1、班轮运输单证2022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN2Roadmap 班轮运输货运程序传统班轮运输单证集装箱班轮运输单证2022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN3 班轮运输货运程序v揽货与订舱(Canvassing & Booking)v装货(Loading)v卸货(Discharging)v交付货物(Delivery of Cargo)2022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN4揽货与订舱vCanvassing(揽货)Advertising: n
2、ewspaper, magazine, television, internet, etc.vFreight forwardervService contract (SC)2022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN5揽货与订舱vBooking(订舱)订舱是货物托运人(shipper)或其代理人根据其具体需要,选定适当的船舶向承运人(即班轮公司或它的营业机构)以口头或订舱函电进行预约恰订舱位装货、申请运输,承运人对这种申请给予承诺的行为。2022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN62022-5-29N
3、avigational College, JMU Luzhen REN7Some tipsvPaying attention toAllocation of container slot(舱位的分配)vThe character, package and weight of cargoRules or regulations of scheduled calling port(挂靠港口的规章)2022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN8装货LoadingvDirectly loading(直接装船)Dangerous goodsrefrigera
4、ted goodsfresh cargovaluables large quantity cargo 2022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN9装货LoadingvCollection for loading(集中装船)有序地装货提高装货效率2022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN10卸船DischargingvDirectly discharging?(直接卸船)Generally not applicablevCollective discharging(集中卸船)班轮运输中,一般由卸货代理
5、人总揽卸货和接受并向收货人交付货物的工作。2022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN11vMislanded(误卸) M.V. “YINHE”Overlanded(溢卸)Shortlanded(短卸)cargo tracer(货物查询单)Legal liability of the carrier to misandedvCarrier bears the expenditure caused thereby but not responsible for loss or damage to.vExemption in case of uncom
6、pleted, unclear or fault marks by shippers negligence or fault.卸船Discharging2022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN12交付货物Delivery of CargovGeneral principle Against presentation of original B/L(凭单交付)提货单?提单?2022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN13交付货物Delivery of CargovUnder particular si
7、tuation Option of discharging port(选择卸货港) Alteration of discharging port(变更卸货港) Delivery against L/I(凭保函交付) “Telex release”(电放)2022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN14vOption of discharging port(选择卸货港交货) Application when booking(托运时提出) Information of decided discharging port before arriving a
8、t first optional port (“宣港”) Otherwise, the captain is entitled to choose an appropriated port as its discharging port “Optional Surcharge”(选港附加费)Delivery of Cargo2022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN15Delivery of CargovAlteration of discharging port(变更卸货港交货)Time to applyvBefore arriving at
9、original port of discharge or altered port of dischargevWithin scheduled calling ports(所挂靠港口中变更)ExpenditurevConsignees account(收货人付费)Tip: full set of original B/L(收回全套正本提单)2022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN16vDelivery against Letter of Indemnity, L/I (凭保函交货)Sample of L/I? http:/ to get or
10、iginal B/L promptlyTime to transfer?Bankrupt?Fraud?Delivery of Cargo2022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN172022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN18v“Telex Release” “电放”是指在装货港货物装船后,承运人签发提单,托运人再将全套提单交回承运人,并指定收货人,承运人以电讯方式授权其在卸货港的代理人,在收货人不出具提单的情况下,交付货物。由于与传统的做法不同,因此,托运人和收货人都要出具保函,但收货人不需要履
11、行解除担保的责任。在实施“电放”时,各方应注意:1、承运人不能交错货;2、托运人应能收到货款;3、收货人应能提到货物。 Delivery of Cargo2022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN19 Telex release letter of indemnity(电放保函) Telex release instruction(电放单) Telex release application(电放申请书) Both shipper & consignee submit letter of indemnity(托运人和收货人都要提交保函) tele
12、x release surrender = telex release arrangementDelivery of Cargo2022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN202022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN21Documents in Conventional LinervDocuments in loading portv Booking note(托运单) A document, issued by a shipping company or broker, stating the t
13、ype and quantity of goods, the freight rate and the name of the ship, on which they will be carriedConclusion of carriage contract(合同的缔结)2022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN222022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN232022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN242022-5-29Navigational
14、College, JMU Luzhen REN25Documents in Conventional Linerv Shipping order,S/O(装货单)是指由托运人按照托运单的内容填制,交船公司或其代理人审核并签章后,据以要求船长将货物装船的承运凭证。 “Customs Order” (关单) Smuggling?2022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN262022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN272022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen R
15、EN28vMates receipt,M/R(收货单或者大副收据) a document tendered by the carrier or his agent, generally signed by Chief Officer, to the shipper when goods are shipped on board tally clerks records(理货单) prima facie evidence of the quantity and condition of the goods received(表面证据) not a document of title to the
16、 goods (非物权凭证)Documents in Conventional Liner2022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN292022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN302022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN31Documents in Conventional LinervMates receipt,M/RMates remarks(大副的批注)vOver-remarked(过度批注)vShort-remarked(不足批注)vExa
17、mples2022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN32v批注时应注意批注时应注意: (1)首先检查货物的外表状况并核对货物是否与收货单的记载一致; (2)批注时,既不夸大,也不缩小; (3)批注的内容要明确、肯定、具体,切忌含糊不清、模棱两可; (4)对不同价值的货物批注的宽严程度应有所区别; (5)既要考虑托运人的具体情况,又要防止托运人投机取巧; (6)对货物包装脆弱,不适于远程海上运输或有些货物装船时损坏虽不严重,但肯定会进一步扩展的必须加以批注; (7)批注内容不能与提单条款相矛盾; (8)不应将毫无实际意义的内容批注在收货单上; (9
18、)书写时字迹要清晰、容易辨认。2022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN33vBill of lading, B/L(提单)A bill of lading is a document which serves as an evidence of the contract of carriage of goods by sea and the taking over or loading of the goods by the carrier, and based on which the carrier undertakes to delive
19、r the goods against surrendering the same. -Article 71 of CMCDocuments in Conventional Liner2022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN342022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN35vLoading list,L/L(装货清单)装货清单是船公司或其代理人根据装货单留底联,将全船待装货物分卸货港按货物性质归类,依挂靠港顺序排列编制的装货单的汇总单。 for Mate to make “stowage plan
20、” “additional cargo list” & “cancelled cargo list”Documents in Conventional Liner2022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN36vManifest,M/F“舱单” a detailed statement of the vessels cargo, giving the B/L numbers, the weight or total measurement of the cargo and rate of freight, stating where it is p
21、ayable.货物装船完毕后,由船公司的代理人根据大副收据或提单编制的,编妥后再送交船长签认。 for clearance of ships inward or outward “export cargo nil” & “import cargo nil”Documents in Conventional Liner2022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN37vdangerous cargo list装运危险货物的船舶都必须向当地的海事部门申请派员监装或监卸。Documents in Conventional Liner2022-5-29Nav
22、igational College, JMU Luzhen REN38vstowage plan是以图示的形式来表示货物在船舱内的装载情况,使每一票货物都能形象具体地显示其在船舱内的位置。materiel has been loadedstowage locationEach port of discharge is indicated by colors or other appropriate means. Documents in Conventional Liner2022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN392022-5-29Navig
23、ational College, JMU Luzhen REN402022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN412022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN422022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN43vDocuments in discharging portvdamage cargo list是在卸货过程中,发现受损货物时使用的,作为卸货交接证明的单证。voverlanded/shortlanded cargo list是我国港口在卸货过程中,发
24、现所卸货物多于或少于载货清单所记载的数量时使用的,作为卸货交接证明和区分交接责任的单证。Documents in Conventional Liner2022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN44vDelivery documentvdeliver order,D/Oan order, addressed to the person in possession of the goods, ordering him to deliver the goods to the holder. 收货人或其代理人据以向现场(码头、仓库或船边)提取货物的凭证。
25、Non-negotiable documentDocuments in Conventional Liner2022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN452022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN462022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN47vExport freight documentsvContainer Release Order (集装箱发放单) “空箱提交单” a document tendered by shipping compan
26、y or its agent to CY to release empty container or other equipment3 sheets for company, consignor or CFS and CY respectivelyDocuments in Container Liner2022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN48Documents in Container LinervEquipment Interchange Receipt, E/R(集装箱设备交接单)集装箱所有人或集装箱经营人委托集装箱码头,堆场与货方或集
27、装箱货运站(用箱人)交接集装箱或冷藏集装箱,或特种集装箱及电动机等设备的凭证。E/R分出场设备交接单和进场设备交接单,各有三联,分别为箱管单位(或船公司)联、码头,堆场联和用箱人、运箱人联。2022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN492022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN502022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN51Documents in Container Linerv Container Load Plan, CLP(装箱单) 按货物装箱顺序(自里至外)积载装箱货物的具体名称、数量、尺码、重量、标志和其他货运资料的单证。作用:报关资料的补充;箱内所装货物的明细清单;马头 皮编制装、卸船计划的依据;计算船舶吃水和稳性的数据来源。缮制人:整箱货:发货人; 拼箱货:集装箱货运站2022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN52Container Load Plan by Software2022-5-29Navigational College, JMU Luzhen REN53CLP Report for each Container2022-5-29N
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