



1、Unit 14 Genitourinary SystemBody fluid Total body fluid Intracellular fluid Extracellular fluid (ECF) Interstitial fluid Plasma fluid Venous fluid Arterial fluid Hypovolemia=volume depletion血容不足 Electrolyte disorders Sodium : Hyponatremia / hypernatremia Potassium : Hypokalemia / hyperkalemia Calciu

2、m : Hypocalcemia / hypercalcemia Magnesium : Hypomagnesemia / hypermagnesemia Phosphorus : Hypophosphatemia / hyperphosphatemia Metabolic acid-base disorder Acidosis Alkalosis Anion gap (AG)阴离子间隙The difference between the sum of the measured cations and anions in the plasma or serum Associated with

3、seizure, shock, oliguria, anuria, polyuria, hypertension and diarrhea Calculi Nephrolithiasis 肾石病 Urinary / Renal / bladder stone calcium / uric acid / cystine (胱氨酸)stone IVP ( intravenous pyelogram)静脉肾孟造影照片 Lithotripsy碎石术 Ureterolithotomy SWL=shock wave lithotripsy Nephritis Balkan nephritis acute

4、glomerulonephritis 急性肾小球肾炎 acute pyelonephritis 急性肾孟肾炎 cystopyelonephritis 膀胱肾盂肾炎 CRF&ARF The presence of anemia, normokalemia, calcium-phosphate abnormalities, and malnutrition is evidence of chronic renal failure, whereas in acute renal failure, hyperkalemia, fluid overload, and normal-sized kidne

5、ys are seen. Renal replacement therapy Dialysis HD=hemodialysis PD=peritoneal dialysis Transplantation ABO typing HLA typing人(类)白细胞抗原分型 Mixed lymphocyte culture混合淋巴细胞培养Crossmatching交叉配血 UTI Colony count菌落计数 Bacteriuria菌尿 Acute/chronic pyelonephritis Acute uncomplicated cystitis Acute prostatitis Chr

6、onic nonbacterial prostatitis Dysuria LUTS (lower urinary tract symptoms) Frequency Urgency Hesitancy Weak stream Intermittency Dribbling Double voiding straining Nocturia retention Assessment of urinary tracts Ultrasonography IVU=intravenous urography静脉尿路造影术 IVP=intravenous pyelography 静脉肾盂造影 RUG=r

7、etrograde urethrogram逆行性输尿管造影片 VCUG=voiding cystourethrogram排泄性膀胱尿道造影照片 uroflowmetry尿流量测定 cystometry膀胱内压测量法 Urine abnormalities Hematuria & proteinuria Common causes of discolored urine Red Erythrocyturia红细胞尿 Hemoglobinuria血红蛋白尿 Myoglobinuria肌红蛋白尿 Porphyruria卟啉尿 Natural food pigments ( beets, berrie

8、s) Food coloring Dark yellow Bilirubin Foods ( carrots, riboflavin, vitamin A) Orange Laxatives containing phenolphthalein 含酚酞的泻药 Blue or green Pseudomonas infection假单胞细菌感染 Staging of genitourinary tumors TX primary tumor cannot be assessed T0 no evidence of primary tumor MX distant metastasis canno

9、t be assessed M0 no distant metastasis M1 distant metastasis The female reproductive systemBreast diseases Hematoma 血肿 Fat necrosis Galactorrhea乳漏 Galactocele乳腺囊肿 Papilloma乳突淋瘤; 刺瘤 Fibroadenoma mastodynia Breast Cancer Risk factors: History of breast cancer/ family history Fibrocystic disease Prolon

10、ged reproductive life Nulliparity9nQlIpArEtI 未产妇 Prolonged use of postmenopausal estrogen therapy BSE=breast self-examination Mammography Mastectomy Abnormal uterine bleeding Hypermenorrhea: excessive but regular Menometrorrhagia: prolonged, irregular Menorrhagia: excessive in amount and/or duration

11、 Polymenorrhea: 35 days Hypomenorrhea: decrease in amount and duration Amenorrhea: absent 90 days闭经 Metrorrhagia: irregular bleeding子宫出血 Endometriosis The presence of ectopic implants of tissue that look and act like endometrium and are found outside the uterine cavity. signs and symptoms: Dysmenorr

12、hea 痛经 Dyspareunia 性交困难 Menorrhagia月经过多 Dysuria 排尿困难 Thick and retroverted uterus Cervix Chronic cervicitis Cervical erosion Nabothian cyst纳博特(氏)囊肿,子宫颈腺滤泡囊肿 Cervical polyps Cervical hypertrophy Carcinoma of cervix Ovary oophoroplasty 卵巢成形术 oophorrhagia 卵巢出血 Partial oophorectomy 卵巢部分切除术 ovariocentesi

13、s 卵巢穿刺术 cystadenofibroma of the ovary 卵巢囊腺纤维瘤 Menopause Climacteric 更年期,绝经期 Perimenopausal transition围绝经期,更年期 Hormone replacement therapy Estrogen replacement therapy ERT Risks of ERT :Endometrial carcinomaBreast cancer Hypertension Thromboembolic disease ESRD = End-stage renal disease PID = pelvic

14、inflammatory disease UTIs = Urinary tract infections BPH = Benign prostatic hyperplasia PBS = Painful bladder syndrome BUN = Blood urea nitrogen MPGN = membrane proliferative glomerulonephritis IUD = intrauterine contraceptive device The male reproductive systemED Erectile dysfunction Primary impote

15、nce Secondary impotence Psychogenic impotence Organic impotence Priapism持续勃起症 Male reproductive dysfunction Azoospermia精子缺乏 Hypogonadism性腺机能减退 Oligospermia少精液症 Asthenospermia 精子活力不足 teratospermia畸形精子 Infertility Treatment Evaluation of ovulation Semen analysis Hysterosalpingogram子宫输卵管造影片 Superovulat

16、ion = controlled ovarian hyperstimulation IUI = intrauterine insemination IVF ICSI = intracytoplasmic sperm injection精子卵浆内注射技术 AID = artificial insemination with donor sperm GIFT = gamete intrafallopian transfer输卵管内配子移植术 STD Herpes simplex HIV/AIDS HPV (Human papillomaviruses)/wart软疣 Syphilis gonorr

17、hea Trichomoniasis毛滴虫病,滴虫病 Chancroid软性下疳 Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV)性病性淋巴肉芽肿 Granuloma inguinale腹股沟肉芽肿 Pediculosis pubis阴虱病 Scabies infestation 疥疮 Chapter Fifteen Nervous SystemReflexes Deep Tendon Reflexes Biceps Reflex(C5-6) Triceps Reflex ( C7-8) Quadriceps ( Patellar, Knee Jerk) Reflex ( L3-4

18、) Achilles ( Ankle Jerk) Reflex (S1-2)Match shingles 带状疱疹 meningitis 脑膜炎 myelitis 脊髓炎 polioencephalitis 脑灰质炎 rabies 狂犬病,恐水病 tetanus 破伤风 arachnitis 蛛网膜炎 encephalomyelitis 脑脊髓炎rank the following psychiatric conditions? schizophrenia 精神分裂症 depression OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) alcoholism anore

19、xia nervosa paranoia bipolar disorderMatch the given terms with their definition alexia : loss of the ability to read amnesia : partial or total loss of memory aphasia : partial or total loss of the ability to articulate ideas or comprehend language atelencephalia : congenital imperfect development

20、of the brain ataxia : loss of the ability to coordinator muscular movement delirium : a temporary state of mental confusion and clouded consciousness dipsomania : an insatiable, often periodic craving for alcoholic beverages delusion : a false belief strongly held in spite of invalidating evidence d

21、ementia : deterioration of intellectual faculties, such as memory, concentration, and judgment dyskinesia : an impairment in the ability to control movement dyslexia : impairment of the ability to recognize and comprehend written words dysphasia : impairment of speech and verbal comprehension dysbas

22、ia : difficult in walking hemiplegia : paralysis affection only one side of the body hydrocephalus : an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the cerebral ventricles narcissism : erotic pleasure derived from contemplation or admiration of ones own body or self pica : an abnormal craving or appetite for

23、nonfood substances, such as dirt, paint lethargy : a state of sluggishness, inactivity and apathyMatchtorpor 麻痹;呆滞tic 抽搐spina bifida 脊柱裂syncope 昏厥petit mal 癫痫小发作paraphasia 语言错乱,错语症necromania 恋尸狂,恋尸癖hallucination 幻觉Translate the following titles of medical essays into English1. 对疑诊脑膜炎的成年患者在腰穿前进行头部计算机

24、体层扫描术Computed Tomography of the Head before Lumbar Puncture in Adults with Suspected meningitis 2. 高血压和糖尿病患者颅内脑动脉狭窄的观察Observation of Intracranial artery occlusive diseases in patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus 3. 4. 血浆高半胱氨酸(Homocysteine)是痴呆症和阿耳茨海默氏病的一种危险因素Plasma Homocysteine as a Risk

25、Factor for Dementia and Alzheimers Disease 5. 缺氧缺血性脑病动物模型实验治疗的病理观察A pathological survey of the therapeutic effect on experimental animal model with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy 6. 急性脑缺血鼠下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴的活动特征Active characteristics of hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal axis during acute cerebral ischemia in

26、 rats Chapter 16 Endocrine SystemSample of endocrine test resultsPituitary gland/hypophysis Adenohypophysis 腺垂体前叶 Neurohypophysis 垂体神经部,神经(性)垂体(垂体后叶)Hormones secreted by hypophysis GH/somatotropin 生长激素 Prolactin/lactogenic hormone 催乳素 Thyrotropin/thyroid-stimulating hormone 促甲状腺激素 ACTH(=adrenocortic

27、otropic hormone) /adrenocorticotropin/corticotropin促肾上腺皮质激素 Gonadotropic hormones 促性腺激素 FSH=follicle-stimulating hormone ICSH=interstitial cell-stimulating hormoneluteinizing hormone促间质细胞激素,促黄体激素 MSH/melanotrophin=melanocyte-stimulating hormone 促黑色素细胞激素 Vasopressin/ADH=antidiuretic hormone后叶加压素,抗利尿激

28、素 oxytocin (后叶)催产素,缩宫素Hormone secreted by pineal body melatonin 退黑激素Hormones secreted by thyroid gland Thyroxine甲状腺素Tetraiodothyronine (T4)四碘甲腺原氨酸Triiodothyronine (T3)三碘甲腺原氨酸 calcitonin降血钙素Hormones secreted by parathyroid glands Parathyroid hormone or parathormone 甲状旁腺激素Hormones secreted by adrenal

29、glands (I) Corticosteroids = adrenocortical hormones 肾上腺皮质激素 Mineralocorticoids 矿质(肾上腺)皮质激素Aldosterone 醛固酮 Glucocorticoids 糖皮质激素Cortisol 考的松,皮质醇corticosterone 肾上腺酮; 皮质脂酮 Sex hormonesAndrogen Estrogen Catecholamines 儿茶酚胺Epinephrine=adrenaline肾上腺素norepinephrine 去甲肾上腺素 Hormones secreted by pancreas Glu

30、cagon 胰高血糖素(alpha cells) Insulin (beta cells) Other endocrine glands Thymusthymosin: Development of immune systemStomachgastrin :Digestion of foodPlacentachorionic gonadotropin:Ovary to maintain the uterine liningheart(atria)atriopeptin心房肽 small intestinesecretin肠促胰液素:Pancreas to produce bicarbonate

31、cholecystokinin缩胆囊素Gallbladder to contract What hormone has this function? melatonin : Regulating the biological clock of the body Anterior pituitary hormones :Regulating the activities of several other endocrine glands such as thyroid, adrenals, reproductive glands Thyroxine + Parathormone + cortic

32、osteroids : regulating the rate of metabolism calcitonin降血钙素:Decreasing the concentration of calcium in the blood Insulin: Decreasing the concentration of glucose in the blood Androgen + Estrogen :Regulating the development of secondary sex characteristics Diabetes insipidus 尿崩症 - Pituitary gland Ad

33、disons disease - Adrenal gland Dwarfism - Pituitary gland Pheochromocytoma嗜铬细胞瘤 - Adrenal gland Diabetes - Pancreas myxedema黏液腺瘤 - Thyroid gland virilism男性化 - Gonadshypercalcemia高钙血症 - Parathyroid glands Tests for endocrine system RAIU = Radioactive iodine uptake test 放射性碘摄取 ITT = insulin tolerance

34、test胰岛素耐量试验 TBG = Thyroxine-binding globulin 甲状腺素结合球蛋白 ACTH test促肾上腺皮质激素试验 LH test = Luteinizing hormone test促黄体激素试验 Aldosterone and renin test 醛固酮肾素试验 Translate the following case presentation A 47-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital because of recurrent hypercalcemia. The patient had been admitted 14 years earlier because of hyperparathyroidism, with an increased level of calcium (12.3 mg per deciliter 3.1 mmo


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