1、Principles of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 1Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing第三章第三章区间估计与假设检验区间估计与假设检验龚锋武汉大学经济与管理学院财税系Principles of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 2Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing 3.1 区间估计 3.2 假设检验 3.3 特定备择假设的拒绝域 3.4 假设检验的例子 3.5 p值 3.6 参数的线性组合
2、Chapter ContentsPrinciples of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 3Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing3.1 区间估计Principles of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 4Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing 存在两种类型的估计 (1)点估计)点估计 b2的估计值是回归模型中总体参数的点估计 (2)区间估计)区间估计 区间估计提供了一个取值范围,真实参数有可能落在这
3、一区间。 提供取值范围,明确参数的可能取值以及估计的精确度。 这一区间称之为置信区间置信区间。 之所以称为区间估计,是因为“置信”一词被广泛误解和误用。3.1Interval EstimationPrinciples of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 5Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing2 的最小二乘估计量b2 服从正态分布:将b2 减去其均值并除以其标准误,可以得到服从标准正态分布的Z:3.1.1The t-Distribution2222,xxNbi1 , 02222NxxbZiEq.
4、3.13.1Interval EstimationPrinciples of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 6Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing根据标准正态分布的特征。有:代入:移项:95. 096. 1296. 1222xxbPi95. 096. 196. 1ZP95. 096. 196. 12222222xxbxxbPii3.1Interval Estimation3.1.1The t-DistributionPrinciples of Econometrics, 4th EditionP
5、age 7Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing两个端点 提供了一个区间估计量。在重复抽样中,95%的这一区间包含了2 的 真实值。基于假设SR6满足和误差项方差2已知的条件,易于推导出区间估计量。22296. 1xxbi3.1Interval Estimation3.1.1The t-DistributionPrinciples of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 8Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing用 替换2创建了一个随机
6、变量t:比值 服从自由度为(N 2) 的t分布,我们定义为:2 22222222222ra vNitbsebbbxxbtEq. 3.2 222bsebt2Ntt3.1Interval Estimation3.1.1The t-DistributionPrinciples of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 9Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing 如果在简单线性回归模型中假设SR1-SR6成立,则我们定义: (1)t分布的概率密度函数是一个以0为中心的钟形曲线。(2)其概率密度函数类似与正态分布,
7、除了它发散范围更广、方差更大以及尾部更厚。(3)t分布的形状由单一参数控制,称之为自由度,通常缩写为df 。 2 , 1for 2ktbsebtNkkkEq. 3.33.1Interval Estimation3.1.1The t-DistributionPrinciples of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 10Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing从t分布中我们可以找到一个“临界值”,使得: 其中: 为概率,通常取值为 = 0.01或 =0.05 对自由度为m的t分布,临界值tc就是百分 位
8、值t(1-/2, m)。3.1.2Obtaining Interval Estimates2ccttPttP3.1Interval EstimationPrinciples of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 11Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis TestingFigure 3.1 Critical values from a t-distribution.3.1Interval Estimation3.1.1The t-DistributionPrinciples of Econometrics, 4th
9、 EditionPage 12Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing每个尾部阴影部分包含/2 的概率,因此中间部分包含了1- 的概率; 可以 将概率表述为:1cctttPEq. 3.4 1ckkkctbsebtP 1kckkkckbsetbbsetbPEq. 3.53.1Interval Estimation3.1.2Obtaining Interval EstimatesPrinciples of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 13Chapter 3: Interval Estimation a
10、nd Hypothesis Testing当bk 和 se(bk) 是基于给定样本得到的估计值时,称bk tcse(bk) 为bk 的100(1-)% 区间估计。 这一估计也可称为100(1-)% 的置信区间; 通常选 = 0.01 或 = 0.05, 因此我们一般获得99%的置信区间或95%的置信区间。3.1Interval Estimation3.1.2Obtaining Interval EstimatesPrinciples of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 14Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis
11、Testing对置信区间进行解释需要注意以下几点: 区间估计程序的特征基于重复抽样的概念; 任何一个基于特定样本数据得到的置信估计值,可能包含也可能不包含真实参数k, 而且由于 k 是未知的,我们永远不可能知道包含还是不包含; 置信度存在于构建区间估计的程序,而不在于任何基于特定样本数据计算得到的区间估计值。3.1Interval Estimation3.1.2Obtaining Interval EstimatesPrinciples of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 15Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesi
12、s Testing对食品支出数据: 临界值tc = 2.024, 是与 = .05 和自由度=38 对应的t分布的百分位值; 为计算2的区间估计值,需要运用最小二乘估计值b2 = 10.21 及其标准误:3.1.3An Illustration 95. 0024. 2024. 222222bsebbsebPEq. 3.6 09. 238. 4r a v22bbse3.1Interval EstimationPrinciples of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 16Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Tes
13、ting2的 “95% 置信区间估计” 为: 当我们将这一程序运用于许多来自于同一总体的随机样本数据,则基于这一程序构建的95%的区间估计将包含真实参数。 45.14,97. 509. 2024. 221.1022bsetbc3.1Interval Estimation3.1.3An IllustrationPrinciples of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 17Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing2 是否确实位于区间 5.97, 14.45内? 我们不知道,我们永远也不可能知道。 我们知
14、道的是,当将这一程序应用于来自于同一总体的许多随机样本数据,则所有区间估计的95%将包含真实参数值。 区间估计程序95%的时候都是有效的; 对于基于某一个特定样本得到的区间估计值,我们可以断言的是,给定估计程序是可靠的,如果真实参数2落在区间5.97, 14.45以外,我们应该感到很“奇怪”。3.1Interval Estimation3.1.3An IllustrationPrinciples of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 18Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing2 区间估计值的用处:
15、当汇报回归结果时候,我们通常给出的是一个点估计值,比如b2 = 10.21; 点估计值本身无法给出估计结果是否可靠的信息; 因此,我们需要汇报区间估计值: 区间估计将点估计和估计标准误相结合,后者是最小二乘估计量变异性的测度指标。3.1Interval Estimation3.1.3An IllustrationPrinciples of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 19Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing3.1.4The Repeated Sampling Context 10 10个随机样
16、本的最小二乘估计值个随机样本的最小二乘估计值3.1Interval EstimationPrinciples of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 20Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing1010个随机样本的区间估计值个随机样本的区间估计值3.1Interval Estimation3.1.4The Repeated Sampling ContextPrinciples of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 21Chapter 3: Interval Estimatio
17、n and Hypothesis Testing3.2 假设检验假设检验Principles of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 22Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing3.2Hypothesis Tests假设检验程序将对总体的推测和样本数据包含的信息进行比较; 给定一个经济和统计模型,假设的形成与经济行为相关; 这些假设表示为对模型参数的陈述; 假设检验运用包含在样本数据中的参数及其最小二乘点估计值和标准误的信息,得出关于假设的结论。Principles of Econometrics, 4
18、th EditionPage 23Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing1.原假设原假设 H02.备择假设备择假设 H13.检验统计量检验统计量4.拒绝域拒绝域5.结论结论3.2Hypothesis TestsCOMPONENTS OF HYPOTHESIS TESTSPrinciples of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 24Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing 原假设是我们一直秉持的信念,除非基于样本证据,我们确信它不为真
19、,此时我们就拒绝原假设。 原假设陈述为: H0 : k = c 其中,c 是一个常数,在特定的回归模型的背景下,它是一个重要的数值。通常 c 的取值为0。3.2.1The Null Hypothesis3.2Hypothesis TestsPrinciples of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 25Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing 与每一个原假设成对的是逻辑上的备择假设H1 ,如果原假设被拒绝我们就接受备择假设。 备择假设是弹性的,在某种程度上取决于经济理论。3.2.2The Altern
20、ative Hypothesis3.2Hypothesis TestsPrinciples of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 26Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing可能的备择假设有可能的备择假设有: :H1 : k cH1 : k c时,如果下式成立: t t(1-;N-2) 则拒绝原假设,接受备择假设。3.3Rejection Regions for Specific AlternativesPrinciples of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 37Cha
21、pter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis TestingFigure 3.2 Rejection region for a one-tail test of H0:k = c against H1:k c3.3Rejection Regions for Specific Alternatives3.3.1One-tail Test with Alternative “Greater Than”Principles of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 38Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and
22、 Hypothesis Testing3.3.1One-tail Test with Alternative “Greater Than” 当原假设H0:k = c 的备择假设是H1:k c时,如果下式成立: t t(;N-2) = -t (1-;N-2) 则拒绝原假设,接受备择假设。3.3Rejection Regions for Specific AlternativesPrinciples of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 39Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis TestingFigure 3.3 R
23、ejection region for a one-tail test of H0:k = c against H1:k 0检验统计量为 Eq. 3.7 在c = 0的情况下, 如果原假设为真,则t = b2/se(b2) t(N 2) 选择 = 0.05 右尾端拒绝域的临界值为自由度为N-2=38的t分布的第95百分位数值, t(0.95,38) = 1.686。 如果计算得到的t统计量大于等于1.686: t 1.686 ,则拒绝原假设; 如果t 1.686, 我们拒绝2 = 0的原假设,接受2 0的备择假设。 也就是说,我们拒绝“收入和食品支出没有关系”的原假设,得到的结论是:在家户收入
24、和食品支出之间存在统计显著的正相关关系。2210.214.88se2.09btb3.4Examples of Hypothesis TestsPrinciples of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 46Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing3.4.1bOne-tail Test of an Economic Hypothesis原假设为 H0:2 5.5备择假设为 H1:2 5.5如果原假设为真,则检验统计量为 t = (b2 - 5.5)/se(b2) t(N 2)选择 = 0.01 右尾端拒
25、绝域的临界值为自由度为N-2=38的t分布的第99百分位数值, t(0.99,38) = 2.429。 如果计算得到的t统计量大于等于2.429: t 2.429,则拒绝原假设; 如果t 2.429, 则无法拒绝原假设。3.4Examples of Hypothesis TestsPrinciples of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 47Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing利用食品支出数据,估计得到b2= 0.21 ,标准误为:se(b2) =2.09 检验统计量的取值为:既然t = 2.2
26、5 2.429 ,我们无法拒绝2 5.5 的原假设; 我们无法得出新超市有利可图的结论,因此新超市将不会开始建设。225.510.21 5.52.25se2.09btb3.4.1bOne-tail Test of an Economic Hypothesis3.4Examples of Hypothesis TestsPrinciples of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 48Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing3.4.2Left-tail Tests原假设为 H0:2 15备择假设为 H1:
27、2 -1.686, 则无法拒绝原假设。3.4Examples of Hypothesis TestsPrinciples of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 49Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing利用食品支出数据,估计得到b2 = 10.21,标准误为:se(b2) = 2.09 检验统计量的取值为: 既然 t = -2.29 -1.686 我们拒绝2 15 的原假设,接受2 15的备择假设。 我们得到如下结论:家户收入每增加100美元,食品支出的增加会少于15美元。225.510.21 15
28、2.29se2.09btb 3.4.2Left-tail Tests3.4Examples of Hypothesis TestsPrinciples of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 50Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing3.4.3aTwo-tail Test of an Economic Hypothesis原假设为 H0:2 = 7.5备择假设为 H1:2 7.5如果原假设为真,检验统计量为 t = (b2 7.5)/se(b2) t(N 2选择 = 0.05 双尾拒绝域的临界值为自由
29、度为N-2=38的t分布的第2.5百分位数值t(0.025,38) = -2.024 和第97.5百分位数值t(0.975,38) = 2.024 如果计算得到 t 2.024 或 t -2.024,则拒绝原假设;如果有-2.024t2.024,则无法拒绝原假设。3.4Examples of Hypothesis TestsPrinciples of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 51Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing利用食品支出数据,计算得到 b2 = 10.21,标准误为:se(b2) =
30、 2.09 检验统计量取值为:既然 -2.024 t = 1.29 2.024 ,则拒绝 2 = 0 的原假设; 得到如下结论:在收入和食品支出之间存在统计显著的关系。 注意:统计显著不等于经济显著。2210.214.88se2.09btb3.4.3bTwo-tail Test of Significance3.4Examples of Hypothesis TestsPrinciples of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 54Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing3.4.3bTwo-tail
31、Test of Significance 从Eviews 汇报的结果中, 很容易发现本例计算的t值:3.4Examples of Hypothesis TestsPrinciples of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 55Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing3.5 P值Principles of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 56Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing3.5The p-Value当
32、汇报统计假设检验的结果时,报告检验的P值(概率值的缩写)成为一个标准的做法; 当确定了检验的P值,则通过比较P值和选择的显著性水平的大小,不检查或计算临界值,就可以确定检验的结果。 这极大简化了统计检验的工作量。Principles of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 57Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing 当P值小于或等于显著性水平 时,则拒绝原假设。即如果 p 则拒绝H0;如果 p 则无法拒绝H0。P P值准则值准则3.5The p-ValuePrinciples of Econometr
33、ics, 4th EditionPage 58Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing如果t是t统计量的计算值,则: 如果 H1: K cp = 位于t值右侧的概率 如果 H1: K 5.5 P值为:3.5.1p-Value for a Right-tail Test225.510.21 5.52.25se2.09btb0152. 09848. 0125. 2125. 23838tPtPp3.5The p-ValuePrinciples of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 60Chapter 3:
34、Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing3.5.1p-Value for a Right-tail TestFigure 3.5 The p-value for a right-tail test.3.5The p-ValuePrinciples of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 61Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing从3.4.2节, 我们有: 原假设为 H0: 2 15 备择假设为 H1: 2 tc = 1.686, 我们拒绝“收入为2000美元
35、的家户每周花250美元或更少食品支出”的原假设,得到结论:这一家户食品支出高于250美元的推测是正确的,犯第一类错误的概率为0.05。3.6.4Testing Expected Food Expenditure3.6Linear Combinations of ParametersPrinciples of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 88Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis TestingKey WordsPrinciples of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 89Chapt
36、er 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testingalternative hypothesisconfidence intervalscritical valuedegrees of freedomhypotheseshypothesis testingInference Keywordsinterval estimationlevel of significancelinear hypothesisnull hypothesisone-tail testspoint estimatesprobability value p-valuereject
37、ion regiontest of significancetest statistictwo-tail testsType I errorType II error Principles of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 90Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing附录Principles of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 91Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing 3A 推导t分布 3B 备择假
38、设H1下的t统计量的分布 3C 蒙特卡罗模拟Principles of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 92Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing3ADerivation of the t-Distribution考虑2的最小二乘估计量b2 服从正态分布:标准正态分布为:2222 ,ibNxx2220,1varbZNbEq. 3A.1Principles of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 93Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hyp
39、othesis Testing如果所有的随机残误差项是独立的,则:由于真实的随机误差项是不可观测的,我们用样本估计得到的最小二乘残差替换它: 2222212.iNNeeee22222 ieNVEq. 3A.3Eq. 3A.23ADerivation of the t-DistributionPrinciples of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 94Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing因此: 虽然我们并没有解释为什么卡方随机变量V在统计上独立于最小二乘估计量b1和b2,但这确实是成立的。 因此
40、,V和标准正态分布随机变量Z是独立的。22222 NNVEq. 3A.43ADerivation of the t-DistributionPrinciples of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 95Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing通过将标准正态分布随机变量ZN(0, 1)除以独立的卡方随机变量V 2(m) 除以自由度m后的平方根,得到服从t分布的随机变量: mtmVzt3ADerivation of the t-DistributionPrinciples of Econometrics
41、, 4th EditionPage 96Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing利用Z和V的公式(分别来自于Eq. 3A.1 和 Eq. 3A.4),我们得到:222222222222222222 2sevariNiztVNbxxNNbbbtbbxxEq. 3A.53ADerivation of the t-DistributionPrinciples of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 97Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing3
42、BDistribution of the t-Statistic under H1To examine the distribution of the t-statistic in Eq. 3.7 when the null hypothesis is not true, suppose that the true 2 = 1 We can show that:2221NtbsebtPrinciples of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 98Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis TestingIf 2 = 1
43、 and we incorrectly hypothesize that 2 = c, then the numerator in Eq. 3A.5 that is used in forming Eq. 3.7 has the distribution: Since its mean is not zero, the distribution of the variable in Eq. 3B.1 is not standard normal, as required in the formation of a t-random variableEq. 3B.11 ,var1var222bc
44、Nbcb3BDistribution of the t-Statistic under H1Principles of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 99Chapter 3: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing3CMonte Carlo SimulationWhen studying the performance of hypothesis tests and interval estimators it is necessary to use enough Monte Carlo samples so that
45、 the percentages involved are estimated precisely enough to be useful For tests with probability of Type I error = 0.05 we should observe true null hypotheses being rejected 5% of the time For 95% interval estimators we should observe that 95% of the interval estimates contain the true parameter values We use M = 10,000 Monte Carlo samples so that the experimental error is very smallPrinciples of Econometrics, 4th EditionPage 100Chapter 3: Int
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