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1、外刊经贸知识选读真题及答案【篇一:全国 2011 年 4 月外刊经贸知识选读试题及答案】s=txt外刊经贸知识选读试题课程代码:00096一、单项选择题(本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个可以替代句中划线的单词或 词组,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。the authorities are willi ng to permit a run -down in the countr/sinternational reserves over the) a. speeding upbspeeding onc. speeding off d

2、. speeding down)a. scratched b. renovatedc. stimulated office buildings and hotels() a. tremendousbnumerous a. determinating b. toleratingc. improvingof the free-trade agreement.()a. hugb. embarrassmentc. acceptancechallenges()a. in creased bdeclinedc. sky-rocketeddtasted7. at the summit meeting, am

3、erica insisted that japan should wouldenable it to meet new import targets.()a. bring forthbcome acrossc. put offd. reach out8. fearful that rapidly modernizing korean japan has fought to keepthe koreans from appropriating its technologies()a. competitorsbrepresentativesd. introduced 3. now zhangjia

4、gang is chid. worsening 5. balancedagainst that criticism is the positive reaction in latin america to mr.clinton* d. balanee 6. as europes economy has free-market ideasthat are new to much of europe face newc. negotiatorsand harder. () d. dealers a. Iuxurious b. Iubricativec. penetrative d. profita

5、ble)a. possess bpresentc. provide dpurchase41.with barter, however, debtor nations can continue to importgoods while, in effect, concealing)a. Ioaners b. borrowersc. ownerstake the products()a. dissuading b. persistingc. encouraging d. discouraging)a. communicate b. subsidizec. grade d. ease44.you c

6、an use credit cards but its best to take some)a. coupon b. moneyc. coin d. dime45.Iead values moved up to their best level since april last year asettlement ataustralias broken hill lead-zinc-silver mines()a without b. withc. as二、将下列词组译成中文(本大题共 2 小题,每小题4分,共10分)46.exclusive con tract 17. preferred st

7、atus18. spot market19bank for in ternational settleme nts20. means of production 24. punitive import tariff22. gdp 23. trade reprisal24. fledgling industries25. countervailing duty三. 将下列词组译成英文(本大题共 2 小题,每小题4分,共 2 分)26双边条约27试销市场28原材料d. throughd. believers 29.收盘价30.最惠国待遇31.技术转让32.高工资经济33.人均收入34.经济特区35

8、.自由贸易区passage 1the us dollar value of Chinese exports in creased at an averagerate of almost 18 per cent a result, the visible trade surplus roseU!简答题(本大题共6小题,共48分)sharply from us $1.4 billion in 1981 to us $4.4 billion in 1982 andus$3.7 billion in 1983. exports grew much faster thanimports during t

9、his period not only because of the strong emphasisplaced on exporting by chinas economic planners, but alsobecause a number of industrial projects were postponed in 1979official recognition that foreign technology could play a major role inmodernising the Chinese economy had caused imports to rise b

10、ymore than 50 per cent in 1978 placing undue strain on the nationaleconomy, grain imports have fallen sharply over the past few years- and in 1983 thecountry started to export soyabeans and cotton.36.what do “per annum” and “approximately mean?37.why did the more than 50% rise in imports of 1978 pla

11、ce unduestrain on chinas nationaleconomy?38.what isua net grain exporter? does it mean one who has neverdone any import?passage 2korea, once known as the “is plainly on the moveas with Japan,inc.Hbefore it, the new labelukorea, inc. may be no more than atrendy buzzword, but south korea aims to forge

12、 just such a nationaleconomic machine, using the might of its established giants backedby centralized planners who can mobilize the coun tr/s banks and industrial infrastructure, the heady dreams of actually rivaling japanmay never come within reach; koreas economy, while large byasian startdards, i

13、s barely one-fifteenth the size of its islandneighbor, and it faces a gantlet of other obstacles, ranging from anunwieldy bureaucracy and a volatile political climate to a chronicshortage of investment capital and heavy commitments to militaryspendingstill, the comparisons with japan, incare more th

14、anempty flattery; in fact, they signal korea1s 39. what is a “hermitkingdom?40.what are the disadvantages of koreas economy whencompared with japans?41. what doesugathering clout mean in the passage?五、正误判断题(本大题共40小题,每小题2分,共20分)passage1 in order to produce goods and services, businesses need to buyth

15、e required raw materials and equipment. many firms need toorder components or equipment to their own specifications whichwill later be used to produce a finished product, firms need reliablesuppliers who must be: stable. firms that can not supply goods intime to the purchasing company may mean delay

16、s and holdups forcustomersthus the purchasing company should check thefinancial background of its suppliers.able. the purchasing company must investigate whether potentialsuppliers are able to make the goods requiredthis may meanlooking at the firms equipment and staff expertise if a large orimporta

17、nt order is being considered. some purchasing departmentsmay ask for evidenee of the firm having done similar work for otherorganizations before placing an order, trade directories andspecialist magazines are a useful starting point in this researchclear, what is required will usually be made clear

18、in a specification.the specification or “spec” will give the exact technical details ofwhat is needed in terms of size, shape, color and performance ofthe items to be purchasedthe supplying firm must then meet thisspecification exactly.an important problem all purchasing companies have to deal withi

19、s whether to use one or two or several suppliers. by using severalsuppliers it is argued that competition between them will forceprices down, and delays or disruption at one supplier will not affecttoo much. arguments against this are that researching varioussuppliers is time-consuming and expensive

20、, and low prices mightmean reduced quality, using fewer suppliers for larger orders canmean that the purchaser receives greater attention and discount forbulk purchases. the suppliers will be more invoIved in the firmsbusiness, too.42.being “stable” means sticking to the same supplier with reliablef

21、inancial background()43.supplying firms with rich experience, good equipment and staffexpertise can only be found inspecialist magazines.()44.a “clear supplying firm must initially give the purchaser itsspecifications clearly and in exacttechnical detail.()45.having more than one supplier might brin

22、g lower price butsearchi ng for them might be time-consumi ng.()46.according to the passage, there exist different opinions whetheror not a purchasing company should use more or fewer suppliersfor large orders.() passage 2 donegal is located in the windsweptwilderness .it might seem an odd place to

23、find one of europes mostdynamic companies, but a small assembly unit making a muscularstimulation product for leisure and healthcare is blazing a trail, bmrteorantathe company title in irishhas quietly established amarket for itself, making products for muscular therapy and bodytoning using the bran

24、d name slendertone which it bought in 1989.mr. kevin medonnell, the chairman, chief executive and owner of 95per cent of the company, is a little vague about the source of hissuccesspart of it, he says, must be the strong work ethic in theareahe points out that half his employees are from galswegian

25、families with their Scottish attitudes of thrift and industrymr.medonnell bought the company for $300,000 and bmr sales arenow growing at around 50-60 per cent a year.the medical products business, where growth is less dramatic, butmargins are attractive, is seen as the source of the compan/s future

26、earnings .in the us alone, the market for muscular stimulationproducts has jumped from $88m to more than $200m this year.many bmr products are not available over the counter but throughcataloguesthe company is looking at special advertisi ng on videoshopping cha nnels .in the us compa nies like bmr

27、are prohibitedfrom selling medical products over the counter, in europe thissituation is slightly different, bmr, for example, is starting to sell itsconsumer range in carrefour superstores in france and its range isavailable in pharmacies. however, under a european union rulingsimilar to us laws, c

28、ompanies that sell such products will have toreequip their factories to meet new health standards“i know itsounds a bit smart, but our products have always been seen asindustry standard, says mr. kevin medonnell.the company spends 1,000,000 a year on research anddevelopment, quite a large sum for a

29、company of its size.47. a big company would normally set its manufacturing site in amore prosperous area than don egal.048. the brand name of this product for muscular therapy is bmrteoranta in irish()49. mr. mcdonnell attributed the success of his company to hismanagement and industry.()50. it can

30、be inferred that us laws for selling health products arestricter than the corresponding lawsin europe()51. if you want to buy a bmr product in france, you may go to thepharmacies()六、翻译题(本大题 仁 分)yet in its current dour mood, europe risks almost overlooking therevoluti on ary step forward it has take

31、n in creati ng the worldslargest and wealthiest barrier-free marketand on a con tine ntwhere, for centuries, economic battles have led to some of histor/sbloodiest wars. moreover, a failure to reinforce the single market bypushing forward with european integration could lead to an uavelingof what th

32、e internal market program has achieved, some observerssay.【篇二:00096 外刊经贸知识选读全国 2013 年 7 月自考试题】s=txt外刊经贸知识选读试题课程代码:00096一、单项选择题(本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个可以替代句中划线的单词或 词组,请将其选出并将“答题纸”的相应代码涂黑。错涂、多涂或未 涂均无分。仁a commodity breakdown of chinas trade shows that fuels 24percent of total exportsa. e

33、xplain forc. take into account b. amount to dare responsible for traderegime.a. freedom c. restraints b. road sides dincentivesuopened aresimply not ready for the demands of foreign businessmana. if it is understood in the word-for-word fashionb if it is understood seriouslyc. if it is understood li

34、terarilyd. if it is taken for granted4. just two years ago south korean manufacturers were flourishingcon tracts from western athletic footwear giants.a on the side ofc. beside b. according to d. on top ofa i should like to sayc. i must say b. i am bound to say d. i will say6. also noteworthy was th

35、e implementation by the paris club of anew of enhanced concessions in debt reschedulings for theseverely indebted, low-income countriesa. platformc. diversification b. ingredient darrangement in china?a investigate b. mitigatec. promote d. agitate8. by doing that, america struck at britainsa agilec.

36、 frigid b. weak d. strong9.uprice certainly plays into a products said robert burke, a retailconsultant in new york“for certain people, the higher the price, themore attractive the item becomesa salec. failure b. success d. appeala stabilityc. unpredictability bpredictability dchange es incurred whe

37、nthe companys stock dropped after it disclosed in early 2004 that ithad greatly overstated its reserves, a closely watched indicator ofan energy compan/s healtha. made amendsc. made into b. anticipated d. made for42.the reason for the historical relationship between the slope ofthe curve and the eco

38、nom/s performance is that the longterm rate is,in effect, a prediction of future short-term rates.a surrenderc. cost b. profit d. Ioss13.state econo mists warned that the latest mon thly figure wasexcepti on ally low because of aa ction b. difference d. abnormality14.outlet are rapidly be

39、coming the major attraction for travelersand bargain-hunting shoppers from all over the world, a shoppimgmessesc. shopping centers b. shopping masses dwholesale stores thehelm while it searches for a more permanent new leader.a. temporaryc. middle b. brief d. neutral二、正误判断题。正确的用 7”表示,错误的用f表示,请将栏答题 纸

40、”上相应的代 码涂黑。(本大题共 2 小题,每小题2分,共20分)passage 1for many nations, the worst of the economic slump is over.uthe world economy has bottomed out, notes rudi dornbusch, amassachusetts institute of tech no logy (mit) economist who takes amonthly look at global economic trends for a number ofcorporations.after

41、a slow first half, the united states recovery has acceleratedbusiness is picking up in Canada and britain alsocanada shouldhave around 2.7 percent real growth this year, the new britishbudget, announced this week, assumes a real growth rate next yearof 2.5 percent.but on the europea n con tine nt, t

42、he situatio n is less happy, “theeconomic climate has deteriorated further, albeit at a declini ngrate, a european comm unity report commented recently, thereare still few signs of a cyclical turning point being reached”“the bundesbank continues to call the shots,” dornbusch says,referring to german

43、/s central bank, it has been gradually loweringinterest rates all year, but not fast enough to satisfy its neighbors.dornbusch argues that real interest rates, which take into accountinflation, are too high in germany. producer prices have falle n forsix mon ths there, so in terest rates of 6.4 perc

44、ent are “extremelyhigh for an econo my that is not growing, he saysfor 18 months econo mists have bee n revising their forecastsdown for continental europedornbusch figures,uthe bottom mayhave beeneached, but a strong upswing is implausible. ” the mitecono mist criticizes the french gover nment for

45、strangling theeconomy with high interest rates in order to keep the franc strongagainst the german deutsche mark“fra nee will do very poorly.Mhe con eludes46.rudi dornbusch has noticed that the world economy has fallento its record lows of the recession.17.the economic situation in europe has worsen

46、ed, and there is nosign of a strong recovery yet.18.according to rudi dornbusch for an economy that is not growingthe interest rates should be relatively low.19.franees decision to keep parity with german deutsche mark isnot a wiseone.20.the present economic situation in canada presents nothing tobe

47、 optimistic about.passage 2if you still think asia is cheap or even a bargain, compare officerents in shanghai or jakarta with those in Chicago and parisnowonder companies are voting with their feet in response to asiasrising costsmatsushita, sony and honda continue to moveproduction out of japantai

48、 wans nan ya plastic is establishingfactories in north carolina and texas to export back to asiagerman/s siemens is dumping singapore in favor of lower costlocations in the regionthe way things are going, siemens mayhave to move again before too long.take korea, which has lost footwear and textiles

49、to china andindonesia because korean wages kept climbing but productivity didnot. losing footwear may be nothing to cry over if that industry canbe replaced, but what will substitute for low-tech electronics Insouth korea and airline customer service activities in hong kong?the competition is not go

50、ing to let up. to attract investment from eastasia and elsewhere, local authorities in britain and stategovernments In the united states offer to cut taxes, provide cheapland and reduce bureaucracy, technological innovations and costreductions in telecommunications and transport mean that locationis

51、 no Ion ger as important as it was.too many asian governments dont seem to understand that ascosts rise, competitiveness falls and investors shy away.21.when the author argued that costs in asia are too high, he wasonly making comparison between doing business in asia in the pastand panies are fight

52、ing against the increasing cost in asia bydemanding with majority votes that the cost be lowered.23.siemens would leave Singapore but find a better place in asiaand settle down there.24.asian manufacturers now would have to face competitions notonly from their neighboring countries but those of the

53、industrialnations.25.according to the author, competitiveness would fall with the riseof costs三、将下列词组译成中文(本大题共40小题,每小题4分,共40分)26.cash crops27.invisible trade account28.the state council29.national in come30.portfolio investment31.franchisee32.antitrust legislation33.dairy products34.ex-warehouse35.t

54、est market四、将下列词组译成英文(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)36.基础设施37.资本货物38.贴现率39.官僚主义40.无政府状态44恶性循环42.关税及贸易总协定43.招标44.有形贸易45.外汇储备五、简答题(本大题共6小题,每小题3分,共48分)passage 1america wants japan to meet import targets for some americangoodsan unwilling japan once, when japan faced pressure fromabroad, it would either give in r

55、eluctantly or keep quiet and hopethat the fuss would die downno longer, it seemsthe clint onadministration strongly believes in exerting such pressure .its policyis to open some japanese markets (which it deems to be closed) bysetting import targetsan approach to trade policy that supporterscallUres

56、ult-oriented. this ugly term foreshadows un certai n consequences. far from capitulating to this new thrust of american tradepolicy, japan is taking a stand that could lead to a pacific confrontation46.what is the meaning of “to draw the line in the first paragraph?47.what is the meaning ofUresult-o

57、riented in the secondparagraph?48.will japan succumb to that kind of pressure? what possibleconsequences will it lead to?passage 2wars, economic turmoil, global poverty. the agenda is packed asmore than 2,500 of the worlds top business leaders and politicianscome to the swiss mountain village of dav

58、os to attend the worldeconomic forum, which starts in january, 2009. the organizers arenot bashful, this could be “one of the most important annualmeetings of the forum yet, they predict, and they have a point, theannual davos eventthis year with participants from over 90countriesis not only a good

59、opportunity to get a feel for the globaleconomy and political balance of power, to participants it also offersa chance to step back and take stock of crisis and conflict, andgather ideas for tackling the worlds problems, the forums “theme”this year is fitting: shaping the post-crisis world, the part

60、icipants aretaking to it with a vengeanee, if the forums new system forreserving a place at sessions is any guide. the first【篇三:自考外刊经贸知识选读课后题】e pattern of chinas foreign tradell?the pattern of chinas foreign tradell refers chiefly(主要的)to thecommoditystructure of chinas foreign trade and her trade pa


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