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1、孟加拉国吉大港Hathazari柴油发电机组安装工程施设文件1.1 电仪施工方案Scheme of electric and instrumental construcation1.1.1 变压器安装 Tranformer installation1.1.1.1 设备到达现场后的检查及保养 Checkings and mentainance of equipment after arrival1) 充氮运输的变压器油箱内氮气压力应在0.010.03Mpa之间,达不到此要求,则进一步检查变压器是否受潮;如受潮应与厂家联系,并必须在安装前对变压器进行干燥处理,并做好检查及处理记录;If the t

2、ransformers are carried by means of niteogen-filled transportation, the pressure inside its oil tank should remain stable between 0.01 to 0.03 Mpa. Otherwise further humidity ckecking is needed. If the transformer is humidified, it is necessary to connect the supplier. Moreover, drying work, checkin

3、g and record-making must be carried out before installation.2) 检查冲击记录仪判定变压器在运输装卸过程中是否受到过冲击;Make it clear wether the transformer has been stricked or heat in transit and in unloading process by checking records on the stricking instrument.3) 到达现场后的附件应齐全,无锈蚀及机械损伤,密封应良好;充油套管应无渗油,油位正常;瓷件及绝缘件应无裂纹或破损;All

4、auxiliary components arrived should be in readiness and intergratedly packed without erosion or physical damages. There should not be leakage at oilfeed pipe sets;4) 将附件按要求清洗干净并分类保管;All components should be cleaned as required and store in series;5) 到达现场的绝缘油,按照标准规定进行抽样测试,避免不同牌号的绝缘油混用,将油桶的油储藏于密封清洁专用油

5、箱;Sampling of insulatin oil arrived should be recommended in case that oil of different types are to be mixed. The oil should be stored into special clean oil tanks;6) 变压器如三个月内不进行安装时,必须采取以下措施:The following measures must be taken provided that the transformers are not supposed to be installed within

6、three months:Ø 充氮运输的变压器必须每天检查一次氮气压力,如氮气压力低于0.01Mpa,应按厂家说明书补氮;Daily nitrogen pressure check is needed for the transformers. Additional reefed should be processed once the level is below 0.01Mpa;Ø 带油运输的变压器应检查油箱密封情况,测量油的绝缘强度和测量绕组的绝缘值,上部抽真空,充以0.010.03Mpa的纯氮气,并每天检查一次氮气压力;Oiltightness of the tan

7、ks must be checked. Oil insulation ability and the values should be measured. The upper part of the tanks should be vacuum-stated;Ø 设备在保管期间,必须经常检查设备的情况,并做好记录。Regulary checking and record-making for the equipment are essential during storage. 作业程序内容Working procedures1) 基础安装、检查划线Foundation

8、al installationand, checking and lining对变压器基础的标高进行检查,根据基础细节图安装变压器支撑面基础钢板、导轨,核对标高,现场测量变压器底座防震垫各个位置点的标高是否符合要求。应以发电机基准标高和中心线为基准点测量变压器标高及中心线,根据施工图标出变压器基础纵、横向中心线,检查底座锚板中心偏差是否符合要求,安装好轨道。变压器基础的轨道应水平,轨距和轮距应配合。Check the basic elevation of the transformation foundation. Start installing foundational steel bed

9、dings, leading rail and approve the elevation according to detailed drawing. Take on-site measurements to each elevationg point of footing cusions as required. The elevation and central line of the transformer should be measured with those of the generator as standard for installation. Additionally,

10、 the central cross of the transformer foundation should be identified according to detailed drawings. Check the footing center deviation for meeting requirements. Finish installing the rails for the foundations. They need to be horizontally settled with each sections being of the same span.2) 变压器就位T

11、ransformer positioning由于主变的运输重量约为85吨,拟利用大型平板车将主变运至现场,采用滚拖法将变压器卸至道木垛上,利用千斤顶的反复顶升、下降将变压器落到辅助轨道上,然后用卷扬机拖运至变压器基础上,厂高变采用大型吊机吊装就位,启动/备用变则采用大型吊机吊装。The mian transformer weighs about 85 tons.Thus heavy flat cars are to be used for transportation. After arriving on site, the transformer is then unloaded onto

12、the wood buttress and later onto the subordinate rails using jacks and is finally placed on the base by winding hoist. The auxiliary high-tention transformers are positioned by overbridge crane. Other running and spare transformers are silnged and moved by overbridge crane to gate of GIS room and dr

13、agged to the exact spot;3) 排氮和排油 Nitrogen and oil dischargeØ 用真空滤油机将绝缘油从底部注入变压器本体内至规定高度,注入的同时打开本体上部排气阀,将氮气逐渐排出,并静置24小时以上;Insulation oil is injected from the bottom into the transformer proper to certain column by using cacuum oil filters. During the injection, the roof exhaust discharge valves

14、should be opened for the nitrogen to come out, and should be stabilized for 24 hours before use.Ø 关闭排气阀,用真空滤油机将变压器内部的绝缘油从底部放油阀排入准备好的大油箱,以进行芯体检查,并对油进行过滤处理。Close the valves and the oil is then discharged through the filters into the given oil tanks with the purpose of core checking and oil fiteri

15、ng;4) 变压器芯体检查checking for Transformer cores Ø 主变、启动/备用变、厂高变的芯体检查根据变压器安装说明书由监理、厂家及业主确定芯体检查的方式;the core checkings of the main transformer and the other tramsformers for start-up and spare running, spare and auxiliary power supply should be identified according to the installation manuals and the

16、forms should be comfirmed by the representatives from the Onwer, supervision agency and supplying corperation respectively.Ø 芯体检查的内容及要求、测试的试验项目,严格按规程及厂家安装说明书中的要求进行。The schedule, requirements and the items for testing should be carried out considering formal regulations and installation manuals

17、provided by suppliers;Ø 芯体检查一般采用吊开变压器罩的方式进行,吊罩检查变压器芯体时,应注意天气条件,变压器芯体在空气中暴露的时间应控制在8小时以内,在无风晴天,空气相对湿度小于75%时,暴露在空气中的时间不得超过16小时;In general, core checking starts with the step of lifting and removing covers. During the process, weather condition should be taken into account. The core can be exposed

18、within 8 hours in normal temperature and not more than 16 hours on a fine day with little wind and a relative humidity of less than 75 percent;Ø 如采用工作人员进入变压器内检查的方法,暴露在空气中的时间控制在小时以内;并要注意通风,确保入内人员的安全;If manual checking is provided, the core should be kept away from air within 8 hours. At the same

19、 time, make sure of the availability of ventilation for labor safety. Ø 对于检查的方式、检查的内容和要求以及检查中的注意事项,在变压器吊罩检查前应编写具体的实施方案及质量计划。As for checking forms, contents, requirements and announcements, detailed execution schemes and performing plans need to be drawn before checking.5) 油枕安装 Installation of o

20、il tank sleeper6) 在变压器箱体上固定油枕支架;The supports are fixed onto the main body of the transformer;Ø 在地面上组合好油枕的附件(油位计、阀门、真空管等);Components such as oil meters, valves and vacuum tubes should be coimbined together in advance;Ø 把油枕起吊就位,紧固所有连接螺栓。Sling and put the bedding in place. Fasten all the conn

21、ection bolts;7) 高低压套管安装Installation of high-tention pipe sleeveØ 准备安装的套管应置于存放架上固定支持,以便捆绑起吊,起吊使用尼龙吊带,套管易碎,安装时应特别小心;The pipe sleeves ready for mounting should be stored in frames and fixed with supports, so that it will be easier to be bound together. Nylon sling is preferable for lifting the pip

22、esets whose fragility should be taken into account;Ø 按顺序安装套管升高座。选择套管安装顺序(A、B、C相或C、B、A相),并且每次只装一个套管。通过吊钩环链慢慢调整套管的倾斜度,直到要求值,吊至刚高于升高座处就位、按力矩值要求连接;The lifting platforms are set in order and choose options for pipeset lifting (in phase A, B, C or C, B, A). Only one casing pipe is fitted every time b

23、y adjusting the sliding degree till it is up to needed value. It is then slung and placed right over the platform and connected with regard to the given moment value.Ø 套管安装就位后将变压器引线穿入套管固定并连接,安装套管密封。After the pipesets are settlied, leading lines are let throught the pipesets, fixed and then conn

24、ected together and, finally the pipesets are sealed.8) 散热器安装 Radiator installationØ 根据施工图,按顺序安装散热器。散热器安装前应按规定用气压或油压进行密封试验。同时用合格的绝缘油经净油机循环冲洗干净,排尽残油;A radiator should be installed in sequence as drawn. Oil or airtight pressure test should be carried out in advance. Meanwhile, qualified insulation

25、 oil is strongly recommended and should be filtered through oil filters. Make sure that no oil is to be left inside;Ø 安装散热器前,先安装其底部油管及油泵,紧固所有法兰连接螺栓;Oil pipelines and pumps should be settled at the bottom, and all flangs and connection bolts should be fastened before body installation;Ø 安装好

26、支架后,把散热器就位到要求位置,紧固所有连接螺栓。散热器安装完毕应即注满油。Positioned the radiator to the exact spot after setting the supports. Tighted all the bolts. The equipment should be filled with oil after installation.9) 油管安装 Oil tube installationØ 根据图纸布置连接情况确定管道安装连接位置;Installation and connection points of the tubes shoul

27、d be settled according to the construction drawings;Ø 注意各个管口连接必须均匀、紧密、牢固,以免渗油。Make sure that every pipe end is made even, explicit, firmenough so as to prevent from leakage.10) 辅助设备的安装 Auxiliary equipment installationa.参数铭牌;b.温度指示器;c.测温探头;d.气体继电器;e.压力释放阀;f.真空释放阀;g.CT接线盒;h.轨道及器身接地;i.硅胶干燥器;j.油取样装

28、置;k.就地配电控制箱;l.变压器中性点设备。 A. data plate; b. temperature indicator; c. temperature probe; gas relay; e. pressure releaf valve; f. vacuum releaf valve; g. CT box, h. rails and body earthing; i. silica gel dryer; j. oil sampling device; k. earth distribution cabinet; l. neutrual point equipment.11) 油处理及油

29、质试验 Oil disposion and quality testingØ 变压器箱体内的油及新的变压器油必须取样做试验并进行滤油处理。新油需进行3到5个体积油循环过滤,待静置3到4小时后,取油样并作试验;Sampling and filtering are required for new insulation oil and the oil left in the body of the transformer. The new oil needs to be made clean for 3 to 5 times. Sampling is carried out after

30、the oil is stabilized for 3 to 4 hours;Ø 新的变压器油应符合规程标准,所有油在使用前都应取样做试验。New oil should meet the rules and requirements and sampling should be processed before use.12) 真空渗漏试验 Vacuum leakage testØ 将在真空下不能承受机械强度的附件与油箱隔离,将变压器抽真空至267mbar,并关闭真空泵和变压器间阀门。十分钟内应无明显压力升高,若有应检查到漏气点并处理好;The auxiliary comp

31、onents that cannot sustain the mechanical strength under vacuum state are kept away from oil tanks. The transformer is drawn to vacuum state by 267mbar and the vacuumpumps and valves are closed. Once there is obvious pressure rising, leakage points should be discovered and resolved.Ø 重新启动真空泵,打开

32、真空泵与变压器间阀门,降压至13mbar并关闭阀门;Restart the vacuum pump and open the valves between them and transformer. Lower the pressure lever down to 13mbar. Close the valves;Ø 在随后的30分钟内,压力上升不应超过1.3mbar,若超过,检查寻找漏气点后处理好,并重复压力试验13mbar。 The the following 30 minutes, pressure rising should not go beyone 1.3mbar, or

33、 leakage points should be found out and handled. Repeat the pressure test.13) 真空注油 Vacuum oil injectionØ 变压器真空渗漏试验完成后,继续抽真空至3mbar以下,保持8小时以上,开始在真空状态下注油至规定位置,注油时变压器处于真空,油的温度应高于器身温度,注油速度不宜大于100L/min;After the leakage test, keep drawing below 3mbar and leave the state for at least 8 hours. Then vac

34、uum oil injection is then carried out till the set level. While injecting oil in, the transformer is in the vacuum state, thus oil temperature should be a little bit higher than that of the body, and the injection speed cannot be higher than 100 L/min;Ø 注油结束后,应继续保持真空4小时,然后进行热油循环(油温在50-60),连续循环时

35、间不得少于48小时。The body of the transformer should be kept in the vacuum state for 4 hours and then hot oil circulation begins (with oil temperature of 50 to 60), and it should last for more than 48 hours.14) 整体密封检查Oiltightness test 变压器安装完毕后应在储油柜上用气压或油压进行整体密封试验,其压力为油箱盖上能承受的0.03MPa压力,试验持续时间为24小时,应无渗漏。There

36、 should be oiltightness test using steam or oil pressure onto the oil storage tanks after installation. The pressure is 0.03MPa, which is the same as that on the tank covers, There should not be any leakage during the 24-hour test.15) 变压器试验Tranformer test变压器注油完成,且油质检验合格后,必须按交接试验标准进行有关的特性试验和绝缘试验。这些试验

37、包括:各绕组直流电阻测量;变比试验;绝缘电阻和吸收比测量;介损试验;直流泄漏测试;交流耐压试验;变压器油的有关试验;必要时进行局放试验。When oil injection finishes and oil has been proved qualified, related special and insulation tests are needed reffering to connection testing standards. These tests consist of measurement of every winding direct resistants, ratio v

38、ariation test, insulated resistance and measurement for absorbance proportion, intermediate loss test, direct leakage test, indirect tention-resistant test, related oil test, etc. Partial oil discharging test is processed when necessary.1.1.2 发电机电气设备安装 Installation of electric equipment of generator

39、1) 励磁变压器、PT、避雷器柜、出口断路器安装Installation of exciting transformer, PT, lightning arrester cabinet and outlet beaker;Ø 根据布置将柜体临时就位在基础上,检查和调正柜的位置,使其能和封闭母线连接合适;出口断路器安装可参考厂用配电装置安装;Place the cabinet onto the base as arranged for checking and alignment so as to be successfully connected with enclosed bus.

40、 Installation of outlet breaker can be referred to that of ditributiuon equipment.Ø 检查、清理柜内设备,连接柜内的连杆,安装保险器等柜体内设备。Internal equipment should be tidied and checked. The bars should be connected together. All the equipment is installed together with safety resistances.2) 发电机电气试验 Generator electric

41、 operation test发电机电气检查、安装好后,在启动试运前,按规程和厂家安装说明书中的程序要求对发电机本体进行绝缘、直流电阻、耐压等电气试验。Once the electric equipment is settled and fitted, the generator proper should be put into electric performing test like insulation, direct resistance, pressure-resistance, etc.1.1.3 132KV高压配电装置 Installation of 132KV high-te

42、nsion distribution equipment1.1.3.1 132KV配电装置安装 Installation of 132KV distribution equipment 按照设备的设计布置和现场施工条件,设备由上往下安装的原则。先安装站内架空线,然后吊装隔离开关,断路器、CT等其它设备,再进行设备调整最后安装引下线、跳线及电气设备接地。The equipment installation should be started from the bottom according to the designed arrangements and on-site constructio

43、n conditions. Overhead lines should be wired first inside the station, followed by insulation switchgears, breakers, CT and additional devices. Then the equipment should be regulated. Finally, down leads, jumping wires and electric earthing should be fitted.1) 设备安装:Equipment installationØ 在架空线施

44、工完成后,接着安装断路器、电流互感器、出线隔离开关、避雷器等设备安装。Once overhead lining has been completed, equipment like breakers, mutual inductors, outlet insulation switchgears, lightning arresters need to be fitted.Ø 架空线引下线、跳线安装:导线下料、线夹压接,导线连接,所有隔离开关机构全面调整,配合调试人员进行电动调试。Installation for down leads and jumping lines: Overa

45、ll adjustments of wire fitting, wire clamps, wire connection and insulation gears. Labor support is required for commissioning.Ø 变压器进线架空线安装:导线下料,线夹压接,绝缘子组装及连接导线,采用吊车进行吊挂,引下线下料,安装连接。Overhead inlet fitting: Overall adjustments of wire fitting, wire clamps, wire connection, insulation branches ass

46、embling and wire connecting. They are finally lifted, fixed and connected.2) 施工作业流程图:施工准备Construction preperation站内架空线安装 Inner overhead lining基础测量、安装Fundamental measurement and fitting 基础底座安装Base installation设备安装Equipment installation开关的调整、试验 Adjudtments and tests引下线安装及连接Down lead lining and connect

47、ion 进线架空线安装及引下线安装Linlet overhead lining and down lead fitting 清场、退场Withdrawl 1.1.4 厂用配电装置施工方案 Auxiliary-powered distribution construction scheme1.1.4.1 作业程序内容 Working procedures1) 基础槽钢安装步骤与方法 Procedures for basic channel bar installationØ 基础槽钢的选用应符合设计,并进行防腐处理,经校直后才能进行安装;The channel bars should

48、be chosen as designed and prtected from corrosion. Alignment is required before installation;Ø 根据设计图纸和厂家图纸,把基础槽钢的各预埋铁找出并清理干净 All steel pieces should be sorted out and cleaned according to design and factroy drawings;Ø 用水平仪找出屋内最高点的预埋铁平面和基础槽钢的安装高度,然后以最高点的预埋铁为基础,先找平一根槽钢,然后依次找平各排行槽钢。在此过程中,其高度的

49、调整、可用不同厚度的铁垫片进行调整,调整后暂时点焊固定;Identify the highest point for fixing channel bars and the peak level for placing embedded steel pieces with horizontal display. Make adjustments to the bar rows. During the work, hight adjustments can be completed by iron spacers and signed and fixed by temperory spot we

50、lding;Ø 各排基础槽钢找平校核后,将临时点焊的固定点正式焊接固定;When alignment have all been finished, the bars can then be fixed by rewelding onto the temperory spots;Ø 同一场所同一平面的基础槽钢,安装后其水平误差不能超过每米1mm,全长不超过5mm;Once being installed, the horizontal difference between evey two bars on the same place and the same plane

51、should be less than 1mm and that of length less than 5mm;Ø 每排盘柜的前后两根槽钢,在找平的同时,应校正两根槽钢的平行度,其误差不能超过每米1mm,全长不超过5mm;During comformity alignment, adjustments should be made between every two bars for their parallel level, with a difference of less than 1mm and that of length less than 5mm;Ø 基础槽

52、钢应可靠接地。即在基础槽钢之间,基础槽钢与电缆沟内主接地线之间,均采用16mm的镀锌圆钢焊接连接。Bar earthing should be reliable enough. Such an achievement can be made by welding with 16mm galvanized round bars between every channel bar and connecting the bars and main groundings in cable wedges.2) 设备搬运 CarriageØ 开关柜的装卸和运输,应由起重工负责绑扎和指挥,电气工配

53、合。吊装时应使用专用尼龙带;Labor force is required during carriage. They are reposible for banding and instruction with electricians asisting beside. Special nylon slings should be used while lifting;Ø 设备在搬运过程中,不允许倾翻,倒置和遭受剧烈震动;Any rooling, turnover or shaking is prohibited in transit;Ø 设备的搬运、移动,采用液压手动叉

54、车或自制的运盘小车进行;Carriage and moving are carried out with hrdraulic manual lifting vehicles or homemade carts;Ø 设备的搬运顺序,应根据设备安装位置,按顺序搬运至安装位置旁,搬运时盘面方向应与其的安装方向一致。The equipment should be carried to the fitted position in requested order. Make sure the tray direction is in conformity with that of for in

55、stallation.3) 双排列开关柜安装步骤与方法 Installation procedures and measures of double-ranged switch cabinetØ 根据图纸设计排列顺序,把所有开关柜搬移,临时就位;Put the switch cabinets in order as designed. They are then placed in temperory position;Ø 按设计位置和尺寸把每排的第一块盘用线锤和水平尺进行找正,达到要求后,将盘固定;Fix the tray after required alignment

56、;Ø 依次将盘逐块找正靠紧;调整相邻盘的尺寸;Align and connect the trays together and make necessary adjustments to their sizes;Ø 检查盘间螺丝孔应相互对应,如位置不对可用圆锉修整,或用电钻重新开孔,不允许用火焊割孔;Bolt holes among the trays should be made corresponding to each other, or it can be modified with round files. Alternatively, new holes can

57、 be drilled;Ø 带上盘间螺丝(不要拧紧),其螺丝、垫圈均为镀锌件;Insert screws into the holes. The screws and space rings have already been galvanized;Ø 以第一块盘为准,用撬棍对盘进行统一调整,调整垫铁的厚度及盘间螺丝松紧,使每块盘达到规定要求,依次将各盘固定;Start from the first tray, make adjustments on spacer thickness and screw tightness with crowbar to be up to

58、standard. Fix the trays;Ø 乙排开关柜的安装找正,应以已找正固定的甲排开关柜为基准,将各盘依次找正好,其找正方法与甲排列盘相同;Installation and alignment of the first row should be considered as reference when the second row installation begins;Ø 两排开关柜全部找正后,应对尺寸进行全部校核,用接线方法及线锤、水平尺和经纬仪等检查开关柜整体的垂直误差和水平误差,应达到规范要求,检验合格后做好原始记录。Size modification

59、 should be executed after alignment. Hangers, theodolites and transits are used for checking horizontal and vertical differences. These should be done up to standard and primary records should be taken after acceptance.4) 开关柜内主母线安装 Installation for inner-cabinet main busØ 母线的接触面连接紧密,连接螺栓用力矩扳手紧固,其紧固力矩值应符合规定,其螺栓、平垫圈均应为镀锌件;Bus sections should be connected firmly, and the connecting bolts should be fastened by moment spanner, the value of which being


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