move back to the region to take part in this battl


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