



1、提醒:练习题给你们,告诉大家考试时注意时间,在一个半小时以后才可以交卷。考试时不要把这个练习题带在身边,特别是不要留在考试的教室里。练习题知识点:联合国宪章第二条规定的联合国及其会员国应尊循的诸项原则 中,第一个原 则是( )。在划界时, 依据一般管辖原则, 当界河因自然原因发生改造道时, 如改变是缓慢的, 则界线应()我国民航法颁布于() 。第一次以法律形式提出人权概念和人权内容的法律文件是( )。 国际法之所以是法律,是因为() 从以下各项中,享有司法豁免权的有() 一美国人在日本将一伊朗人杀死,后潜逃英国, ()。南沙群岛属于我国领土的依据是() 。 所有国家的飞机和船舶可自由通过的区域

2、是() 通常所称的 “三个反劫机公约 ”指()。根据外层空间条约和登记条约 ,发射国应就()向联合国秘书长报告登记。在人权问题上具有法律拘束力的国际文件有( )。 近代国际仲裁的特点是( )。 现代战争法上普遍接受的原则有( )。本质上属于双边联合国宪章 是当今世界上最大的国际组织联合国的组织文件, 国际条约。 ( )联合国国际法委员会的主要只能是从事国际法的编纂。 ( ) 名词解释(英语生用英语作答,俄语生用汉语作答。共3小题,第 1、 2题每题 3分,第 3 小题为 4 分,总分为 10分)1. 国际法的概念 /The concept of International law:2. 条约

3、/Treaty3. 国家继承 /State Succession答: 1.International law used to be defined as the law that governs the relations between states, only states were subjects of international law.2. Treaty means an international agreement concluded between States in written form and governed by international law, whethe

4、r embodied in a single instrument or in two or more related instruments and whatever its particular designation.3. State succession is defined as the replacement of one state by another in the responsibility for the international relations of territory, and thus falls into the jurisdiction of intern

5、ational law.简答题(第 1、2、 3小题,英语生、俄语生都用汉语作答,第4、5小题英语生用英语回答,俄语生用汉语作答。每小题6分,共 5小题,总分为 30分)1. (6) 简述不干涉内政原则的基本内容2. (6) 简述国籍取得的几种情形3. (6) 简述沿海国对领海的权利和义务。4. (6)国际法的渊源 /Sources of International Law5. (6) 国际的基本权利义务 /Basic rights and duties of states 答:4、The court, whose function is to decide in accordanee wit

6、h international law such disputes as are submitted to it, shall apply: (1 分) (a) international conventions, whether general or particular, establishing rules expressly recognized by the contesting States;( 1 分) (b)international custom, as evidence of a general practice accepted as law;(c)the general

7、 principles of law recognized by civilized nations; (2分) (d) subject to the provisions of art 59,judicial decisions and the teachings of the most highly qualified publicists of the various nations, as subsidiary means for the determination of rules of law. (2分)国际法院将适用的国际法渊源有:国际条约( 2分)、国际习 惯( 2 分)、各国

8、承认的一般法律原则( 1 分)、司法判例( 1 分)等。5、( 1) Right of independenceArticle 1 Every State has the right to independence and hence to exercise freely, without dictation by any other State, all its legal powers, including the choice of its own form of government.(2分)(2) Right of equalityArticle 5 Every State has

9、the right to equality in law with every other State. ( 1 ) 平等的代表权和投票权( 2)平等的缔约权( 3)平等的豁免权( 4)平等的尊荣权( 5)平等的位次权 ( 2 分)( 3) Right of self-defense ( 1 分) Article 12 EveryState has the right of individual or collective self-defense against armed attack. ( 4)Right of jurisdiction(1 分)论述题(英语生用英语作答, 俄语生用汉语作

10、答。 每小题 10分,共1小题, 总分为 10分)1.(10) 国际法与国内法的关系 /The relationship between the international law and domestic lawThe main question is whether international law and municipal law are part of a universal legal order or whether they form two distinct systems of law. Historically, there have been two schools

11、of thought. (2 分)Monism considers international law and municipal law to be part of a universal legal order. Since they operate in the same sphere of influence and are concerned with the same subject matter, they come into conflict. Where a conflict does arise, it is international law that prevails.

12、 ( 2 分)Dualism considers international law and municipal law to constitute two separate legal orders which exist independently of one another. Conflicts between the two systems may arise and the manner in which the conflict is resolved depends upon the forum in which it arises. In international trib

13、unals, it is international law which will prevail, whereas municipal courts will apply in municipal law.(2 分)Some writers have suggested that the monism/dualism dichotomy is unhelpful and instead argue that, since international law and municipal law constitute separate legal orders governing differe

14、nt subject matters, no real conflict can arise and apparent conflicts are dealt with by the conflict of law rules of the particular forum.State practice is characterized by the adoption of either the transformation or incorporation doctrine, or a combination of the two. ( 2 分)Transformation refers t

15、o the express and specific adoption of a rule of international law by the municipal law system. Transformation will usually be carried out by the enactment of a municipal statute. The transformation doctrine provides that no rule of international law will become part of municipal law unless it is specifically included.Incorporation avoids the need for new legislation, since it denotes the view that rules of international law are autom


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