1、汉英译1 .汉语动词转为英语名词要是 缺少 钢铁,工业的发展就会遇到很大困难。In case of of iron and steel, industry would undergo extreme difficulties in itsdevelopment.他 一想 到这场灾难,两腿救像有千斤重,再也动不了了。At the of the disaster his legs stiffened and could not move a step further.练习:1) 有的同志建议将我的核心部分 “公共财政”的内容删去。After the lecture, there was a tha
2、t the part about public finance, which was the core ofmy speech, be deleted from my lecture no。tes 2) 一些发电厂正在兴建 。Some power plants .3) 她 酷爱 英国文学。She is .4) 正在车间里干活的工人们来救 她了。The workers working in the workshop .5) 我们必须把这台电动机彻底检修 一下。We must give the motor .6) 人们普遍 认为 英语学习有捷径.There is that there is a s
3、hortcu捷径t ( ) in English learning.7) 火箭已经 用来 探索宇宙。Rockets have found for the exploration of the universe.8) 每当我 看到 那个老人,我就想起了我的父亲always reminds使某人想起 () me of my father)9) 读 /了解 一点世界史,对学习时事是有帮助的。of world history is helpful to the study of current affairs.10) 这本书反映了30年代的中国社会。The book Chinese society i
4、n the 1930s.11) 绝对不允许违反这个原则。should never be allowed/tolerated.12) 坚持 一个中国的原则是实现和平统一的基础与前提。should serve as the basis and prerequis前提 ite () for peaceful reunification.13) 我非常感谢我的父亲,因为在我还是小孩子的时候,他就不停的鼓励 我。I am so grateful to my father for during my childhood.14) 一切爱好和平的人们要求禁止 使用核武器。All peace-loving pe
5、ople demand .15) 他们在工作中非常注意理论联系 实际。In their work they pay much attention to .16) 人们认为历史就是试图 再现并解释过去的重大事件。History the significant events of the past.17) 我向当局提出申请,允许 我在院子里开垦一块菜园。I asked the authorities to start a garden in the courtyard18) 我们还第一次听老师.介绍 了什么是语言。We also to language.19) 当我在监狱时,我曾经给我的妻子写过信
6、,信中说, 玛莎,如果你想和我 离婚 ,我可以 理解 。Well, when I was in jail I wrote to my wife. I said, “ Martha, I understand if you.20他不能理解为什么这样强调 固定的规则,而不是创造性地思考。He couldn t understand why there should be so much on fixed rules rather thancreative thinking.21) 但除了死亡外没有什么非常特别的。死亡总是特别的,但未必会引起千百万人落泪,瞩目。Still, there was no
7、thing very special in any of it, except death, which, while always special, does no necessarily .22) 如果西方人觉得自己吃的 健康,那他们得好好反思一下。If westerners think they are healthy , they will have to think again.23) 人类 创造 了知识。Human beings are the of knowledge.24)政府认为,制止 毒品买卖,取决于娱乐场所管理。Government believes that a suc
8、cessful of the trade in drugs lies in the strict regulatioof entertainment places.25) 科学家花了很多年时间才发明 了宇宙飞船。took scientists many years.26) 锻炼、新鲜空气和睡眠时保持 健康所必需的。Exercise, fresh air and sleep are essential for 2.汉语形容词转为英语名词他对电子计算机的操作一点也不陌生 。He is nostrangerto the operation of the electronic computer.那艘新
9、造轮船的首航是成功的 。The maiden voyage of the newly-built steamship wasuacces.s练习:to life.1) 水对于生命来说是非常必要 的。Water is a2) 我们感到,解决这个复杂的问题是困难 的。We found in solving this complicated problem.3) 中国日益 繁荣昌盛,这令全世界华人都为之骄傲。The increasing of China has brought pride to all Chinese people in the world.4) (血雉)由于数量稀少 、环境适应性
10、差,迄今未见动物园饲养。Due to their sand inability to adapt to new environment, no blood pheasant hasbeen raised in any zoo so far.5) 他 欣然 接受了邀请,骗过了在场的所有人。His to accept the invitation cheated all that were present that day.3. 汉语副词转为英语名词我很荣幸地宣布你被接纳为该委员会的成员。I have to inform you that you have been admitted as a m
11、ember of the committee.我们高兴地看到,中国的经济已经有了很大的发展。It is to note that China has made great progress in economy.1) 他 诚恳地 告诉我们他是多么渴望学习。how he was eager to learn.4 .汉语名词转为英语动词气体和固体的区别 ,在于前者比后者有更大的可压缩性。Gases solids in that the former have greater compressibility than the latter.人们常说,电脑之所以能够解决问题是因为给它们输入了解决问题的
12、“程序 ”。It is frequently said the computers solve problems only because they are to do so.练习:1) 大家知道,中子的作用 不同于质子。It is known that neutrons .2) 本文的 目的 在于讨论职业学院教育的新模式。This article discussing the new educational model of the vocational colleges.3) 他是世上一切邪恶的化身He the evil that was in the world.4) 这种举止是罪犯的心
13、理特征 。This kind of behavior the criminal mind.5) 我们的时代是深刻政治变革的见证 。Our age isa profound political change.6) 美国绝大多数间谍卫星,按其设计 ,是在完成使命后,在大气层中焚毁。Most U.S. spy satellites are to burn up ine t hearth s atmosphere aftercompleting their missions.7) 她是中国史专家 。She in Chinese history.8) 这些装置对整个通讯系统有极大地影响 。These i
14、nstallations She .9) 这项设计 目的 是自动操作、调节方便、维护简易和生产率提升。The design automatic operation, easy regulation, simple maintenance and highproductivity.5 .汉语动词转为英语形容词科学家 深信 一切物质是不灭的Scientists aredeeplythat all matter is indestructible不可毁灭的 ().。练习:1) 工人们要求改善 工作条件。The workers demand working conditions.2) 他 不知道 该如
15、何表达自己的感激之情。He how to express his gratitude.6) 汉语副词转变为英语形容词我们已经 仔细地 研究了这些化学元素的特性。We have of the properties of these chemical elements.水在 4 以下,是在不断地 膨胀,而不是不断地收缩。Below 4 , water is in expansion instead of continuous contraction.练习:1) 到处都在 热烈地 讨论杨利伟的成功。arose on every corner as to Yan Li-w eis success.2)
16、 会上人们 一致 表示反对这项政策。People at the meeting all expressed their to oppose that policy.7. 汉语名词转变为英语形容词正确与谬误, 善良与邪恶, 美丽与丑陋总是作为对立面而存在的。There will always be such opposites at the, the , _8 汉语名词转变为英语副词她的 体力、脑力都耗尽了。He is exhausted.1)他 身体 虽弱,但心智健全。He is weak but mentally sound.8. 汉语动词转变为介词这台仪器具有很高的灵敏度。This ins
17、trument is high sensibility.有广大群众支持 我们,我们不害怕任何困难。The masses are us, we are not afraid of any difficulty.你想象不出他听到 这个消息时时多么生气。You can t imagine how angry he was the news.练习:1) 由于供不应求,因而价格一直在上涨 。For demand exceeds supply, the price has .2)他们拎着 几只超大黑色塑料袋,或背个 双肩包,挑拣着来自广州周边上千家小工厂,被中国人称为“尾货”的牛仔裤、杂牌电视机、组装手机
18、。, they pick through all kinds of goods from many small factories near Guangzhou. They are known to the Chinese as “ tail goods” and range from jeans, cheap TV sets, or assembled mobile phones.9. 汉语动词转变为英语副词她把窗子打开,让新鲜空气进来 。She opened the window to let fresh ai_r.我该离开了,时间已经到了 。I must be away, the tim
19、e is .1) 他们也 笑着 泼水回敬。They splashed back .10. 汉语形容词转变为英语副词电子计算机的主要 特点是正确和迅速地计算。The electronic computer ischaracterized by accuracy and quick computation.北京举办的这次展览会给我们留下了深刻 的印象。The exhibition held in Beijing impressed us .关于这个问题,不同年龄组的人有不同 的想法。On this question, people of different age groups think .11
20、. 汉语形容词转变为英语动词相反,他们的知识和经验更丰富 了On the contrary, both their knowledge and experience are 参考答案汉英译1.汉语动词转为英语名词1 有的同志 建议 将我的核心部分 “公共财政”的内容删去。After the lecture, there was as uggestionthat the part about public finance, which was the core of my speech, be deleted from my lecture not。 es2 一些发电厂正在兴建 。Some po
21、wer plants are undecro nstruction.3 她 酷爱 英国文学。She is a truelo ver of Britain literature.4 正在车间里干活的工人们来救 她了。The workers working in the workshop came to herrescue.5 我们必须把这台电动机彻底检修 一下。We must give the motor a thoroughin spection.6 人们普遍 认为 英语学习有捷径.There is a popularb elief that there is a shortcut捷径 ()
22、in English learning.7 火箭已经 用来 探索宇宙。Rockets have founda pplication for the exploration of the universe.8 每当我 看到 那个老人,我就想起了我的父亲The sight of the old man always reminds使某人想起 () me of my father)9 读 / 了解 一点世界史,对学习时事是有帮助的。An acquaintanc eof world history is helpful to the study of current affairs.10这本书 反映
23、了 30年代的中国社会。The book is ar eflection of Chinese society in the 1930s.11 绝对不允许违反 这个原则。Violation of the principle should never be allowed/tolerated.12 坚持 一个中国的原则是实现和平统一的基础与前提。Adherence to the “ One-China ” policy should serve as the basis and prerequisite (前提) forpeaceful reunification.13 我非常感谢我的父亲,因为
24、在我还是小孩子的时候,他就不停的鼓励 我。I am so grateful to my father for his continuouse ncouragemen dt uring my childhood.14 一切爱好和平的人们要求禁止 使用核武器。All peace-loving people demand th perohibition of the use of nuclear weapon.15 ) 他们在工作中非常注意理论联系 实际。In their work they pay much attention to thec ombination of theory with p
25、ractice.16 ) 人们认为历史就是试图 再现并解释过去的重大事件。History is seen as th eattempt to recreate and explain the significant events of the past.17 我向当局提出申请,允许 我在院子里开垦一块菜园。I asked the authorities forp ermission to start a garden in the courtyard18 我们还第一次听老师.介绍 了什么是语言。We also had our fir sint troduction to language.19
26、 当我在监狱时,我曾经给我的妻子写过信,信中说, 玛莎,如果你想和我 离婚 ,我可以理解。 Well, when I was in jail I wrote to my wife. I said“, Martha, I understand if you can t stay married to me.”20他不能理解为什么这样强调 固定的规则,而不是创造性地思考。He couldn t understand why there should be so much emphasis on fixed rules rather than creativ thinking.21. 但除了死亡外没
27、有什么非常特别的。死亡总是特别的,但未必会引起千百万人落泪,瞩目。Still, there was nothing very special in any of it, except death, which, while always special, does no necessarily bring millions to tears or to attention.22. 如果西方人觉得自己吃的 健康,那他们得好好反思一下。If westerners think they are healtheya ters, they will have to think again.23. 人类
28、创造 了知识。Human beings are the creators of knowledge.24)政府认为,制止 毒品买卖,取决于娱乐场所管理。Government believes that a successful ban of the trade in drugs lies in the strict regulation ofentertainment places.25) 科学家花了很多年时间才发明 了宇宙飞船。The invention of spaceship took scientists many years.26) 锻炼、新鲜空气和睡眠时保持健康所必需的。Exerc
29、ise, fresh air and sleep are essential for the preservation of health.注释:在较为正式的英语文体中,使用名词的倾向尤为明显。一个普通的动词或形容词,一经名词化,整个句子便显得“正式”了很多。2 .汉语形容词转为英语名词他对电子计算机的操作一点也不陌生 。He is nostrangerto the operation of the electronic computer.那艘新造轮船的首航是成功的。The maiden voyage of the newly-built steamship wasuacces.s练习:1)
30、水对于生命来说是非常必要 的。Water isa necessityto life.2) 我们感到,解决这个复杂的问题是困难 的。We found difficulty in solving this complicated problem.3) 中国日益 繁荣昌盛,这令全世界华人都为之骄傲。The increasing prosperity of China has brought pride to all Chinese people in the world.4) (血雉)由于数量稀少 、环境适应性差,迄今未见动物园饲养。Due to their scarcityand inabilit
31、y to adapt to new environment, no blood pheasant has been raise in any zoo so far.5) 他 欣然 接受了邀请,骗过了在场的所有人。His readinessto accept the invitation cheated all that were present that day.3 . 汉语副词转为英语名词我很荣幸地宣布你被接纳为该委员会的成员。I havethe honor to inform you that you have been admitted as a member of the commit
32、tee.我们高兴地看到,中国的经济已经有了很大的发展。It is our pleasureto note that China has made great progress in economy.1) 他 诚恳地 告诉我们他是多么渴望学习。He told us, withsincerity, how he was eager to learn.4.汉语名词转为英语动词气体和固体的区别 ,在于前者比后者有更大的可压缩性。Gasesdiffer from solids in that the former have greater compressibility than the latter.
33、人们常说,电脑之所以能够解决问题是因为给它们输入了解决问题的“程序”。It is frequently said the computers solve problems only because theyparroegrammed to do so.练习:1) 大家知道,中子的作用 不同于质子。It is known that neutrons act differently from protons.2) 本文的 目的 在于讨论职业学院教育的新模式。This article aims at discussing the new educational model of the vocati
34、onal colleges.3) 他是世上一切邪恶的化身 。He personified the evil that was in the world.4) 这种举止是罪犯的心理特征 。This kind of behavior characterizes the criminal mind.5) 我们的时代是深刻政治变革的见证 。Our age is witnessing a profound political change.6) 美国绝大多数间谍卫星,按其设计 ,是在完成使命后,在大气层中焚毁。Most U.S. spy satellites are designed to burpn
35、iun the earth s atmosphere after completing th missions.7) 她是中国史专家 。She specializes in Chinese history.8) 这些装置对整个通讯系统有极大地影响 。These installationsaffect tremendously the entire communication system.9) 这项设计 目的 是自动操作、调节方便、维护简易和生产率提升。The designaims atautomatic operation, easy regulation, simple maintenan
36、ce and high productivit5.汉语动词转为英语形容词科学家 深信 一切物质是不灭的Scientists aredeeply convinced that all matter is indestructible不可毁灭的 ().。1) 工人们要求改善 工作条件。The workers demand better working conditions.2) 他 不知道 该如何表达自己的感激之情。He was ignorant ofhow to express his gratitude.6.汉语副词转变为英语形容词我们已经 仔细地 研究了这些化学元素的特性。We havema
37、de a careful stud oyf the properties of these chemical elements.水在 4 以下,是在不断地 膨胀,而不是不断地收缩。Below 4 , water is incontinuous expansion instead of continuous contraction.练习:1) 到处都在 热烈地 讨论杨利伟的成功。Warm discussionarose on every corner as to Yan Li-w eis success.2) 会上人们 一致 表示反对这项政策。People at the meeting all expressed thedier termination to oppose that policy.7. 汉语名词转变为英语形容词正确与谬误, 善良与邪恶, 美丽与丑陋总是作为对立面而存在的。There will always be such opposites at thrieght and the wrong, thegood and the evi,lthe beautiful and the
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