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1、This brochure aims to showcase the unity and the consistency of Bvlgaris branding, the uniqueness and thecharacter of each project in different cities.We adopted the main framework of the previous brochuresand stayed consistent with Bvlgaris branding policy.整本楼书保持宝格丽即为品牌呈现的的一致性及在各地反映出的与特色个性的结合各题STRU

2、CTURE 北京宝格丽公寓楼书目录COVER 封面- Standard color 品牌标准色- Standard symbol 项目象征物3.THE UNIQUENESS OF BVLGARI- Museum 美术馆- The designer and the living condition 设计者与场景- The design of bvlgari residence 宝格丽公寓设计/ Introduction on the designer 设计者介绍/ Spaces, design and service 空间 场景 设计 服务1.BRAND HISTORY 宝格丽品牌溯源- His

3、tory and the eternal beauty 历史与永恒美学- Celebrities and the classic products 名人与经典- Bvlgari resort 宝格丽酒店品牌输出/ Bvlgari milan 米兰宝格丽/ Bvlgari london 伦敦宝格丽北京宝格丽点睛之笔4.THE COMMUNITY AND THE LIFE STYLE- An organic community built by genesis2.BVLGARI, GEOGRAPHIC SCANNING生活社区与生活方式启皓创造 自生长 有机社区北京宝格丽所在城市文化切片- The

4、 landscape of the city ( the political, economic, and cultural center) 城市风貌(政治 经济 文化中心)- An expected artistic life style 宝格丽业主 人文艺术生活滋养-Location value 地缘价值(使馆 商圈商务)- Bvlgari北京宝格丽酒店展示/ Positioning and target group与目标人群/ Spaces and functions场景介绍HISTORYABOUT BVLGARILifestyles beyond jewelry and spaceTh

5、e unique personalities presented through Bulgaris details and designs following the traditional classics of ancient Greek and Romeare the perfect incarnations of the creativity of eternal explorations超脱于珠宝与空间之上的生活方式宝格丽细节与设计所呈现的独特气质沿袭古希腊语罗马的传统经典将永恒探索的创造力,至美表达“One can only face the future by knowing h

6、is own past”Nicola Bulgari“了解自己的过去才能面对未来”尼古拉·宝格丽In 1884, the first Bulgari shop was founded in Rome, Italy by Sotirio Bulgari, a Greek silversmith, today an icon of luxury. Bulgari is known for unrivalled design, striking volumes and bold colours. Finding endless inspiration in the Eternal City

7、, Bulgari reinterprets the majestic symbols of Rome into exquisite editions of jewelry, watches, perfumes, accessories and hotels/resorts.1814年,希腊银匠索蒂里奥·宝格丽在意大利罗马创立首家宝格丽商店,宝格丽的奢侈品为在此启航。宝格丽无与伦比的设计、诸多备受青睐的作品,大胆的色彩,使其成下奢侈品的标志、在永恒之城的不断探索中,宝格丽将罗马这一高贵图腾重新演绎,成为集珠宝、腕表、香水、配饰、酒店/度假村为一体的奢华品牌。“Only with a

8、deep foundation may a lasting and flaming flower bloom.” Attilio Massimo Iannucci (Italian Ambassador to) . From Bulgari: 125 Years of Italian MagnificenceAs a symbol of Italian "boutiques", Bulgari carries on a spirit of keeping pace with the times which based on profound ancient material

9、 culture. The history of Bulgari has been a perfect journeyimmersed in aesthetic pleasure and the times.“The history of jewelry is an endless story about the past and the present, classics and Baroque, and luxury and simplicity.”Alvar González-Palacios .From Bulgari: 125 Years of Italian Magnif

10、icenceSince 1884, Bulgari has exemplified Italian aesthetics. Built upon 2700 years of Roman history, Bulgari honours its rich past within its modern designs. With a mastery of artisanal craftsmanship, Bulgari innovates the future of design, and guards the legend of exquisite beauty.You can have a t

11、aste of the mystery of oriental culture in an emerald pendant, and through the embryonic form of a tremblant brooch, you can return to Empress Eugenies France. Each piece of Bulgari jewelry is a powerful and unique cross-cultural symbol. Bulgari's designs are known for their“eternity”. The unriv

12、alled artworks created by Bulgari are embedded with the imprints of the times.“只有具备深厚的根基,才能绽放持久、绚烂的花朵。”严农祺(意大利驻华大使),摘自宝格丽125年意大利经典文化璀璨回眸宝格丽是意大利“精品”的象征,这是一种建立在浓厚、古老的物质文化基础上的,与时俱进的精神。宝格丽的历程,也成为一次沉浸在审美乐趣和悠久时光中的完美旅途。“首饰的历史是一个关于付出与拥有,往昔与现在,古典与巴洛克,奢华与简朴之间的无穷无尽的故事。”阿尔瓦特·冈萨雷斯·帕拉西奥斯,摘自宝格丽125年意大利经典文

13、化璀璨回眸自1884年以来,宝格丽一直是意大利美学的象征。建立在2700年的罗马文化之上,悠久的历史和现代的设计,是宝格丽的尊贵之源。宝格丽以非同一般的手工技艺,革新未来设计,并坚守永恒 之美的。你可以在一件的吊坠中看到东方文化的神秘,在弹簧胸针的雏形中,回到欧仁妮皇后的法国。每一件宝格丽作品,都是蕴含力量的、文化的独特象征。宝格丽的设计被称为“永恒”,它所创作的无与伦比的艺术品,封存着它们诞生时的印记。GLAMIn 1884, the first Bulgari store was founded in Rome In 1894, the shop was relocated to 28 V

14、ia dei CondottiIn 1905, Bulgari opened its first boutique store at 10 Via dei Condotti, which developed into a historic Bulgari flagship storeIn 1934, the flagship store on Via dei Condotti reopened upon renovation, with a bronze word“BVLGARI” hanging on the lintel of the doorIn 2014, to celebrate t

15、he 130th,Bulgari commissioned the famed architect Peter Marino to revamp the flagship store.1884年,第一家宝格丽在罗马开设1894年,迁移至康多提大道28号1905年,首家精品店于康多提大道10号开设,并成为具有历史意义的宝格丽旗舰店1934年,康多提大道旗舰店重修开业,铜铸的大写“BVLGARI”字号高悬门楣2014年,为庆祝品牌130宝格丽委托著名建筑师Peter Marino将旗舰店重装一新Starting from La Dolce Vita, a classic Italian film,

16、 members of royal families, Hollywood stars and other celebrities would never miss the Bulgari flagship store on Via dei Condotti Many years have passed, and Bulgari still stands in Rome as a family brand, and will continue to show its charms to the world,carrying on the dazzling light of the Eterna

17、l City.从意大利经典的生活开始,皇室成员、好莱坞明星错过康多提大道上的宝格丽旗舰店。品牌,宝格丽至今仍屹立罗马,并将和其他名人要仕,绝对许多年以后,作为一个于世界继续绽放,蔓延永恒之城的璀璨光辉。Ingrid Bergman with her two kids by the Bulgari flagship store on Viadei Condotti英格丽·褒与于宝格丽康多提大道旗舰店In 1969, Anouk Aime and Sidney Lumet by the Bulgari flagship store on Via dei Condotti 1969年 An

18、ouk Aime与Sidney Lumet于宝格丽 (Bulgari) 康多提大道旗舰店An emerald necklace in platinum with diamonds from 1962. In 1964, Elizabeth Taylor received it as a wedding gift fromher husband Richard Burton. It is mounted with 16 step-cutoctagonal Colombian emeralds with an estimated total of60.50 ct, easurround of br

19、illiant-cut and pear-shapeddiamonds. The perfect matching between exquisitecraftsmanship and gorgeous art made it one of the most beloved jewelry of the Diva of Bulgari.创作于1962年宝格丽钻石铂金项链,于1964年,由理查德作为结婚梯形切割送给伊丽莎白·泰勒。16颗哥伦比亚八边总重60.5克拉,每颗均已明亮雕琢钻石环绕,精湛的技艺与华美的艺术浑然天成,成为宝格丽女神最钟爱的首饰之一。Elizabeth Taylor

20、 wearing Bulgari jewelry at the Academy Awards Ceremony伊丽莎白佩戴宝格丽参加奥斯卡颁奖典礼Gina Lollobrigida proposing a toast to Salvador Dali, the prominentsurrealist painter at thee of the film The Sound of Music in NewYork, 1965. The emerald earrings she was wearing were made by Bulgari in 1964. The set, also inc

21、luding a 27.57g emerald brooch and a 16.92g brooch, highlighted the extraordinary attraction of Bulgari with perfectcolours and shapes.1965年吉娜·罗洛布里吉达在音乐纽约首映礼上,向超现实画家萨尔瓦多·达利敬酒。她当时佩戴的一对耳环,是宝格丽1964年的作品,并与27.57克的胸针和16.92克的胸针组一套,完美的色泽与造型,闪耀着宝格丽非凡的吸引力。Gina Lollobrigida and Salvador Dali at the吉娜

22、·罗洛布里吉达与萨尔瓦多·达利,音乐e of The Sound of Music in New York, 1965纽约首映礼,1965年Hôtel de Paris Monte-Carlo, 1978Princess Grace of Monaco wearing a Bulgari gold coin-set necklace at a show in Monte-CarloDecorated with a golden shield-shaped pattern, it is surrounded by brilliant-cut diamondsIn t

23、he center there is an antique silver coin featuring Alexander the GreatIt is an important item of the Princess Bulgari collections And her unique way of wearingWas followed by ladies and stars in the 1970s 1978年,蒙特卡罗巴黎酒店摩纳哥王妃格蕾丝佩戴宝格丽古币项链出席展会这款以黄形图案装饰,四周镶嵌明亮雕琢型钻石中间以亚历山大大帝古董钱币古董银币的项链是王妃重要的宝格丽私藏品而她独具特色

24、的佩戴方式也在70年代成为名媛和明星们效仿的对象Princess Grace of Monaco wearing a Bulgari necklace at Monte-Carlo Jewelry Show 1978摩纳哥王妃格蕾丝佩戴宝格丽项链出席蒙特卡罗珠The earrings and the tremblant flower brooch worn by Ingrid Bergman inthe film The Visit (1964) were made by Bulgari in the period from the late 1950s to early 1960s. Beh

25、ind each corolla there is a spring. They mayeither be worn as brooches, ore the finishing touches on the bunsof divas. Bulgari's ingenious designs and luxury charms have also been handed down to the offspring of this Oscar-winning actress. Isabella Rossellini, her daughter and Elettra Wiedemann,

26、 her granddaughter alsotypical divas of Bulgari in respective periods of time.1964年的贵妇还乡中,英格丽·褒曼佩戴的披垂式镶嵌耳环及弹簧小花枝胸针,是宝格丽于1950年代末至1960年代初期的创作,每朵花冠背后都装有弹簧设计,既可作为胸针佩戴,也能成为女神发髻上的点睛之笔。而宝格丽的精妙设计与奢华,也在这位奥斯卡影后的血脉在红延续,女儿伊莎贝拉·罗西里尼和孙女爱勒特拉·魏德曼都成为宝格丽不同神代表。的女Ingrid Berman wearing Bulgari jewlry in T

27、he Visit, 1964英格丽·褒曼在贵妇还乡中佩戴宝格丽珠宝,1964年TIME FOREVER时光永恒The history since 1884 tells a story of continuous creativity, and the dazzling highlights enshrined in memories has bestowed Bulgari with the glamour of time. However, Bulgari has never stopped exploring beauty. The respect for history and

28、 the exploration into future has turned it into a great brand beyond the time. 1884年至今,一段漫长的时空之旅,讲述生生不息的创造力,那些刻录在记忆里的耀眼光芒,给予宝格丽时间的。然而,宝格丽从未停止探索美的脚步,对历史的尊重,以及对未来的探索,让它成为可以存在的伟大品牌。时间而“We cannot live in the glorious achievements of the past.”Nicola Bulgari“我们不可能活在过去的辉煌成就里。”尼古拉·宝格丽JOURNEYBVLGARIHOT

29、EL MILANOBVLGARI HOTEL MILANO米兰宝格丽酒店Bulgari Hotel Milano is a unique city hotel. A nearly 4000of ancient private courtyard is its source of inspiration.Within the famed center of luxury and fashion in Milan, the hotel offers guests with unexpected peace and serenity. The 58 guest rooms and suites ha

30、ve perfected combined the light luxury of modern metropolis with the elegance of ancient buildings.米兰宝格丽酒店是一家独特的城市酒店,近4000的古老庭院是它的灵感之源,在米兰著名的奢品时尚中心之内,提供一丝意想不到的宁静和祥和。总共58间客房与套房设计中,将现代都市的轻奢与古韵建筑的优雅完美结合。BVLGARI HOTEL LONDON伦敦宝格丽酒店Located in Knightsbridge, a holy land of luxury, Bulgari Hotel London is

31、situated between Hyde Park and Harrods. The fashion center and the royal garden meet here. The silver glamour of Bulgari radiates throughout the hotel, and the classics of Italy and the solemnness of British gentlemen are showcased inthe 85 guest rooms and suites, the Bulgari SPA and a private cinem

32、a of 45 seats.伦敦宝格丽酒店选址奢品骑士桥,面朝海德公园,背倚哈罗德百货,时尚中心与园林在此交融。来自宝格丽品牌源起的银制贯穿整个酒店,在85间客房与套房、宝格丽独家SPA以及拥有45个座位的私人影院中,展现意大利经典与英伦绅士的庄重之美。, an ancient oriental city with a history of over 3000 years and a history of over 860 years as a capital city,s center ofpolitics, economics and cultural exchanges.北京,一座拥有三

33、千余年建城史、八百六十余年建都史的东方古都,中国政治、经济、文化交流中心。THE LEGATION QUARTERSWith 103 embassies and consulates and numerous international schools and international organizations, the Legation Quarters are ancient high-end foreign-related internationalized zones.使馆区103座使领馆环绕,国际学校和国际组织遍布,是历史悠久的高端区域Source of Fashion A ga

34、thering of world languages and fashion landmarks a unity of world cities时尚策源中心各国语言与时尚地标共赴一场 世界城市的繁华之汇BVLGARI HOTELCHINESE VIEWPOINT IN THE WORLD北京宝格丽,世界之后的中国观点Following Milan, Bali and London, the much-anticipated fourthBulgari hotel will be launched in.Just like the luxury and fashion center in whi

35、ch Bulgari Milan islocated, Sanlitun, a fashion landmark inand the second andthe third legation quarters provide Bulgari Hotelwith theDNA of fashion. Like the unique landscapes of Bulgari Hotel Bali,the Liangma River adds vigor and delight to Bulgari Hotel.Like the cultural nourishment of the Thames

36、 Basin to Bulgari HotelLondon, the ancient capital oforiental philosophy to Bulgari Hotelhas also added unique.继米兰、巴厘岛、伦敦之后,万众瞩目的宝格丽酒店第四家酒店落户北京。就如米兰酒店所处的奢品时尚中心一致,北京时尚地标“三里屯”及第二、三使馆区也为北京宝格丽注入了时尚DNA;就如巴厘岛酒店的独特的自然景观,亮马河也为北京宝格丽酒店注入了活力与惬意;就如伦敦酒店士河流域的文化滋养,北京这个千年古都也为北京宝格丽注入一份独特的东方哲思。Traveling from Bulgari

37、Hotelto the nearby GenesisMuseum designed by Tadao Ando, one may breakthrough the barriers of time and space. Just enjoy the Bulgari lifestyle acrossa century in.The unique and eternal beauty of Bulgari will appear to 2017.Beyond doubt, the simplistic sentiments of the ancientincapital and the extra

38、vagant lifestyle of Bulgari will be ultimately sublimated to a new realm.北京宝格丽酒店毗邻启皓安藤忠雄美术馆,信步游览,穿越时间与 空间的壁垒,为北京乃至世界再现逾越一个世纪的宝格丽生活方式。2017年,宝格丽永恒之美即将启幕北京,毫无疑问,千年古都的古朴情怀与奢华的宝格丽生活方式,终会升华至全新境界。THE FOURTH BULGARI HOTELIN THE WORLD全球第四家宝格丽酒店By adhering to Bulgaris extremely extravagant style and integrati

39、ngmodern designing with gorgeous craftsmanship and the pursuit forartistic details, Bulgari Hotelwill be a hotel perfectlycombining modern urban recreation with natural and artisticatmosphere. The hotel wille a first choice of businesstravelers and elites following the Bulgari hotels in Milan, Bali

40、and London.北京宝格丽酒店秉承宝格丽一贯极致奢华风格,融合现代设计、华丽工艺以及对艺术细节孜孜的追求,全力打造一个将现代都市休憩与自然艺术氛围完美融合的酒店,成为继米兰、巴厘岛、伦敦后,商务旅客与精英的首选之处。NATURE & ARTENTRANCE LOBBY 大堂沙发吧With modern designs and vintage furnitures, the Entrance Lobby mixes the two different styles together to create a simple, quiet and elegant environment

41、for people rest their bodies and minds.进入酒店,便是宝格丽沙发吧,当代设计与古色古香的配饰陈设,将两种不同的风格糅合在一起,营造一种古朴、宁静而优雅的环境,让顾客在此休憩身心。RESTAURANT 餐厅Superb cooking skills and high-standard services echo with the designs of the copper-coloured restaurant to create a center of taste exclusive to Bulgaris luxury. Here, guests may

42、 taste the charming fragrance from Italy while enjoying fine dishes, cookies and wines.超高的烹饪技艺及高标准的服务与古铜色的餐厅设计交相呼应, 打造独属于宝格丽奢华品味的味觉中心。在此,顾客可享用精美菜肴、点心和美酒,体验源自意大利的迷人芬芳。BAR 酒吧The big black oval resin bar counter adds simplicity and elegance to the bar. Through the spectacular glass, the guests may enjo

43、y the serenity of the private garden. The bar will provide a meeting place for hotel guest and elites. Here, you may enjoy the unique Bulgari cocktails and a variety oftraditional and new drinks. The bar also serves the fine dishesof the Restaurant of Bulgari Hotel.椭圆形黑色树脂大吧台使酒吧简单又优雅。透过壮观的窗,可以一览私人花园

44、的恬静景色。酒吧将成为酒店顾客和精英的聚会场所。独一无二的宝格丽鸡尾酒时刻供应,搭配种类繁多的传统和新式饮料,让人回味无穷。酒吧同时提供北京宝格丽酒店餐厅的精美菜肴。SWIMMING POOL泳池Emerald no doubt is one of Bulgaris favorite materials and colours, and is deeply loved by the craftsmen of Bulgari.Stones of concave-convex texture that look like emeralds used in the underground swimm

45、ing pool of the hotel may create visual fantasy while enhancing the contacts and interactions between the textures and human skin.emerald无疑是宝格丽BULGARI珠宝最为钟情的材料与色彩之一,深得宝格丽工艺师们的喜爱,因此北京宝格丽地下泳池设计,选用近似般的泳池石材,并进行了表面凹凸工艺的处理,在增添视觉梦幻的同时,也凸显了材质肌理与人的接触与互动。SPA水疗中心By creating extravagantly elegant environment an

46、d harmonious and relaxing atmosphere, the SPA offers various latest and most popular health care services which may provide customers with intimate personal cares, remove them from troubles and pressures,and rejuvenate theirSPA馆在豪华优雅的环境与和谐放松的氛围中,提供各种最先进最流行的健康护理,给予顾客贴心的个人护理,为顾客褪去烦恼,舒缓,令身体重焕活力。BALLROO

47、M 宴会厅The diversified space and complete superb facilities of the Ballroom may meet the customers social and business demands which makes it a center for the exchange of knowledge, information and cultures in various fields. Meanwhile, the lounges inthe Ballroom may meet customers demands for waiting

48、 and private purposes.多样化的空间、齐全的精良设施满足顾客各种、商务等活动需求,使这里成为各领域的知识、信息、文化交流中心。同时宴会厅内设置休息室,满足需要等候及私密性的顾客需求。BVLGARI SUITES 宝格丽套房Bulgari Hoteloffers 120 single rooms and suites, and some ofthem are the biggest guest rooms in. There is also a bar, arestaurant, a SPA and a swimming pool that are connected wit

49、h the private garden by the river.北京宝格丽酒店不仅拥有120个单间和套房,其中一些是北京面积最大的客房,也包括了与河畔花园相连的酒吧及餐厅、SPA、游泳池等。GENESISMUSEUM安藤忠雄·Tadao AndoThe spiritual home designed by Tadao Ando will fully display the process of artistic creation. Artists share this to bring the past, present and future of art to the publ

50、ic, help visitors know the art and artists, and better discover themselves. The interaction between the audience and art will go beyond simple visits to participation and experiments. In this space, the public and art will be repositioned, and the social value of artwork and artists will alsobe reco

51、nsidered.由安藤忠雄所设计的精神家园将充分展示艺术的创作过程,通过艺术家们所的创作历程向公众展现艺术的过去,现在和未来,帮助访客了解艺术及艺术家,并更好地发现自我。观众和艺术的接触将不只停留在参观阶段,鼓励公众参与、实验。在这个空间,公众和艺术的位置将被重新确定,艺术品和艺术家的价值也需要重新思考。BVLGARIRESIDENCESAntonio Citterio Inheritor of Italian aestheticsHonored as Italys national designer, and iconic figure in modern design安东尼奥·

52、奇特里奥意大利美学的传承者被誉为意大利国宝设计师,现代设计领域的标志人物。Citterio takes part in all kinds of design: architecture, interior decoration, furniture, and industrial products. His career lifestarted from late 1972, since when he has cooperated with famous brands such as Arclinea, Italian B&B, Flexform, Flos, Kartell an

53、d Vitra. The chairs he designed for B&B won the 1987 Compasso dOro.In the 1980s, he designed the first set of L-shaped sofa Sity, which brought new life to the traditional layout of living roomsand won the Compasso dOro, named as Nobel Prize in design; the stove with controllable combustion proc

54、ess through air flow that he designed won the “Best of the Best” of Red Dot Design Award; and the Battista chair he designed for Kartell hase a permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York and Pompidou Centre in Paris.Antonio Citterio was born in 1950 in Meda, a northern city in Ital

55、y. Early before he graduated as an architecturemajor in Milan, he opened up his first workshop at the age of 22. Since the 1990s, the successful architecthase one of the most popular designers worldwide. The most remarkable achievements in his lifeinclude the designing of luxury suites of Hotel Buga

56、tti and the luxury spa center in Moscow, as well as the titleof “Royal Designer” awarded by the British Royal Family.奇特里奥参与所有的设计: 建筑物、室内装潢、家具、工业。他的职业生涯始于1972年后期。他与著名品牌,如阿克里纳厨具、意大利早餐加床铺简易旅馆、福拉斯弗姆、弗罗斯灯具、卡特尔和维特拉卫浴具等合作。他为早餐加床铺简易旅馆(B&B)设计的座椅获1987年金罗盘奖(Compasso dOro)。他在 80 年代创作出世界上第一组 L 型沙发Sity,让传统客厅布局获得新生,将拥有设计界安东尼奥· 奇特里奥于1950年出生于意大利北部城市梅达,在22岁尚未从米兰建筑专业毕业前就开设了自己第奖之称的“金罗盘奖”收一间。20世纪90年代以来,这位成功的建筑师成为了国际最“抢手”的设计师之一。其辉煌履历中有着布入囊中;他设计的通过控制空气流量来控制燃烧进程的火炉,荣获德国红点设计“好中最好”大奖;他为Kartell 设计的巴蒂斯加迪连锁酒店中的豪华套房和莫斯科的豪华水疗中心,以及英国王室为他授予的“设计师”称号。塔椅(Battista),被纽约现代艺术馆和巴黎蓬皮杜中心收藏。Since 2001,


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