1、第六讲第六讲 个人陈述和推荐信写作个人陈述和推荐信写作主讲人:个人陈述可能是留学申请中最不好写的个人陈述可能是留学申请中最不好写的材料,但还是有章可循的材料,但还是有章可循的 个人陈述的三个基本主题:个人陈述的三个基本主题: A.我想要做什么?我想要做什么? B.我为实现目标已经做了什么?我为实现目标已经做了什么? C.我未来还要怎么努力?我未来还要怎么努力? 一、个人陈述写作一、个人陈述写作1. 写作对象时刻在心中写作对象时刻在心中 个人陈述不是写给自己看的,而是给招生委员个人陈述不是写给自己看的,而是给招生委员会老师看的,在写作的时候要时刻提醒自己。会老师看的,在写作的时候要时刻提醒自己。
2、 申请者大多同时申请很多学校,但是个人陈述申请者大多同时申请很多学校,但是个人陈述一定要对症下药,对校来写。在写作初始,可一定要对症下药,对校来写。在写作初始,可以写一个通用型草稿,然后一定要根据每个学以写一个通用型草稿,然后一定要根据每个学校每个专业的情况具体量身打造。校每个专业的情况具体量身打造。 个人陈述写作注意事项:个人陈述写作注意事项:2. 无章可循的无章可循的“章章” 个人陈述的写作无章可循,但是还是有一些共通个人陈述的写作无章可循,但是还是有一些共通性的写作思路可供参考。性的写作思路可供参考。 A. 两种主要的行文方式:时间顺序式和主题展两种主要的行文方式:时间顺序式和主题展开式
3、。开式。 B. 摒弃那些老套的激励个人发展的故事。摒弃那些老套的激励个人发展的故事。 C. 不要虚构事件。不要虚构事件。3.未来的研究计划未来的研究计划 在个人陈述中,申请者应该展现出这样一个自我在个人陈述中,申请者应该展现出这样一个自我形象:自己已经了解了未来的研究生学习应该达形象:自己已经了解了未来的研究生学习应该达到什么目标,对未来的研究项目已经有了初步的到什么目标,对未来的研究项目已经有了初步的计划。计划。 在陈述中可以提及你已经在做这方面的相关文献在陈述中可以提及你已经在做这方面的相关文献阅读,也对本领域的顶尖专家有了足够的了解阅读,也对本领域的顶尖专家有了足够的了解。 避免使用避免
4、使用“nice paper”,“interesting research”等这种泛泛而谈的措辞。等这种泛泛而谈的措辞。 可以用上可以用上“perhaps”,“I hope to”,“possibilities include”等不确定的说法,这是很恰当的措辞等不确定的说法,这是很恰当的措辞 。3. 职业目标和定位职业目标和定位 在个人陈述中很有必要说明是什么样的职业目标在个人陈述中很有必要说明是什么样的职业目标导致你申请该专业学习。例如:导致你申请该专业学习。例如: Why do you want to be a Chemist? What do you plan to do with you
5、r degree in Chemistry? How can University XXX help you attain these goals?5. 个人陈述的结构个人陈述的结构 结构合理,脉络清晰,语言准确流畅,简洁明快结构合理,脉络清晰,语言准确流畅,简洁明快 个人陈述的开头是灵活多样的,有的人用一则趣个人陈述的开头是灵活多样的,有的人用一则趣闻轶事,有的人用一则名言警句,有的人用一个闻轶事,有的人用一则名言警句,有的人用一个问题,有的直接叙述,然后在文中展开,最后在问题,有的直接叙述,然后在文中展开,最后在文章的末尾重申自己的观点。文章的末尾重申自己的观点。 要正确分段,英语中的段落
6、都是一个段落陈述一要正确分段,英语中的段落都是一个段落陈述一个观点,不要随意的分段。个观点,不要随意的分段。6.多读其他人的个人陈述,也多找其他人读你的多读其他人的个人陈述,也多找其他人读你的 动笔之前,多看成功者的个人陈述动笔之前,多看成功者的个人陈述 放笔之后,多找人来读你的个人陈述,并修改。放笔之后,多找人来读你的个人陈述,并修改。 找不同人来修改你的个人陈述,以英语为母语的找不同人来修改你的个人陈述,以英语为母语的人修改词汇语法,选词造句和篇章;找本专业教人修改词汇语法,选词造句和篇章;找本专业教授从专业角度提出修改意见。授从专业角度提出修改意见。7. 反思反思 从以下几点来检测自己的
7、个人陈述:从以下几点来检测自己的个人陈述:全文语气肯定并且充满自信,但是不会让人全文语气肯定并且充满自信,但是不会让人觉得在自吹自擂。觉得在自吹自擂。文中列出了我的教育经历和研究经历。文中列出了我的教育经历和研究经历。对申请的专业,项目和教授有充分的了解。对申请的专业,项目和教授有充分的了解。清楚地解释了为什么申请的这个专业或项目清楚地解释了为什么申请的这个专业或项目是对我未来职业目标的最好准备。是对我未来职业目标的最好准备。1. 推荐信的类型推荐信的类型 A. 表格式推荐信表格式推荐信 部分学校有固定的推荐信表格,只需要回答部分学校有固定的推荐信表格,只需要回答表格上的问题就可以了。表格上的
8、问题就可以了。 表格中的常见问题:表格中的常见问题:v How long have been known the applicant?v你认识申请人多长时间了?你认识申请人多长时间了?vWhat is the nature of your relationship with the applicant?v你与申请人是什么关系?你与申请人是什么关系?二、推荐信写作二、推荐信写作vComment on the applicants potential for intellectual and professional growth.v请谈论一下改申请人的智力和职业发展潜力请谈论一下改申请人的智力和
9、职业发展潜力vHow would you compare the applicants intellectual abilities, character, and personally relative to other students whom you have also recommended for admission to this school?v与其他你推荐的申请本校的学生相比,申请人的与其他你推荐的申请本校的学生相比,申请人的智力水平,品质和性格如何?智力水平,品质和性格如何?vDoes the applicant have any unique skills or tale
10、nts which you have observed?申请人是否具有与众不同的技能或资质?申请人是否具有与众不同的技能或资质?vIn your estimation, has the applicant given careful consideration to his/her commitment to graduate study as well as to a subsequent career?v你是否认为申请人对申请研究生教育以及进而从事你是否认为申请人对申请研究生教育以及进而从事相关职业的选择是慎重的?相关职业的选择是慎重的?vIn your observation, how
11、has the applicant reacted under stress, academic or otherwise?v据你观察,申请人在处于学术压力等情况时表现如据你观察,申请人在处于学术压力等情况时表现如何?何?vHow would you access the applicants social skills and judgment of people?v你认为申请人的社会交往能力和观察人的能力如何你认为申请人的社会交往能力和观察人的能力如何?B. 信件式推荐信信件式推荐信 信件式推荐信是最常见的推荐信形式。一般来信件式推荐信是最常见的推荐信形式。一般来说,需要包括以下内容要点:
13、. 信件式推荐信的具体信件式推荐信的具体内容内容v英英语推荐信和普通的英语书信格式大同小异,可语推荐信和普通的英语书信格式大同小异,可大致分为称呼语(大致分为称呼语(Salutation)、正文()、正文(Body)、结尾(、结尾(Conclusion)和签名()和签名(Signature)四部)四部分。分。 3. 写作要求和技巧写作要求和技巧 称呼语称呼语 一般用一般用Dear Sir/Madam 即可。如果推荐信写给即可。如果推荐信写给具体某一个人,则应该加上该人的称呼,如具体某一个人,则应该加上该人的称呼,如Dear Dr. White, Dear Mr. Black 等等。等等。 如果
14、没有明确如果没有明确的收件人,也可写作的收件人,也可写作To Whom It May Concern。称呼语顶头,前面无空格。称呼语顶头,前面无空格。 正文正文 推荐信的正文一般可以分为三段。推荐信的正文一般可以分为三段。 第一段说明推荐人与申请人的关系,第一段说明推荐人与申请人的关系, 包括在何时包括在何时何地认识,以及推荐人的资格,如:何地认识,以及推荐人的资格,如:例例1:“I have known Miss XX since 2008, when she was accepted into our undergraduate program without taking the Nat
15、ional University Entrance Examination on her exceptional academic strength.”v例例2:“Having been Mr. XXs teacher while he was completing his undergraduate thesis defense in 2009, I was greatly impressed with his excellent diagrams, and with unified and coherent manner in which he articulated his thesis
16、.”v例例3:“I first met Mr. XX in 2008 when I was teaching Electrical Machines and Drives. He was at that time a student of the Mathematics department.”v 例例4:“I first became acquainted with Miss XX when I was assigned a key research project. I decided to select some outstanding students to act as resear
17、ch assistants and my colleagues immediately recommended Miss XX to me.”v 例例5:“During the course of my thirty years as a teacher I have come into contact with countless students. While some students stand out in the time that I teach them, very few make a lasting impression. Mr. XX, one of my most gi
18、fted students, is someone who has made such an impression.”v第二段应该包括申请人的个人信息,说明其资格第二段应该包括申请人的个人信息,说明其资格与能力,以及写推荐信的目的。如有必要的话,与能力,以及写推荐信的目的。如有必要的话,这部分也可以分几个小段落来详细描述。如果推这部分也可以分几个小段落来详细描述。如果推荐者是任课老师或者是指导教授,可以写一些申荐者是任课老师或者是指导教授,可以写一些申请人在课堂上及科研上的表现,如完成的研究计请人在课堂上及科研上的表现,如完成的研究计划、实验室研究、研究报告、考试成绩、课堂态划、实验室研究、研
19、究报告、考试成绩、课堂态度、讨论课的参与等,并举出实例。最后还可将度、讨论课的参与等,并举出实例。最后还可将申请人与班级的其他同学加以比较,如:申请人与班级的其他同学加以比较,如: v 例例1:“When I had the pleasure of instructing him, he demonstrated his understanding of the theory at an advanced level. I found it quite enjoyable to talk with Mr. XX because of his provoking comments and inh
20、erent ability to grasp the crux of various problems. In his computer science studies, his talent was evident. His work was exceptional enough to be included in the subsequent course textbook and teaching software to help instruct other studies. His Mathematical strength was also notable, from his pr
21、ecise and accurate computations to his ability to do critical thinking. His superior academic capabilities allowed him the opportunity to be teaching a s s i s t a n t o f a m a t e r i a l s c o u r s e . ”v 例例2:“What impressed me most about Miss XX is her ability to work independently with little
22、direct guidance, her calculated, methodical approach to any problem, and her ability to delve deeply into any subject that requires her attention. In the above-mentioned project, she was forced to work with little direct input from me as I was away from campus at the time. From collecting all the ma
23、terials and data to analyzing the users requirements, from the detailed designing to the final programming, she independently, creatively and successfully f i n i s h e d t h e p r o j e c t . ”v 例例3:“Miss XX worked as a teaching assistant for lab during the second year of her graduate studies. She
24、taught organic chemistry on her own for undergraduates majoring in environmental chemistry, and checked homework for those students studying the environmental chemistry. Displaying notable maturity, she prepared meticulously and was adept at motivating students. She took her responsibilities very se
25、riously, and was constantly trying to improve her performance.”v 例例4:“The winner of many scholarships and awards as an undergraduate student, Mr. XX also won First Prize in the National College-Student Electronic Design Contest as well as many other honors. He graduated with full honors as a top stu
26、dent. The recognition that has achieved is clear evidence of his potential for graduate studies, and I am sure that he will prove an excellent participant in your graduate program. I fully support his decision to study in the US.”v如果是由工作单位的领导提供的个人简历,第二如果是由工作单位的领导提供的个人简历,第二段就不一样了,但还是通过具体的实例来说明申段就不一样了
27、,但还是通过具体的实例来说明申请人在专业领域的业务能力、研究能力、独立处请人在专业领域的业务能力、研究能力、独立处理突发问题的能力、独立解决问题的能力、创新理突发问题的能力、独立解决问题的能力、创新能力、领导能力等。推荐人应该根据申请人所申能力、领导能力等。推荐人应该根据申请人所申请的专业来对症下药,合理增删此部分内容,如请的专业来对症下药,合理增删此部分内容,如:v例例1:“Ms. XX first came to work for me upon graduation from XXX University. The company was breathed into new life b
28、y her youthful vigor and spirit of aspiration to make advertising a career. She began by working in the customer service department as an assistant manager. The enthusiasm she showed and her professional knowledge allowed her to adapt quickly to the position. Through her hard work and efforts she es
29、tablished a good name among her peers.”v 例例2:“Mr. XX has been working at our company for more than three years, as Director of Public Relations. During that time, he has demonstrated consummate professionalism and admirable responsibility. As the market leader in cellphones in China, our company oft
30、en attracts a lot of adverse attention from the competitors. Mr. XX is adept at managing such attacks when they arise, exercising confidence, skill and tact in his handling of crises. He is admirably calm and collected under pressure, and is always able to re-enhance the good name of our brand. v 例例
31、3:“When faced with a problem, Mr. XX always tries to find the best possible solution rather than resorting to the quickest or simplest answer. To achieve this result, he spends some time analyzing the situation to identify the key issues. His logical and methodical approach has been very effective f
32、or him and efficient for our country. In a recent massive project to list a conglomerate on the stock exchanges, Mr. XX was solely responsible for the profit and loss accounts, borrowings and reserve. He performed a thorough analysis on debt restructure and fair value of long term loan. His excellen
33、t work facilitated the entire accounting task. When we prepared the final reports, he took a strong lead in writing them in English, which proved his competency in writing.”v第三段可以进一步补充申请人的个人素质、第三段可以进一步补充申请人的个人素质、荣誉奖励、科研潜力、沟通技巧、英语能力等内荣誉奖励、科研潜力、沟通技巧、英语能力等内容,并对申请人是否能成功完成学业提出自己的容,并对申请人是否能成功完成学业提出自己的看法,如
34、:看法,如:v例例1:“In addition to Mr. XXs strength in his major, I am often surprised by his ability to speak impeccable English. While only a freshman, he took the state-run College English Test and scored the highest out of all his classmates. Simply passing the test is required of graduates, but Mr. XXs
35、 English is far more advanced than most. Recently, in the campus English Debate, his remarkable performance led us to select him as the only freshman to represent our school in the National English Debate.”v 例例2:“In addition to masterful abilities, Miss XX embodies admirable personal characteristics
36、. Balancing both cooperative and independent qualities, she can be both an indispensable team player and an assertive leader. As head of a research team, Miss XX delegated work with authority and equality. Yet in order to boost the teams productivity, she readily cooperated with individuals. Meanwhi
37、le in other varied capacities, she consistently vocalized her thoughtful ideas as much as she paid attention to others rationale. ”v 例例3:“Aside from his caliber in the classroom, Mr. XX is also one of the most active students in the school and has an outstanding natural leadership ability. Mr. XXs t
38、alents and commitments cover a broad spectrum. He devoted his enthusiasm and ability to the student union, organizing various activities. Besides that he showed tremendous selflessness in helping his classmates improve their oral English. Through these activities he became much more confident and ma
39、ture. As a result of his service to the school in many areas, he was awarded the All-rounded Student Award, an honor extended to only 5% of the student body.” 结尾结尾v主要内容叙述清楚后,推荐信后还应该有一主要内容叙述清楚后,推荐信后还应该有一个简短的总结。总结部分再次简述推荐人为什么个简短的总结。总结部分再次简述推荐人为什么要推荐申请人,以及对申请人的美好祝愿,还可要推荐申请人,以及对申请人的美好祝愿,还可以加上以加上I highly recommend the person 或或I recommend the person without reservation 或者或者其他类似的句子,如:其他类似的句子,如:v例例1:“Reviewing his work for us, I would say unequivocally that Mr. XX is well prepared intellectually to pursue his education in your program. I am sure that he will become a real as
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