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1、Moot courtThe third group疑难解析 犯罪剖绘 是分析(连续)犯罪行为形态的技术,借助统计学分析潜在犯罪者、被害者与犯罪现场迹证之间相互联结的可能性,可根据犯罪现场所遗留迹证及心理迹证预测/推论犯罪者的人口背景特征,并将不同案件的现场迹证系统化处理,搭建成数据库,帮助警方侦办连续型犯罪。 附:本剧情来源于金牌律师第一季第6集附:本剧情来源于金牌律师第一季第6集威廉。道森18岁,被殴打,折断骨头,最后钉到了十字架上,这宗悬而未破的谋杀案以及凶手这种残忍的手法,使得所有桃潘家峡谷的居民寝食难安,陶潘家峡谷属于洛杉矶,人烟稀少,地理条件恶劣。William. Dawson, 1

2、8 years old, beaten, broken bones, finally nailed to the cross, the suspension and unsolved murders and the technique of this cruel murderer,Makes all pan home valley residents very afraid , Tao pan home canyon belongs to Los Angeles, here s p a r s e l y p o p u l a t e d , geographical condition i

3、s very bad. 主要剧情主要剧情谋杀发生后的6周,警方宣称,首要嫌疑犯是17岁的柯林。克拉克,他是死者的同学,克拉克被他的邻居DM埃克斯丁形容为孤僻的怪人,男孩的尸体正式在埃克斯丁家的产业上发现的。就在不久前,辩护律师荣恩.特劳特来到克拉克的家里,这说明针对柯林的指控已经为时不远了,警方是怎么锁定克拉克的还不得而知。这是我所采访的侦探。坚信他们没抓错人。After the murder of 6 weeks, police say,First suspect is 17-year-old colin clark ,he is the classmate of the dead , cl

4、ark was his neighbor DM akers butyl described as aloof geek,the boys body was found in the DM akers industry. It was not long ago, the defense attorney RON. Slaughter came to the home of the clark, suggesting that the charges against colin is on the horizon, how did the police lock clark is still un

5、known. This is I interviewed detective. Believe that they didnt catch the wrong person.人员分配表辩方律师:A(Nicholson) 谭玉璇 A2 冉高苒 A3 肖芬检察官 : B (Mr. Keller ) 马琪 B2 刘琦 法官 : c 申开义检方证人: -证人D (FBI探员唐纳德。佩恩) 唐军花 辩方证人: -反辩E (博士) 柳佳龙 -证人F(被告他爸) 肖雅书记员 : 谭淑华 被告 :colin clark(柯林。克拉克) 原告 :道廉.维森ACTIONB :检方Your honor, at th

6、is time. The prosecution calls its first witness. FBI agent Donald Payne. 法官大人,检方想请第一位证人出庭作证(检方的专家证人) FBI探员唐纳德。佩恩A 辩方律:师Objection, your honor. Move that this witness be excluded as unfairly prejudicial.反对,大人。此证人的证词将会是带有偏见,不公正的,请法庭不予采信。 C:法官Mr. Nicholson, Ive already denied your in liming motion. To

7、exclude this evidence. Your motion is denied. Dont raise it again. 尼克森先生,我已经否决了你之前要求排除这条证据免提动议了。否决过的动议,就不要再提了。一、检方:自己方对自己证人询问 检方B :According to your profile, the killer was most likely young? 根据你的剖绘,凶手应该很年轻? D :检方证人Statistically, most ritualistic killers are younger. Theyre also smart but impression

8、able. Often, theyre obsessed with death imagery and religious themes. 根据统计,大多数祭礼凶杀 的案犯都是年轻人。他们年轻但是冲动。他们大多痴迷于死亡意象还有宗教主题。检方B :Does Colin Clark fit your profile. Of the killer in this case? 柯林。克拉克符合你的对本案凶手的剖绘吗?D; 检方证人Yes, hes very smart but unpopular, lonely, which he resents. He grew up with an inchoa

9、te, confused religious identity. His crucifixion paintings and pentagrams were his role-playing. Sadly, he turned his fantasies of death into reality. 是的,他们聪明,但是不受欢迎,孤僻。他不喜欢这种状态,在他的成长过程中,宗教信仰混乱,不定型,他那些十字架罚罪的画和五芒星就是他的角色替代。不幸的是,他把他对死亡的幻想,变成了事实。 检方B :Thank you, Agent. No further questions. 谢谢你,侦探,没有其他问

10、题了。二、辩方对检方证人询问 辩方律师A;You described Colin as young immature and into dark fantasy role-playing. 你形容柯林年轻,不成熟,痴迷于角色替代的黑暗幻想。检方证人D :Thats right. 是的 A;辩方律师So when the police tricked him into talking about this case on the internet, he was young and impressionable enough to fall into their trap. 所以,当警方骗他在互

11、联网上畅谈这宗案子的时候,他的年轻和冲动使他很容易就掉进了陷阱。检察官B :Objection. your honor, 反对,法官 辩方律师A:Mr. Keller has proffered this witness as an expert. 凯勒先生的这位证人是专家证人 法官C :the objection is overruled. 反对无效检方证人D :I suppose your client was vulnerable to be tricked, yes. 是的,我想你的委托人很容易上当 辩方律师A :So what he told the police could hav

12、e been just fantasy role-playing and not a confession? 所以他告诉警方的可能是角色替代的黑暗幻想而不是供认犯罪。检方证人D :That is possible. 有这种可能,辩方律师A :You said Colin fits the profile perfectly, right? 你说柯林完全吻合你的剖绘,是吗? 检方证人D :Yes. 是的辩方律师A:Everything fits. His connection to his grandparents, his love of sports, his artistic talent

13、? 是的,所有一切都吻合,他和祖父母的关系,他对体育的喜爱,他 的艺术天赋 ? 检方证人D :Well 好吧 辩方律师A :Well? Did you leave those things out because they didnt fit your profile? 好吧?你为什么没有考虑这些事情,因为这些跟你的剖绘相矛盾检方证人D :I didnt think they were as relevant as the death-themed movies and books he owned. 我觉得这些和他所拥有的那些死亡主题的电影和书籍有什么关系? 辩方律师A :Like sile

14、nce of the lambs, se7en, saw. Were you surprised to find these movies in colins room? 比如沉默的羔羊七宗罪电锯惊魂,你在柯林的房间发现这些会很吃惊吗? 检方证人D :No, theyre exactly what Id expect to find in the home of someone capable of having bludgeoned and crucified William Dodson. 不吃惊,我早就预料到了,用锤子砸死威廉。道森,并把他钉上十字架的凶手家里正该有这些辩方律师A :Th

15、ats funny. Because we subpoenaed Mr. Kellers rental activity from netflix, and he has borrowed all of these movies in the past year. 有趣,因为我们索取了凯勒先生租用DVD的记录就在去年这些电影,他也都看过。三辩方证人(柯林的爸爸)上场: 三柯林的爸爸(作为证明柯林拥有好的人品的证人)上场 辩方证人F:He was a sweet and gentle boy. He still is. Sometimes I dont like how he dresses o

16、r what his listens to, but thats every father. . He didnt do this. .He couldnt. 他是个可爱安静的孩子,(抒情的望向柯林)现在也是,有时候我不喜欢他的着装,不喜欢他听的音乐,但所有父亲都是这样,他没有杀人,他不可能杀人 辩方律师A2 :Thank you. No further questions. 谢谢,没有问题了 四。公诉人向辩护方证人质证(公诉人站起来开始询问证人)公诉人B2 :You love your son. 你爱你的儿子 辩方证人F :I wouldnt lie for him. 我不会为他说谎公诉人B

17、2 :Easy. youre not supposed to say that until I say, you love your son, so you would do anything for him. 很容易,你应该在我说“你爱你儿子,愿意为他做任何事情”时。再说刚才的话。辩方律师A2 :Objection. Argumentative. is the D.A. trying to be funny?(激动的粘起来) 反对,挑起争辩,检方是要耍聪明吗?公诉人B2 :Ill rephrase the question. 我重新来问 辩方律师A2 :No, I want a ruling

18、 on my objection. Youre not the judge. 我要求批准我的反对,你不是法官 法官C :Move on, Mr. Keller. 继续,凯勒先生 公诉人B2 :Were you coached by the defense on how to testify here today? 辩护律师有没有教你怎么作证? 辩方证人F :No one has to coach me on what to say about my son. 我怎么说我儿子不需要别人来教 公诉人B2 :I didnt ask you that. I asked you if you were

19、coached. 我没有问你这个,我只问你他们有没有教过你。 辩方证人A2 :Objection. Asked and answered. 反对,问题已经回答过了公诉人B2 :Withdrawn. 收回 辩方证人A2 :withdrawn? What is that? I want a ruling on my objection. 收回?你搞什么花样?我要求批准我的反对。 法官C :Objection sustained. 反对成立。 公诉人B2 :Im going to try this again. Did the lawyers tell you what to say? 那我重新问。

20、你的律师有没有告诉你怎么说话? 辩方证人F :No. 没有公诉人B2 :but they took you to a media consultant, a mock jury. what was that for? 但他们让你去见媒体咨询师,模拟陪审图团,那又为了什么?(激动状)辩方证人A2 :Objection. Asked and answered. Argumentative and seeks to violate the attorney-client privilege. 反对。 已经回答过。挑起争辩,试图违反律师客户保密协议。(很激动)辩方证人F :They told me t

21、o tell the truth. 他们让我说实话。 辩方律师A2 :Stop talking.别说了。 公诉人B2 :Let the witness answer. 让证人回答。辩方证人F :they didnt tell me what to say. 他们没有告诉我怎么说。 辩方律师A2 :There is no question pending! 所有问题都回答了。(律师再次插入)公诉人B2 :Quit coaching him! 别再教他了。(大喊)辩方证人F :My son didnt do this! 不是我儿子做的。 公诉人B2 :And you know this how?

22、you werent even there that day. 你怎么知道?你那天又不在场? 辩方证人F :Yes, I was. I was there. I know he didnt do it, because I did it !(肯定的语气再停顿一下继续说) I killed that boy. 不,我在场,我知道不是他做的,是我做的。我杀了那个孩子。公诉人B2 :you killed him? Wow. Interesting. Because we have receipts proving you were in Fresno when that boy was killed

23、.( 停顿 )You love your son. youd do anything to help him, even take the blame for his crime. (停顿 )No objections? ( 停顿) I guess not. ( 停顿 ) Nothing further. 你杀了他?有趣。应为我们有证据显示那孩子遇害的时候,你在弗雷斯诺。你爱你儿子,愿意做任何事情保护他,即使是帮他顶罪(望向被告),没有反对了?(望向律师)我猜也是,没有其他问题了。四, 犯罪演示 辩护人A3 :Id like the jury to note that the cross is

24、 rotating slightly to the left. Why is that, doctor? 我想提请陪审团注意的是,十字架轻微向左旋转,为什么会那样?博士辩方专家E :Even though the killer is walking straight out and pulling straight down, the rope is over his left shoulder, so that creates a slight imbalance. 即使凶手是正对十字架走出去,也是笔直拉绳子,但绳子是在他左肩,所以会产生轻微不平衡。辩护人A3 :And after a cr

25、oss has been raised, is there any way to tell exactly how it was pulled into position? 十字架拉起来之后,有没有办法判断是从何位置拉起来的? 即使凶手是正对十字架走出去,也是笔直拉绳子,但绳子是在他左肩,所以会产生轻微不平衡。. If the wood was twisted to the left you can see that creates a corkscrew pattern of gouges in the dirt. 如果木头向左弯曲,就像我们在重演中看到的。就会在如果木头向左弯曲,就像我们在

26、重演中看到的。就会在泥土上留下螺旋纹的凿槽,请注意,这方向是逆时针的。泥土上留下螺旋纹的凿槽,请注意,这方向是逆时针的。辩方专家E :Yes, by examining the dirt evidence in the posthole. If the wood was twisted to the left you can see that creates a corkscrew pattern of gouges in the dirt. So if the killer had raised the cross over his right shoulder then the cross would have twisted to the right, And the gouges would corkscrew in a clockwise direction instead. 可以,从这个查十字架的洞里面的泥土印记可以判断,如果木头向左弯曲,就像我们在重演中看到的。就会在泥土上留下螺旋纹的凿槽,请注意,这方向是逆时针的。如果凶手使用右肩拉绳子


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