1、制作人:杨兴强制作人:杨兴强第一章第一章 名名 词词 Whats this ?Its an apple .What are these ?They are apples.可数名词可数名词单数单数=1复数复数1不可数名词不可数名词没有复数没有复数 1.怎么从单数变成复数呢?怎么从单数变成复数呢? 2.你知道那些变化规则呢?你知道那些变化规则呢?变变复复数数单单数数规则:一般情况规则:一般情况加加 -s1.清辅音后读清辅音后读/s/map-maps book-books2.浊辅音和元音后读浊辅音和元音后读 /z/ bag-bags car-cars名词复数的名词复数的规则变化规则变化(1) The
2、re are many boxes in the buses on the bridges, in which there are a lot of glasses,toothbrushes and waches.我会填:I help my mother wash _(dish) in the kitchen. dishes规则规则:以以s, x, sh, ch 等结尾的词等结尾的词 加加 -es读读 /iz/,box-boxes,brush-brushes,match-matches,bus-buses Now,let me tell you a story,in most big cit,
3、lots of boy babies are playing the toys in the parties between the factories and families.规则规则1:以:以辅音字母辅音字母+y结尾变结尾变y 为为i再加再加es,读读 /iz/,baby-babies,family-families comedy-comedies规则规则2 2:以:以“ “元音字母元音字母+y”+y”结尾的名词,直接结尾的名词,直接在词尾加在词尾加-s-s构成复数形式构成复数形式 。boyboysboys规则:一般情况规则:一般情况以以f 或或 fe 如如:half-halves kn
4、ife-knives leaf-leaveswolf-wolves life-livesthief-thieves树叶 (leaf) 半数 (half) 自己 (self) 黄,妻子 (wife) 拿刀 (knife) 去割粮,架 (shelf) 后窜出一只狼 (wolf),就像小偷 (thief) 逃命 (life) 忙。Many wives are cleaning the fallen leaves behind the selves by themselves and cuting the apple into halves.Reading:When looking at the th
5、ree photos in the zoo,I found many heroes eating many delicious potatoes, tomatoes, and mangoes.规则:以O结尾的词加-es,读/ z /的有:potato, tomato, hero, Negro,mango巧记:黑人黑人英雄正在吃英雄正在吃 土豆土豆,西红柿和芒果西红柿和芒果。llady- orange- ruler- lphoto- friend- scarf-lwatch- hobby- case-lwife- tree- key- lhero- family- dictionary- lle
6、af- party- question- 你做对了吗你做对了吗? ladies oranges rulers photos friends scarves watches hobbies cases wives trees keys heroes families dictionaries leaves parties questions 你会变吗你会变吗? Many women doctors were washing feet but hurt their teeth by geese,so they blamed it on the children on the oxen who we
7、re chasing the mice.二二. 名词复数的不规则变化:名词复数的不规则变化:规则:规则:1. 改变内部元音字母改变内部元音字母 foot-feet tooth-teeth goose-geese mouse-mice man-men woman-women*man和和woman修饰名词时前后都要变复数:修饰名词时前后都要变复数: man teacher -men teachers woman doctor-women doctors我会填:我会填:This animal has eight _(foot). Linda only has three _(tooth).feett
8、eethmouse) louse)ox)。 man-men; woman-women; goose-geese,tooth-teeth, foot-feet,mouse-mice;child-children,louse-lice,ox-oxen, Three Chinese and three Japanese are fighting for the in a series of works,because they want control them entirly. fish,deer(鹿鹿),sheep,series,works(工厂工厂),aircraft,means(手手段段),
9、species,Chinese,Japanese.deer1.有连词符号的复合名词的复数形式有连词符号的复合名词的复数形式: 有中心词的在中心词后加有中心词的在中心词后加-S:lookers-on (旁观者旁观者),passers-by(过路人过路人)2.有连词符号的复合名词的复数形式有连词符号的复合名词的复数形式: 无中心词的直接在词后加无中心词的直接在词后加-s: film-goer - film-goers (去看电影的人)只有复数形式的只有复数形式的名词名词:(1)表示物体本身由两部分组成表示物体本身由两部分组成,若表示若表示一双一双/副用副用a pair of.两双两双 :two p
10、airs of. glasses,trousers,scissors(剪刀剪刀),shorts, jeans,stockings(袜子袜子),scales(天平天平), handcuffs(手铐手铐).greetings(问候问候),surroundings(环境环境),belongings(所有物所有物),savings(储蓄储蓄),doings(行为行为),findings(调查结果调查结果).(3)意思不同于其单数形式的词意思不同于其单数形式的词:clothes,thanks,goods,remains(遗物遗物,遗体遗体),sweets(糖果糖果).“中日瑞士不变,英法变,其余国人中日
11、瑞士不变,英法变,其余国人后面加后面加S”ChineseChinese, JapaneseJapanese, SwissSwiss,Englishman Englishmen, FrenchmanFrenchmenAmericanAmericans German-Germans. Eg: army; audience; crew; family; team; police; government; public规则:集体名词有时作单数看待,有时作复规则:集体名词有时作单数看待,有时作复数看。一般来说,视为整体时作单数看,突数看。一般来说,视为整体时作单数看,突出它的成员时作复数看。出它的成员时
12、作复数看。 isare思考:思考:His family _ not large. (be) His family _ all music lovers. (be) 单数单数复数复数(1)一般情况在词尾加)一般情况在词尾加-s(2)以)以s,x,ch,sh,结尾,结尾的词加的词加-es(3 3)以辅音母加以辅音母加y结尾的词变结尾的词变“y”为为“i”再加再加-es(5)以)以o结尾的结尾的通常有生命通常有生命加加-es,无生命加,无生命加-s-s(6)以)以f或或fe结尾的词,多数结尾的词,多数变变f为为v再加再加-es。(7 7)不规则变化)不规则变化a/an+可数名词可数名词单数单数综合练
13、习综合练习 families knives books beds wolves buses shelves zoos potatoes cities photos leaf piano box tomato brush watch bag cat radio boy strawberry leaves pianos boxes tomatoes brushes watches bags cats radios boys strawberries family knife book bed wolf bus shelf zoo potato city photo 你,敢挑战吗?你,敢挑战吗?1.
14、Two _ (month) ago, three _ (hero) caught four _ (thief). They made them plant some _ (potato) and _ (bamboo) in two _(zoo). They also made their _(wife) return the four big _ (box) with some precious _ (photo) and _ (brush) in them.monthsheroesthievespotatoesbambooszooswives boxesphotosbrushesPracti
15、ce I:2. Two _(editor-in-chief), three _(man teacher) and five _ _ (woman doctor), together with their _ (child), went to the market. They decided to buy two _ (sheep), three _ (deer), four _(ox), five _ (goose) and six white _ (mouse) with three _ (foot) and six _ (tooth).teetheditors-in-chiefmen teacherswomend
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