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1、高一(寒)教师版源于名校,成就所托趣味听力及综合复习一Introduction-Listening PracticeNew wordspalmistryp :mistri 手相术markedly明显地reveal 揭示horizontal水平的vertical 垂直的curves 弯曲affectionate ?fek?n?t 亲切的flirtatious fl ?:tei?s调情的,轻浮的no-nonsense 严肃的zigzag zigz?g 之字型represent 代表inherited 遗传的Task 1Listen to the following passage and answ

2、er the questions below.Learn how to read a person just by looking at their hand using the ancient art of palmistry.只要通过古老的手相术就可以知道怎么看一个人。You will need: a palm to read and the basics of palmistry.你需要:一个要看的手掌和手相术基础知识。Step 1: Read the dominant hand the one a person uses to write with; it reveals whats

3、going on now. Thepassive hand represents a person s inheritedsticscharacteri.第一步:看占优势的手 也就是写字的那只手;它会显露现在发生的事。另一只手则代表一个人遗传下来的性格特点。Markedly different lines on each hand indicate a person who has worked hard to change their basic nature.两个手的掌纹明显不同象征着这个人工作刻苦,想改变自己的本性。Step 2: Know how to view the lines.

4、Read horizontal lines from the thumb side across, and vertical lines from the wrist up.第二步:知道如何看掌纹。水平线是从大拇指一边横跨过来的线,而垂直线是从手腕上去的线。Step 3: Start with the top horizontal line, or the heart line. A line that s closeto the fingers indicates a passionate, sometimes jealous, person. If the line goes straig

5、ht across, the person keeps a tight rein on their emotions. If it curves up toward the index finger, the person is more outwardly affectionate.第三步:从最上面的水平线开始,也被称为情感线。如果这条线离手指较近,则象征着这个人感情丰富,有时候嫉妒心很强。如果这条线直直地跨过手掌,则表示这个人对情感严格控制。如果这条线弯弯曲曲指向食指,则表示这个人表面多情。Gaps on the heart line suggest the person has know

6、n heartbreak. Short lines that cross the heart line show they are very flirtatious and have a hard time staying faithful.情感线上的缝隙暗示这个人曾有过的伤心事。情感线上横跨的小线条多则表示这个人爱调情,很难保持忠诚。Step 4: Look at the next horizontal line, which is the head line. A strong, straight line that goes all the way across the hand ind

7、icates a logical, no-nonsense thinker. A zigzag line represents a mind that tends to wander. If the line curves downward toward the wrist, the person is creative and trusting.第四步:看下面一条水平线,也就是智慧线。一条又粗又直的智慧线横跨手掌表示这个人是个条理分明,很直接的思想家。如果这条线呈Z 形,则表示这个人容易思想游离。如果这条线弯曲向手腕,则这个人很有创造力,而且轻信别人。创新三维学习法,高效学习加速度1高一(寒

8、)教师版源于名校,成就所托Step 5: Examine the third major line, which usually slopes from horizontal to vertical, the life line. A strong, deep line suggests a person who is enthusiastic about life and strives to reach their full potential. A shallow or faint line indicates someone with less ambition.第五步:看看第三条主线

9、,一般是从水平线倾斜到垂直线,也就是生命线。一条又粗又深的生命线暗示着这个人对生活充满热情,努力发挥他的潜力。 一条浅的模糊的生命线则表示这个人没有野心。Contrary to popular belief, the life line has nothing to do with how long a person will live.与大众的认知相反,生命线和一个人能活多久没有什么关系。Step 6: Check out the fate line, the vertical line in the center of the palm. A strong, straight line i

10、ndicatesa person with a focused career; a faint line suggests someone less happy with their job. Forks and branchesrepresent many starts and stops in a person s career path.第六步:看看命运线,也就是在手掌中间垂直的线。一条又粗又直的命运线表示这个人专注于他的职业;而一条模糊的命运线则暗示这个人对现在的工作不满意。命运线上有许多叉子和分支则表示这个人在职业道路上的多次开始和结束。Step 7: Don t like what

11、 youre seeing? Remember that your fate is not on your hands but in your hands.The existing lines simply represent what has come before.第七步:你对你所看到的掌纹不满意?记住你的命运不是“显示在你的手上”的而是 “掌握在你手中”的。那些掌纹只是简单地代表了你的过去。Did you know? There is evidence that palm reading began in India about 4,500 years ago.你知道吗?有证据表明,看手

12、相起源于4500 年前的印度。1.Where and when did palmistry begin?DA. In Egypt 4500 years ago.B. In India 3500 years ago.C. In Egypt 3500 years ago.D. In India 4500 years ago.2.What do you need if you use the art of palmistry to read a person?CA. a palm and a handB. palms and the basic handsC. a palm and the basi

13、cs of palmistryD. hands and basics of palmistry3.What does it imply if the heart line is close to the fingers indicate?CA. The person keeps a tight rein on their emotions.B. The person is more outwardly affectionate.C. The person is passionate, sometimes jealous.D. The person is very flirtatious.4.

14、Which is the fate line? AA. The vertical line in the center of the palm.B. The third major line, which usually slopes from horizontal to vertical.C. The top horizontal line.D. The second vertical line.5. What can the lines on your hands decide according to the passage? DA. FateB. Longevity( 长寿 )C. C

15、areerD. NothingTask 2 十选九练习CIAFBGEJDA. outwardlyB. wanderC. ancientD. evidenceE. faintF. faithfulG. ambitionH. indicatesI. characteristicsJ. representLearn how to read a person just by looking at their hand using the _1_ art of palmistry.You will need: a palm to read and the basics of palmistry.创新三维

16、学习法,高效学习加速度2高一(寒)教师版源于名校,成就所托Step 1: Read the dominant hand- the one a person uses to write with; it reveals what s goingon now. The passive hand represents a person2s_inherited.Markedly different lines on each hand indicate a person who has worked hard to change theirbasic nature.Step 2: Know how t

17、o view the lines. Read horizontal lines from the thumb side across, andvertical lines from the wrist up.Step 3: Start with the top horizontal line, or the heart line. A line that s close to the finindicates a passionate, sometimes jealous person. If the line goes straight across, the person keepsa t

18、ight rein on their emotions. If it curves up toward the index finger, the person is more_3_affectionate.Gaps on the heart line suggest the person has known heartbreak. Short lines that cross the heart line show they are very flirtatious and have a hard time staying _4_.Step 4: Look at the next horiz

19、ontal line, which is the head line. A strong, straight line thatgoes all the way across the hand indicates a logical, serious thinker. A zigzag line represents amind that tends to_5_. If the line curves downward toward the wrist, the person is creativeand trusting.Step 5: Examine the third major lin

20、e, which usually slopes from horizontal to vertical, the life line. A strong, deep line suggests a person who is enthusiastic about life and strives to reach their full potential. A shallow or faint line indicates someone with less _6_.Contrary to popular belief, the life line has nothing to do with

21、 how long a person will live.Step 6:Check out the fate line, the vertical line in the center of the palm. A strong, straightline indicates a person with a focused career; a_7_ line suggests someone less happy withtheir job. Forks and branches _8_ many starts and stops in a person. s career pathStep

22、7:Don t like what you re seeing? Remember that your fate is not on your hands but inyour hands. The existing lines simply represent what has come before.Did you know? There is _9_that palm reading began in India about 4,500 years ago.Task 3Tanslation1. Markedly different lines on each hand indicate

23、a person who has worked hard to change their basic nature.两个手的掌纹明显不同象征着这个人工作刻苦,想改变自己的本性。2. Short lines that cross the heart line show they are very flirtatious and have a hard time staying faithful.情感线上横跨的小线条多则表示这个人爱调情,很难保持忠诚。3. Contrary to popular belief, the life line has nothing to do with how lo

24、ng a person will live.与大众的认知相反,生命线和一个人能活多久没有什么关系。4.Forks and branches on fate line represent many starts and stops in a person s career path.命运线上有许多叉子和分支则表示这个人在职业道路上的多次开始和结束。5. Remember that your fate is not on your hands but in your hands. The existing lines simply represent what has come before.记住

25、你的命运不是 “显示在你的手上 ”的而是 “掌握在你手中 ”的。那些掌纹只是简单地代表了你的过去。Task 2Vacabulary (Watch the video and fill blanks and learn some new words)Step One创新三维学习法,高效学习加速度3高一(寒)教师版源于名校,成就所托dominant hand 写字手passive hand 不惯用手Step Twohorizontal linevertical lineStep ThreeHeart line (情感线)close to the fingerspassionate and jeal

26、ous 感情丰富的和爱嫉妒、易猜忌的straight across 笔直穿过controlling emotions 善于控制情绪的curving up 上弯outwardly affectionate 表面热情的Step Four Head line (智力线)strong, straighta logical , no-nonsense thinker 逻辑性强,正经的人a zigzag line 曲线a wandering mind 爱彷徨的人创新三维学习法,高效学习加速度4高一(寒)教师版源于名校,成就所托curving down下弯a creative and trusting pe

27、rson 有创造力,易相信人的人Step FiveLife Line (生命线)strong, deep lineenthusiastic 充满热情的shallow, faint 模糊的less ambitious 雄心不足的Step SixFate line (命运线)the vertical line in the center of the palmforks and branches 分叉线Step SevenPalm reading has a long history, but is doesn t represents longevity and fate。创新三维学习法,高效学

28、习加速度5高一(寒)教师版源于名校,成就所托Presentation(1)时态语态温习Focused Practice1 . Choose the best answer for the following questions. DDDBAABCACDACAD1. The house belongs to my aunt but she_ here any more.A. hasnt livedB. didnt liveC. hadnt livedD. doesnt live2. Eliza remembers everything exactly as if it _ yesterday.A

29、. was happeningB. happensC. has happenedD. happened3. John, a friend of mine, who got married only last week, spent $3,000 more than he _ for the wedding.A. will planB. has plannedC. would planD. had planned4. _ leave at the end of this month. I don t think you should do that until _ another job.A.

30、I m going to; you d foundB. I m going to; you ve foundC. I ll; you ll findD. I ll; you d find5. Your job _ open for your return.创新三维学习法,高效学习加速度6高一(寒)教师版源于名校,成就所托 Thanks.A. will be keptB. will keepC. had keptD. had been kept6. Did Linda see the traffic accident? No, no sooner_ than it happened.A. had

31、 she goneB. she had goneC. has she goneD. she has gone7.What we used to think _ impossible now does seem possible.A. isB. wasC. has beenD. will be8.I have to go to work by taxi because my car _ at the garage.A. will be repairedB. is repairedC. is being repairedD. has been repaired9. I _in London for

32、 many years ,but I ve never regretted my final decision to move back to China.A. livedB. was livingC. have livedD. had lived10. The father as well as his three children_ skating on the frozen river every Sunday afternoon in winter.A. is goingB. goC. goesD. are going11. I think it is necessary for my

33、 19-year-old son to have his own mobile phone, for I sometimes want to make sure if he _ home for dinner.A. comeB. comesC. has comeD. will come12.Look at the timetable. Hurry up! Flight 4026 _ off at 18:20.A. takesB. tookC. will be takenD. has taken13. You look very tired. _ at all last night? No, n

34、ot really. Ioutm nowtired.A. Do you sleepB. Were you sleepingC. Did you sleepD. Had you slept14.The construction of the two new railway lines _ by now.A. has been completedB. have completedC. has completedD. have been completed15.Only then _ how much damage had been caused.A. she realizedB. she had

35、realizedC. had she realizedD. did she realize . Fill in the blanks with proper words.1.Food _(need) in the morning because you _(have) nothing to eat the whole night.2.How _ you _(get)along with your students recently?3.Much to his disappointment, the book he had been looking forward to _(sell).4.Sc

36、ientists think that the continents(be) always where they(be)today5.-What did Mr. Tate do before he retired?-He( drive) a city bus for over twenty-five years6.The real difference between plants and animals(lie) in what they do,and not in what theyseem to be.7.Their struggle over prices finally(end in

37、) a satisfactory settlement8.What do you think would happen if there _ no light during the days?(be)9. But for your help, I couldn t _ the place(find).10. If her lawyer _ here last Sunday, he _ her from going.(be, prevent)1.is neededhad2.aregetting3.was sold,4. weren t;are6.drove5. drove 6. lies7. e

38、nded in8.were9.have found 10. had been; would have prevented创新三维学习法,高效学习加速度7高一(寒)教师版源于名校,成就所托Presentation(2)-短文填空1.One day, Nick invited his friends to supper. He _25_ (cook) some delicious food inthe kitchen. Suddenly, he found that he _26_(run) out of salt. So Nick called to his son, to the villag

39、e and buy some salt, but pay a fair price for it, neither too much _27_ too little.His son l ooked surprised,“ I can understand why I shouldn t pay too much, Father , But if I canpay less, _28_ not save a bit of money?”“ That would be a very _29_ (reason) thing to do in a big city, but it could dest

40、roy asmall village like _30_ (we) Nick said.Nick s guests, _31_ had heard their conversation, asked why they should not buy saltmore cheaply _32_ they could. Nick replied, “ Theonly reason why a man would sell salt_33_ a lower price would be _34_ he was desperate for money. And anyone who tookthe ad

41、vantage of that situation would be showing a lack of respect _35_ the sweat andstruggle of the man who worked very hard to produce service”“ But such a small thing couldn6(possible)t3 destroy a village.”“ In thebeginning, there was only _37_ very small amount of unfairness in the world, but everyone

42、 added a little, always _38_ (think) that it was only small and not very importantand look where we have ended _39 _ today. ”L7.7Key:31. examined 32. cut 33. requiring 34. be divided 35. A 36. largest 37. To find 38. how 39. InKeys: 25. was cooking26. had run27. nor28. why29. reasonable30. Ours31. w

43、ho32. if33. in34. that35. to36. possibly37. a38. thinking39. up1. 2. Through a series of experiments an American scientist has gained an understanding of thesocial structure of the most complex of ant societies. The ants _31_ (examine) are the only creatures other than man to have given up hunting a

44、nd collecting for a completely agricultural way of life. In their underground nests they planted gardens on soils made from finely _32_ (cut)leaves. This is a complex operation_33_(require)considerable division(分工 )of labor. Theworkers of this type of ant can_34_ (divide) into our groups according t

45、o size. Each of the groups performs a particular set of jobs.The making and care of the garden and the nursing of the young ants are done by the smallest workers. Slightly larger workers are responsible for cutting leaves to make them suitable for usein the gardens and for cleaning the nest. _35_ th

46、ird group of still larger ants do the construction work and collect fresh leaves from outside the nest. The _36_ (large) are the soldier ants, responsible for defending the nest._ 37_(find) out how good the various size-groups are at different tasks, the scientistmeasured the amount of work done by

47、the ants against the amount of energy they used. He examined first the gathering and carrying of leaves. He selected one of the size groups, and then measured _38_ efficiently these ants could find leaves and run back to the nest. Then he repeated the experiment for each of the other size groups. _3

48、9_ this way he could see whether any group could do the job more efficiently than the group normally undertaking( 担任 ) it.L7.0Key:31. examined 32. cut 33. requiring 34. be divided 35. A 36. largest 37. To find 38. how 39. In创新三维学习法,高效学习加速度8 Home Assignment. Choose the best answer for the following q

49、uestions.1. _ different life today is from _it was ten years ago!A. What a, whatB. How, whatC. What, whichD. What a, that2. .Books of this kind_ well.A. sellB. sellsC. were soldD. is sold3. I can t concentrate _ my lessons unless I m free _ noise.A. onwithB. atfromC. onofD. withof4.“ Were the examin

50、ations difficult?”“ Not at all. In fact, I found _ .”A. it easy to doB. very easy to do themC. them easy to doD. them easy doing5. Scanning means_ quickly and thoroughly before you begin to read carefully.A .to look at an articleB. to look for an articleC. looking at an articleD. looking for an arti

51、cle6. The way_ you communicate your ideas_ others is very important.A./toB. howtoC. whichwithD. howwith7. Dr. Kelly walked _ to the window to watch _ the short man shopping on the street.A. close; closelyB. closely; closeC. close; closeD. closely; closely8.You can have a good_ on top of Mountain Tai.A. sightB. sceneryC. viewD. la


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